We will now revisit the first example of this tutorial with an example that is better suited to the numerical scheme used in Devito. As a reminder, the governing equation is:
$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}+c\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + c\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} = 0$$We then discretized this using forward differences in time and backward differences in space:
$$u_{i,j}^{n+1} = u_{i,j}^n-c \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta x}(u_{i,j}^n-u_{i-1,j}^n)-c \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta y}(u_{i,j}^n-u_{i,j-1}^n)$$In the previous example, the system was initialised with a hat function. As easy as this example seems, it actually highlights a few limitations of finite differences and related methods:
In the remainder of this example, we will reproduce the results from the previous example, only this time with a smooth initial condition. This lets us observe Devito in a setting for which it is better equipped.
from examples.cfd import plot_field, init_hat, init_smooth
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
# Some variable declarations
nx = 81
ny = 81
nt = 100
c = 1.
dx = 2. / (nx - 1)
dy = 2. / (ny - 1)
sigma = .2
dt = sigma * dx
Let us now initialise the field with an infinitely smooth bump, as given by [J.A. Krakos (2012): Unsteady Adjoint Analysis for Output Sensitivity and Mesh Adaptation, PhD thesis, p. 68] as $$ f(r)= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{A}e^{-1/(r-r^2)} &\text{ for } 0 < r < 1,\\ 0 &\text{ else.} \end{cases} $$ We use this with $A=100$, and define the initial condition in two dimensions as $$u^0(x,y)=1+f\left(\frac{2}{3}x\right)*f\left(\frac{2}{3}y\right).$$
# Create field and assign initial conditions
u = np.empty((nx, ny))
init_smooth(field=u, dx=dx, dy=dy)
# Plot initial condition
plot_field(u, zmax=4)
Solving this will move the bump again.
# Repeat initialisation, so we can re-run the cell
init_smooth(field=u, dx=dx, dy=dy)
for n in range(nt + 1):
# Copy previous result into a new buffer
un = u.copy()
# Update the new result with a 3-point stencil
u[1:, 1:] = (un[1:, 1:] - (c * dt / dy * (un[1:, 1:] - un[1:, :-1])) -
(c * dt / dx * (un[1:, 1:] - un[:-1, 1:])))
# Apply boundary conditions.
# Note: -1 here is the last index in the array, not the one at x=-1 or y=-1.
u[0, :] = 1. # left
u[-1, :] = 1. # right
u[:, 0] = 1. # bottom
u[:, -1] = 1. # top
# A small sanity check for auto-testing
assert (u[45:55, 45:55] > 1.8).all()
u_ref = u.copy()
plot_field(u, zmax=4.)
Hooray, the wave moved! It looks like the solver works much better for this example: The wave has not noticeably changed its shape.
Again, we can re-create this via a Devito operator. Let's fill the initial buffer with smooth data and look at it:
from devito import Grid, TimeFunction
grid = Grid(shape=(nx, ny), extent=(2., 2.))
u = TimeFunction(name='u', grid=grid)
init_smooth(field=u.data[0], dx=dx, dy=dy)
We create again the discretized equation as shown below. Note that the equation is still the same, only the initial condition has changed.
from devito import Eq
eq = Eq(u.dt + c*u.dxl + c*u.dyl)
Eq(1.0*Derivative(u(t, x, y), x) + 1.0*Derivative(u(t, x, y), y) + Derivative(u(t, x, y), t), 0)
SymPy can re-organise this equation just like in the previous example.
from devito import solve
from sympy import nsimplify
stencil = solve(eq, u.forward)
dt*(-u(t, x, y)/h_y + u(t, x, y - h_y)/h_y - u(t, x, y)/h_x + u(t, x - h_x, y)/h_x + u(t, x, y)/dt)
We can now use this stencil expression to create an operator to apply to our data object:
from devito import Operator
# Reset our initial condition in both buffers.
# This is required to avoid 0s propagating into
# our solution, which has a background value of 1.
init_smooth(field=u.data[0], dx=dx, dy=dy)
init_smooth(field=u.data[1], dx=dx, dy=dy)
# Apply boundary conditions.
# Note that as the u.data method is from numpy, we can use the
# -1 syntax to represent the last item in the array.
u.data[:, 0, :] = 1.
u.data[:, -1, :] = 1.
u.data[:, :, 0] = 1.
u.data[:, :, -1] = 1.
# Create an Operator that updates the forward stencil
# point in the interior subdomain only.
op = Operator(Eq(u.forward, stencil, subdomain=grid.interior))
# Apply the operator for a number of timesteps
op(time=nt, dt=dt)
# Some small sanity checks for the testing framework
assert (u.data[0, 45:55, 45:55] > 1.8).all()
assert np.allclose(u.data[0], u_ref, rtol=3.e-2)
Operator `Kernel` run in 0.01 s
Again, this looks just like the result from NumPy. Since this example is just like the one before, the low-level treatment of boundaries is also unchanged.
# Reset our data field and ICs in both buffers
init_smooth(field=u.data[0], dx=dx, dy=dy)
init_smooth(field=u.data[1], dx=dx, dy=dy)
# For defining BCs, we generally to explicitly set rows/columns
# in our field using an expression. We can use Devito's "indexed"
# notation to do this. A u in this instance is a sympy function
# we cannot use the numpy shortcut u[-1] to refer to the last location:
x, y = grid.dimensions
t = grid.stepping_dim
bc_left = Eq(u[t + 1, 0, y], 1.)
bc_right = Eq(u[t + 1, nx-1, y], 1.)
bc_top = Eq(u[t + 1, x, ny-1], 1.)
bc_bottom = Eq(u[t + 1, x, 0], 1.)
# Now combine the BC expressions with the stencil to form operator.
expressions = [Eq(u.forward, stencil, subdomain=grid.interior)]
expressions += [bc_left, bc_right, bc_top, bc_bottom]
op = Operator(expressions=expressions, opt=None, openmp=False) # <-- Turn off performance optimisations
op(time=nt, dt=dt)
# Some small sanity checks for the testing framework
assert (u.data[0, 45:55, 45:55] > 1.8).all()
assert np.allclose(u.data[0], u_ref, rtol=3.e-2)
Operator `Kernel` run in 0.01 s
The C code of the Kernel is also still the same.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #define START_TIMER(S) struct timeval start_ ## S , end_ ## S ; gettimeofday(&start_ ## S , NULL); #define STOP_TIMER(S,T) gettimeofday(&end_ ## S, NULL); T->S += (double)(end_ ## S .tv_sec-start_ ## S.tv_sec)+(double)(end_ ## S .tv_usec-start_ ## S .tv_usec)/1000000; #include "stdlib.h" #include "math.h" #include "sys/time.h" struct dataobj { void *restrict data; int * size; int * npsize; int * dsize; int * hsize; int * hofs; int * oofs; } ; struct profiler { double section0; double section1; double section2; } ; int Kernel(const float dt, const float h_x, const float h_y, struct dataobj *restrict u_vec, const int i0x_ltkn, const int i0x_rtkn, const int i0y_ltkn, const int i0y_rtkn, const int time_M, const int time_m, const int x_M, const int x_m, const int y_M, const int y_m, struct profiler * timers) { float (*restrict u)[u_vec->size[1]][u_vec->size[2]] __attribute__ ((aligned (64))) = (float (*)[u_vec->size[1]][u_vec->size[2]]) u_vec->data; for (int time = time_m, t0 = (time)%(2), t1 = (time + 1)%(2); time <= time_M; time += 1, t0 = (time)%(2), t1 = (time + 1)%(2)) { /* Begin section0 */ START_TIMER(section0) for (int i0x = i0x_ltkn + x_m; i0x <= -i0x_rtkn + x_M; i0x += 1) { for (int i0y = i0y_ltkn + y_m; i0y <= -i0y_rtkn + y_M; i0y += 1) { u[t1][i0x + 1][i0y + 1] = dt*(1.0F*u[t0][i0x + 1][i0y]/h_y - 1.0F*u[t0][i0x + 1][i0y + 1]/h_y + 1.0F*u[t0][i0x][i0y + 1]/h_x - 1.0F*u[t0][i0x + 1][i0y + 1]/h_x + u[t0][i0x + 1][i0y + 1]/dt); } } STOP_TIMER(section0,timers) /* End section0 */ /* Begin section1 */ START_TIMER(section1) for (int y = y_m; y <= y_M; y += 1) { u[t1][1][y + 1] = 1.00000000000000F; u[t1][81][y + 1] = 1.00000000000000F; } STOP_TIMER(section1,timers) /* End section1 */ /* Begin section2 */ START_TIMER(section2) for (int x = x_m; x <= x_M; x += 1) { u[t1][x + 1][81] = 1.00000000000000F; u[t1][x + 1][1] = 1.00000000000000F; } STOP_TIMER(section2,timers) /* End section2 */ } return 0; }