import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
away_data = pd.read_csv('', skiprows=2)
home_data = pd.read_csv('', skiprows=2)
locs_home = np.array([np.asarray(home_data.iloc[:,range(3 + j*2,3 + j*2 +2)]) for j in range(14)]) * np.array([105,68])
locs_away = np.array([np.asarray(away_data.iloc[:,range(3 + j*2,3 + j*2 +2)]) for j in range(14)]) * np.array([105,68])
locs_ball = np.asarray(home_data.iloc[:,range(31,33)]) * np.array([105,68])
tt = home_data['Time [s]']
event_data = pd.read_csv('')
Precompute required pitch control quantities for all frames simultaneously. Mostly correspond to quantities in appendix of paper, should be clear from variable names what corresponds to what.
jitter = 1e-12 # to avoid division by zero when players are standing still
# GPU versions of data
xy_home = torch.Tensor(locs_home).cuda()
xy_away = torch.Tensor(locs_away).cuda()
xy_ball = torch.Tensor(locs_ball).cuda()
ttt = torch.Tensor(tt).cuda()
# x & y velocity components
dt = ttt[1:] - ttt[:-1]
sxy_home = (xy_home[:,1:,:] - xy_home[:,:-1,:])/dt[:,None] + jitter
sxy_away = (xy_away[:,1:,:] - xy_away[:,:-1,:])/dt[:,None] + jitter
# velocities
s_home = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(sxy_home**2,2))
s_away = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(sxy_away**2,2))
# angles of travel
theta_home = torch.acos(sxy_home[:,:,0] / s_home)
theta_away = torch.acos(sxy_away[:,:,0] / s_away)
# means for player influence functions
mu_home = xy_home[:,:-1,:] + 0.5*sxy_home
mu_away = xy_away[:,:-1,:] + 0.5*sxy_away
# proportion of max. speed
Srat_home = torch.min((s_home / 13.0)**2,torch.Tensor([1]).cuda())
Srat_away = torch.min((s_away / 13.0)**2,torch.Tensor([1]).cuda())
# influence radius
Ri_home = torch.min(4 + torch.sqrt(torch.sum((xy_ball - xy_home)**2,2))**3 / 972,torch.Tensor([10]).cuda())
Ri_away = torch.min(4 + torch.sqrt(torch.sum((xy_ball - xy_away)**2,2))**3 / 972,torch.Tensor([10]).cuda())
# inverses of covariance matrices -- Sigma^{-1} = RS^{-1}S^{-1}R^T. only need RS^{-1} to evaluate gaussian.
RSinv_home = torch.Tensor(s_home.shape[0],s_home.shape[1],2,2).cuda()
RSinv_away = torch.Tensor(s_home.shape[0],s_home.shape[1],2,2).cuda()
S1_home = 2 / ((1+Srat_home) * Ri_home[:,:-1])
S2_home = 2 / ((1-Srat_home) * Ri_home[:,:-1])
S1_away = 2 / ((1+Srat_away) * Ri_away[:,:-1])
S2_away = 2 / ((1-Srat_away) * Ri_away[:,:-1])
RSinv_home[:,:,0,0] = S1_home * torch.cos(theta_home)
RSinv_home[:,:,1,0] = S1_home * torch.sin(theta_home)
RSinv_home[:,:,0,1] = - S2_home * torch.sin(theta_home)
RSinv_home[:,:,1,1] = S2_home * torch.cos(theta_home)
RSinv_away[:,:,0,0] = S1_away * torch.cos(theta_away)
RSinv_away[:,:,1,0] = S1_away * torch.sin(theta_away)
RSinv_away[:,:,0,1] = - S2_away * torch.sin(theta_away)
RSinv_away[:,:,1,1] = S2_away * torch.cos(theta_away)
# denominators for individual player influence functions (see eq 1 in paper). Note the normalising factors for the multivariate normal distns (eq 12)
#cancel, so don't need to bother computing them.
