!pip install py2neo pandas matplotlib sklearn
If you see warnings or errors when you run this command, re-run the command. It should run with no errors.
Start by importing py2neo library which you will use to import the data into Neo4j. py2neo is a client library and toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications. It is well suited for Data Science workflows and has great integration with other Python Data Science tools. Run this cell:
from py2neo import Graph
You should already have a Neo4j Database started. Change the password below to the one you chose when you created the database instance.
# Change the line of code below to use the Bolt URL, and Password of your Neo4j database instance.
# graph = Graph("<Bolt URL>", auth=("neo4j", "<Password>"))
graph = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "letmein"))
If that works fine, and no exceptions are thrown, you have verified that you can connect to the Neo4j database from your notebook and you are ready to continue with the rest of the course!
If the connection fails, check to make sure you are using the correct password for the database and that the database is started.
Keep this notebook open as you will need to copy the credentials into the other notebooks!