In this notebook, we will learn about fundamental dimensionality reduction techniques that will help us to summarize the information content of a dataset by transforming it onto a new feature subspace of lower dimensionality than the original one.
The details of the dimensionality Reduction Methodology from scikit Learn can be found under:
We will look at the following models and the related concepts
# Load libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pandas import read_csv, set_option
from pandas.plotting import scatter_matrix
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
#Import Model Packages
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from numpy.linalg import inv, eig, svd
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
# load dataset
dataset = read_csv('Data_MasterTemplate.csv',index_col=0)
#Diable the warnings
import warnings
# shape
(4804, 30)
# peek at data
set_option('display.width', 100)
MMM | AXP | AAPL | BA | CAT | CVX | CSCO | KO | DIS | DWDP | ... | NKE | PFE | PG | TRV | UTX | UNH | VZ | V | WMT | WBA | |
Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
2000-01-03 | 29.847 | 35.477 | 3.531 | 26.650 | 14.561 | 21.582 | 43.004 | 16.984 | 23.522 | NaN | ... | 4.701 | 16.747 | 32.228 | 20.159 | 21.319 | 5.841 | 22.564 | NaN | 47.338 | 21.713 |
2000-01-04 | 28.661 | 34.134 | 3.233 | 26.610 | 14.372 | 21.582 | 40.577 | 17.041 | 24.900 | NaN | ... | 4.445 | 16.122 | 31.596 | 19.890 | 20.446 | 5.766 | 21.834 | NaN | 45.566 | 20.907 |
2000-01-05 | 30.122 | 33.959 | 3.280 | 28.474 | 14.914 | 22.049 | 40.895 | 17.228 | 25.782 | NaN | ... | 4.702 | 16.416 | 31.326 | 20.086 | 20.255 | 5.753 | 22.564 | NaN | 44.503 | 21.097 |
2000-01-06 | 31.877 | 33.959 | 2.996 | 28.553 | 15.459 | 22.903 | 39.782 | 17.210 | 24.900 | NaN | ... | 4.678 | 16.973 | 32.438 | 20.122 | 20.998 | 5.964 | 22.449 | NaN | 45.127 | 20.527 |
2000-01-07 | 32.510 | 34.434 | 3.138 | 29.382 | 15.962 | 23.306 | 42.129 | 18.342 | 24.506 | NaN | ... | 4.678 | 18.123 | 35.024 | 20.922 | 21.831 | 6.663 | 22.283 | NaN | 48.535 | 21.052 |
5 rows × 30 columns
# types
set_option('display.max_rows', 500)
MMM float64 AXP float64 AAPL float64 BA float64 CAT float64 CVX float64 CSCO float64 KO float64 DIS float64 DWDP float64 XOM float64 GS float64 HD float64 IBM float64 INTC float64 JNJ float64 JPM float64 MCD float64 MRK float64 MSFT float64 NKE float64 PFE float64 PG float64 TRV float64 UTX float64 UNH float64 VZ float64 V float64 WMT float64 WBA float64 dtype: object
# describe data
set_option('precision', 3)
MMM | AXP | AAPL | BA | CAT | CVX | CSCO | KO | DIS | DWDP | ... | NKE | PFE | PG | TRV | UTX | UNH | VZ | V | WMT | WBA | |
count | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 363.000 | ... | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 | 2741.000 | 4804.000 | 4804.000 |
mean | 86.769 | 49.659 | 49.107 | 85.482 | 56.697 | 61.735 | 21.653 | 24.984 | 46.368 | 64.897 | ... | 23.724 | 20.737 | 49.960 | 55.961 | 62.209 | 64.418 | 27.193 | 53.323 | 50.767 | 41.697 |
