Here is a 2D version of the Robot parking problem. Credits for this implemention to Thijs van de Laar and Burak Ergul.
using Pkg;Pkg.activate("../probprog/workspace/");Pkg.instantiate()
Activating project at `~/work/code/BMLIP/lessons/notebooks/probprog/workspace`
┌ Warning: The active manifest file is an older format with no julia version entry. Dependencies may have been resolved with a different julia version.
└ @ nothing /Users/pol/work/code/BMLIP/lessons/notebooks/probprog/workspace/Manifest.toml:0
using Random
Random.seed!(87613) # Set random seed
using LinearAlgebra
using PyPlot
using ForneyLab
include("environment_2d.jl") # Include environmental dynamics
include("helpers_2d.jl") # Include helper functions for plotting
include("agent_2d.jl") # Load agent's internal beliefs over external dynamics
We define the state of the robot (at time $k$) as the current orientation and Cartesian coordinates: \begin{align} s_k = (ϕ_k, x_k, y_k)^{T}\,. \end{align}
The control consists of a change in orientation and subsequent travel distance: \begin{align} u_k = (\Delta\phi_k, r_k)^{T}\,. \end{align}
The model factorization did not change: \begin{align} p_t(o, s, u) &\propto p(s_{t-1}) \prod_{k=t}^{t+T} p(o_k | s_k)\, p(s_k | s_{k-1}, u_k)\, p(u_k)\, \tilde{p}(o_k)\,. \end{align}
The specific model assumptions however now include a non-linear transition function $g$: \begin{align} p(s_{t-1}) &= \mathcal{N}(s_{t-1} | m_{s, t-t}, V_{s, t-1})\\ p(s_k | s_{k-1}, u_k) &= \mathcal{N}(s_k | g(s_{k-1}, u_k), \Gamma^{-1})\\ p(o_k | s_k) &= \mathcal{N}(o_k | s_k, \Phi^{-1})\\ p(u_k) &= \mathcal{N}(u_k | 0, \Upsilon) \text{, for } k>t\\ \tilde{p}(o_k) &= \mathcal{N}(o_k | 0, \Sigma) \text{, for } k>t\\ p(u_t) &= \delta(u_t - \hat{u}_t)\\ \tilde{p}(o_t) &= \delta(o_t - \hat{o}_t)\,. \end{align}
# Internal model perameters
Gamma = 100.0*diageye(3) # Transition precision
Phi = 10.0*diageye(3) # Observation precision
Upsilon = Diagonal([0.25*pi, 1.0].^2) # Control prior variance
Sigma = Diagonal([1.0, 30.0, 30.0]) # Goal prior variance
T = 10 # Lookahead
# Build internal model
fg = FactorGraph()
o = Vector{Variable}(undef, T) # Observed states
s_g = Vector{Variable}(undef, T) # Noiseless internal states
s = Vector{Variable}(undef, T) # Noisy internal states
u = Vector{Variable}(undef, T) # Control states
@RV s_t_min ~ GaussianMeanVariance(placeholder(:m_s_t_min, dims=(3,)),
placeholder(:V_s_t_min, dims=(3,3))) # Prior internal state
u_t = placeholder(:u_t, dims=(2,))
@RV u[1] ~ GaussianMeanVariance(u_t, tiny*diageye(2))
@RV s_g[1] ~ Nonlinear{Unscented}(s_t_min, u[1], g=g,g_inv=[g_inv_in1,g_inv_in2])
@RV s[1] ~ GaussianMeanPrecision(s_g[1], Gamma)
@RV o[1] ~ GaussianMeanPrecision(s[1], Phi)
placeholder(o[1], :o_t, dims=(3,))
s_k_min = s[1]
for k=2:T
@RV u[k] ~ GaussianMeanVariance(zeros(2), Upsilon)
@RV s_g[k] ~ Nonlinear{Unscented}(s_k_min, u[k], g=g, g_inv=[g_inv_in1,g_inv_in2]) # Noiseless transition model
@RV s[k] ~ GaussianMeanPrecision(s_g[k], Gamma) # State transition model including noise
@RV o[k] ~ GaussianMeanPrecision(s[k], Phi) # Observation model
placeholder(:m_o, var_id=:m_o_*k, index=k-1, dims=(3,)),
placeholder(:V_o, var_id=:V_o_*k, index=k-1, dims=(3,3))) # Goal prior
s_k_min = s[k]
# Schedule message passing algorithm
q = PosteriorFactorization(fg)
algo = messagePassingAlgorithm(u[2]) # Infer internal states
source = algorithmSourceCode(algo)
eval(Meta.parse(source)) # Loads the step!() function for inference
inspectSnippet(source) # Inspect a snippet of the algorithm code
function step!(data::Dict, marginals::Dict=Dict(), messages::Vector{Message}=Array{Message}(undef, 59)) messages[1] = ruleSPGaussianMomentsOutNPP(nothing, Message(Multivariate, PointMass, m=[0.0, 0.0]), Message(MatrixVariate, PointMass, m=Diagonal([0.6168502750680849, 1.0]))) messages[2] = ruleSPGaussianMomentsOutNPP(nothing, Message(Multivariate, PointMass, m=data[:m_s_t_min]), Message(MatrixVariate, PointMass, m=data[:V_s_t_min])) messages[3] = ruleSPGaussianMomentsOutNPP(nothing, Message(Multivariate, PointMass, m=data[:u_t]), Message(MatrixVariate, PointMass, m=Diagonal([1.0e-12, 1.0e-12]))) messages[4] = ... marginals[:u_2] = messages[1].dist * messages[59].dist return marginals end
# Initial state
ϕ_0 = pi # Initial orientation
x_0 = 2.0 # Initial coordinates
y_0 = 3.0
N = 20 # Total simulation time
(execute, observe) = initializeWorld() # Let there be a world
(infer, act, slide) = initializeAgent() # Let there be an agent
# Step through action-perception loop
u_hat = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, N) # Actions
o_hat = Vector{Vector{Float64}}(undef, N) # Observations
for t=1:N
u_hat[t] = act() # Evoke an action from the agent
execute(u_hat[t]) # The action influences hidden external states
o_hat[t] = observe() # Observe the current environmental outcome (update p)
infer(u_hat[t], o_hat[t]) # Infer beliefs from current model state (update q)
slide() # Prepare for next iteration
# Plot active inference results
plotTrajectory(u_hat, o_hat)