In this notebook we showcase how the coarse-grained values obtained with scBoolSeq
can be used in order to resolve cell identities (given a set of markers).
We show that these binary values can be used to identify "unambiguous cells" which match only a single type of markers.
Subsequently these identified cells are used to resolve cluster identities (part standard scRNA-Seq analyses).
These results are consistent with what was found in the original article from which we took the data:
Giudice, Q. Lo, Leleu, M., Manno, G. La, & Fabre, P. J. (2019).
Single-cell transcriptional logic of cell-fate specification and axon guidance in early-born retinal neurons.
Development (Cambridge), 146(17).
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:95% !important; }</style>"))
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # umap deprecation warnings related to numba do not concern us.
import functools as fn
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
from sklearn.utils import Bunch
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
from umap import umap_ as umap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import seaborn as sns
import plotnine as pn
from plotnine import *
import scanpy as sc
from scboolseq.utils import parse_data_directory, parse_pickles
from scboolseq import scBoolSeq
%ls *csv
dorothea_mouse_tfs.csv scboolseq_inferred_observations.csv GSE122466_Retina_vargenes_batch1.csv
¶Here we import the Highly Variable Genes previously identified in notebook 0.- Highly Variable Gene Selection.ipynb
We used STREAM
software (Single-cell Trajectories Reconstruction, Exploration And Mapping, github repo).
Overview of the pipeline:
instancedata = pd.read_csv("GSE122466_Retina_vargenes_batch1.csv", index_col=0)
(2673, 1650)
Tubb3 | Malat1 | Stmn2 | Fgf15 | Gap43 | Xist | Sncg | Hmgb2 | Top2a | Meg3 | ... | Kif14 | Etfb | Prdm13 | Cd320 | Odf2 | Rpl24 | Fam98b | Fbxo36 | Pou4f2 | Rbp4 | |
Lane1_AAACCTGAGATGTCGG | 0.000000 | 14.687273 | 9.280150 | 10.278990 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 8.282469 | 10.863565 | 8.282469 | 8.282469 | ... | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 11.737682 | 0.000000 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Lane1_AAACCTGCAATCCAAC | 0.000000 | 14.568977 | 0.000000 | 10.200911 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 10.200911 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 9.616560 | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 10.615642 | 8.618397 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Lane1_AAACCTGGTTCCTCCA | 12.822128 | 16.422850 | 11.681013 | 0.000000 | 12.722607 | 0.000000 | 12.615708 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 11.237565 | ... | 0.0 | 6.607977 | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 6.607977 | 9.402599 | 6.607977 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Lane1_AAACCTGTCCAATGGT | 12.601411 | 16.106194 | 10.514703 | 0.000000 | 8.517658 | 0.000000 | 8.517658 | 10.099994 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 0.0 | 8.517658 | 0.000000 | 10.099994 | 0.000000 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Lane1_AAACGGGAGGCAATTA | 0.000000 | 14.858160 | 0.000000 | 12.375060 | 7.766719 | 11.082672 | 6.773328 | 11.889742 | 11.461031 | 7.766719 | ... | 0.0 | 6.773328 | 0.0 | 0.000000 | 6.773328 | 11.284220 | 8.349471 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
5 rows × 1650 columns
scbool = scBoolSeq(
dor_threshold=0.995, # To retain one of the markers, otherwise it will be marked as discarded due to its high dropout rate
confidence=.75 # To maximize binarization
CPU times: user 1min 19s, sys: 1.33 s, total: 1min 20s Wall time: 14.8 s
scBoolSeqBinarizer(confidence=0.75, dor_threshold=0.995)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
scBoolSeqBinarizer(confidence=0.75, dor_threshold=0.995)
Category Bimodal 853 ZeroInf 723 Unimodal 74 Name: count, dtype: int64
These are markers reported in the original article (used for cluster labelling).
from markers import (
positive_markers, # function to generate a configuration dictionnary from a set of marker genes
states_and_markers, # Dictionnary containing phenotypes and their marker genes
marker_genes = pd.Series(list(set(it.chain.from_iterable(states_and_markers.values()))))
scbool.criteria_.loc[marker_genes, :].Category.value_counts()
Category ZeroInf 12 Bimodal 10 Name: count, dtype: int64
There are no unimodal marker genes.
