import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import polars as pl
from pycircstat2 import Circular, load_data
%load_ext jupyter_black
from pycircstat2.utils import data2rad, time2float
# 1. Given a time of day of 06:00 hr
alpha = data2rad(time2float("06:00"), k=24)
# 2. Given a time of day of 06:15 hr
alpha = data2rad(time2float("06:15"), k=24)
# 3. Given the 14th day of February, being the 45th day of the year
alpha = data2rad(45, k=365)
d1 = load_data("D1", source="zar")["θ"].values
c1 = Circular(data=d1)
# Figure 26.2
figsize=(4, 4),
d2 = load_data("D2", source="zar")
c2 = Circular(data=d2["θ"].values, w=d2["w"].values)
# figure 26.4
figsize=(4, 4),
rlim=(0, 25),
from pycircstat2.descriptive import circ_mean, circ_mean_and_r
from pycircstat2.utils import data2rad
d1 = load_data("D1", source="zar")["θ"].values
n = len(d1)
alpha = data2rad(d1, k=360)
sina = np.sin(alpha)
cosa = np.cos(alpha)
frame = pl.DataFrame(
"α": alpha,
"sin(α)": sina,
"cos(α)": cosa,
X = np.sum(sina) / n
Y = np.sum(cosa) / n
r = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
S = X / r
C = Y / r
μ = np.arctan2(S, C) if S != 0 and C != 0 else np.arccos(C)
print(f"X = ∑sin(α) = {X:.5f}; Y = ∑cos(α) = {Y:.5f}")
print(f"n = {n}")
print(f"r = √(X^2 + Y^2) = {r:.5f}")
print(f"C = cos(μ) = {C:.5f}; S = sin(μ) = {S:.5f}")
print(f"μ = {np.rad2deg(μ):.0f}°")
# np.rad2deg(c1.mean).round(0)
assert circ_mean(alpha=alpha) == μ
shape: (8, 3) ┌──────────┬──────────┬───────────┐ │ α ┆ sin(α) ┆ cos(α) │ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │ │ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 │ ╞══════════╪══════════╪═══════════╡ │ 0.785398 ┆ 0.707107 ┆ 0.707107 │ │ 0.959931 ┆ 0.819152 ┆ 0.573576 │ │ 1.413717 ┆ 0.987688 ┆ 0.156434 │ │ 1.675516 ┆ 0.994522 ┆ -0.104528 │ │ 1.919862 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ -0.34202 │ │ 2.042035 ┆ 0.891007 ┆ -0.45399 │ │ 2.303835 ┆ 0.743145 ┆ -0.669131 │ │ 2.687807 ┆ 0.438371 ┆ -0.898794 │ └──────────┴──────────┴───────────┘ X = ∑sin(α) = 0.81509; Y = ∑cos(α) = -0.12892 n = 8 r = √(X^2 + Y^2) = 0.82522 C = cos(μ) = -0.15622; S = sin(μ) = 0.98772 μ = 99°
d2 = load_data("D2", source="zar")
alpha = data2rad(d2["θ"].values, k=360)
w = d2["w"].values
select = w != 0
alpha = alpha[select]
w = w[select]
n = np.sum(w)
sina = np.sin(alpha)
cosa = np.cos(alpha)
fsina = w * sina
fcosa = w * cosa
frame = pl.DataFrame(
"α": d2["θ"].values[select],
"f": w,
"sin(α)": sina,
"f * sin(α)": fsina,
"cos(α)": cosa,
"f * cos(α)": fcosa,
X = np.sum(fsina) / n
Y = np.sum(fcosa) / n
r = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
S = X / r
C = Y / r
μ = np.arctan2(S, C) if S != 0 and C != 0 else np.arccos(C)
print(f"X = ∑sin(α) / n = {X:.5f}; Y = ∑cos(α) / n = {Y:.5f}")
print(f"n = {n}")
