Our objective here is to generate a model that is able to do time series forecasting.
Configuring the environment:
# DAL ToolBox
# version 1.0.777
#loading DAL Toolbox
#load required library
Loading required package: daltoolbox Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': method from as.zoo.data.frame zoo Attaching package: ‘daltoolbox’ The following object is masked from ‘package:base’: transform
Generate a cosine time series to use in the example, it starts at 0 (zero) and goes up to 25 (twenty-five).
i <- seq(0, 25, 0.25)
x <- cos(i)
Plots the time series:
plot_ts(x=i, y=x) + theme(text = element_text(size=16))
Creates a matrix representing a sliding window to be used in the process of training the model. Each row of the matrix represents one moment of the sliding window, with 10 (ten) elements as attributes (t9, t8, t7, ..., t0).
sw_size <- 10
ts <- ts_data(x, sw_size)
ts_head(ts, 3)
t9 | t8 | t7 | t6 | t5 | t4 | t3 | t2 | t1 | t0 |
1.0000000 | 0.9689124 | 0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 |
0.9689124 | 0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 | -0.8011436 |
0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 | -0.8011436 | -0.9243024 |
Samples data into train and test.
test_size <- 1
samp <- ts_sample(ts, test_size)
ts_head(samp$train, 3)
t9 | t8 | t7 | t6 | t5 | t4 | t3 | t2 | t1 | t0 |
1.0000000 | 0.9689124 | 0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 |
0.9689124 | 0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 | -0.8011436 |
0.8775826 | 0.7316889 | 0.5403023 | 0.3153224 | 0.0707372 | -0.1782461 | -0.4161468 | -0.6281736 | -0.8011436 | -0.9243024 |
t9 | t8 | t7 | t6 | t5 | t4 | t3 | t2 | t1 | t0 |
-0.7256268 | -0.532833 | -0.3069103 | -0.06190529 | 0.1869486 | 0.424179 | 0.635036 | 0.8064095 | 0.9276444 | 0.9912028 |
Tune optimizes a learner hyperparameter, no matter which one. This way, in this example, an ELM is used in the hyperparameters tuning using an appropriate range. The result of tunning is an ELM model for the training set.
# Setup for tunning using ELM
tune <- ts_tune(input_size=c(3:5), base_model = ts_elm(ts_norm_gminmax()))
ranges <- list(nhid = 1:5, actfun=c('sig', 'radbas', 'tribas', 'relu', 'purelin'))
In [6] is using ts_elm() as base_model, but all time series models can be used. It is simple as changing the constructor.
An LSTM could be used, as shown at In [7], as lines of comments. This example clarifies how to provide variability on workflow models by simply changing constructors.
Options of ranges for all time series models are presented in the end of this notebook.
Input size options should be between 1 and sw_size-2.
# tune <- ts_tune(input_size=c(3:5), base_model = ts_lstm(ts_norm_gminmax()))
# ranges <- list(input_size = 1:10, epochs=10000)
The prediction output using the training set can be used to evaluate the model's adjustment level to the training data:
io_train <- ts_projection(samp$train)
# Generic model tunning
model <- fit(tune, x=io_train$input, y=io_train$output, ranges)
adjust <- predict(model, io_train$input)
ev_adjust <- evaluate(model, io_train$output, adjust)
mse smape R2 1 4.346951e-29 2.160724e-14 1
steps_ahead <- 1
io_test <- ts_projection(samp$test)
prediction <- predict(model, x=io_test$input, steps_ahead=steps_ahead)
prediction <- as.vector(prediction)
output <- as.vector(io_test$output)
if (steps_ahead > 1)
output <- output[1:steps_ahead]
print(sprintf("%.2f, %.2f", output, prediction))
[1] "0.99, 0.99"
ev_test <- evaluate(model, output, prediction)
print(sprintf("smape: %.2f", 100*ev_test$metrics$smape))
mse smape R2 1 1.066072e-28 1.041671e-14 -Inf [1] "smape: 0.00"
The plot shows results of the prediction.
yvalues <- c(io_train$output, io_test$output)
plot_ts_pred(y=yvalues, yadj=adjust, ypre=prediction) + theme(text = element_text(size=16))
Options of ranges for all time series models:
### Ranges for ELM
ranges_elm <- list(nhid = 1:20, actfun=c('sig', 'radbas', 'tribas', 'relu', 'purelin'))
### Ranges for MLP
ranges_mlp <- list(size = 1:10, decay = seq(0, 1, 1/9), maxit=10000)
### Ranges for RF
ranges_rf <- list(nodesize=1:10, ntree=1:10)
### Ranges for SVM
ranges_svm <- list(kernel=c("radial", "poly", "linear", "sigmoid"), epsilon=seq(0, 1, 0.1), cost=seq(20, 100, 20))
### Ranges for LSTM
ranges_lstm <- list(input_size = 1:10, epochs=10000)
### Ranges for CNN
ranges_cnn <- list(input_size = 1:10, epochs=10000)