This notebook lets you test out your installation of Jupyter and Julia. It will also automatically download all the packages you need for the course, precompile them and check if they run correctly.
# Check correct Julia version (will throw error if false)
@assert VERSION > v"1.9"
using Pkg
Activating project at `~/git/bertdv/BMLIP/lessons` ┌ Warning: The active manifest file has dependencies that were resolved with a different julia version (1.10.5). Unexpected behavior may occur. └ @ ~/git/bertdv/BMLIP/lessons/Manifest.toml:0 Precompiling project... ✓ TinyHugeNumbers ✓ Extents ✓ Compat ✓ ConcurrentUtilities ✓ InlineStrings ✓ AbstractTrees ✓ ProgressMeter ✓ PtrArrays ✓ OffsetArrays ✓ AdaptivePredicates ✓ CommonWorldInvalidations ✓ Inflate ✓ ConstructionBase ✓ TranscodingStreams ✓ BitFlags ✓ StaticArraysCore ✓ Quaternions ✓ Functors ✓ StableRNGs ✓ LogExpFunctions ✓ FastCholesky ✓ FillArrays ✓ SentinelArrays ✓ MPIPreferences ✓ Tables ✓ OpenSSL_jll ✓ Xorg_libICE_jll ✓ Libuuid_jll ✓ isoband_jll ✓ Imath_jll ✓ IntelOpenMP_jll ✓ CRlibm_jll ✓ FixedPointNumbers ✓ JpegTurbo_jll ✓ FriBidi_jll ✓ XML2_jll ✓ Lz4_jll ✓ Hwloc_jll ✓ Ghostscript_jll ✓ Latexify ✓ LAME_jll ✓ Pixman_jll ✓ EarCut_jll ✓ libaom_jll ✓ LZO_jll ✓ Expat_jll ✓ Libmount_jll ✓ Rmath_jll ✓ oneTBB_jll ✓ Libgpg_error_jll ✓ FreeType2_jll ✓ libvorbis_jll ✓ Compat → CompatLinearAlgebraExt ✓ AxisArrays ✓ InlineStrings → ParsersExt ✓ GeoInterface ✓ OffsetArrays → OffsetArraysAdaptExt ✓ AliasTables ✓ TranscodingStreams → TestExt ✓ Static ✓ DiffResults ✓ FastCholesky → StaticArraysCoreExt ✓ MPItrampoline_jll ✓ Xorg_libSM_jll ✓ TableOperations ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysPDMatsExt ✓ Isoband ✓ SIMD ✓ OpenEXR_jll ✓ OpenSSL ✓ Ratios → RatiosFixedPointNumbersExt ✓ libsixel_jll ✓ Libtiff_jll ✓ OpenMPI_jll ✓ Gettext_jll ✓ Blosc_jll ✓ IntervalArithmetic ✓ Dbus_jll ✓ ColorTypes ✓ MPICH_jll ✓ MKL_jll ✓ Rmath ✓ Libgcrypt_jll ✓ FreeType ✓ StaticArrays ✓ Fontconfig_jll ✓ FilePathsBase ✓ ChainRulesCore ✓ PaddedViews ✓ CatIndices ✓ WeakRefStrings ✓ StackViews ✓ DataStructures ✓ CodecZlib ✓ BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions ✓ CPUSummary ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysSparseArraysExt ✓ LittleCMS_jll ✓ Blosc ✓ Glib_jll ✓ IntegralArrays ✓ QOI ✓ HDF5_jll ✓ XSLT_jll ✓ Adapt → AdaptStaticArraysExt ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysStatisticsExt ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseStaticArraysExt ✓ Polynomials ✓ ChainRulesCore → ChainRulesCoreSparseArraysExt ✓ FilePaths ✓ Colors ✓ AbstractFFTs → AbstractFFTsChainRulesCoreExt ✓ Distances → DistancesChainRulesCoreExt ✓ MosaicViews ✓ LogExpFunctions → LogExpFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt ✓ SortingAlgorithms ✓ QuadGK ✓ HostCPUFeatures ✓ PolyesterWeave ✓ Rocket ✓ FillArrays → FillArraysStatisticsExt ✓ Automa ✓ OpenJpeg_jll ✓ HTTP ✓ Unitful ✓ Xorg_libxcb_jll ✓ ArrayInterface ✓ ConstructionBase → ConstructionBaseIntervalSetsExt ✓ StaticArrays → StaticArraysChainRulesCoreExt ✓ Animations ✓ Graphics ✓ Optimisers ✓ Widgets ✓ ColorBrewer ✓ FFTViews ✓ PrettyTables ✓ OpenEXR ✓ ImageMagick_jll ✓ Xorg_libXrender_jll ✓ SpecialFunctions ✓ StatsBase ✓ Unitful → ConstructionBaseUnitfulExt ✓ Xorg_libXext_jll ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceSparseArraysExt ✓ Setfield ✓ StructArrays ✓ HDF5 ✓ ArnoldiMethod ✓ RegionTrees ✓ CoordinateTransformations ✓ NearestNeighbors ✓ HCubature ✓ Rotations ✓ DomainSets ✓ Interpolations ✓ ArrayInterface → ArrayInterfaceStaticArraysCoreExt ✓ Cairo_jll ✓ CSV ✓ SpecialFunctions → SpecialFunctionsChainRulesCoreExt ✓ Qt6Base_jll ✓ H5Zblosc ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysStaticArraysExt ✓ Rotations → RotationsRecipesBaseExt ✓ Clustering ✓ FiniteDiff ✓ Interpolations → InterpolationsUnitfulExt ✓ StaticArrayInterface ✓ GaussQuadrature ✓ HarfBuzz_jll ✓ DualNumbers ✓ ArrayLayouts ✓ Graphs ✓ Qt6ShaderTools_jll ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysSparseArraysExt ✓ FastGaussQuadrature ✓ ColorVectorSpace ✓ JLD ✓ FiniteDiff → FiniteDiffStaticArraysExt ✓ StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceStaticArraysExt ✓ libass_jll ✓ Pango_jll ✓ ForwardDiff ✓ HypergeometricFunctions ✓ StructArrays → StructArraysAdaptExt ✓ Qt6Declarative_jll ✓ SimpleWeightedGraphs ✓ StaticArrayInterface → StaticArrayInterfaceOffsetArraysExt ✓ ArrayLayouts → ArrayLayoutsSparseArraysExt ✓ libdecor_jll ✓ Cairo ✓ ForwardDiff → ForwardDiffStaticArraysExt ✓ DomainIntegrals ✓ FFMPEG_jll ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticForwardDiffExt ✓ Qt6Wayland_jll ✓ CloseOpenIntervals ✓ ColorSchemes ✓ TiledIteration ✓ StatsFuns ✓ LayoutPointers ✓ GLFW_jll ✓ JLD2 ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticRecipesBaseExt ✓ NLSolversBase ✓ FFMPEG ✓ GR_jll ✓ MatrixFactorizations ✓ StatsFuns → StatsFunsChainRulesCoreExt ✓ IntervalArithmetic → IntervalArithmeticDiffRulesExt ✓ MetaGraphs ✓ GeometryBasics ✓ TiffImages ✓ LineSearches ✓ GR ✓ Packing ✓ ExactPredicates ✓ LazyArrays ✓ PlotUtils ✓ ShaderAbstractions ✓ MakieCore ✓ FreeTypeAbstraction ✓ Distributions ✓ Optim ✓ GridLayoutBase ✓ VectorizationBase ✓ LazyArrays → LazyArraysStaticArraysExt ✓ Distributions → DistributionsTestExt ✓ PlotThemes ✓ SLEEFPirates ✓ DelaunayTriangulation ✓ RecipesPipeline ✓ Distributions → DistributionsChainRulesCoreExt ✓ MultivariateStats ✓ MathTeXEngine ✓ ImageCore ✓ KernelDensity ✓ DataFrames ✓ JpegTurbo ✓ ImageBase ✓ Sixel ✓ ImageMagick ✓ PNGFiles ✓ ImageShow ✓ HistogramThresholding ✓ Latexify → DataFramesExt ✓ ImageAxes ✓ UnitfulLatexify ✓ ImageTransformations ✓ ImageBinarization ✓ ImageMetadata ✓ ImageContrastAdjustment ✓ Netpbm ✓ ImageIO ✓ LoopVectorization ✓ LoopVectorization → SpecialFunctionsExt ✓ LoopVectorization → ForwardDiffExt ✓ ImageMorphology ✓ BayesBase ✓ ImageDistances ✓ BayesBase → FastCholeskyExt ✓ ExponentialFamily ✓ ReactiveMP ✓ ReactiveMP → ReactiveMPOptimisersExt ✓ RxInfer ✓ ImageFiltering ✓ Plots ✓ ImageSegmentation ✓ ImageCorners ✓ Plots → FileIOExt ✓ ImageQualityIndexes ✓ Plots → UnitfulExt ✓ Plots → GeometryBasicsExt ✓ Images ✓ Plots → IJuliaExt ✓ StatsPlots
# Check correct Python version (for Plots)
using PyCall
sys = pyimport("sys")
@assert sys.version_info[1] == 3
@assert sys.version_info[2] == 9