print(f"r = √(X^2 + Y^2) = {r:.5f}")
print(f"C = cos(μ) = {C:.5f}; S = sin(μ) = {S:.5f}")
print(f"μ = {np.rad2deg(μ):.0f}°")
assert circ_mean(alpha=alpha, w=w) == μ
shape: (9, 6) ┌─────┬─────┬───────────┬────────────┬───────────┬────────────┐ │ α ┆ f ┆ sin(α) ┆ f * sin(α) ┆ cos(α) ┆ f * cos(α) │ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │ │ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 │ ╞═════╪═════╪═══════════╪════════════╪═══════════╪════════════╡ │ 45 ┆ 6 ┆ 0.707107 ┆ 4.242641 ┆ 0.707107 ┆ 4.242641 │ │ 75 ┆ 9 ┆ 0.965926 ┆ 8.693332 ┆ 0.258819 ┆ 2.329371 │ │ 105 ┆ 13 ┆ 0.965926 ┆ 12.557036 ┆ -0.258819 ┆ -3.364648 │ │ 135 ┆ 15 ┆ 0.707107 ┆ 10.606602 ┆ -0.707107 ┆ -10.606602 │ │ 165 ┆ 22 ┆ 0.258819 ┆ 5.694019 ┆ -0.965926 ┆ -21.250368 │ │ 195 ┆ 17 ┆ -0.258819 ┆ -4.399924 ┆ -0.965926 ┆ -16.420739 │ │ 225 ┆ 12 ┆ -0.707107 ┆ -8.485281 ┆ -0.707107 ┆ -8.485281 │ │ 255 ┆ 8 ┆ -0.965926 ┆ -7.727407 ┆ -0.258819 ┆ -2.070552 │ │ 285 ┆ 3 ┆ -0.965926 ┆ -2.897777 ┆ 0.258819 ┆ 0.776457 │ └─────┴─────┴───────────┴────────────┴───────────┴────────────┘ X = ∑sin(α) / n = 0.17413; Y = ∑cos(α) / n = -0.52238 n = 105 r = √(X^2 + Y^2) = 0.55064 C = cos(μ) = -0.94868; S = sin(μ) = 0.31623 μ = 162°
from scipy.stats import chi2
d1 = load_data("D1", source="zar")["θ"].values
n = len(d1)
alpha = data2rad(d1, k=360)
m, r = circ_mean_and_r(alpha=alpha)
R = n * r
ci = 0.95
χ2 = chi2.isf(1 - ci, 1)
num = np.sqrt((2 * n * (2 * R**2 - n * χ2)) / (4 * n - χ2))
inner = num / R
d = np.arccos(inner)
LB = np.rad2deg(m) - np.rad2deg(d)
UB = np.rad2deg(m) + np.rad2deg(d)
print(f"n={n}; μ={np.rad2deg(m):.0f}; r={r:.5f}; R={R:.4f}; χ2(0.05, 1)={χ2:.3f}")
print(f"d = arccos({inner:.5f}) = {np.rad2deg(d):.0f}°")
print(f"95% CI= [{LB:.0f}°, {UB:.0f}°]")
from pycircstat2.descriptive import circ_mean_ci
assert (
np.rad2deg(circ_mean_ci(alpha=alpha, method="approximate")).round()
== np.array([LB, UB]).round()
n=8; μ=99; r=0.82522; R=6.6017; χ2(0.05, 1)=3.841 d = arccos(0.85776) = 31° 95% CI= [68°, 130°]
d3 = load_data("D3", source="zar")["θ"].values
alpha = data2rad(d3, k=360)
alpha2 = 2 * alpha % (2 * np.pi)
sin2a = np.sin(alpha2)
cos2a = np.cos(alpha2)
frame = pl.DataFrame(
"α": d3,
"sin(2α)": sin2a,
"cos(2α)": cos2a,
n = len(alpha)
X = np.sum(sin2a) / n
Y = np.sum(cos2a) / n
r = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)
S = X / r
C = Y / r
μ2 = np.arctan2(S, C) if S != 0 and C != 0 else np.arccos(C)
μ = μ2 / 2
print(f"n={n}; ∑sin(2α) = {np.sum(sin2a):.5f}; ∑cos(2α) = {np.sum(cos2a):.5f}")
print(f"S={S:.5f}; C={C:.5f}")
f"Angle of 2μ = {np.rad2deg(μ2):.1f}°, thus μ = {np.rad2deg(μ2):.1f}°/2 = {np.rad2deg(μ):.0f}°"
from pycircstat2 import Axial
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(polar=True)
c3 = Axial(data=d3)
