In this case study we implement Reinforcement learning-based hedging strategy adopting the ideas presented in the paper ‘Deep Hedging_’ ( 1802.03042) by _Hans Bühler, Lukas Gonon, Josef Teichmann, Ben Wood.
We will build an optimal hedging strategy for call options by minimizing the risk adjusted PnL of a hedging.
In the Reinforcement Learning based framework for this case study, the algorithm decides the best hedging strategy for call options from the market prices of the underlying asset based on direct policy search reinforcement learning.
The key components of the Reinforcement Learning framework used for this case study are described below:
Agent: Trader or a trading agent
Action: Hedging strategy (i.e. δ1, δ2 . . , δT)
Reward function: CVaR is used as the reward function for this case study. This is a convex function and is minimized during the model training.
State: State is the representation of the current market state and relevant product state variables. The state represent the model inputs which are Stock Price Path
(i.e. S1, S2 . . , ST), strike and risk aversion parameter(α)
# Load libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import random
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
#Import Model Packages for reinforcement learning
from keras import layers, models, optimizers
from keras import backend as K
import tensorflow as tf
from collections import namedtuple, deque
#Diable the warnings
import warnings
The function below generates the monte-carlo paths for the stock price and get the option price on each of the monte-carlo path.
Simulate $N_{MC}$ stock price sample paths with $T$ steps by the classical Black-Sholes formula.
$$dS_t=\mu S_tdt+\sigma S_tdW_t\quad\quad S_{t+1}=S_te^{\left(\mu-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2\right)\Delta t+\sigma\sqrt{\Delta t}Z}$$def monte_carlo_paths(S_0, time_to_expiry, sigma, drift, seed, n_sims, n_timesteps):
Create random paths of a underlying following a browian geometric motion
S_0 = Spot at t_0
time_to_experiy = end of the timeseries (last observed time)
sigma = the volatiltiy (sigma in the geometric brownian motion)
drift = drift of the process
n_sims = number of paths to generate
n_timesteps = numbers of aquidistant time steps
a (n_timesteps x n_sims x 1) matrix
if seed > 0:
stdnorm_random_variates = np.random.randn(n_sims, n_timesteps)
S = S_0
dt = time_to_expiry / stdnorm_random_variates.shape[1]
r = drift
# See Advanced Monte Carlo methods for barrier and related exotic options by Emmanuel Gobet
S_T = S * np.cumprod(np.exp((r-sigma**2/2)*dt+sigma*np.sqrt(dt)*stdnorm_random_variates), axis=1)
return np.reshape(np.transpose(np.c_[np.ones(n_sims)*S_0, S_T]), (n_timesteps+1, n_sims, 1))
S_0 = 100
K = 100
r = 0
vol = 0.2
T = 1/12
timesteps = 30
seed = 42
n_sims = 50000
# Train the model on the path of the risk neutral measure
paths_train = monte_carlo_paths(S_0, T, vol, r, seed, n_sims, timesteps)
#Plot Paths for one simulation
plt.xlabel('Time Steps')
plt.title('Stock Price Sample Paths')
The approach used in the case study is Policy Gradient which is a type of Direct Policy Search (or policy-based) algorithm. In this approach we use LSTM model to map the state to action.
In this step we implement in the RL “Agent” class. Agent holds the variables and member functions that perform the training. An object of the “Agent” class is created using the training phase and is used for training the model. After sufficient number of iterations policy gradient model is generated. The “class” consists of two modules:
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
class Agent(object):
def __init__(self, time_steps, batch_size, features, nodes = [62,46,46,1], name='model'):
self.batch_size = batch_size #NUmber of options in a batch
self.S_t_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [time_steps, batch_size, features]) #Spot
self.K = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, batch_size) #Strike
self.alpha = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) #alpha for cVaR
S_T = self.S_t_input[-1,:,0] #Spot at time T
dS = self.S_t_input[1:, :, 0] - self.S_t_input[0:-1, :, 0] # Change in the Spot price
#dS = tf.reshape(dS, (time_steps, batch_size))
#Prepare S_t for the use in the RNN remove the last time step (at T the portfolio is zero)
S_t = tf.unstack(self.S_t_input[:-1, :,:], axis=0)
# Build the lstm
lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(n) for n in nodes])
#So the state is a convenient tensor that holds the last actual RNN state, ignoring the zeros.
#The strategy tensor holds the outputs of all cells, so it doesn't ignore the zeros.
self.strategy, state = tf.nn.static_rnn(lstm, S_t, initial_state=lstm.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32), \
self.strategy = tf.reshape(self.strategy, (time_steps-1, batch_size))
self.option = tf.maximum(S_T-self.K, 0)
self.Hedging_PnL = - self.option + tf.reduce_sum(dS*self.strategy, axis=0)
self.Hedging_PnL_Paths = - self.option + dS*self.strategy
# Calculate the CVaR for a given confidence level alpha
# Take the 1-alpha largest losses (top 1-alpha negative PnLs) and calculate the mean
CVaR, idx = tf.nn.top_k(-self.Hedging_PnL, tf.cast((1-self.alpha)*batch_size, tf.int32))
CVaR = tf.reduce_mean(CVaR)
self.train = tf.train.AdamOptimizer().minimize(CVaR)
self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
self.modelname = name
def _execute_graph_batchwise(self, paths, strikes, riskaversion, sess, epochs=1, train_flag=False):
sample_size = paths.shape[1]
idx = np.arange(sample_size)
start =
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Save the hedging Pnl for each batch
pnls = []
strategies = []
if train_flag:
for i in range(int(sample_size/batch_size)):
indices = idx[i*batch_size : (i+1)*batch_size]
batch = paths[:,indices,:]
if train_flag:#runs the train, hedging PnL and strategy using the inputs
_, pnl, strategy =[self.train, self.Hedging_PnL, self.strategy], {self.S_t_input: batch,
self.K : strikes[indices],
self.alpha: riskaversion})
pnl, strategy =[self.Hedging_PnL, self.strategy], {self.S_t_input: batch,
self.K : strikes[indices],
self.alpha: riskaversion})
#Calculate the option prive given the risk aversion level alpha
CVaR = np.mean(-np.sort(np.concatenate(pnls))[:int((1-riskaversion)*sample_size)])
if train_flag:
if epoch % 10 == 0:
print('Time elapsed:',
print('Epoch', epoch, 'CVaR', CVaR)
#Saving the model, "model.ckpt"), "model.ckpt")
return CVaR, np.concatenate(pnls), np.concatenate(strategies,axis=1)
def training(self, paths, strikes, riskaversion, epochs, session, init=True):
if init:
self._execute_graph_batchwise(paths, strikes, riskaversion, session, epochs, train_flag=True)
def predict(self, paths, strikes, riskaversion, session):
return self._execute_graph_batchwise(paths, strikes, riskaversion,session, 1, train_flag=False)
def restore(self, session, checkpoint):
self.saver.restore(session, checkpoint)
We will proceed to train the data, based on our policy based model. This will provide us with the strategy, based on the simulated price of the stock prices at the end of the day.
batch_size = 1000
features = 1
K = 100
alpha = 0.50 #risk aversion parameter for cVaR
epoch = 100 #It is set to 100, but should ideally be a high number
model_1 = Agent(paths_train.shape[0], batch_size, features, name='rnn_final')
# Training the model takes about a few minutes
start =
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Train Model, np.ones(paths_train.shape[1])*K, alpha, epoch, sess)
print('Training finished, Time elapsed:',
Time elapsed: 0:00:11.029064 Epoch 0 CVaR 3.7888103 Time elapsed: 0:02:01.549036 Epoch 10 CVaR 2.7065594 Time elapsed: 0:03:55.465211 Epoch 20 CVaR 2.6054726 Time elapsed: 0:05:48.695138 Epoch 30 CVaR 2.6241252 Time elapsed: 0:07:42.143004 Epoch 40 CVaR 2.5914657 Time elapsed: 0:09:40.278260 Epoch 50 CVaR 2.594914 Time elapsed: 0:11:42.008070 Epoch 60 CVaR 2.6521277 Time elapsed: 0:13:49.944725 Epoch 70 CVaR 2.5898495 Time elapsed: 0:15:55.188680 Epoch 80 CVaR 2.5970662 Time elapsed: 0:17:58.187328 Epoch 90 CVaR 2.6028452 Training finished, Time elapsed: 0:19:49.353047
In the testing step, we will com‐ pare the effectiveness of the hedging strategy and compare it to the delta hedging strategy based on the Black Scholes model. We first define the helper functions fol‐ lowed by the results comparison.