denominators_h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(((xy_home[:,:-1,None,:] - mu_home[:,:,None,:]).matmul(RSinv_home))**2,-1))
denominators_a = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(((xy_away[:,:-1,None,:] - mu_away[:,:,None,:]).matmul(RSinv_away))**2,-1))
# set up query points for evaluating pitch control
n_grid_points_x = 50
n_grid_points_y = 30
xy_query = torch.stack([torch.linspace(0,105,n_grid_points_x).cuda().repeat(n_grid_points_y),torch.repeat_interleave(torch.linspace(0,68,n_grid_points_y).cuda(),n_grid_points_x)],1)
Now we can compute the pitch control at the query points for whichever frames we care about. There might be a memory error if you use a finer grid of query points, but we can process the whole match under the current settings. If there's a memory error, try reducing the batch size.
# specify frames of interest
first_frame = 0
n_frames = sxy_home.shape[1]
# add some dimensions to query array for broadcasting purposes
xyq = xy_query[None,None,:,:]
pitch_control = torch.Tensor(n_frames,xy_query.shape[0]).cuda()
#batch_size sets number of frames to be processed at once. decrease if there's a cuda memory error.
batch_size = 2000
for f in range(int(n_frames/batch_size) + 1):
# subtract means from query points
xminmu_h = mu_home[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),None,:] - xyq
# multiply (mu - x) obtained above by RS^{-1}
mm_h = xminmu_h.matmul(RSinv_home[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:,:])
infl_h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(mm_h**2,-1))
infl_h = infl_h / denominators_h[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:]
xminmu_a = mu_away[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),None,:] - xyq
mm_a = xminmu_a.matmul(RSinv_away[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:,:])
infl_a = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(mm_a**2,-1))
infl_a = infl_a / denominators_a[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:]
isnan_h = torch.isnan(infl_h)
isnan_a = torch.isnan(infl_a)
infl_h[isnan_h] = 0
infl_a[isnan_a] = 0
pitch_control[(f*batch_size):(np.minimum((f+1)*batch_size,int(n_frames))),:] = torch.sigmoid(torch.sum(infl_h,0) - torch.sum(infl_a,0))
# specify frames of interest
first_frame = 0
n_frames = sxy_home.shape[1]
return_pcpp = False
# add some dimensions to query array for broadcasting purposes
xyq = xy_query[None,None,:,:]
pitch_control = torch.Tensor(n_frames,xy_query.shape[0]).cuda()
if return_pcpp:
pcpp = torch.Tensor(28,n_frames,xy_query.shape[0]).cuda()
#batch_size sets number of frames to be processed at once. decrease if there's a cuda memory error.
batch_size = 1000
for f in range(int(n_frames/batch_size) + 1):
# subtract means from query points
xminmu_h = mu_home[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),None,:] - xyq
# multiply (mu - x) obtained above by RS^{-1}
mm_h = xminmu_h.matmul(RSinv_home[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:,:])
infl_h = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(mm_h**2,-1))
infl_h = infl_h / denominators_h[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:]
xminmu_a = mu_away[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),None,:] - xyq
mm_a = xminmu_a.matmul(RSinv_away[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:,:])
infl_a = torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.sum(mm_a**2,-1))
infl_a = infl_a / denominators_a[:,(first_frame + f*batch_size):(np.minimum(first_frame + (f+1)*batch_size,int(first_frame + n_frames))),:]
isnan_h = torch.isnan(infl_h)
isnan_a = torch.isnan(infl_a)
infl_h[isnan_h] = 0
infl_a[isnan_a] = 0
## rather than putting influence functions through a sigmoid function, just set individual player's control over a location to be
## their proportion of the total influence at that location.
pc =[infl_h,infl_a]) / torch.sum([infl_h,infl_a]),0)
if return_pcpp:
pcpp[:,(f*batch_size):(np.minimum((f+1)*batch_size,int(n_frames))),:] = pc
## the home team's control over a location is then just the sum of this new per-player control over all players from the home team.
pitch_control[(f*batch_size):(np.minimum((f+1)*batch_size,int(n_frames))),:] = torch.sum(pc[0:14],0)
Optionally, you can increase the resolution using bicubic interpolation. You might lose a bit of accuracy, but it's a lot faster than computing pitch control explicitly on a finer grid. Again, you might need to play with the batch size to avoid memory errors if you push the resolution higher.