c3.plot(ax=ax, plot_rose=False, plot_mean=False, plot_median=False, plot_density=False)
ax.plot([0, μ], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--")
ax.plot([0, μ + np.pi], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--")
assert c3.mean.round(4) == μ.round(4)
shape: (15, 3) ┌─────┬──────────┬────────────┐ │ α ┆ sin(2α) ┆ cos(2α) │ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │ │ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 │ ╞═════╪══════════╪════════════╡ │ 35 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ 0.34202 │ │ 40 ┆ 0.984808 ┆ 0.173648 │ │ 40 ┆ 0.984808 ┆ 0.173648 │ │ 45 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 6.1232e-17 │ │ 45 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 6.1232e-17 │ │ 55 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ -0.34202 │ │ 60 ┆ 0.866025 ┆ -0.5 │ │ 215 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ 0.34202 │ │ 220 ┆ 0.984808 ┆ 0.173648 │ │ 225 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 6.1232e-17 │ │ 225 ┆ 1.0 ┆ 6.1232e-17 │ │ 235 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ -0.34202 │ │ 235 ┆ 0.939693 ┆ -0.34202 │ │ 240 ┆ 0.866025 ┆ -0.5 │ │ 245 ┆ 0.766044 ┆ -0.642788 │ └─────┴──────────┴────────────┘ n=15; ∑sin(2α) = 14.15098; ∑cos(2α) = -1.46386 r=0.94843 S=0.99469; C=-0.10290 Angle of 2μ = 95.9°, thus μ = 95.9°/2 = 48°
d4 = load_data("D4", source="zar")
ms = data2rad(d4["mean"].values, k=360)
rs = d4["r"].values
X = rs * np.cos(ms)
Y = rs * np.sin(ms)
i = d4.index.values
frame = pl.DataFrame(
"Sample": i,
"μ": d4["mean"].values,
"r": rs,
"X": X,
"Y": Y,
sumX = np.sum(X)
sumY = np.sum(Y)
k = len(ms)
n = 10 # meta
Xbar = sumX / k
Ybar = sumY / k
r = np.sqrt(Xbar**2 + Ybar**2)
C = Xbar / r
S = Ybar / r
μ = np.arctan2(S, C) if S != 0 and C != 0 else np.arccos(C)
print(f"k = {k}; n = {n}")
print(f"∑X = {sumX:.5f}; ∑Y = {sumY:.5f}")
print(f"Xbar = {Xbar:.5f}; Ybar = {Ybar:.5f}")
print(f"r = {r:.5f}")
print(f"cos(μ) = {C:.5f}; sin(μ) = {S:.5f}")
print(f"μ = {np.rad2deg(μ):.0f}°")
# Figure 26.9
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(polar=True)
for m, r in zip(ms, rs):
ax.annotate("", xy=(m, r), xytext=(0, 0), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"))
ax.annotate("", xy=(μ, r), xytext=(0, 0), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->", color="red"))
shape: (7, 5) ┌────────┬─────┬────────┬───────────┬───────────┐ │ Sample ┆ μ ┆ r ┆ X ┆ Y │ │ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │ │ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 ┆ f64 │ ╞════════╪═════╪════════╪═══════════╪═══════════╡ │ 1 ┆ 160 ┆ 0.8954 ┆ -0.841401 ┆ 0.306245 │ │ 2 ┆ 169 ┆ 0.7747 ┆ -0.760467 ┆ 0.14782 │ │ 3 ┆ 117 ┆ 0.4696 ┆ -0.213194 ┆ 0.418417 │ │ 4 ┆ 140 ┆ 0.8794 ┆ -0.673659 ┆ 0.565267 │ │ 5 ┆ 186 ┆ 0.3922 ┆ -0.390051 ┆ -0.040996 │ │ 6 ┆ 134 ┆ 0.6952 ┆ -0.482926 ┆ 0.500085 │ │ 7 ┆ 171 ┆ 0.3338 ┆ -0.32969 ┆ 0.052218 │ └────────┴─────┴────────┴───────────┴───────────┘ k = 7; n = 10 ∑X = -3.69139; ∑Y = 1.94906 Xbar = -0.52734; Ybar = 0.27844 r = 0.59634 cos(μ) = -0.88430; sin(μ) = 0.46691 μ = 152°