def BS_d1(S, dt, r, sigma, K):
return (np.log(S/K) + (r+sigma**2/2)*dt) / (sigma*np.sqrt(dt))
def BlackScholes_price(S, T, r, sigma, K, t=0):
dt = T-t
Phi = stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf
d1 = BS_d1(S, dt, r, sigma, K)
d2 = d1 - sigma*np.sqrt(dt)
return S*Phi(d1) - K*np.exp(-r*dt)*Phi(d2)
def BS_delta(S, T, r, sigma, K, t=0):
dt = T-t
d1 = BS_d1(S, dt, r, sigma, K)
Phi = stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1).cdf
return Phi(d1)
def test_hedging_strategy(deltas, paths, K, price, alpha, output=True):
S_returns = paths[1:,:,0]-paths[:-1,:,0]
hedge_pnl = np.sum(deltas * S_returns, axis=0)
option_payoff = np.maximum(paths[-1,:,0] - K, 0)
replication_portfolio_pnls = -option_payoff + hedge_pnl + price
mean_pnl = np.mean(replication_portfolio_pnls)
cvar_pnl = -np.mean(np.sort(replication_portfolio_pnls)[:int((1-alpha)*replication_portfolio_pnls.shape[0])])
if output:
print('BS price at t0:', price)
print('Mean Hedging PnL:', mean_pnl)
print('CVaR Hedging PnL:', cvar_pnl)
return (mean_pnl, cvar_pnl, hedge_pnl, replication_portfolio_pnls, deltas)
def plot_deltas(paths, deltas_bs, deltas_rnn, times=[0, 1, 5, 10, 15, 29]):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
for i, t in enumerate(times):
xs = paths[t,:,0]
ys_bs = deltas_bs[t,:]
ys_rnn = deltas_rnn[t,:]
df = pd.DataFrame([xs, ys_bs, ys_rnn]).T
#df = df.groupby(0, as_index=False).agg({1:np.mean,
# 2: np.mean})
plt.plot(df[0], df[1], df[0], df[2], linestyle='', marker='x' )
plt.legend(['BS delta', 'RNN Delta'])
plt.title('Delta at Time %i' % t)
def plot_strategy_pnl(portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6))
sns.boxplot(x=['Black-Scholes', 'RNN-LSTM-v1 '], y=[portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn])
plt.title('Compare PnL Replication Strategy')
def black_scholes_hedge_strategy(S_0, K, r, vol, T, paths, alpha, output):
bs_price = BlackScholes_price(S_0, T, r, vol, K, 0)
times = np.zeros(paths.shape[0])
times[1:] = T / (paths.shape[0]-1)
times = np.cumsum(times)
bs_deltas = np.zeros((paths.shape[0]-1, paths.shape[1]))
for i in range(paths.shape[0]-1):
t = times[i]
bs_deltas[i,:] = BS_delta(paths[i,:,0], T, r, vol, K, t)
return test_hedging_strategy(bs_deltas, paths, K, bs_price, alpha, output)
First, we compare the average PnL and the CVaR of the trading strategies assuming we can charge the Black Scholes price for the option.
For the first test set (strike 100, same drift, same vol) the results looks quite good.
S_0 = 100
K = 100
r = 0
vol = 0.2
T = 1/12
timesteps = 30
seed_test = 21122017
n_sims_test = 10000
# Monte Carlo Path for the test set
alpha = 0.99
paths_test = monte_carlo_paths(S_0, T, vol, r, seed_test, n_sims_test, timesteps)
with tf.Session() as sess:
model_1.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt')
#Using the model_1 trained in the section above
test1_results = model_1.predict(paths_test, np.ones(paths_test.shape[1])*K, alpha, sess)
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model.ckpt
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_bs, deltas_bs = black_scholes_hedge_strategy(S_0,K, r, vol, T, paths_test, alpha, True)
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_rnn, deltas_rnn = test_hedging_strategy(test1_results[2], paths_test, K, 2.302974467802428, alpha, True)
plot_deltas(paths_test, deltas_bs, deltas_rnn)
plot_strategy_pnl(portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn)
BS price at t0: 2.3029744678024286 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.0010458505607415178 CVaR Hedging PnL: 1.2447953011695538 BS price at t0: 2.302974467802428 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.0019250998451393934 CVaR Hedging PnL: 1.3832611348053374
with tf.Session() as sess:
model_1.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt')
#Using the model_1 trained in the section above
test_results_Moneyness = model_1.predict(paths_test, np.ones(paths_test.shape[1])*(K-10), alpha, sess)
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model.ckpt
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_bs, deltas_bs = black_scholes_hedge_strategy(S_0,K-10, r, vol, T, paths_test, alpha, True)
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_rnn, deltas_rnn = test_hedging_strategy(test_results_Moneyness[2], paths_test, K-10, 10.073, alpha, True)
plot_deltas(paths_test, deltas_bs, deltas_rnn)
plot_strategy_pnl(portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn)
BS price at t0: 10.07339936955367 Mean Hedging PnL: 0.0007508571761945107 CVaR Hedging PnL: 0.6977526775080665 BS price at t0: 10.073 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.038571546628968216 CVaR Hedging PnL: 3.4732447615593975
# Test set 2: Assume the drift of the underlying is 4% per month under the real world measure
paths_test_drift = monte_carlo_paths(S_0, T, vol, 0.48+r, seed_test, n_sims_test, timesteps)
with tf.Session() as sess:
model_1.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt')
#Using the model_1 trained in the section above
test_results_drift = model_1.predict(paths_test_drift, np.ones(paths_test_drift.shape[1])*K, alpha, sess)
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model.ckpt
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_bs, deltas_bs = black_scholes_hedge_strategy(S_0,K,r, vol, T, paths_test_drift, alpha, True)
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_rnn, deltas_rnn = test_hedging_strategy(test_results_drift[2], paths_test_drift, K, 2.3029, alpha, True)
plot_deltas(paths_test_drift, deltas_bs, deltas_rnn)
plot_strategy_pnl(portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn)
BS price at t0: 2.3029744678024286 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.01723902964827388 CVaR Hedging PnL: 1.2141220199385756 BS price at t0: 2.3029 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.037668804359885316 CVaR Hedging PnL: 1.357201635552361
# Test set 3: Assume the volatility is not constant and the realized volatility is 5% higher
# than the implied (historical observed) one
paths_test_vol = monte_carlo_paths(S_0, T, vol+0.05, r, seed_test, n_sims_test, timesteps)
with tf.Session() as sess:
model_1.restore(sess, 'model.ckpt')
#Using the model_1 trained in the section above
test_results_vol = model_1.predict(paths_test_vol, np.ones(paths_test_vol.shape[1])*K, alpha, sess)
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from model.ckpt
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_bs, deltas_bs = black_scholes_hedge_strategy(S_0,K, r, vol, T, paths_test_vol, alpha, True)
_,_,_,portfolio_pnl_rnn, deltas_rnn = test_hedging_strategy(test_results_vol[2], paths_test_vol, K, 2.309, alpha, True)
plot_deltas(paths_test, deltas_bs, deltas_rnn)
plot_strategy_pnl(portfolio_pnl_bs, portfolio_pnl_rnn)
BS price at t0: 2.3029744678024286 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.5787493248269506 CVaR Hedging PnL: 2.5583922824407566 BS price at t0: 2.309 Mean Hedging PnL: -0.5735181045192523 CVaR Hedging PnL: 2.835487824499669
(30, 10000)
The Policy Gradient based model is able to learn a hedging strategy for a particular option without any assumption of the underlying stochastic process.
We compare the effectiveness of the hedging strategy and compare it to the delta hedging strategy using the Black Scholes Delta. The RL based hedging strategy quite well even when the few input parameters such as risk aversion and drifts were modified. However, RL method wasn’t able to generalize the strategy for options at different moneyness levels. It demonstrates the fact that RL is a data intensive approach, and it is important to train the model with different cases, which becomes more important if model is intended to be used across wide variety of derivatives. As compared to Black Scholes model, there is a significant scope of improvement of the RL based models by training them using a wide variety of instruments with different hyperparameters. It would be interesting to analyze the comparison of the RL based model vs the traditional hedging models for exotic derivatives given the trade-off between these approaches.