%install-location $cwd/swift-install
%install '.package(path: "$cwd/FastaiNotebook_07_batchnorm")' FastaiNotebook_07_batchnorm
Installing packages: .package(path: "/home/sgugger/git/course-v3/nbs/swift/FastaiNotebook_07_batchnorm") FastaiNotebook_07_batchnorm With SwiftPM flags: [] Working in: /tmp/tmp6fet99_0/swift-install warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) warning: /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc)[1/2] Compiling jupyterInstalledPackages jupyterInstalledPackages.swift /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) [2/3] Merging module jupyterInstalledPackages /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swiftc) /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift-autolink-extract: /home/sgugger/anaconda3/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /home/sgugger/swift/usr/bin/swift-autolink-extract) [3/3] Linking libjupyterInstalledPackages.so Initializing Swift... Installation complete!
import Path
import TensorFlow
import Python
import FastaiNotebook_07_batchnorm
%include "EnableIPythonDisplay.swift"
('inline', 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline')
First things first, we need to download Imagenette and untar it. What follows is very close to what we did for MNIST.
public let dataPath = Path.home/".fastai"/"data"
public func downloadImagenette(path: Path = dataPath, sz:String="-160") -> Path {
let url = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/fast-ai-imageclas/imagenette\(sz).tgz"
let fname = "imagenette\(sz)"
let file = path/fname
try! path.mkdir(.p)
if !file.exists {
downloadFile(url, dest:(path/"\(fname).tgz").string)
_ = "/bin/tar".shell("-xzf", (path/"\(fname).tgz").string, "-C", path.string)
return file
let path = downloadImagenette(sz:"-320")
If we look at path.ls()
, we see it returns a list of entries, which are structures with a kind
and a path
attribute. The kind
is an enum that can be file
or directory
. path
then points to the corresponding location.
for e in path.ls() { print("\(e.path) (\(e.kind == .directory ? "directory": "file"))")}
/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/train (directory)
for e in (path/"val").ls() { print("\(e.path) (\(e.kind == .directory ? "directory": "file"))")}
/home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n02979186 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03417042 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n01440764 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n02102040 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03028079 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03888257 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03394916 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03000684 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03445777 (directory) /home/sgugger/.fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n03425413 (directory)
Let's have a look inside a class folder (the first class is tench):
let pathTench = path/"val"/"n01440764"
let imgFn = Path.home/".fastai/data/imagenette-320/val/n01440764/ILSVRC2012_val_00006697.JPEG"
We will use tf.data
to read and resize our images in parallel. tf.data
needs to operate on tensors, so we convert our Path
image filename to that format. We can then apply the extensions that we defined previously in 01.
let decodedImg = StringTensor(readFile: imgFn.string).decodeJpeg(channels: 3)
[320, 426, 3]
By converting this image to numpy, we can use plt
to plot it:
public func show_img<T:NumpyScalarCompatible>(_ img: Tensor<T>, _ w: Int = 7, _ h: Int = 5) {
show_img(img.makeNumpyArray(), w, h)
public func show_img(_ img: PythonObject, _ w: Int = 7, _ h: Int = 5) {
plt.figure(figsize: [w, h])
Now that we have donloaded the data, we need to be able to recursively grab all the filenames in the imagenette folder. The following function walks recursively through the folder and adds the filenames that have the right extension.
public func fetchFiles(path: Path, recurse: Bool = false, extensions: [String]? = nil) -> [Path] {
var res: [Path] = []
for p in try! path.ls(){
if p.kind == .directory && recurse {
res += fetchFiles(path: p.path, recurse: recurse, extensions: extensions)
} else if extensions == nil || extensions!.contains(p.path.extension.lowercased()) {
return res
Note that we don't have a generic open_image
function like in python here, but will be using a specific decode function (here for jpegs, but there is one for gifs or pngs). That's why we limit ourselves to jpeg exensions here.
time { let fNames = fetchFiles(path: path, recurse: true, extensions: ["jpeg", "jpg"]) }
average: 915.893928 ms, min: 915.893928 ms, max: 915.893928 ms
let fNames = fetchFiles(path: path, recurse: true, extensions: ["jpeg", "jpg"])
fNames.count == 13394
can handle all the transforms that go on a Tensor
, including opening an image and resizing it since it takes StringTensor
. That makes the tfms
attribute of ItemList
irrelevant, so ItemList
is just an array of Item
with a path (if get method seems useful later, we can add it).
