This notebooks aggregates the deathbeds
modules into a tidy pandas.DataFrame
. That object can be used to created a structured view of the posts.
from pathlib import Path
import deathbeds
from pandas import DataFrame, Series, Index, to_datetime
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
loader = __import__('importnb').Execute(display=True);
package. modules = Series(index=Index(Path(deathbeds.__file__).parent.glob('*.ipynb')));
Convert a file path to and imported module
def file_to_module(path):
with loader:
name = path.relative_to(Path(deathbeds.__file__).parent).stem.split('.', 1)[0]
return getattr(__import__('.'.join(('deathbeds', name))), name)
__name__ != '__main__
for path in modules.index: modules.loc[path] = file_to_module(path)
df = modules.to_frame('module')
df['docstring'] = df['module'].apply(lambda x: x.__doc__)
df['name'] = df['module'].apply(lambda x: x.__name__)
df['title'] = df.docstring.str.lstrip('#').str.lstrip().apply(lambda x: x.splitlines()[0])
df['relative'] = x: f'deathbeds/{x.relative_to(Path(deathbeds.__file__).parent)}')
df['date'] = df['name'].str.split('.', 1).apply(lambda _: '-'.join(_[1].split('-', 3)[:3])).pipe(
lambda s: s[s.apply(lambda x: x[0]).str.isnumeric()]
blog_roll = Markdown(df.dropna(subset=['date']).sort_values('date', ascending=False).apply(
lambda _: f"""* ## [{_.loc['title']}]({_.loc['relative']})
> {_.loc['date'].strftime("%A %B %d, %Y")}
""", axis=1
module | docstring | name | title | relative | date | |
0 | <module 'deathbeds.2018-07-07-A-Jinja2-Templat... | # Templating input cells with [`jinja2`](http:... | deathbeds.2018-07-07-A-Jinja2-Templating-Trans... | Templating input cells with [`jinja2`](http://... | deathbeds/2018-07-07-A-Jinja2-Templating-Trans... | 2018-07-07 |
1 | <module 'deathbeds.2018-07-10-Fuzzy-importing-... | # Fuzzy File Finding\n\n`importnb` contains a ... | deathbeds.2018-07-10-Fuzzy-importing-files-wit... | Fuzzy File Finding | deathbeds/2018-07-10-Fuzzy-importing-files-wit... | 2018-07-10 |