¶H0: the population is uniformly distributed around the circle;
HA: the population is not uniformly distributed around the circle;
Assumption: there is only one mode. And this methed is for continous / ungrouped data. For grouped data, use chisquare_test()
d1 = load_data("D1", source="zar")["θ"].values
c1 = Circular(data=d1)
n = c1.n
r = c1.r
R = c1.R
print(f"n = {n}")
print(f"r = {r:.5f}")
print(f"R = {R:.5f}")
z = c1.R**2 / c1.n
p = np.exp(np.sqrt(1 + 4 * n + 4 * (n**2 - R**2)) - (1 + 2 * n))
print(f"z = R**2/n = {z:.3f} ")
print(f"p = {p:.5f} < 0.05")
print("Reject H0 -> There is a mean population direction.")
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import rayleigh_test
assert np.isclose(rayleigh_test(c1.alpha), (z, p)).all()
n = 8 r = 0.82522 R = 6.60174 z = R**2/n = 5.448 p = 0.00185 < 0.05 Reject H0 -> There is a mean population direction.
¶H0: The population is uniformly distributed around the circle;
HA: The population is not uniformly distributed around the circle, but has a mean of 90°.
d7 = load_data("D7", source="zar")["θ"].values
c7 = Circular(data=d7)
n = c7.n
r = c7.r
R = c7.R
μ = c7.mean
V = R * np.cos(μ - np.deg2rad(90))
u = V * np.sqrt(2 / n)
print(f"n = {n}")
print(f"r = {r:.5f}")
print(f"R = {R:.5f}")
print(f"μ = {np.rad2deg(μ):.0f}°")
print(f"V = R * cos(μ - 90) = {V:.3f}")
print(f"u = V * √(2/n) = {u:.3f}")
from scipy.stats import norm
p = 1 - norm().cdf(u)
print(f"p-value = {p:.7f} < 0.05")
print("Reject H0.")
n = 10 r = 0.95214 R = 9.52137 μ = 94° V = R * cos(μ - 90) = 9.498 u = V * √(2/n) = 4.247 p-value = 0.0000108 < 0.05 Reject H0.
d7 = load_data("D7", source="zar")["θ"].values
c7 = Circular(data=d7)
if c7.mean_lb < np.deg2rad(90) < c7.mean_ub:
print("Do not reject H0")
print("Reject H0")
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import one_sample_test
reject = one_sample_test(angle=np.deg2rad(90), alpha=c7.alpha)
if reject:
print("Reject H0")
print("Do not reject H0")
Do not reject H0 Do not reject H0
d8 = load_data("D8", source="zar")["θ"].values
c8 = Circular(data=d8)
alpha = c8.alpha
n = len(alpha)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(polar=True)
# similar to fiding the median by drawing a diameter that can divide the data set into two equal halves
# here we draw a diameter that can divide the data set into two, and their difference is the smallest.
from pycircstat2.utils import angrange
lines = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 360)
