Fivethirtyeight has some great data sets and this is one of them. Some light cleaning should make it more usable!
# import libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
star_wars = pd.read_csv("star_wars.csv", encoding="ISO-8859-1")
# explore the data frame
RespondentID | Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise? | Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise? | Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply. | Unnamed: 4 | Unnamed: 5 | Unnamed: 6 | Unnamed: 7 | Unnamed: 8 | Please rank the Star Wars films in order of preference with 1 being your favorite film in the franchise and 6 being your least favorite film. | ... | Unnamed: 28 | Which character shot first? | Are you familiar with the Expanded Universe? | Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Expanded Universe? | Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Trek franchise? | Gender | Age | Household Income | Education | Location (Census Region) | |
0 | 3292879998 | Yes | Yes | Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace | Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones | Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith | Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope | Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back | Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi | 3.0 | ... | Very favorably | I don't understand this question | Yes | No | No | Male | 18-29 | NaN | High school degree | South Atlantic |
1 | 3292879538 | No | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | Male | 18-29 | $0 - $24,999 | Bachelor degree | West South Central |
2 rows × 38 columns
Index(['RespondentID', 'Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?', 'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?', 'Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply.', 'Unnamed: 4', 'Unnamed: 5', 'Unnamed: 6', 'Unnamed: 7', 'Unnamed: 8', 'Please rank the Star Wars films in order of preference with 1 being your favorite film in the franchise and 6 being your least favorite film.', 'Unnamed: 10', 'Unnamed: 11', 'Unnamed: 12', 'Unnamed: 13', 'Unnamed: 14', 'Please state whether you view the following characters favorably, unfavorably, or are unfamiliar with him/her.', 'Unnamed: 16', 'Unnamed: 17', 'Unnamed: 18', 'Unnamed: 19', 'Unnamed: 20', 'Unnamed: 21', 'Unnamed: 22', 'Unnamed: 23', 'Unnamed: 24', 'Unnamed: 25', 'Unnamed: 26', 'Unnamed: 27', 'Unnamed: 28', 'Which character shot first?', 'Are you familiar with the Expanded Universe?', 'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Expanded Universe?', 'Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Trek franchise?', 'Gender', 'Age', 'Household Income', 'Education', 'Location (Census Region)'], dtype='object')
(1186, 38)
# rename columns
# value counts for columns 1:2
print(star_wars["Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
print(star_wars["Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
Yes 936 No 250 Name: Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?, dtype: int64 Yes 552 NaN 350 No 284 Name: Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?, dtype: int64
# switch values to boolean for columns 1:2
yes_no_bool = {"Yes":True, "No":False}
star_wars["Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?"] = star_wars["Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?"].map(yes_no_bool)
star_wars["Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?"] = star_wars["Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?"].map(yes_no_bool)
print(star_wars["Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
print(star_wars["Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
True 936 False 250 Name: Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?, dtype: int64 True 552 NaN 350 False 284 Name: Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?, dtype: int64
# value counts for columns 3
print(star_wars["Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply."].value_counts(dropna=False))
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace 673 NaN 513 Name: Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply., dtype: int64
# switch values to boolean for columns 3:9
watch_bool = {"Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace" : True,
"Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones" : True,
"Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith" : True,
"Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope" : True,
"Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back" : True,
"Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi" : True,
np.NaN : False}
for col in star_wars.columns[3:9]:
star_wars[col] = star_wars[col].map(watch_bool)
# value counts for columns 3
True 673 False 513 Name: Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply., dtype: int64
# rename columns
star_wars = star_wars.rename(columns={"Which of the following Star Wars films have you seen? Please select all that apply." : "seen_ep_1",
"Unnamed: 4" : "seen_ep_2",
"Unnamed: 5" : "seen_ep_3",
"Unnamed: 6" : "seen_ep_4",
"Unnamed: 7" : "seen_ep_5",
"Unnamed: 8" : "seen_ep_6"})
Index(['seen_ep_1', 'seen_ep_2', 'seen_ep_3', 'seen_ep_4', 'seen_ep_5', 'seen_ep_6'], dtype='object')
# convert rankings to float
star_wars[star_wars.columns[9:15]] = star_wars[star_wars.columns[9:15]].astype(float)
# star_wars.columns[9].dtype # why does this work sometimes?
# rename more columns
new_columns = {"Please rank the Star Wars films in order of preference with 1 being your favorite film in the franchise and 6 being your least favorite film.":"rank_ep_1",
"Unnamed: 10":"rank_ep_2",
"Unnamed: 11":"rank_ep_3",
"Unnamed: 12":"rank_ep_4",
"Unnamed: 13":"rank_ep_5",
"Unnamed: 14":"rank_ep_6",}
star_wars = star_wars.rename(columns = new_columns)
Index(['rank_ep_1', 'rank_ep_2', 'rank_ep_3', 'rank_ep_4', 'rank_ep_5', 'rank_ep_6'], dtype='object')
# get average value for seen any, which episode, rankings by episode
means = star_wars.iloc[:,1:15].mean()
means = means.rename({"Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?":"Are you a fan of the Star Wars films?"})
# totals
sums = star_wars.iloc[:,1:7].sum()
sums = sums.rename({"Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?":"Are you a fan of the Star Wars films?"})
Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise? 0.789207 Are you a fan of the Star Wars films? 0.660287 seen_ep_1 0.567454 seen_ep_2 0.481450 seen_ep_3 0.463744 seen_ep_4 0.511804 seen_ep_5 0.639123 seen_ep_6 0.622260 rank_ep_1 3.732934 rank_ep_2 4.087321 rank_ep_3 4.341317 rank_ep_4 3.272727 rank_ep_5 2.513158 rank_ep_6 3.047847 dtype: float64
Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise? 936 Are you a fan of the Star Wars films? 552 seen_ep_1 673 seen_ep_2 571 seen_ep_3 550 seen_ep_4 607 dtype: object
# math check :)
display(star_wars["Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
# display(552/(552+284))
display(star_wars["Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?"].value_counts(dropna=False))
True 936 False 250 Name: Have you seen any of the 6 films in the Star Wars franchise?, dtype: int64
True 552 NaN 350 False 284 Name: Do you consider yourself to be a fan of the Star Wars film franchise?, dtype: int64
# whats up with the fan nan's? 250 are people who haven't seen any, but what about the other 100
# amke a fan nan group
# reshape means with ep as index and seen and rank as columns then make side by side barh
# bar chart for fan & episodes seen in % of total respondents
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# bar chart for rankings
Episode V is the favorite, but not by much.