%time bin_data = scbool.binarize(data)
CPU times: user 1.51 s, sys: 8.09 ms, total: 1.52 s Wall time: 1.52 s
Get a partial view of how marker genes were binarized:
partial_bin_configs = bin_data[marker_genes]
Prc1 | Otx2 | Fos | Pou6f2 | Onecut1 | Thrb | Onecut2 | Penk | Prox1 | Sstr2 | ... | Sox2 | Isl1 | Btg2 | Elavl4 | Neurod4 | Crx | Pou4f2 | Top2a | Hes1 | Pax6 | |
Lane1_AAACCTGAGATGTCGG | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | ... | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | |||||||||
Lane1_AAACCTGCAATCCAAC | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | ... | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | |||||||||
Lane1_AAACCTGGTTCCTCCA | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | ... | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | ||||||||
Lane1_AAACCTGTCCAATGGT | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | ||||||||||
Lane1_AAACGGGAGGCAATTA | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 0.0 | 1.0 | 0.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
5 rows × 22 columns
prior_markers = {
obs: positive_markers(markers)
for obs, markers
in states_and_markers.items()
{'RPC': {'Sox2': 1, 'Fos': 1, 'Hes1': 1}, 'NB1': {'Prc1': 1, 'Top2a': 1, 'Penk': 1, 'Btg2': 1, 'Sstr2': 1}, 'NB2': {'Pax6': 1, 'Neurod4': 1, 'Pcdh17': 1}, 'RGC': {'Pou6f2': 1, 'Isl1': 1, 'Elavl4': 1, 'Pou4f2': 1}, 'AC': {'Onecut2': 1, 'Prox1': 1}, 'HC': {'Onecut1': 1, 'Prox1': 1}, 'Cones': {'Crx': 1, 'Otx2': 1, 'Thrb': 1, 'Rbp4': 1}}
obs_by_markers = {}
for _conf, _marker_dict in prior_markers.items():
# Build a query with the genes and their values, configuration by configuration
_conf_query = " & ".join(f"{_gene} == {_value:.1f}" for _gene, _value in _marker_dict.items())
_matching = partial_bin_configs.fillna(-1.0).query(_conf_query).index
obs_by_markers.update({_conf: _matching})
number_of_matching_obs = {conf: idx.shape[0] for conf, idx in obs_by_markers.items()}
{'RPC': 254, 'NB1': 27, 'NB2': 33, 'RGC': 202, 'AC': 120, 'HC': 28, 'Cones': 8}
percentage_matching = {conf: 100*idx.shape[0]/partial_bin_configs.shape[0] for conf, idx in obs_by_markers.items()}
{k: f"{v:.2f}" for k, v in percentage_matching.items()}
{'RPC': '9.50', 'NB1': '1.01', 'NB2': '1.23', 'RGC': '7.56', 'AC': '4.49', 'HC': '1.05', 'Cones': '0.30'}
25% of cells have boolean values matching the markers reported in the original article.
intersections_of_all_combinations = list(map(
lambda x: (
it.combinations(obs_by_markers, 2) # All possible pairwise combinations, without replacement
)) # This will contain a list of nested tuples as follows: ((conf_1, conf_2), number_of_cells_in_both_groups)
non_null_intersections = list(filter(
lambda p1_p2_shape: p1_p2_shape[-1].shape[0] > 0,
lambda x: (x, obs_by_markers[x[0]].intersection(obs_by_markers[x[1]])),
it.combinations(obs_by_markers, 2)
len(non_null_intersections) / len(intersections_of_all_combinations)
{(c1, c2): len(idx) for ((c1, c2), idx) in non_null_intersections}
{('RPC', 'AC'): 3, ('RPC', 'HC'): 2, ('NB1', 'NB2'): 1, ('NB1', 'RGC'): 1, ('NB1', 'AC'): 2, ('NB1', 'HC'): 1, ('NB2', 'AC'): 5, ('RGC', 'AC'): 10, ('RGC', 'HC'): 3, ('AC', 'HC'): 23}
Most intersections are small, only Horizontal cells and Amacrine cells are hard to distinguish given that they have only two marker genes each and one of them is common to both of them.