std | 53.942 | 22.564 | 55.020 | 79.085 | 34.663 | 31.714 | 10.074 | 10.611 | 32.733 | 5.768 | ... | 20.988 | 7.630 | 19.769 | 34.644 | 32.627 | 62.920 | 11.973 | 37.647 | 17.040 | 19.937 |
min | 25.140 | 8.713 | 0.828 | 17.463 | 9.247 | 17.566 | 6.842 | 11.699 | 11.018 | 49.090 | ... | 2.595 | 8.041 | 16.204 | 13.287 | 14.521 | 5.175 | 11.210 | 9.846 | 30.748 | 17.317 |
25% | 51.192 | 34.079 | 3.900 | 37.407 | 26.335 | 31.820 | 14.910 | 15.420 | 22.044 | 62.250 | ... | 8.037 | 15.031 | 35.414 | 29.907 | 34.328 | 23.498 | 17.434 | 18.959 | 38.062 | 27.704 |
50% | 63.514 | 42.274 | 23.316 | 58.437 | 53.048 | 56.942 | 18.578 | 20.563 | 29.521 | 66.586 | ... | 14.147 | 18.643 | 46.735 | 39.824 | 55.715 | 42.924 | 21.556 | 45.207 | 42.782 | 32.706 |
75% | 122.906 | 66.816 | 84.007 | 112.996 | 76.488 | 91.688 | 24.650 | 34.927 | 75.833 | 69.143 | ... | 36.545 | 25.403 | 68.135 | 80.767 | 92.557 | 73.171 | 38.996 | 76.966 | 65.076 | 58.165 |
max | 251.981 | 112.421 | 231.260 | 411.110 | 166.832 | 128.680 | 63.698 | 50.400 | 117.973 | 75.261 | ... | 85.300 | 45.841 | 98.030 | 146.564 | 141.280 | 286.330 | 60.016 | 150.525 | 107.010 | 90.188 |
8 rows × 30 columns
Taking a look at the correlation. More detailed look at the data will be performed after implementing the Dimensionality Reduction Models.
# correlation
correlation = dataset.corr()
plt.title('Correlation Matrix')
sns.heatmap(correlation, vmax=1, square=True,annot=True,cmap='cubehelix')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ecdd63bdd8>
Check for the NAs in the rows, either drop them or fill them with the mean of the column
#Checking for any null values and removing the null values'''
print('Null Values =',dataset.isnull().values.any())
Null Values = True
Getting rid of the columns with more than 30% missing values.
missing_fractions = dataset.isnull().mean().sort_values(ascending=False)
drop_list = sorted(list(missing_fractions[missing_fractions > 0.3].index))
dataset.drop(labels=drop_list, axis=1, inplace=True)
(4804, 28)
Given that there are null values drop the rown contianing the null values.
# Fill the missing values with the last value available in the dataset.
# Drop the rows containing NA
#dataset= dataset.dropna(axis=0)
# Fill na with 0
#Filling the NAs with the mean of the column.
#dataset['col'] = dataset['col'].fillna(dataset['col'].mean())
MMM | AXP | AAPL | BA | CAT | CVX | CSCO | KO | DIS | XOM | ... | MSFT | NKE | PFE | PG | TRV | UTX | UNH | VZ | WMT | WBA | |
Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
2000-01-03 | 29.847 | 35.477 | 3.531 | 26.65 | 14.561 | 21.582 | 43.004 | 16.984 | 23.522 | 23.862 | ... | 38.135 | 4.701 | 16.747 | 32.228 | 20.159 | 21.319 | 5.841 | 22.564 | 47.338 | 21.713 |
2000-01-04 | 28.661 | 34.134 | 3.233 | 26.61 | 14.372 | 21.582 | 40.577 | 17.041 | 24.900 | 23.405 | ... | 36.846 | 4.445 | 16.122 | 31.596 | 19.890 | 20.446 | 5.766 | 21.834 | 45.566 | 20.907 |
2 rows × 28 columns
All the variables should be on the same scale before applying PCA, otherwise a feature with large values will dominate the result. Below I use StandardScaler in scikit-learn to standardize the dataset’s features onto unit scale (mean = 0 and variance = 1).