// export
public struct ItemList<Item>{
public var items: [Item]
public let path: Path
public init(items: [Item], path: Path){
(self.items,self.path) = (items,path)
// export
public extension ItemList where Item == Path {
init(fromFolder path: Path, extensions: [String], recurse: Bool = true) {
self.init(items: fetchFiles(path: path, recurse: recurse, extensions: extensions),
path: path)
let il = ItemList(fromFolder: path, extensions: ["jpeg", "jpg"])
// export
public struct SplitData<Item>{
public let train: ItemList<Item>
public let valid: ItemList<Item>
public var path: Path { return train.path }
public init(train: ItemList<Item>, valid: ItemList<Item>){
(self.train, self.valid) = (train, valid)
public init(_ il: ItemList<Item>, fromFunc: (Item) -> Bool){
self.init(train: ItemList(items: il.items.filter { !fromFunc($0) }, path: il.path),
valid: ItemList(items: il.items.filter { fromFunc($0) }, path: il.path))
// export
public func grandParentSplitter(fName: Path, valid: String = "valid") -> Bool{
return fName.parent.parent.basename() == valid
let sd = SplitData(il) { grandParentSplitter(fName: $0, valid: "val") }
// export
public protocol Processor {
associatedtype Input
associatedtype Output
mutating func initState(items: [Input])
func process1(item: Input) -> Output
func deprocess1(item: Output) -> Input
// export
public extension Processor {
func process(items: [Input]) -> [Output] {
return items.map { process1(item: $0) }
func deprocess(items: [Output]) -> [Input] {
return items.map { deprocess1(item: $0) }
// export
public struct NoopProcessor<Item>: Processor {
public init() {}
public mutating func initState(items: [Item]) {}
public func process1 (item: Item) -> Item { return item }
public func deprocess1(item: Item) -> Item { return item }
// export
public struct CategoryProcessor: Processor {
public init() {}
public var vocab: [String]? = nil
public var reverseMap: [String: Int32]? = nil
public mutating func initState(items: [String]) {
vocab = Array(Set(items)).sorted()
reverseMap = [:]
for (i,x) in vocab!.enumerated() { reverseMap![x] = Int32(i) }
public func process1 (item: String) -> Int32 { return reverseMap![item]! }
public func deprocess1(item: Int32) -> String { return vocab![Int(item)] }
When we build the datasets, we don't need to return a tupe (item, label) but to have the tensor(s) with the items and the tensor(s) with the labels separately.
public struct LabeledItemList<PI,PL> where PI: Processor, PL: Processor{
public var items: [PI.Output]
public var labels: [PL.Output]
public let path: Path
public var procItem: PI
public var procLabel: PL
public init(rawItems: [PI.Input], rawLabels: [PL.Input], path: Path, procItem: PI, procLabel: PL){
(self.procItem,self.procLabel,self.path) = (procItem,procLabel,path)
self.items = procItem.process(items: rawItems)
self.labels = procLabel.process(items: rawLabels)
public init(_ il: ItemList<PI.Input>, fromFunc: (PI.Input) -> PL.Input, procItem: PI, procLabel: PL){
self.init(rawItems: il.items,
rawLabels: il.items.map{ fromFunc($0)},
path: il.path,
procItem: procItem,
procLabel: procLabel)
public func rawItem (_ idx: Int) -> PI.Input { return procItem.deprocess1 (item: items[idx]) }
public func rawLabel(_ idx: Int) -> PL.Input { return procLabel.deprocess1(item: labels[idx]) }
public struct SplitLabeledData<PI,PL> where PI: Processor, PL: Processor{
public let train: LabeledItemList<PI,PL>
public let valid: LabeledItemList<PI,PL>
public var path: Path { return train.path }
public init(train: LabeledItemList<PI,PL>, valid: LabeledItemList<PI,PL>){
(self.train, self.valid) = (train, valid)
public init(_ sd: SplitData<PI.Input>, fromFunc: (PI.Input) -> PL.Input, procItem: inout PI, procLabel: inout PL){
procItem.initState(items: sd.train.items)
let trainLabels = sd.train.items.map{ fromFunc($0) }
procLabel.initState(items: trainLabels)
self.init(train: LabeledItemList(rawItems: sd.train.items, rawLabels: trainLabels, path: sd.path,
procItem: procItem, procLabel: procLabel),
valid: LabeledItemList(sd.valid, fromFunc: fromFunc, procItem: procItem, procLabel: procLabel))
/// Make a labeled data without an input processor, by defaulting to a noop processor.