unambiguous_observations = {}
for _phenotype, _idx in obs_by_markers.items():
_unambiguous = fn.reduce(
lambda x, y: x.difference(y),
[idx for ((p1, p2), idx) in non_null_intersections if p1 == _phenotype or p2 == _phenotype],
unambiguous_observations.update({_phenotype: _unambiguous})
_n_unambiguous = _unambiguous.shape[0]
print(f"{_phenotype} has {_n_unambiguous} matching unambiguous configurations, {100*_n_unambiguous/number_of_matching_obs[_phenotype]:.2f}% of matching configs")
unlabelled_idx = data.index.difference(fn.reduce(lambda x, y: x.union(y), unambiguous_observations.values()))
RPC has 249 matching unambiguous configurations, 98.03% of matching configs NB1 has 23 matching unambiguous configurations, 85.19% of matching configs NB2 has 27 matching unambiguous configurations, 81.82% of matching configs RGC has 191 matching unambiguous configurations, 94.55% of matching configs AC has 81 matching unambiguous configurations, 67.50% of matching configs HC has 3 matching unambiguous configurations, 10.71% of matching configs Cones has 8 matching unambiguous configurations, 100.00% of matching configs
color_map = {
"Unknown": "#e6e6e6", # gray
"RPC": "#eb34cf", # pink
"RGC": "#c74930", # red
"AC": "#c90c19", # reder ?
"NB1": "#3060c7", # dark blue
"NB2": "#30c7c4", # cyan
"Cones": "#71c730", # green
"HC": "#c79a30", # gold
unambiguous_metadata = pd.DataFrame({
"label": "Unknown"
}, index=data.index)
for _conf, _idx in unambiguous_observations.items():
unambiguous_metadata.loc[_idx, "label"] = _conf
color = = "label_color"
unambiguous_metadata = unambiguous_metadata.join(color)
print(100 * unambiguous_metadata.label.value_counts() / unambiguous_metadata.shape[0])
label Unknown 78.226712 RPC 9.315376 RGC 7.145529 AC 3.030303 NB2 1.010101 NB1 0.860456 Cones 0.299289 HC 0.112233 Name: count, dtype: float64
label | label_color | |
Lane1_AAACCTGAGATGTCGG | Unknown | #e6e6e6 |
Lane1_AAACCTGCAATCCAAC | Unknown | #e6e6e6 |
Lane1_AAACCTGGTTCCTCCA | Unknown | #e6e6e6 |
Lane1_AAACCTGTCCAATGGT | Unknown | #e6e6e6 |
Lane1_AAACGGGAGGCAATTA | Unknown | #e6e6e6 |
unambiguous_metadata.query("label != 'Unknown'").shape[0] / unambiguous_metadata.shape[0]
.query("label != 'Unknown'")
.rename(columns={"label": "observation"})
N_PCS = 25
projection_pipeline = Pipeline([
('pca', PCA()),
('subset_max_pcas', FunctionTransformer(lambda x: x.iloc[:, :N_PCS] if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame) else x[:, :N_PCS])),
('umap', umap.UMAP())
reduced_umap = projection_pipeline.fit_transform(data)
projected_umap = pd.DataFrame(reduced_umap, index=data.index)
CPU times: user 1min 39s, sys: 214 ms, total: 1min 39s Wall time: 17.3 s
projection_pipeline2 = Pipeline([
('pca', PCA()),
('subset_max_pcas', FunctionTransformer(lambda x: x.iloc[:, :N_PCS] if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame) else x[:, :N_PCS])),
('tsne', TSNE())
reduced_tsne = projection_pipeline2.fit_transform(data)
projected_tsne = pd.DataFrame(reduced_tsne, index=data.index)
CPU times: user 1min 2s, sys: 1.51 s, total: 1min 3s Wall time: 19.4 s
To visualise the cummulative variance explained by top PCs:
.rename(columns={'index': 'n_components', 0: 'cummulative_explained_variance'})
.plot.scatter(x='n_components', y='cummulative_explained_variance')
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(16,5))