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
scaler = StandardScaler().fit(dataset)
rescaledDataset = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(dataset),columns = dataset.columns, index = dataset.index)
# summarize transformed data
MMM | AXP | AAPL | BA | CAT | CVX | CSCO | KO | DIS | XOM | ... | MSFT | NKE | PFE | PG | TRV | UTX | UNH | VZ | WMT | WBA | |
Date | |||||||||||||||||||||
2000-01-03 | -1.055 | -0.629 | -0.828 | -0.744 | -1.216 | -1.266 | 2.120 | -0.754 | -0.698 | -1.493 | ... | 0.280 | -0.906 | -0.523 | -0.897 | -1.034 | -1.253 | -0.931 | -0.387 | -0.201 | -1.002 |
2000-01-04 | -1.077 | -0.688 | -0.834 | -0.744 | -1.221 | -1.266 | 1.879 | -0.749 | -0.656 | -1.515 | ... | 0.221 | -0.919 | -0.605 | -0.929 | -1.041 | -1.280 | -0.932 | -0.448 | -0.305 | -1.043 |
2 rows × 28 columns
We will look at the following Models:
The idea of principal component analysis (PCA) is to reduce the dimensionality of a dataset consisting of a large number of related variables, while retaining as much variance in the data as possible. PCA finds a set of new variables that the original variables are just their linear combinations. The new variables are called Principal Components (PCs). These principal components are orthogonal: In a 3-D case, the principal components are perpendicular to each other. X can not be represented by Y or Y cannot be presented by Z.
The cumulative plot shows a typical 'elbow' pattern that can help identify a suitable target dimensionality because it indicates that additional components add less explanatory value.
pca = PCA()
We find that the most important factor explains around 30% of the daily return variation. The dominant factor is usually interpreted as ‘the market’, whereas the remaining factors can be interpreted as industry or style factors in line with our discussion in chapters 5 and 7, depending on the results of closer inspection (see next example).
The plot on the right shows the cumulative explained variance and indicates that around 10 factors explain 60% of the returns of this large cross-section of stocks.
PrincipalComponent[:, 0]
array([-3.51727385, -3.73472763, -3.64225264, ..., 12.28734111, 12.38998517, 12.3841529 ])
array([2.35375812e+01, 1.91769936e+00, 6.96665482e-01, 6.24378183e-01, 4.31320654e-01, 1.95226727e-01, 1.18718582e-01, 1.04179884e-01, 7.38085672e-02, 5.06949081e-02, 4.62548761e-02, 3.96126584e-02, 2.55200037e-02, 2.34257762e-02, 1.75389911e-02, 1.71545445e-02, 1.48649870e-02, 1.36552429e-02, 1.01214103e-02, 8.60288882e-03, 7.68205199e-03, 6.15718683e-03, 5.48535222e-03, 4.77565112e-03, 4.68816377e-03, 4.44545487e-03, 2.87404688e-03, 2.69688798e-03])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14,4))
pd.Series(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[:NumEigenvalues]).sort_values().plot.barh(title='Explained Variance Ratio by Top Factors',ax=axes[0]);
pd.Series(pca.explained_variance_ratio_[:NumEigenvalues]).cumsum().plot(ylim=(0,1),ax=axes[1], title='Cumulative Explained Variance');
# explained_variance
pd.Series(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)).to_frame('Explained Variance_Top 5').head(5).style.format('{:,.2%}'.format)
Explained Variance_Top 5 | |
0 | 84.05% |
1 | 90.89% |
2 | 93.38% |
3 | 95.61% |
4 | 97.15% |
Eigenvectors are unit-scaled loadings; and they are the coefficients (the cosines) of orthogonal transformation (rotation) of variables into principal components or back. Therefore it is easy to compute the components' values (not standardized) with them. Besides that their usage is limited. Eigenvector value squared has the meaning of the contribution of a variable into a pr. component; if it is high (close to 1) the component is well defined by that variable alone.
Here orthonormal eigen vectors (i.e. the term Orthonormal Eigenvectors ) provides a direction and the term Square root of (Absolute Eigen values) provide the value.
Although eigenvectors and loadings are simply two different ways to normalize coordinates of the same points representing columns (variables) of the data on a biplot, it is not a good idea to mix the two terms.
loadings= (pca.components_.T*np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_)).T
topComponents = pd.DataFrame(loadings[:NumComponents], columns=rescaledDataset.columns)
eigen_Components = topComponents.div(topComponents.sum(1), axis=0)
eigen_Components.index = [f'Principal Component {i}' for i in range(1, NumComponents+1)]
np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_), layout=(int(NumComponents),1), figsize=(14,10), legend=False, sharey=True);
# plotting heatmap
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1ec82ec52e8>
pca2 = PCA(n_components=2)
projected_data = pca2.fit_transform(rescaledDataset)
(4804, 2)
This transformer performs linear dimensionality reduction by means of truncated singular value decomposition (SVD). Contrary to PCA, this estimator does not center the data before computing the singular value decomposition.
