%pylab inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
import gpkit
import gpkit.interactive
mon = gpkit.mon
vec = gpkit.vecmon
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
# Constants #
rho = mon("\\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "Density of Air")
W = mon("W", "N", "Weight of Vehicle")
xi = vec(2,"\\xi", "N", "Thrust per bin")
# Scalars #
A = mon("A", "m^2", "Disk Area")
Omega = mon("\\Omega", "rpm", "Rotor RPM")
R = mon("R", "m", "Rotor Radius")
P = mon("P", "W", "Induced Power")
# Vectors #
r = vec(2, "r", "-", "Non-dimensional Radius")
dr = vec(2, "\\Delta r", "-", "Non-dimensional Radius Step")
Vi = vec(2, "V_i", "m/s", "Induced Velocities")
dCT = vec(2, "dC_T", "-", "Incremental Thrust Coefficient of Each Bin")
dCP = vec(2, "dC_P", "-", "Incremental Power Coefficient of Each Bin")
dP = vec(2, "dP", "W", "Incremental Power of Each Bin")
def BEMT_GP(N=5, Weight=1e4):
Weight = float(Weight)
global xi, r, dr, Vi, dCT, dCP, dP
xi = vec(N, "\\xi", "N", "Thrust per bin")
constants = {W: Weight,
xi: Weight/float(N) * ones(N),
#xi: 2*Weight/float(N)**2 * array(range(1,N+1))
# Vector reasignment #
r = vec(N, "r", "-", "Non-dimensional Radius")
dr = vec(N, "\\Delta r", "-", "Non-dimensional Radius Step")
Vi = vec(N, "V_i", "m/s", "Induced Velocities")
dCT = vec(N, "dC_T", "-", "Incremental Thrust Coefficient of Each Bin")
dCP = vec(N, "dC_P", "-", "Incremental Power Coefficient of Each Bin")
dP = vec(N, "dP", "W", "Incremental Power of Each Bin")
phys_constraints = (A == pi*R**2,
R <= 8 * gpkit.units.m,
Omega <= 280 * gpkit.units.rpm )
r_constraints=([r[j] >= dr[:j].sum() for j in range(1,N)],
1 >= dr.sum(),
r[0] == dr[0]/2,
[r[j] >= r[j-1] + .5*dr[j-1] + .5*dr[j] for j in range(1,N)],
r[-1] <= 1)
main_constraints = (xi == rho*A*(Omega*R)**2*dCT,
0.25 == Vi**2*r*dr/(dCT*(Omega*R)**2),
0.25 == Vi**3*r*dr/(dCP*(Omega*R)**3),
dP == rho*A*(Omega*R)**3*dCP,
P >= dP.sum())
objective = P
eqns = phys_constraints + r_constraints + main_constraints
return gpkit.GP(objective, eqns, constants)
gp = BEMT_GP()
Using solver 'cvxopt' Solving took 0.235 seconds
from IPython.display import Math
Math('0.5404\\frac{\\left({\\xi}_{1}^{0.0144} {\\xi}_{5}^{-0.0318} \\prod_{1}^5 {\\xi}_{i}^{0.3035} \\right)}{\\rho^{0.5}}')
{V_i: array([[ 4.61764043, 4.40875243, 4.40875201, 4.4087519 , 3.94733624]]), \Delta r: array([[ 0.43547418, 0.17668997, 0.13930325, 0.11877681, 0.12975581]]), dP: array([[ 9235.28083441, 8817.50482631, 8817.50398871, 8817.50377994, 7894.67246202]]), r: array([[ 0.21773709, 0.58869686, 0.74669362, 0.87573369, 1. ]]), dC_T: array([[ 0.00373315, 0.00373315, 0.00373315, 0.00373315, 0.00373315]]), dC_P: array([[ 0.00037037, 0.00035362, 0.00035362, 0.00035362, 0.00031661]]), \xi: array([[ 2000., 2000., 2000., 2000., 2000.]]), P: array([ 43582.46513974]), \Omega: array([ 55.55730973]), A: array([ 201.06192911]), R: array([ 7.99999999]), \rho: array([ 1.23])}
array([[ 0.31785537, 0.30347657, 0.30347654, 0.30347653, 0.27171497]])
p = xi/rho
def solve_and_plot_Vi(bins, weight):
gp = BEMT_GP(bins, weight)
sol = gp.solve(solver='mosek', printing=False)
plot(sol(R*r), sol(xi/(R*dr)), 'r.')
ylim(0, weight/4)
ylabel('Thrust density [N/m]')
xlabel('Radial position [m]')
from IPython.html.widgets import interactive
interactive(solve_and_plot_Vi, bins=(1,20), weight=(1e3, 1e5, 1e3))