_tsne_i = 0
_umap_i = 1
_ = axs[_umap_i].scatter(projected_umap.loc[unlabelled_idx, 0], projected_umap.loc[unlabelled_idx, 1], label="Unknown", alpha=.5, c=color_map["Unknown"])
for name, idx in unambiguous_observations.items():
_x, _y = projected_umap.loc[idx, 0], projected_umap.loc[idx, 1]
axs[_umap_i].scatter(_x, _y, label=name, alpha=1 if name == 'HC' else .3)#, c=color_map[name])
axs[_umap_i].set_xlabel("UMAP 1")
axs[_umap_i].set_ylabel("UMAP 2")
_xname = projected_tsne.columns[0]
_yname = projected_tsne.columns[1]
_ = axs[_tsne_i].scatter(projected_tsne.loc[unlabelled_idx, _xname], projected_tsne.loc[unlabelled_idx, _yname], label="Unknown", alpha=.3, c=color_map["Unknown"])
for name, idx in unambiguous_observations.items():
_x, _y = projected_tsne.loc[idx, _xname], projected_tsne.loc[idx, _yname]
axs[_tsne_i].scatter(_x, _y, label=name, alpha=1 if name == 'HC' else .3)#, c=color_map[name])
axs[_tsne_i].set_xlabel("tSNE 1")
axs[_tsne_i].set_ylabel("tSNE 2")
handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label = dict(zip(labels, handles))
plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())
plt.suptitle("Cell labels determined by Boolean marker gene signatures")
fig.savefig("cell_labels.pdf", format="pdf")
On the previous cell we can observe two distinct nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques (t-SNE and UMAP) applied to the first
25 principal components. Cell labels are the unambiguous identities that we determined using scBoolSeq
's Boolean values.
These nonlinear and stochastic dimensionality reduction techniques always yield slightly different projections if no random state is given. Nevertheless both the t-SNE and UMAP plots remain topologically coherent with those shown in the original article.
A small group of cells can be observed at the bottom center-right region of the UMAP plot (UMAP_1 < 5
and UMAP_2 < 0
This cluster was reported as well in the original article from which we cite the following description:
The smallest cluster (2.9% of the cells) was positive for mitochondrial genes and lacking Rps/Rpl genes (cluster 13) (Fig. 1I, Table S1);
this cluster was designated as unknown/RGC-like (U/RGC) as it is positive for RGC markers (Pou6f2, Pou4f1, Isl1, Islr2, Syt4, Ebf1/3 and L1cam)
but these cells may be RGCs with poor viability outcome, or originating from an alternative source such as the ciliary margin zone (Bélanger et al., 2017;
Marcucci et al., 2016). These main neuronal clusters were validated with in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (Fig. S3).
We can verify that our Boolean labels correspond to this description (after the figure).
isolated_cells = (
.rename(columns={c: f"umap_{c}" for c in projected_umap.columns})
.query("umap_0 > umap_0.mean() & umap_1 < 0")
print(f"{100*isolated_cells.shape[0]/data.shape[0]:.1f}% of cells are in this region/cluster")
4.3% of cells are in this region/cluster
isolated_cells_labels: set = set()
for name, idx in unambiguous_observations.items():
if isolated_cells.isin(idx).any():
We obtain a similar fraction of cells and the same predicted label via our Boolean analysis as with the quantitative one presented in the original work.
We will now look at unsupervised clustering (louvain) which is common practice in scRNA-Seq.
