%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
from numpy import exp,sin,linspace,sign,abs
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure,plot,grid,xlabel,ylabel
Let us define three different functions for which we will find the root.
def f1(x):
f = exp(x) - sin(x)
return f
def f2(x):
f = x**2 - 4.0*x*sin(x) + (2.0*sin(x))**2
return f
def f3(x):
f = x**2 - 4.0*x*sin(x) + (2.0*sin(x))**2 - 0.5
return f
The following function implements the bisection method. Note that it takes some default arguments.
def bisect(fun,a,b,N=100,eps=1.0e-4,delta=1.0e-4,debug=False):
fa, fb = fun(a), fun(b)
sa, sb = sign(fa), sign(fb)
if abs(fa) < delta:
return (a,0)
if abs(fb) < delta:
return (b,0)
# check if interval is admissible
if fa*fb > 0.0:
if debug:
print("Interval is not admissible\n")
return (0,1)
for i in range(N):
e = b-a
c = a + 0.5*e
if abs(e) < eps*abs(c):
if debug:
print("Interval size is below tolerance\n")
return (c,0)
fc = fun(c)
if abs(fc) < delta:
if debug:
print("Function value is below tolerance\n")
return (c,0)
sc = sign(fc)
if sa != sc:
b = c
fb= fc
sb= sc
a = c
fa= fc
sa= sc
if debug:
print("%5d %16.8e %16.8e %16.8e"%(i+1,c,abs(b-a),abs(fc)))
# If we reached here, then there is no convergence
print("No convergence in %d iterations !!!" % N)
return (0,2)
M = 100 # Maximum number of iterations
eps = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the interval
delta = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the function
a, b = -4.0, -2.0
r,status = bisect(f1,a,b,M,eps,delta,True)
1 -3.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00 1.90907076e-01 2 -3.50000000e+00 5.00000000e-01 3.20585844e-01 3 -3.25000000e+00 2.50000000e-01 6.94209267e-02 4 -3.12500000e+00 1.25000000e-01 6.05288259e-02 5 -3.18750000e+00 6.25000000e-02 4.61629389e-03 6 -3.15625000e+00 3.12500000e-02 2.79283147e-02 7 -3.17187500e+00 1.56250000e-02 1.16471966e-02 8 -3.17968750e+00 7.81250000e-03 3.51301957e-03 9 -3.18359375e+00 3.90625000e-03 5.52273640e-04 10 -3.18164062e+00 1.95312500e-03 1.48021741e-03 11 -3.18261719e+00 9.76562500e-04 4.63932552e-04 Function value is below tolerance
M = 100 # Maximum number of iterations
eps = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the interval
delta = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the function
a, b = -4.0, -2.0
r,status = bisect(f2,a,b,M,eps,delta,True)
Interval is not admissible
Lets visualize this function.
x = linspace(-3,3,500)
y = f2(x)
It looks like there are double roots which bisection method cannot compute such roots since the function value does not change around the root !!!
M = 100 # Maximum number of iterations
eps = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the interval
delta = 1.0e-4 # Tolerance on the function
a, b = -3.0, +2.0
r,status = bisect(f3,a,b,M,eps,delta,True)
1 -5.00000000e-01 2.50000000e+00 2.89455689e-01 2 -1.75000000e+00 1.25000000e+00 4.52488254e-01 3 -2.37500000e+00 6.25000000e-01 4.75412891e-01 4 -2.06250000e+00 3.12500000e-01 4.10335430e-01 5 -2.21875000e+00 1.56250000e-01 1.10488056e-01 6 -2.29687500e+00 7.81250000e-02 1.42093933e-01 7 -2.25781250e+00 3.90625000e-02 6.27310346e-03 8 -2.23828125e+00 1.95312500e-02 5.44180845e-02 9 -2.24804688e+00 9.76562500e-03 2.46591833e-02 10 -2.25292969e+00 4.88281250e-03 9.34083833e-03 11 -2.25537109e+00 2.44140625e-03 1.57095736e-03 12 -2.25659180e+00 1.22070312e-03 2.34178305e-03 13 -2.25598145e+00 6.10351562e-04 3.83092531e-04 14 -2.25567627e+00 3.05175781e-04 5.94512219e-04 15 -2.25582886e+00 1.52587891e-04 1.05854829e-04 Interval size is below tolerance
We dont need to specify all arguments to the function as some of them have default values.
r,status = bisect(f3,a,b,debug=True)
1 -5.00000000e-01 2.50000000e+00 2.89455689e-01 2 -1.75000000e+00 1.25000000e+00 4.52488254e-01 3 -2.37500000e+00 6.25000000e-01 4.75412891e-01 4 -2.06250000e+00 3.12500000e-01 4.10335430e-01 5 -2.21875000e+00 1.56250000e-01 1.10488056e-01 6 -2.29687500e+00 7.81250000e-02 1.42093933e-01 7 -2.25781250e+00 3.90625000e-02 6.27310346e-03 8 -2.23828125e+00 1.95312500e-02 5.44180845e-02 9 -2.24804688e+00 9.76562500e-03 2.46591833e-02 10 -2.25292969e+00 4.88281250e-03 9.34083833e-03 11 -2.25537109e+00 2.44140625e-03 1.57095736e-03 12 -2.25659180e+00 1.22070312e-03 2.34178305e-03 13 -2.25598145e+00 6.10351562e-04 3.83092531e-04 14 -2.25567627e+00 3.05175781e-04 5.94512219e-04 15 -2.25582886e+00 1.52587891e-04 1.05854829e-04 Interval size is below tolerance
We have used a for
loop to perform the iterations. Modify the code to use while
loop instead.