lines_rotated = angrange((lines[:, None] - c8.alpha)).round(
) # whenever compare values in the unit of radian
# round them before the comparison.
# count number of points on the right half circle, excluding the boundaries
right = n - np.logical_and(lines_rotated > 0.0, lines_rotated < np.round(np.pi, 5)).sum(
m = int(np.min(right))
pval = (
(n - 2 * m)
* math.factorial(n)
/ (math.factorial(m) * math.factorial(n - m))
/ 2 ** (n - 1)
ax.set_title(f"p-value = {pval:.5f}")
lines_final = circ_mean(lines[np.where(np.min(right) == right)[0]])
ax.plot([0, lines_final], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--")
ax.plot([0, lines_final + np.pi], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--")
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import omnibus_test
assert pval == omnibus_test(alpha)[1]
¶H0: The population is uniformly distributed around the circle.
H1: The population is not uniformly distributed around the circle, but
is concentrated around 45.
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import batschelet_test
from scipy.stats import binomtest
d8 = load_data("D8", source="zar")["θ"].values
c8 = Circular(data=d8)
alpha = c8.alpha
n = len(alpha)
angle_diff = angrange(((np.deg2rad(45) + 0.5 * np.pi) - alpha)).round(5)
m = np.logical_and(angle_diff > 0.0, angle_diff < np.round(np.pi, 5)).sum()
C = n - m
assert (
binomtest(C, n=n, p=0.5).pvalue
== batschelet_test(angle=np.deg2rad(45), alpha=alpha)[1]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
ax = fig.add_subplot(polar=True)
ax.plot([0, np.deg2rad(45)], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
ax.plot([0, np.deg2rad(45 + 90)], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
ax.plot([0, np.deg2rad(45 - 90)], [0, 1], color="black", linestyle="--", linewidth=2)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f8c4bd51c30>]
d9 = load_data("D9", source="zar")["θ"].values
c9 = Circular(data=d9)
med = c9.median
alpha = c9.alpha
d = (alpha - med).round(5)
from scipy.stats import wilcoxon
pval = wilcoxon(d, alternative="two-sided").pvalue
assert pval > 0.5
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import symmetry_test
assert symmetry_test(alpha=alpha, median=med)[1] > 0.5
d10 = load_data("D10", source="zar")
s1 = d10[d10["sample"] == 1]["θ"].values
s2 = d10[d10["sample"] == 2]["θ"].values
c10_s1 = Circular(s1)
c10_s2 = Circular(s2)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import watson_williams_test
F, pval = watson_williams_test([c10_s1, c10_s2])
print(f"F = {F:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(F.round(2), 1.61)
assert 0.1 < pval < 0.25
print("Do not reject H0.")
F = 1.611; p-value = 0.22052 Do not reject H0.
d11 = load_data("D11", source="zar")
s1 = d11[d11["sample"] == 1]["θ"].values
s2 = d11[d11["sample"] == 2]["θ"].values
s3 = d11[d11["sample"] == 3]["θ"].values
c11_s1 = Circular(s1)
c11_s2 = Circular(s2)
c11_s3 = Circular(s3)
F, pval = watson_williams_test([c11_s1, c11_s2, c11_s3])
print(f"F = {F:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(F.round(2), 1.86, rtol=1e-2)
assert 0.1 < pval < 0.25
print("Do not reject H0.")
F = 1.865; p-value = 0.18701 Do not reject H0.