public func makeLabeledData<T, PL: Processor>(_ sd: SplitData<T>, fromFunc: (T) -> PL.Input, procLabel: inout PL)
-> SplitLabeledData<NoopProcessor<T>, PL> {
var pi = NoopProcessor<T>()
return SplitLabeledData(sd, fromFunc: fromFunc, procItem: &pi, procLabel: &procLabel)
public func parentLabeler(_ fName: Path) -> String { return fName.parent.basename() }
var (procItem,procLabel) = (NoopProcessor<Path>(),CategoryProcessor())
let sld = SplitLabeledData(sd, fromFunc: parentLabeler, procItem: &procItem, procLabel: &procLabel)
2 n02979186 ["n01440764", "n02102040", "n02979186", "n03000684", "n03028079", "n03394916", "n03417042", "n03425413", "n03445777", "n03888257"]
To go in a Dataset, our array of items and array of labels need to be converted to tensors.
// export
public struct LabeledElement<I: TensorGroup, L: TensorGroup>: TensorGroup {
public var xb: I
public var yb: L
public init(xb: I, yb: L) {
(self.xb, self.yb) = (xb, yb)
// export
public extension SplitLabeledData {
func toDataBunch<XB, YB> (
itemToTensor: ([PI.Output]) -> XB, labelToTensor: ([PL.Output]) -> YB, bs: Int = 64
) -> DataBunch<LabeledElement<XB, YB>> where XB: TensorGroup, YB: TensorGroup {
let trainDs = Dataset<LabeledElement<XB, YB>>(
elements: LabeledElement(xb: itemToTensor(train.items), yb: labelToTensor(train.labels)))
let validDs = Dataset<LabeledElement<XB, YB>>(
elements: LabeledElement(xb: itemToTensor(valid.items), yb: labelToTensor(valid.labels)))
return DataBunch(train: trainDs, valid: validDs,
trainLen: train.items.count, validLen: valid.items.count,
bs: bs)
// export
public func pathsToTensor(_ paths: [Path]) -> StringTensor { return StringTensor(paths.map{ $0.string })}
public func intsToTensor(_ items: [Int32]) -> Tensor<Int32> { return Tensor<Int32>(items)}
let dataset = sld.toDataBunch(itemToTensor: pathsToTensor, labelToTensor: intsToTensor)
We directly plug in to the dataset the transforms we want to apply.
// export
public func transformData<I,TI,L>(
_ data: DataBunch<LabeledElement<I,L>>,
tfmItem: (I) -> TI
) -> DataBunch<DataBatch<TI,L>>
where I: TensorGroup, TI: TensorGroup & Differentiable, L: TensorGroup{
return DataBunch(train: data.train.innerDs.map(parallelCallCount: nWorkers){ DataBatch(xb: tfmItem($0.xb), yb: $0.yb) },
valid: data.valid.innerDs.map(parallelCallCount: nWorkers){ DataBatch(xb: tfmItem($0.xb), yb: $0.yb) },
trainLen: data.train.dsCount,
validLen: data.valid.dsCount,
bs: data.train.bs)
// export
public func openAndResize(fname: StringTensor, size: Int) -> TF{
let decodedImg = StringTensor(readFile: fname).decodeJpeg(channels: 3)
let resizedImg = Tensor<Float>(Raw.resizeBilinear(
images: Tensor<UInt8>([decodedImg]),
size: Tensor<Int32>([Int32(size), Int32(size)]))) / 255.0
return resizedImg.reshaped(to: TensorShape(size, size, 3))
let tfmData = transformData(dataset) { openAndResize(fname: $0, size: 128) }
// export
public extension FADataset {
func oneBatch() -> Element? {
for batch in ds { return batch }
return nil
let batch = tfmData.train.oneBatch()!
