Our task will be the same as in the preceding class on (generative) classification. But this time, the class-conditional data distributions look very non-Gaussian, yet the linear discriminative boundary looks easy enough:
# Generate dataset {(x1,y1),...,(xN,yN)}
# x is a 2-d feature vector [x_1;x_2]
# y ∈ {false,true} is a binary class label
# p(x|y) is multi-modal (mixture of uniform and Gaussian distributions)
using PyPlot
N = 200
X, y = genDataset(N) # Generate data set, collect in matrix X and vector y
X_c1 = X[:,find(.!y)]'; X_c2 = X[:,find(y)]' # Split X based on class label
X_test = [3.75; 1.0] # Features of 'new' data point
function plotDataSet()
plot(X_c1[:,1], X_c1[:,2], "bx", markersize=8)
plot(X_c2[:,1], X_c2[:,2], "r+", markersize=8, fillstyle="none")
plot(X_test[1], X_test[2], "ko")
xlabel(L"x_1"); ylabel(L"x_2"); legend([L"y=0", L"y=1",L"y=?"], loc=2)
xlim([-2;10]); ylim([-4, 8])
but do not impose a Gaussian structure on the class features.
The conditional log-likelihood for discriminative classification is
$$ \mathrm{L}(\theta) = \log \prod_n \prod_k {p(\mathcal{C}_k|x_n,\theta)}^{y_{nk}} $$
Let us perform ML estimation of $\theta$ on the data set from the introduction. To allow an offset in the discrimination boundary, we add a constant 1 to the feature vector $x$. We only have to specify the (negative) log-likelihood and the gradient w.r.t. $\theta$. Then, we use an off-the-shelf optimisation library to minimize the negative log-likelihood.
We plot the resulting maximum likelihood discrimination boundary. For comparison we also plot the ML discrimination boundary obtained from the generative Gaussian classifier from lesson 7.
using Optim # Optimization library
y_1 = zeros(length(y)) # class 1 indicator vector
y_1[y.==false] = 1.
X_ext = vcat(X, ones(1, length(y))) # Extend X with a row of ones to allow an offset in the discrimination boundary
# Implement negative log-likelihood function
function negative_log_likelihood(θ::Vector)
# Return negative log-likelihood: -L(θ)
p_1 = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp.(-X_ext' * θ)) # P(C1|X,θ)
return -sum(log.( (y_1.*p_1) + ((1.-y_1).*(1.-p_1))) ) # negative log-likelihood
# Use Optim.jl optimiser to minimize the negative log-likelihood function w.r.t. θ
results = optimize(negative_log_likelihood, zeros(3), LBFGS())
θ = results.minimizer
# Plot the data set and ML discrimination boundary
p_1(x) = 1.0 ./ (1.0 + exp(-([x;1.]' * θ)))
boundary(x1) = -1./θ[2] * (θ[1]*x1 + θ[3])
plot([-2.;10.], boundary([-2.;10.]), "k-");
# Also fit the generative Gaussian model from lesson 7 and plot the resulting discrimination boundary for comparison
generative_boundary = buildGenerativeDiscriminationBoundary(X, y)
plot([-2.;10.], generative_boundary([-2.;10.]), "k:");
legend([L"y=0";L"y=1";L"y=?";"Discr. boundary";"Gen. boundary"], loc=3);
Given $\hat{\theta}$, we can classify a new input $x_\bullet = [3.75, 1.0]^T$:
x_test = [3.75;1.0]
println("P(C1|x•,θ) = $(p_1(x_test))")
P(C1|x•,θ) = 0.6476513551215346
Generative | Discriminative | |
1 | Like density estimation, model joint prob. $$p(\mathcal{C}_k) p(x|\mathcal{C}_k) = \pi_k \mathcal{N}(\mu_k,\Sigma)$$ | Like (linear) regression, model conditional $$p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta)$$ |
2 | Leads to softmax posterior class probability $$ p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta ) = e^{\theta_k^T x}/Z$$ with structured $\theta$ | Choose also softmax posterior class probability $$ p(\mathcal{C}_k|x,\theta ) = e^{\theta_k^T x}/Z$$ but now with 'free' $\theta$ |
3 | For Gaussian $p(x|\mathcal{C}_k)$ and multinomial priors, $$\hat \theta_k = \left[ {\begin{array}{c} { - \frac{1}{2} \mu_k^T \sigma^{-1} \mu_k + \log \pi_k} \\ {\sigma^{-1} \mu_k } \\ \end{array}} \right]$$ in one shot. | Find $\hat\theta_k$ through gradient-based adaptation $$\nabla_{\theta_k}\mathrm{L}(\theta) = \sum_n \Big( y_{nk} - \frac{e^{\theta_k^T x_n}}{\sum_{k^\prime} e^{\theta_{k^\prime}^T x_n}} \Big)\, x_n$$ |
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open("../../styles/aipstyle.html") do f
display("text/html", readstring(f))