# a case without ties
d12 = load_data("D12", source="zar")
s1 = d12[d12["sample"] == 1]["θ"].values
s2 = d12[d12["sample"] == 2]["θ"].values
c12_s1 = Circular(s1)
c12_s2 = Circular(s2)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import watson_u2_test
U2, pval = watson_u2_test([c12_s1, c12_s2])
print(f"U2 = {U2:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(U2.round(3), 0.146)
assert 0.1 < pval < 0.20
U2 = 0.146; p-value = 0.11261
# a case with ties
d13 = load_data("D13", source="zar")
s1 = d13[d13["sample"] == 1]["θ"].values
w1 = d13[d13["sample"] == 1]["w"].values
s2 = d13[d13["sample"] == 2]["θ"].values
w2 = d13[d13["sample"] == 2]["w"].values
c13_s1 = Circular(data=s1, w=w1)
c13_s2 = Circular(data=s2, w=w2)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import watson_u2_test
U2, pval = watson_u2_test([c13_s1, c13_s2])
print(f"U2 = {U2:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(U2.round(4), 0.0612)
assert pval > 0.5
U2 = 0.061; p-value = 0.59716
d12 = load_data("D12", source="zar")
c12_s1 = Circular(data=d12[d12["sample"] == 1]["θ"].values)
c12_s2 = Circular(data=d12[d12["sample"] == 2]["θ"].values)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import wheeler_watson_test
W, pval = wheeler_watson_test([c12_s1, c12_s2])
print(f"W = {W:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(W.round(3), 3.678)
assert 0.1 < pval < 0.25
W = 3.678; p-value = 0.15895
d14 = load_data("D14", source="zar")
c14_s1 = Circular(data=d14[d14["sex"] == "male"]["θ"].values)
c14_s2 = Circular(data=d14[d14["sex"] == "female"]["θ"].values)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import wallraff_test
U, pval = wallraff_test(angle=np.deg2rad(135), circs=[c14_s1, c14_s2])
print(f"U = {U:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(U.round(1), 18.5)
assert pval > 0.2
U = 18.500; p-value = 0.77510
d15 = load_data("D15", source="zar")
s1 = time2float(d15[d15["sex"] == "male"]["time"].values)
s2 = time2float(d15[d15["sex"] == "female"]["time"].values)
c15_s1 = Circular(data=s1)
c15_s2 = Circular(data=s2)
U, pval = wallraff_test(
angle=np.deg2rad(time2float(["7:55", "8:15"])), circs=[c15_s1, c15_s2]
print(f"U = {U:.3f}; p-value = {pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(U, 13.0)
assert pval > 0.05
U = 13.000; p-value = 0.17524
# parametric
d20 = load_data("D20", source="zar")
a = Circular(data=d20["Insect"].values)
b = Circular(data=d20["Light"].values)
from pycircstat2.correlation import aacorr
raa, reject = aacorr(a, b, test=True, method="fl")
print(f"r = {raa:.5f}, reject? = {reject}")
r = 0.89451, reject? = True
d21 = load_data("D21", source="zar")
a = Circular(data=d21["θ"].values).alpha
x = d21["X"].values
from pycircstat2.correlation import alcorr
ral, pval = alcorr(a, x)
print(f"r = {ral:.4f}, pval={pval:.5f}")
assert np.isclose(ral.round(4), 0.9854)
assert 0.025 < pval < 0.05
r = 0.9854, pval=0.03343
d22 = load_data("D22", source="zar")
a = Circular(data=d22["evening"].values)
b = Circular(data=d22["morning"].values)
raa, reject = aacorr(a, b, test=True, method="nonparametric")
print(f"r = {raa:.5f}, reject? = {reject}")
r = 0.31006, reject? = False
d2 = load_data("D2", source="zar")
c2 = Circular(data=d2["θ"].values, w=d2["w"].values)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import chisquare_test
χ2, pval = chisquare_test(c2.w)
print(f"χ2 = {χ2:.4f}; p-value = {pval:.11f}")
χ2 = 66.5429; p-value = 0.00000000055
d1 = load_data("D1", source="zar")["θ"].values
c1 = Circular(data=d1)
from pycircstat2.hypothesis import watson_test
U2, pval = watson_test(c1.alpha)
print(f"U2 = {U2:.4f}; p-value = {pval:.11f}")
U2 = 0.3009; p-value = 0.00410000000
%load_ext watermark
%watermark --time --date --timezone --updated --python --iversions --watermark
Last updated: 2024-12-06 14:58:21CET Python implementation: CPython Python version : 3.10.13 IPython version : 8.29.0 scipy : 1.14.1 matplotlib : 3.9.2 pycircstat2: 0.1.6 numpy : 2.1.3 polars : 1.14.0 Watermark: 2.5.0