F# is an open-source, cross-platform functional programming language for .NET.
F# has features and idioms to support functional programming while also offering clean interop with C# and existing .NET codebases and systems. It can use anything in the NuGet ecosystem, as this notebook will also demonstrate.
Let's start with some simple arithmetic:
(12/4 + 5 + 7) * 4 - 18
Arithmetic is nice, but there's so much more you can do. Here's how you can generate some data using the [start .. end]
range syntax:
let numbers = [0 .. 10]
You can use slices with the .[start .. end]
syntax to slice a subset of the data you just generated:
// Take the numbers from 2nd index to the 5th
And you can use indexer syntax (.[index]
) to access a single value:
Since F# is a functional language, functions are one of the first things to learn. You do that with the let
keyword. F#, like Python, uses indentation to define code blocks:
let sampleFunction x =
2*x*x - 5*x + 3
F# uses type inference to figure out types for you. But if needed, you can specify types explicitly:
let sampleFunction' (x: int) =
2*x*x - 5*x + 3
When calling F# functions, parentheses are optional:
sampleFunction 5
sampleFunction' 12
You can define and compose F# functions easily:
let negate x = -x
let square x = x * x
let print x = printfn "The number is %d" x
let squareNegateThenPrint x =
print (negate (square x))
squareNegateThenPrint 5
The pipeline operator |>
is used extensively in F# code to chain functions and arguments together. It helps readability when building functional "pipelines":
// Redefine the function with pipelines
let squareNegateThenPrint x =
|> square
|> negate
|> print
squareNegateThenPrint 5
Strings in F# use "
quotations. You can concatenate them with the +
let s1 = "Hello"
let s2 = "World"
s1 + ", " + s2 + "!"
You can use triple-quoted strings ("""
) if you want to have a string that contains quotes:
"""A triple-quoted string can contain quotes "like this" anywhere within it"""
Tuples are simple combinations of data items into a single value. The following defines a tuple of an integer, string, and double:
(1, "fred", Math.PI)
You can also create struct
tuples when you have performance-sensitive environments:
struct (1, Math.PI)
Lists are linear sequences of values of the same type. In fact, you've already seen them above when we generated some numbers!
[0 .. 10]
You can use list comprehensions to generate more advanced data programmatically:
let thisYear = DateTime.Now.Year
let fridays =
for month in 1 .. 10 do
for day in 1 .. DateTime.DaysInMonth(thisYear, month) do
let date = DateTime(thisYear, month, day)
if date.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday then
// Get the first five fridays of this year
|> List.take 5
Since you can slice lists, the first five fridays could also be done like this:
Arrays are very similar to lists. A key difference is that array internals are mutable. They also have better performance characteristics than lists.
let firstTwoHundred = [| 1 .. 200 |]
Processing lists and arrays is typically done by built-in and custom functions:
// Filter the previous list of numbers and sum their squares.
|> Array.filter (fun x -> x % 3 = 0)
|> Array.sumBy (fun x -> x * x)
Although F# is succinct, it actually uses static typing! Types are central to F# programming, especially when you want to model more complicated data to manipulate later in a program.
Record types are used to combine different kinds of data into an aggregate. They cannot be null
and come with default comparison and equality.
type ContactCard =
{ Name: string
Phone: string
ZipCode: string }
// Create a new record
{ Name = "Alf"; Phone = "(555) 555-5555"; ZipCode = "90210" }
In this notebook environment, records print with a table-like output by default.
You can access record labels with .
let alf = { Name = "Alf"; Phone = "(555) 555-5555"; ZipCode = "90210" }
Records are comparable and equatable:
// Create another record
let ralph = { Name = "Ralph"; Phone = "(123) 456-7890"; ZipCode = "90210" }
// Check if they're equal
alf = ralph
You'll find yourself writing functions that operate on records all the time:
let showContactCard contact =
contact.Name + " - Phone: " + contact.Phone + ", Zip: " + contact.ZipCode
showContactCard alf
Discriminated Unions (often called DUs) provide support for values that can be one of a number of named cases. These cases can be completely different from one another.
In the following example, we combine records with a discriminated union:
type Shape =
| Rectangle of width: float * length: float
| Circle of radius: float
| Prism of width: float * height: float * faces: int
let rect = Rectangle(length = 1.3, width = 10.0)
let circ = Circle (1.0)
let prism = Prism(width = 5.0, height = 2.0, faces = 3)
The best way to work with DUs is pattern matching. Using the previously-defined type definitions, we can model getting the height of a shape.
let height shape =
match shape with
| Rectangle(width = h) -> h
| Circle(radius = r) -> 2.0 * r
| Prism(height = h) -> h
let rectHeight = height rect
let circHeight = height circ
let prismHeight = height prism
printfn "rect is %0.1f, circ is %0.1f, and prism is %0.1f" rectHeight circHeight prismHeight
You can pattern match on more than just discriminated unions. Here we write a recursive function with rec
to process lists:
// See if x is a multiple of n
let isPrimeMultiple n x =
x = n || x % n <> 0
// Process lists recursively.
// '[]' means the empty list.
// 'head' is an item in the list.
// 'tail' is the rest of the list after 'head'.
let rec removeMultiples ns xs =
match ns with
| [] -> xs
| head :: tail ->
|> List.filter (isPrimeMultiple head)
|> removeMultiples tail
let getPrimesUpTo n =
let max = int (sqrt (float n))
removeMultiples [2 .. max] [1 .. n]
// Primes up to 25
getPrimesUpTo 25
A built-in DU type is the F# option type. It is used prominently in F# code. Options can either be Some
or None
, and they're best used when you want to account for when there may not be a value.
let keepIfPositive a =
if a > 0 then
Some a
keepIfPositive 12
Options are often used when searching for values. Here's how you can incorporate them into list processing:
let rec tryFindMatch predicate lst =
match lst with
| [] -> None
| head :: tail ->
if predicate head then
Some head
tryFindMatch predicate tail
let greaterThan100 x = x > 100
tryFindMatch greaterThan100 [25; 50; 100; 150; 200]
For more CPU-intensive tasks, you can take advantage of built-in parallelism:
let bigArray = [| 0 .. 100_000 |]
let rec fibonacci n = if n <= 2 then n else fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)
// We'll use the '%A' print formatter for F# constructs for these results, since they are enormous
let results =
|> Array.Parallel.map (fun n -> fibonacci (n % 25))
printfn "%A" results
Because F# functions are first-class values, you can trivially do things like initialize expensive functions in parallel with the Array.Parallel
module. This is quite common in numerics-intensive F# code.
Here's an example where you can compute as many fibonacci numbers as there are threads in your current process. The #!time
magic command shows the wall-clock time it took to perform the operation:
// Restrict the number of threads to a max of 25
let nThreads = min 25 Environment.ProcessorCount
Array.Parallel.init nThreads fibonacci
It's also worth noting how much faster the second cell ran than the first one. This is because it doesn't use call printfn
with the %A
formatter. Although this kind of formatting is very convenient in F#, it comes at a performance cost!
There are a lot of learning resources for F# that go far beyond this notebook.
Check out the F# docs homepage for an organized set of learning material.
To learn more about using F# with this Jupyter kernel, we recommmend the following notebooks:
For more advanced samples, check out the following: