desired outputs, predict outputs on future inputs.
that maximize expected future rewards. - Active inference: Given an observed sequence of input signals and a prior probability distribution about future observations, learn to select actions that minimize expected prediction errors (i.e., minimize actual minus predicted sensation).
Given data $D=\{x_1,\ldots,x_N\}$, model the (unconditional) probability distribution $p(x)$ (a.k.a. density estimation). The two primary applications are clustering and compression (a.k.a. dimensionality reduction).
In contrast to supervised and unsupervised learning, an agent is able to affect its data set by making actions, e.g., a robot can change its input video data stream by turning the head of its camera.
In this course, we focus on the active inference approach to trial design, see the Intelligent Agent lesson for details.
computer speech recognition, speaker recognition
face recognition, iris identification
printed and handwritten text parsing
financial prediction, outlier detection (credit-card fraud)
user preference modeling (amazon); modeling of human perception
modeling of the web (google)
machine translation
medical expert systems for disease diagnosis (e.g., mammogram)
strategic games (chess, go, backgammon), self-driving cars
In summary, any 'knowledge-poor' but 'data-rich' problem
open("../../styles/aipstyle.html") do f
display("text/html", read(f,String))