We will use a voting scheme to label the unsupervised clusters: Each cluster recieves the label of the majority of cells within (we only consider cells which are actually labelled).
In this part, we use the scanpy
package for scRNA-Seq analysis.
adata = sc.AnnData(data, dtype=np.float64)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2673 × 1650
sc.pp.pca(adata, n_comps=N_PCS), log=True, n_pcs=N_PCS)
sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=15, n_pcs=N_PCS)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2673 × 1650 uns: 'pca', 'neighbors' obsm: 'X_pca' varm: 'PCs' obsp: 'distances', 'connectivities'
100 * adata.obs.louvain.value_counts() / data.shape[0]
louvain 0 16.573139 1 12.832024 2 12.383090 3 10.699588 4 9.988777 5 7.369996 6 7.033296 7 6.023195 8 5.013094 9 4.826038 10 4.264871 11 2.992892 Name: count, dtype: float64
gg_umap = projected_umap.join(adata.obs.louvain).copy(deep=True).rename(columns={0: 'umap_1', 1: 'umap_2'})
gg_tsne = projected_tsne.join(adata.obs.louvain).copy(deep=True).rename(columns={0: 't-SNE_1', 1: 't-SNE_2'})
_plot_frame = gg_umap
first_plot = (
ggplot(_plot_frame, aes(x=_plot_frame.columns[0], y=_plot_frame.columns[1]))
+ geom_point(aes(color='louvain'), alpha=.5)
_to_discard = _plot_frame.query("umap_1 > umap_1.mean() & umap_2 < 0").louvain.unique()
['10'] Categories (12, object): ['0', '1', '2', '3', ..., '8', '9', '10', '11']
discarded_louvain = _to_discard[0]
This cluster is to be discarded, as it does not sufficiently map to any known phenotype. It was also discarded in the original paper (as detailed above).
pheno_by_cluster = {}
for clus, frame in _plot_frame.groupby('louvain'):
louv_idx = frame.index
clus: {
pheno: louv_idx.isin(pheno_idx).sum()
for pheno, pheno_idx
in unambiguous_observations.items()
{'0': {'RPC': 88, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 0, 'HC': 1, 'Cones': 0}, '1': {'RPC': 127, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 2, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '2': {'RPC': 1, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 6, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 49, 'HC': 1, 'Cones': 0}, '3': {'RPC': 1, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 14, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 9, 'HC': 1, 'Cones': 1}, '4': {'RPC': 5, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 66, 'AC': 9, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '5': {'RPC': 24, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 0, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '6': {'RPC': 0, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 1, 'RGC': 77, 'AC': 3, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '7': {'RPC': 3, 'NB1': 23, 'NB2': 5, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 4, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '8': {'RPC': 0, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 26, 'AC': 3, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '9': {'RPC': 0, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 1, 'RGC': 0, 'AC': 0, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 7}, '10': {'RPC': 0, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 2, 'AC': 0, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}, '11': {'RPC': 0, 'NB1': 0, 'NB2': 0, 'RGC': 20, 'AC': 2, 'HC': 0, 'Cones': 0}}
These are the number of observations matching each one of the labels, for every louvain cluster.
