--- jupytext: cell_metadata_filter: all,-hidden,-heading_collapsed,-run_control,-trusted notebook_metadata_filter: all, -jupytext.text_representation.jupytext_version, -jupytext.text_representation.format_version, -language_info.version, -language_info.codemirror_mode.version, -language_info.codemirror_mode, -language_info.file_extension, -language_info.mimetype, -toc text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 language_info: name: python nbconvert_exporter: python pygments_lexer: ipython3 rise: autolaunch: true backimage: mybackimage.png footer:

world (right aligned in css)



--- Here we have defined `header`, `footer` and `backimage` - [see also the customization doc](http://rise.readthedocs.io/en/latest/customize.html). See [this other notebook](overlay.ipynb) for a short description of how to use `overlay` instead. +++ {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} # Slide 1 in this example we have not overridden `scroll` so it means `scroll=False` regular slides (not too much content) will show up just nice +++ {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} # Slide 2 * now for a slide that has a large (high) content * because `scroll=False` we don't get to scroll vertically * we create a slide * with a rather extensive height * so as to see * if we can use `"scroll": true` in our settings * and check that the footer * does not overlap the contents * that should scroll within the available space * between header and footer * and again * we create a slide * with a rather extensive height * so as to see * if we can use `"scroll": true` in our settings * and check that the footer * does not overlap the contents * that should scroll within the available space * between header and footer * and a 3rd time * we create a slide * with a rather extensive height * so as to see * if we can use `"scroll": true` in our settings * and check that the footer * does not overlap the contents * that should scroll within the available space * between header and footer