▿ [64, 128, 128, 3] ▿ dimensions : 4 elements - 0 : 64 - 1 : 128 - 2 : 128 - 3 : 3
// export
public func showImages(_ xb: TF, labels: [String]? = nil) {
let (rows,cols) = (3,3)
plt.figure(figsize: [9, 9])
for i in 0..<(rows * cols) {
let img = plt.subplot(rows, cols, i + 1)
let x = xb[i].makeNumpyArray()
if labels != nil { img.set_title(labels![i]) }
if (i + 1) >= (rows * cols) { break }
let labels = batch.yb.scalars.map { sld.train.procLabel.vocab![Int($0)] }
showImages(batch.xb, labels: labels)
let il = ItemList(fromFolder: path, extensions: ["jpeg", "jpg"])
let sd = SplitData(il, fromFunc: {grandParentSplitter(fName: $0, valid: "val")})
var (procItem,procLabel) = (NoopProcessor<Path>(), CategoryProcessor())
let sld = SplitLabeledData(sd, fromFunc: parentLabeler, procItem: &procItem, procLabel: &procLabel)
var rawData = sld.toDataBunch(itemToTensor: pathsToTensor, labelToTensor: intsToTensor, bs: 256)
var data = transformData(rawData) { openAndResize(fname: $0, size: 224) }
// tf.data reads the whole file into memory if we shuffle!
data.train.shuffle = false
time { let _ = data.train.oneBatch() }
average: 1074.942108 ms, min: 1074.942108 ms, max: 1074.942108 ms
func allBatches() -> (Int,TF) {
var m = TF(zeros: [224, 224, 3])
var c: Int = 0
for batch in data.train.ds {
m += batch.xb.mean(squeezingAxes: 0)
c += 1
return (c,m)
time {let (c,m) = allBatches()}
average: 34492.02357 ms, min: 34492.02357 ms, max: 34492.02357 ms
let il = ItemList(fromFolder: path, extensions: ["jpeg", "jpg"])
let sd = SplitData(il, fromFunc: {grandParentSplitter(fName: $0, valid: "val")})
var (procItem,procLabel) = (NoopProcessor<Path>(), CategoryProcessor())
let sld = SplitLabeledData(sd, fromFunc: parentLabeler, procItem: &procItem, procLabel: &procLabel)
var rawData = sld.toDataBunch(itemToTensor: pathsToTensor, labelToTensor: intsToTensor)
let data = transformData(rawData) { openAndResize(fname: $0, size: 128) }
Let's try to train it:
public let imagenetStats = (mean: TF([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]), std: TF([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]))
public func prevPow2(_ x: Int) -> Int {
var res = 1
while res <= x { res *= 2 }
return res / 2
public struct CNNModel: Layer {
public var convs: [ConvBN<Float>]
public var pool = FAGlobalAvgPool2D<Float>()
public var linear: FADense<Float>
public init(channelIn: Int, nOut: Int, filters: [Int]){
convs = []
let (l1,l2) = (channelIn, prevPow2(channelIn * 9))
convs = [ConvBN(l1, l2, stride: 1),
ConvBN(l2, l2*2, stride: 2),
ConvBN(l2*2, l2*4, stride: 2)]
let allFilters = [l2*4] + filters
for i in 0..<filters.count { convs.append(ConvBN(allFilters[i], allFilters[i+1], stride: 2)) }
linear = FADense<Float>(filters.last!, nOut)
public func callAsFunction(_ input: TF) -> TF {
// TODO: Work around https://bugs.swift.org/browse/TF-606
return linear.forward(pool.forward(convs(input)))
func optFunc(_ model: CNNModel) -> SGD<CNNModel> { return SGD(for: model, learningRate: 0.1) }
func modelInit() -> CNNModel { return CNNModel(channelIn: 3, nOut: 10, filters: [64, 64, 128, 256]) }
let learner = Learner(data: data, lossFunc: softmaxCrossEntropy, optFunc: optFunc, modelInit: modelInit)
let recorder = learner.makeDefaultDelegates(metrics: [accuracy])
learner.addDelegate(learner.makeNormalize(mean: imagenetStats.mean, std: imagenetStats.std))
Epoch 0: [1.4780846, 0.502]
import NotebookExport
let exporter = NotebookExport(Path.cwd/"08_data_block.ipynb")
print(exporter.export(usingPrefix: "FastaiNotebook_"))