We are using the TruncatedSVD method in the scikit-learn package (Truncated-SVD is a quicker calculation, and using scikit-learn is more convenient and consistent with our usage elsewhere) to transform the full dataset into a representation using the top 300 components, thus preserving variance in the data but using fewer dimensions/features to do so. This has a similar effect to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where we represent the original data using an orthogonal set of axes rotated and aligned to the variance in the dataset.
ncomps = 20
svd = TruncatedSVD(ncomps)
svd_fit =
Y = svd.fit_transform(rescaledDataset)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14,4))
pd.Series(svd_fit.explained_variance_ratio_[:NumEigenvalues]).sort_values().plot.barh(title='Explained Variance Ratio by Top Factors',ax=axes[0]);
pd.Series(svd_fit.explained_variance_ratio_[:NumEigenvalues]).cumsum().plot(ylim=(0,1),ax=axes[1], title='Cumulative Explained Variance');
# explained_variance
pd.Series(np.cumsum(svd_fit.explained_variance_ratio_)).to_frame('Explained Variance_Top 5').head(5).style.format('{:,.2%}'.format)
Explained Variance_Top 5 | |
0 | 84.05% |
1 | 90.89% |
2 | 93.38% |
3 | 95.61% |
4 | 97.15% |
PCA applies linear transformation, which is just its limitation. Kernel PCA extends PCA to non-linearity. It first maps the original data to some nonlinear feature space (usually higher dimension), then applies PCA to extract the principal components in that space. But if all the dots are projected onto a 3D space, the result becomes linearly separable! We then apply PCA to separate the components.
kpca = KernelPCA(n_components=4, kernel='rbf', gamma=15)
kpca_transform = kpca.fit_transform(rescaledDataset)
explained_variance = np.var(kpca_transform, axis=0)
ev = explained_variance / np.sum(explained_variance)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14,4))
pd.Series(ev[:NumEigenvalues]).sort_values().plot.barh(title='Explained Variance Ratio by Top Factors',ax=axes[0]);
pd.Series(ev[:NumEigenvalues]).cumsum().plot(ylim=(0,1),ax=axes[1], title='Cumulative Explained Variance');
# explained_variance
pd.Series(ev).to_frame('Explained Variance_Top 5').head(5).style.format('{:,.2%}'.format)
Explained Variance_Top 5 | |
0 | 26.41% |
1 | 25.96% |
2 | 24.99% |
3 | 22.64% |
t-SNE models the similarities among points. How does it define similarities? First, it is defined by the Euclidean distance between point Xi and Xj. Second, it is defined as the conditional probability that “the similarity of data point i to point j is the conditional probability p that point i would pick data j as its neighbor if other neighbors were picked according to their probabilities under a Gaussian distribution.” In the following conditional expression, if point j is closer to point i than other points, it has a higher probability (notice the negative sign) to be chosen.
X_tsne = TSNE(learning_rate=100).fit_transform(rescaledDataset)
X_pca = PCA().fit_transform(rescaledDataset)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.scatter(X_tsne[:, 0], X_tsne[:, 1])
plt.scatter(X_pca[:, 0], X_pca[:, 1])
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1ec81239240>
dfsvd = pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=['c{}'.format(c) for c in range(ncomps)], index=dataset.index)
svdcols = [c for c in dfsvd.columns if c[0] == 'c']
dftsne = pd.DataFrame(X_tsne, columns=['x','y'], index=dfsvd.index)
ax = sns.lmplot('x', 'y', dftsne, fit_reg=False, size=8
Pairs-plots are a simple representation using a set of 2D scatterplots, plotting each component against another component, and coloring the datapoints according to their classification
plotdims = 5
ploteorows = 1
dfsvdplot = dfsvd[svdcols].iloc[:,:plotdims]
ax = sns.pairplot(dfsvdplot.iloc[::ploteorows,:], size=1.8)