pc = pitch_control.reshape(pitch_control.shape[0],n_grid_points_y,n_grid_points_x)
#upsample resolution to 105x68
n_interp_x = 105
n_interp_y = 68
#pre-allocate tensor containing upsampled pitch control maps
pc_int = torch.Tensor(pc.shape[0],1,n_interp_y,n_interp_x)
batch_size = 20000
for f in range(int(n_frames/batch_size) + 1):
pc_int[(f*batch_size):(np.minimum((f+1)*batch_size,int(n_frames)))] = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(
import pickle
xTMap = torch.tensor(pickle.load(open('xTMap.p','rb'))).cuda()
xTMap_interp = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(xTMap[None,None,:,:],(n_grid_points_y,n_grid_points_x),mode='bilinear')
xTflipped = torch.flip(xTMap_interp[0,0],[0,1])
expected_threat = xTMap_interp[0,0].reshape((1,-1))
expected_threat_away = xTflipped.reshape((1,-1))
second_half_start_frame = event_data.loc[list(event_data.loc[:,'Period']).index(2),'Start Frame']
# flip direction of play in second half, so home team is always playing left to right
pitch_control[second_half_start_frame:] = torch.flip(pitch_control[second_half_start_frame:],[0,1])
passes_only = event_data[event_data.Type == 'PASS']
team_passes = np.array(passes_only.Team)
poss_change_idx = np.where(team_passes[:-1] != team_passes[1:])[0]
poss_change_frames = np.r_[0,np.array(passes_only.iloc[poss_change_idx+1,4])-1,pitch_control.shape[0]-1]
first_team = team_passes[0]
cur_team = 1 if first_team == 'Away' else 0
team_in_poss = torch.zeros(pitch_control.shape[0]).cuda()
for j in range(len(poss_change_frames)-1):
team_in_poss[poss_change_frames[j]:poss_change_frames[j+1]] = cur_team
cur_team = (cur_team + 1)%2
xTweights = expected_threat * (1 - team_in_poss)[:,None] + expected_threat_away * team_in_poss[:,None]
pitch_control_possession = team_in_poss[:,None] *(team_in_poss[:,None] - pitch_control) - (team_in_poss[:,None] - 1) * pitch_control
weighted_pitch_control = pitch_control_possession * xTweights
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: Default upsampling behavior when mode=bilinear is changed to align_corners=False since 0.4.0. Please specify align_corners=True if the old behavior is desired. See the documentation of nn.Upsample for details. "See the documentation of nn.Upsample for details.".format(mode))
transition_layer = torch.exp( - torch.sqrt(torch.sum((xy_query[None,:,:] - xy_ball[:-1,None,:]) ** 2,axis = 2)) / (2*14))
transition_layer = transition_layer / transition_layer.sum(1,True)
weighted_pitch_control = weighted_pitch_control * transition_layer
weighted_pitch_control = torch.max(weighted_pitch_control,torch.zeros_like(weighted_pitch_control))
Here's a way to plot the results using matplotlib. We need to install Tom Decroos's matplotsoccer first. I've basically copied Rob Hickman's ggplot version of this as far as design goes.
