This is a final project by Colby Smith for the completion of the Python Foundation for Spatial Analysis course presented by Ujaval Gandhi of Spatial Thoughts.
I explore the OSMnx python library, and I find the total acreage of solar sites in Massachusetts by county.
Links consulted to complete this project:
import geopandas as gpd
import osmnx as ox
By default, using the OSMnx tools will generate a cache folder in the local directory. Instead of repeatedly hitting the server with the same query as I was testing this code, the cache saves my responses.
North Brookfield is a town I have developed solar projects in before, so I am familiar with their shape and location. I can query OSM for photovoltaic power plants using tags and display their polygons on a map.
place = "North Brookfield, Massachusetts, USA"
tags = {"plant:method": "photovoltaic"}
nbf_solar = ox.features.features_from_place(place, tags)
What about finding the total number of solar sites in North Brookfield's county, Worcester?
place = "Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States"
wst_solar = ox.features.features_from_place(place, tags)
wst_solar_count = len(wst_solar)
print(f"There are {wst_solar_count} solar sites in Worcester County.")
There are 272 solar sites in Worcester County.
How many are there in the whole state of Massachusetts?
#Querying over the whole state can cause an error. The following increases the max query area size:
ox.settings.max_query_area_size = 1e12
#Now the below query will work.
place = "Massachusetts, United States"
ma_solar = ox.features.features_from_place(place, tags)
ma_solar_count = len(ma_solar)
print(f"There are {ma_solar_count} solar sites in Massachusetts.")
There are 926 solar sites in Massachusetts.
To find the total acreage of sites in MA, the geodataframe needs to be projected to UTM and the area sum is converted from square meters to acres.
ma_solar_p = ox.projection.project_gdf(ma_solar)
ma_solar_acres = int(ma_solar_p.area.sum()/4046.86)
print(f"There are {ma_solar_acres} acres of solar sites in MA." )
There are 9605 acres of solar sites in MA.
Looking at the map of solar sites in North Brookfield, some sites are comprised of multiple arrays. These are represented as mutipolygons in the GeoDataFrame, and can span multiple towns and counties. To prevent double counting, I convert the geodataframe into single polygons with explode()
ma_solar_p_explode = ma_solar_p.explode()
print(f"There are {len(ma_solar_p_explode)} solar arrays in MA." )
There are 1209 solar arrays in MA.
I can then add an area column to each array.
ma_solar_p_explode['area'] = ma_solar_p_explode['geometry'].area
Next, I am able to get the county boundaries from OSM as a GeoDataFrame. I project it to UTM so that it is consistent with the solar array GeoDataFrame.
places = [
"Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Dukes County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Essex County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Franklin County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Nantucket County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Plymouth County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States",
"Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States"
ma_counties = ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf(places)
ma_counties_p = ox.projection.project_gdf(ma_counties)
ax = ma_counties_p.boundary.plot()
Then I join the two dataframes together.
joined = gpd.sjoin(ma_solar_p_explode, ma_counties_p, how='left', predicate='intersects')
barrier plant:method plant:output:electricity plant:source \ element id relation 8521594 NaN photovoltaic 1 MW solar 8521594 NaN photovoltaic 1 MW solar 8521594 NaN photovoltaic 1 MW solar 8521594 NaN photovoltaic 1 MW solar 10306360 NaN photovoltaic 1 MW solar power note owner name_left ref:US:EIA \ element id relation 8521594 plant NaN NaN Brewster Landfill 59075 8521594 plant NaN NaN Brewster Landfill 59075 8521594 plant NaN NaN Brewster Landfill 59075 8521594 plant NaN NaN Brewster Landfill 59075 10306360 plant NaN NaN Community Solar Garden 64587 operator ... osm_id lat \ element id ... relation 8521594 Clean Focus Yield, LLC ... 2294308 41.701694 8521594 Clean Focus Yield, LLC ... 2294308 41.701694 8521594 Clean Focus Yield, LLC ... 2294308 41.701694 8521594 Clean Focus Yield, LLC ... 2294308 41.701694 10306360 BWC Buckmaster Pond LLC ... 1840539 42.153861 lon class type_right place_rank importance \ element id relation 8521594 -70.303616 boundary administrative 12 0.528676 8521594 -70.303616 boundary administrative 12 0.528676 8521594 -70.303616 boundary administrative 12 0.528676 8521594 -70.303616 boundary administrative 12 0.528676 10306360 -71.182801 boundary administrative 12 0.538108 addresstype name_right \ element id relation 8521594 county Barnstable County 8521594 county Barnstable County 8521594 county Barnstable County 8521594 county Barnstable County 10306360 county Norfolk County display_name element id relation 8521594 Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 8521594 Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 8521594 Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 8521594 Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States 10306360 Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States [5 rows x 55 columns]
And finally, I group by the county name, aggregate by the sum of the array areas, and convert the sums to a pretty acreage number.
results = joined.groupby('name_right')['area'].sum()/4046.86
name_right Barnstable County 315 Berkshire County 557 Bristol County 989 Dukes County 28 Essex County 310 Franklin County 389 Hampden County 1070 Hampshire County 443 Middlesex County 726 Nantucket 6 Norfolk County 395 Plymouth County 1129 Suffolk County 27 Worcester County 3239 Name: area, dtype: int64