I'm part of an online community that's based out of Boston of programmers and data scientists (among others). Each new member writes a short introduction of themselves when they join, generally a few words about what they do, what tools they use, etc. That got me interested in doing a bit of analysis on this modest data set. In particular I thought it would be cool to see what keywords are associated with each other the most, maybe in a nice visualization. And we can settle, once and for all, whether love is more closely tied with Python or R (obviously, if you're reading this, you know the correct answer).
I'm not including the dataset I used due to the fact that it's a private group, but you could follow along with any set of data that looks like this:
name1: blah blah blah technology blah computers ...
name2: lorem ipsum bacon ...
with open('Member_Intros-May-2018.txt', encoding='utf-8') as f:
raw = f.read()
intros = {}
for intro in raw.split('\n\n'):
l = intro.split(':')
text = ':'.join(l[1:])
intros[l[0]] = text.replace('/', ' ').replace('.', ' ').replace('-', ' ')
print("Number of intros: ", len(intros))
print("Average intro length (words): ", int(sum([len(intro.split(' ')) for intro in intros.values()]) / len(intros)))
print("Average intro length (chars): ", int(sum([len(intro) for intro in intros.values()]) / len(intros)))
Number of intros: 175 Average intro length (words): 75 Average intro length (chars): 398
Without any processing, Bacon
, bacon
, bacon"
, and bacon”
are all different words. So let's fix that.
def clean_word(word):
for c in '(){}[]./,;!:\'"’…“”*?':
word = word.replace(c, '')
return word.lower()
intro_freq = {}
cleaned_intros = {}
for name,intro in intros.items():
cleaned_intro = set()
for word in intro.split(' '):
cleaned = clean_word(word).lower()
if cleaned not in intro_freq:
intro_freq[cleaned] = 0
intro_freq[cleaned] += 1
cleaned_intros[name] = cleaned_intro
We'll use Pandas as a convenient way of storing this word frequency dictionary.
import pandas
s = pandas.Series(intro_freq)
Here are all the words that occur at least 50 times.
s[(s > 50)].sort_values(ascending=False)
1058 and 448 i 425 a 366 to 348 in 326 the 303 im 240 data 183 of 180 for 179 at 175 my 139 with 124 on 108 am 101 is 95 work 94 hi 84 all 82 science 76 have 71 as 67 that 66 from 60 everyone 59 but 58 working 54 currently 52 dtype: int64
I made this list from looking at the most commonly-used words (>= 15 occurances) and cutting out any words I wasn't interested in.
subset = ['analysis',
Format for the dict:
{ word: {count:int, freq:{word2:getCooccuranceFreq(word,word2), ...}}, ...}
def getWordsDict(subset):
words = {}
for word in subset:
words[word] = {'count':0, 'freq':{}}
for name,intro in cleaned_intros.items():
if word in intro:
words[word]['count'] += 1
for comp_word in subset:
if comp_word != word:
if comp_word in intro:
if comp_word not in words[word]['freq']:
words[word]['freq'][comp_word] = 0
words[word]['freq'][comp_word] += 1
return words
words = getWordsDict(subset)
This is a measurement I came up with to determine how closely two words are related in a way that's bi-directional (i.e. the same for both words). It's just the number of intros that both words appear in, divided by the number that either occurs in.
def getCooccuranceFreq(word1, word2, words):
if word1 == word2:
return 1
if word1 not in words or word2 not in words or word2 not in words[word1]['freq']:
return 0
# subtract the freq in the denominator so we don't double-count the intros both appear in
return words[word1]['freq'][word2] / (words[word1]['count'] + words[word2]['count'] - words[word1]['freq'][word2])
And now we're ready to find out whether we love Python or R more! We'll just look up the co-occurance frequency of "love" with all the other keywords.
comp_word = 'love'
for word in subset:
print(f'{comp_word} <==> {word:15} {int(10000*getCooccuranceFreq(comp_word, word, words))/100} %')
love <==> analysis 8.82 % love <==> analytics 7.69 % love <==> boston 5.0 % love <==> community 12.12 % love <==> computer 2.77 % love <==> data 13.76 % love <==> engineer 4.87 % love <==> engineering 5.55 % love <==> learn 2.85 % love <==> learning 8.69 % love <==> love 100.0 % love <==> machine 2.77 % love <==> phd 0.0 % love <==> python 15.21 % love <==> r 16.0 % love <==> research 10.0 % love <==> science 8.45 % love <==> scientist 12.19 % love <==> software 2.12 % love <==> startup 5.71 % love <==> tech 4.16 %
Looks like "R" has a slightly higher co-occurance with "love", within a percent of "Python". Obviously, this merely indicates that our dataset is not robust enough. Something something error margin. Also, you gotta enjoy the fact that the only term not at all associated with "love" is "PhD".
Cool, we're ready to make a visualization! We have a bunch of objects in a set with relations to many other objects in that set, so we're obviously making a network graph.
Since complete graphs (where every node is connected to every other node) aren't terribly useful for visualizations, we're going to ignore co-occurances of keywords below a threshold.
import networkx as nx
def makeGraph(subset, words, edge_threshold=0.1):
G = nx.Graph()
for word in subset:
for i in range(len(subset)):
word = subset[i]
for j in range(i, len(subset)):
word2 = subset[j]
if word != word2 and getCooccuranceFreq(word, word2, words) > edge_threshold:
G.add_edge(word, word2, weight=getCooccuranceFreq(word, word2, words))
return G
G = makeGraph(subset, words)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-7-2daa62c0468c> in <module>() 10 G.add_edge(word, word2, weight=getCooccuranceFreq(word, word2, words)) 11 return G ---> 12 G = makeGraph(subset, words) NameError: name 'subset' is not defined
We'll make the sizes of the nodes proportional to the number of intros that keyword appears in, and make the edge weight proportional to the co-occurance frequency. And for legibility, we'll make the edges one of 4 shades of green.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def drawGraph(G, words):
sizes = [words[word]['count']*40 for word in G.nodes()]
weights = [getCooccuranceFreq(word1,word2, words)*30 for word1,word2 in G.edges()]
edge_colors = ["#9ED78F", "#6CB359", "#256B12", "#0F4700"] * len(G.edges())
edge_colors = edge_colors[:len(G.edges())]
layout = nx.spring_layout(G, k=0.2)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, layout, node_color="#9576AB", node_size=sizes)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, layout, edge_color=edge_colors, width=weights, alpha=0.75)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, layout, font_size=14)
drawGraph(G, words)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-6-692244b455b9> in <module>() 12 13 plt.axis('off') ---> 14 drawGraph(G, words) 15 plt.show() NameError: name 'G' is not defined
We can try a different set of keywords and see what kind of graph it produces:
subset = [ 'boston',
words = getWordsDict(subset)
G = makeGraph(subset, words, edge_threshold=0.05)
drawGraph(G, words)
Thanks for reading!