!pip install matplotsoccer
Collecting matplotsoccer Downloading Building wheels for collected packages: matplotsoccer Building wheel for matplotsoccer ( ... done Created wheel for matplotsoccer: filename=matplotsoccer-0.0.8-cp36-none-any.whl size=5984 sha256=61350904fb17ac6716c250bfa180d56b9ec2a14745b848f60f8a8a3ffa8c29ca Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/69/af/8d/ee61635d6f863657abe8cd0c22622c408a4b980d5af1974f1f Successfully built matplotsoccer Installing collected packages: matplotsoccer Successfully installed matplotsoccer-0.0.8
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation
from matplotsoccer import field
from IPython.core.display import HTML
xx = np.linspace(0,105,n_grid_points_x)
yy = np.linspace(0,68,n_grid_points_y)
locs_ball_reduced = locs_ball[first_frame:(first_frame + n_frames),:]
locs_home_reduced = locs_home[:,first_frame:(first_frame + n_frames),:]
locs_away_reduced = locs_away[:,first_frame:(first_frame + n_frames),:]
first_frame_to_plot = 24000
n_frames_to_plot = 500
fig, ax=plt.subplots()
field(ax=ax,show = False)
ball_points = ax.scatter(locs_ball_reduced[first_frame_to_plot,0],locs_ball_reduced[first_frame_to_plot,1],color = 'black',zorder = 15, s = 16)
ball_points2 = ax.scatter(locs_ball_reduced[first_frame_to_plot,0],locs_ball_reduced[first_frame_to_plot,1],color = 'white',zorder = 15, s = 9)
home_points = ax.scatter(locs_home_reduced[:,first_frame_to_plot,0],locs_home_reduced[:,first_frame_to_plot,1],color = 'red',zorder = 10)
away_points = ax.scatter(locs_away_reduced[:,first_frame_to_plot,0],locs_away_reduced[:,first_frame_to_plot,1],color = 'blue',zorder = 10)
p = [ax.contourf(xx,
extent = (0,105,0,68),
levels = np.linspace(0,1,100),
cmap = 'coolwarm')]
def update(i):
fr = i + first_frame_to_plot
for tp in p[0].collections:
p[0] = ax.contourf(xx,
extent = (0,105,0,68),
levels = np.linspace(0,1,100),
cmap = 'coolwarm')
return p[0].collections + [ball_points,home_points,away_points]
ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=n_frames_to_plot,
interval=40, blit=True, repeat=False)
Here's a plot of the results for a single frame. Pretty much just to try out plotly. Almost definitely not the best way to do it, but there are maybe nice interactive things you could build on top of it.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
xx = np.linspace(0,105,n_grid_points_x)
yy = np.linspace(0,68,n_grid_points_y)
frame_to_plot = 2154
pl_ocean=[[0, '#ff9900'],
[0.25, '#ffcc66'],
[0.5, '#FFFFFF'],
[0.75, '#9999ff'],
[1, '#6666ff']]
fig = go.Figure(go.Contour(x=xx, y=yy,z = pitch_control[frame_to_plot].reshape(n_grid_points_y,n_grid_points_x).cpu().numpy(),
colorscale = pl_ocean,
contours = dict(start=0,
line_width = 0))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_home[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,0], y=locs_home[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = '#000066',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_away[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,0], y=locs_away[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = '#b34700',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],0], y=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = 'black',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],0], y=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = 'white',
size = 5)))
fig.update_layout(title="Pitch Control",
plot_bgcolor = 'white')
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,showticklabels=False)
fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,showticklabels=False)
The following cell plots the pitch control for a single player in a single frame -- you need to have set return_pcpp to True in the modified wide open spaces cell above to get the pitch control per player.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
xx = np.linspace(0,105,n_grid_points_x)
yy = np.linspace(0,68,n_grid_points_y)
frame_to_plot = 110
player_to_plot = 18
pl_ocean=[[0, '#ff9900'],
[0.25, '#ffcc66'],
[0.5, '#FFFFFF'],
[0.75, '#9999ff'],
[1, '#6666ff']]
fig = go.Figure(go.Contour(x=xx, y=yy,z = pcpp[player_to_plot,frame_to_plot].reshape(n_grid_points_y,n_grid_points_x).cpu().numpy(),
colorscale = pl_ocean,
contours = dict(start=0,
line_width = 0))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_home[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,0], y=locs_home[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = '#000066',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_away[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,0], y=locs_away[:,first_frame + frame_to_plot,1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = '#b34700',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],0], y=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = 'black',
size = 10)))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],0], y=locs_ball[[first_frame + frame_to_plot],1],
showlegend = False,
marker = dict(color = 'white',
size = 5)))
fig.update_layout(title="Pitch Control",
plot_bgcolor = 'white')
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,showticklabels=False)
fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=False, zeroline=False,showticklabels=False)