Principal Component Analysis and 4.3 Clustering Analysis in Main Notebook
By Czarina Luna
# Load processed dataset
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv('data/clustering/processed.csv')
text | product | target | processed | |
0 | .@wesley83 I have a 3G iPhone. After 3 hrs twe... | iPhone | 0 | tweeting rise dead need upgrade plugin station |
1 | @jessedee Know about @fludapp ? Awesome iPad/i... | iPad or iPhone App | 2 | know awesome likely appreciate design also giv... |
2 | @swonderlin Can not wait for #iPad 2 also. The... | iPad | 2 | wait also sale |
3 | @sxsw I hope this year's festival isn't as cra... | iPad or iPhone App | 0 | hope year festival crashy year |
4 | @sxtxstate great stuff on Fri #SXSW: Marissa M... | 2 | great stuff marissa mayer reilly tech book con... |
# Create corpus of all the words
corpus = []
for sentence in data['processed'].iteritems():
word_list = sentence[1].split(" ")
import warnings
Apply Principal Component Analysis to reduce dimensionality:
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Vectorization using Word2Vec
model = Word2Vec(corpus, size=100, min_count=1)
vectors = model[model.wv.vocab]
words = list(model.wv.vocab)
# Fit PCA to word vectors
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
PCA_result = pca.fit_transform(vectors)
Word Vectors
result = pd.DataFrame(PCA_result)
result['x_values'] = result.iloc[:, 0]
result['y_values'] = result.iloc[:, 1]
PCA_data = pd.merge(pd.DataFrame(words), result, left_index=True, right_index=True)
PCA_data['word'] = PCA_data.iloc[:, 0]
PCA_data = PCA_data[['word','x_values','y_values']]
Top 100 Words:
from collections import Counter
count = Counter()
for text in data['processed'].values:
for word in text.split():
count[word] += 1
def top(n, filename):
Write here.
top = count.most_common(n)
top = pd.DataFrame(top)
top['word'] = top.iloc[:, 0]
top['count'] = top.iloc[:, 1]
df = PCA_data.merge(top[['word', 'count']], how='inner', left_on='word',right_on='word')
df.to_csv(f'data/clustering/{filename}.csv', index=False)
top(100, 'PCA_top100')
Top 1000 Words:
top(1000, 'PCA_top1000')
Clustering using Orange
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns'seaborn')
def plot(cluster):
Plots data points by cluster.
df = pd.read_csv(f'data/clustering/{cluster}.csv').drop([0,1]).reset_index(drop=True)
columns = ['x_values', 'y_values', 'count', 'Silhouette']
df[columns] = df.loc[:, columns].astype('float64')
sns.lmplot(x='x_values', y='y_values', data=df, fit_reg=False, legend=True, hue='Cluster', palette='viridis', height=6, aspect=1.5)
plt.title(f'Clustering: {cluster}', fontsize=16)
plt.savefig(f'data/images/{cluster}.png', dpi=200, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight')
# Plot clusters at k=2 to k=6
for i in range(2,7):
Word Clouds
from wordcloud import WordCloud
def wordcloud(name, cluster, bg_color=None, colormap='viridis'):
Generates wordcloud and saves image to file.
plt.title(f'{name}', fontsize=16, pad=20)
cloud = WordCloud(min_font_size=20, prefer_horizontal=1, max_words=50, random_state=1,
background_color='rgba(255,255,255,0)', mode='RGBA', colormap=colormap,
width=800, height=400).generate_from_frequencies(dict(cluster))
plt.savefig(f'data/images/{name}.png', dpi=200, transparent=True)
cluster_data = pd.read_csv(f'data/clustering/k=6.csv').drop([0,1]).reset_index(drop=True)
columns = ['x_values', 'y_values', 'count', 'Silhouette']
cluster_data[columns] = cluster_data.loc[:, columns].astype('float64')
clusters = {}
for i in range(1,7):
clusters[f'Cluster {i}'] = cluster_data.loc[cluster_data['Cluster']==f'C{i}']
%store cluster_data
Stored 'cluster_data' (DataFrame)
# Create word cloud per cluster
for key, val in clusters.items():
count = val[['word', 'count']].sort_values('count', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
frequency = []
for i in range(len(count)):
frequency.append((count.loc[i, 'word'], count.loc[i, 'count']))
wordcloud(key, frequency, colormap='PuBuGn')
Silhouette scores:
cluster_data.groupby('Cluster').agg(['count', 'mean'])['Silhouette']
count | mean | |
Cluster | ||
C1 | 1 | 0.500000 |
C2 | 544 | 0.671562 |
C3 | 8 | 0.694157 |
C4 | 112 | 0.621268 |
C5 | 60 | 0.598980 |
C6 | 275 | 0.598727 |
cluster_data.sort_values('count', ascending=False)[:20]
x_values | y_values | count | word | Cluster | Silhouette | |
71 | 4.232746 | -0.236558 | 1528.0 | store | C1 | 0.500000 |
122 | 3.200685 | 3.263005 | 683.0 | launch | C3 | 0.688537 |
124 | 3.783673 | 4.306313 | 663.0 | social | C3 | 0.702629 |
36 | 4.860034 | -0.365946 | 598.0 | android | C5 | 0.577045 |
127 | 3.717602 | 4.206253 | 587.0 | circle | C3 | 0.709477 |
129 | 3.582466 | 3.000314 | 577.0 | today | C3 | 0.684160 |
125 | 3.420786 | 4.252448 | 467.0 | network | C3 | 0.710541 |
131 | 3.671145 | -0.488340 | 448.0 | line | C5 | 0.593595 |
55 | 4.751184 | -0.324246 | 401.0 | party | C5 | 0.613791 |
12 | 4.564972 | -0.364521 | 388.0 | free | C5 | 0.616656 |
126 | 3.150755 | 4.029098 | 354.0 | called | C3 | 0.704135 |
150 | 3.845598 | -0.481109 | 350.0 | mobile | C5 | 0.617745 |
107 | 4.905951 | -0.094086 | 308.0 | like | C5 | 0.629237 |
35 | 4.422304 | -0.238994 | 306.0 | time | C5 | 0.635789 |
123 | 2.670568 | 3.579378 | 297.0 | major | C3 | 0.690126 |
66 | 4.054464 | -0.208284 | 266.0 | check | C5 | 0.643853 |
328 | 1.481872 | 0.303663 | 265.0 | temporary | C4 | 0.533009 |
173 | 1.414922 | 0.327291 | 256.0 | opening | C4 | 0.529419 |
168 | 3.046756 | -0.464477 | 255.0 | open | C5 | 0.603515 |
3 | 3.982835 | 0.020949 | 238.0 | need | C5 | 0.634428 |