majority_pheno_by_cluster = {}
for clus, votes in pheno_by_cluster.items():
votes = sorted(votes.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True)
_total = sum(v for _, v in votes)
relative_votes = [(name, v/_total) for name, v in votes]
print(clus, relative_votes)
majority_pheno_by_cluster.update({clus: relative_votes[0][0]})
0 [('RPC', 0.9887640449438202), ('HC', 0.011235955056179775), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0), ('AC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 1 [('RPC', 0.9844961240310077), ('AC', 0.015503875968992248), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 2 [('AC', 0.8596491228070176), ('NB2', 0.10526315789473684), ('RPC', 0.017543859649122806), ('HC', 0.017543859649122806), ('NB1', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 3 [('NB2', 0.5384615384615384), ('AC', 0.34615384615384615), ('RPC', 0.038461538461538464), ('HC', 0.038461538461538464), ('Cones', 0.038461538461538464), ('NB1', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0)] 4 [('RGC', 0.825), ('AC', 0.1125), ('RPC', 0.0625), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 5 [('RPC', 1.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0), ('AC', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 6 [('RGC', 0.9506172839506173), ('AC', 0.037037037037037035), ('NB2', 0.012345679012345678), ('RPC', 0.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 7 [('NB1', 0.6571428571428571), ('NB2', 0.14285714285714285), ('AC', 0.11428571428571428), ('RPC', 0.08571428571428572), ('RGC', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 8 [('RGC', 0.896551724137931), ('AC', 0.10344827586206896), ('RPC', 0.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 9 [('Cones', 0.875), ('NB2', 0.125), ('RPC', 0.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0), ('AC', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0)] 10 [('RGC', 1.0), ('RPC', 0.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('AC', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)] 11 [('RGC', 0.9090909090909091), ('AC', 0.09090909090909091), ('RPC', 0.0), ('NB1', 0.0), ('NB2', 0.0), ('HC', 0.0), ('Cones', 0.0)]
Here, we select the majority label for each one of the clusters.
It is to be noted that most clusters have clear consensus on labels, with the sole exception of cluster 3
which has higher impurity:
3 [('NB2', 0.5384615384615384), ('AC', 0.34615384615384615), ('RPC', 0.038461538461538464), ('HC', 0.038461538461538464), ('Cones', 0.038461538461538464), ('NB1', 0.0), ('RGC', 0.0)]
represented_by_louvain = set(majority_pheno_by_cluster.values())
phenotypes = set(unambiguous_observations)
100 * len(represented_by_louvain.intersection(phenotypes)) / len(phenotypes)
All phenotypes were assigned to at least one of the clusters with the sole exception of Horizontal Cells
_new_plot = _plot_frame.join({"louvain": "phenotype"}))
umap_1 | umap_2 | louvain | phenotype | |
Lane1_AAACCTGAGATGTCGG | -3.882072 | 7.816076 | 0 | RPC |
Lane1_AAACCTGCAATCCAAC | -3.628322 | 7.898898 | 0 | RPC |
Lane1_AAACCTGGTTCCTCCA | 10.237140 | 13.125946 | 6 | RGC |
Lane1_AAACCTGTCCAATGGT | 5.822561 | 6.665390 | 2 | AC |
Lane1_AAACGGGAGGCAATTA | -3.023978 | 13.249919 | 1 | RPC |
second_plot = (
ggplot(_new_plot, aes(x=_plot_frame.columns[0], y=_plot_frame.columns[1]))
+ geom_point(aes(color='phenotype'), alpha=.5)
palette = sns.color_palette('Set2', _plot_frame.louvain.unique().shape[0])
final_color_map = dict(zip(_new_plot.phenotype.unique(),palette.as_hex()))
{'RPC': '#66c2a5', 'RGC': '#fc8d62', 'AC': '#8da0cb', 'Cones': '#e78ac3', 'NB2': '#a6d854', 'NB1': '#ffd92f'}
metadata = pd.DataFrame({
'label': _new_plot.phenotype,
'louvain': _new_plot.louvain,
metadata.loc[:, 'discard'] = False
metadata.loc[metadata.louvain == discarded_louvain, 'discard'] = True
label | label_color | louvain | discard | |
Lane1_AAACCTGAGATGTCGG | RPC | #66c2a5 | 0 | False |
Lane1_AAACCTGCAATCCAAC | RPC | #66c2a5 | 0 | False |
Lane1_AAACCTGGTTCCTCCA | RGC | #fc8d62 | 6 | False |
Lane1_AAACCTGTCCAATGGT | AC | #8da0cb | 2 | False |
Lane1_AAACGGGAGGCAATTA | RPC | #66c2a5 | 1 | False |
discard False 2559 True 114 Name: count, dtype: int64
Here we export data obtained in order to perform trajectory inference using STREAM
metadata.to_csv("GSE122466_metadata_batch1_v3.tsv", sep="\t")