# Authorize access to Google Drive
from google.colab import drive, auth
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import os
import re
from string import capwords
# Filepaths
root = '/content/drive/MyDrive/TCC (Transportation Choices Coalition)/'
data_dir = root + 'Data/'
cad_dir = data_dir + '2022-11-28 - Snohomish County 911 (SNO911) public records - CAD logs/'
# Load files
filenames = os.listdir(cad_dir)
data = []
for fn in filenames:
with open(cad_dir + fn, 'r') as file:
data_this = file.read()
# Extract data fields
output = pd.DataFrame()
for fn_idx, fn in enumerate(filenames):
cfs = re.compile(r"Call For Service Detail Report - CFS ([0-9]+)\n")
cfs_matches = np.array(cfs.findall(data[fn_idx]))
this_output = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(len(cfs_matches)),data={'CFS':cfs_matches})
this_output['Filename'] = fn
address = re.compile(r"Address\n\n(.+)\n\n")
address_matches = address.findall(data[fn_idx])
this_output['Original address'] = [capwords(s) for s in address_matches]
this_output[['Original address','Town/city']] = \
this_output['Original address'].str.split(', ',expand=True)
this_output[['Primary street','Cross street']] = \
this_output['Original address'].str.split('@ ',expand=True)
this_output.loc[~this_output['Original address'].str.contains('@'),'Address'] = \
this_output.loc[~this_output['Original address'].str.contains('@'),'Primary street']
this_output.loc[~this_output['Original address'].str.contains('@'),'Primary street'] = ''
this_output.loc[this_output['Address'].isnull(),'Address'] = ''
date = re.compile(r"Create Date\n\n(.+) (.+ .+)\n\n")
date_matches = date.findall(data[fn_idx])
date_matches_dist = []
date_match_idx = 0
for sub_cad_log in data[fn_idx].split('Call For Service Detail Report - CFS')[1:]:
if date_match_idx >= len(date_matches):
elif (date_matches[date_match_idx][0] in sub_cad_log) and \
(date_matches[date_match_idx][1] in sub_cad_log):
date_match_idx += 1
this_output['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(np.array(date_matches_dist)[:,0])
this_output['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(np.array(date_matches_dist)[:,1])
this_output['Time'] = this_output['Time'].dt.floor('Min').dt.time
incnum = re.compile(r"Incident Number\n(.+(?:\n.+)*)\n\nJurisdiction")
incnum_matches = [s.rstrip("\nUnits") for s in incnum.findall(data[fn_idx])]
incnum_matches_dist = []
incnum_match_idx = 0
for sub_cad_log in data[fn_idx].split('Call For Service Detail Report - CFS')[1:]:
if incnum_match_idx >= len(incnum_matches):
elif incnum_matches[incnum_match_idx] in sub_cad_log:
incnum_match_idx += 1
incnum_matches_dist = ['CHECK_INC_NUM' if s == '' else s.replace('\n',', ') \
for s in incnum_matches_dist]
this_output['Incident'] = incnum_matches_dist
this_output['IDs'] = this_output['CFS'].str.cat(this_output['Incident'],sep=', ')
this_output = this_output[['Filename','IDs','Town/city','Address',
'Primary street','Cross street','Date','Time']]
output = output.append(this_output)
output = output.reset_index().drop(columns=['index'])
output.to_excel(cad_dir + 'SNO911_parsed.xlsx')
Filename | IDs | Town/city | Address | Primary street | Cross street | Date | Time | |
0 | 2017_CAD_Logs_R.txt | 436, CHECK_INC_NUM | Everett | 19th Ave Se | 100th St Se | 2017-09-17 | 20:56:00 | |
1 | 2017_CAD_Logs_R.txt | 452, 2017-00119029 | None | 6600 Blk Evergreen | None | 2017-09-30 | 19:07:00 | |
2 | 2017_CAD_Logs_R.txt | 884, 2017-00130003 | Everett | 221 Se Everett Mall Way 103 | None | 2017-10-25 | 11:57:00 | |
3 | 2017_CAD_Logs_R.txt | 627, CHECK_INC_NUM | Everett | 112th St Sw | Evergreen Way | 2017-11-01 | 01:33:00 | |
4 | 2017_CAD_Logs_R.txt | 621, 2017-00146009 | Everett | Broadway | 13th St | 2017-12-02 | 10:57:00 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
429 | 2022_CAD_LOGS_R.txt | 572, 2022-00148970 | Everett | 12000 Hwy 99 | None | 2022-10-23 | 12:37:00 | |
430 | 2022_CAD_LOGS_R.txt | 499, 2022-00040803 | Everett | Airport Rd | Hwy 99 | 2022-03-24 | 06:23:00 | |
431 | 2022_CAD_LOGS_R.txt | 881, 2022-00041899 | Everett | 214 128th St Sw | None | 2022-03-26 | 07:49:00 | |
432 | 2022_CAD_LOGS_R.txt | 660, 2022-00067798 | Lynnwood | 14000 Blk Hwy 99 | None | 2022-05-17 | 20:57:00 | |
433 | 2022_CAD_LOGS_R.txt | 505, 2022-00017574 | Lake Stevens | Sr 9 Ne | Market Pl | 2022-09-28 | 20:34:00 |
434 rows × 8 columns