作者: Francisco Ingham 和 Jeremy Howard. 灵感来源于Adrian Rosebrock
In this tutorial we will see how to easily create an image dataset through Google Images. Note: You will have to repeat these steps for any new category you want to Google (e.g once for dogs and once for cats).
在本教程中,我们将看到如何从Goolge Images中轻松地创建一个图片数据集。 注意:从Google搜集任何你想要的新品类,你都必须重复这些步骤(比如,狗的数据集,还有猫的数据集,你就得把这些步骤各执行一遍)。
from fastai.vision import *
Go to Google Images and search for the images you are interested in. The more specific you are in your Google Search, the better the results and the less manual pruning you will have to do.
打开Google Images页面,搜索你感兴趣的图片。你在搜索框中输入的信息越精确,那么搜索的结果就越好,而需要你手动处理的工作就越少。
Scroll down until you've seen all the images you want to download, or until you see a button that says 'Show more results'. All the images you scrolled past are now available to download. To get more, click on the button, and continue scrolling. The maximum number of images Google Images shows is 700.
往下翻页直到你看到所有你想下载的图片,或者直到你看到一个“显示更多结果”的按钮为止。你刚翻看过的所有图片都是可下载的。为了获得更多的图片,点击“显示更多结果”按钮,继续翻看。Goolge Images最多可以显示700张图片。
It is a good idea to put things you want to exclude into the search query, for instance if you are searching for the Eurasian wolf, "canis lupus lupus", it might be a good idea to exclude other variants:
在搜索请求框中增加一些你想排除在外的信息是个好主意。比如,如果你要搜canis lupus lupus这一类欧亚混血狼,最好筛除掉别的种类(这样返回的结果才比较靠谱)
"canis lupus lupus" -dog -arctos -familiaris -baileyi -occidentalis
You can also limit your results to show only photos by clicking on Tools and selecting Photos from the Type dropdown.
Now you must run some Javascript code in your browser which will save the URLs of all the images you want for you dataset.
Press CtrlShiftJ in Windows/Linux and CmdOptJ in Mac, and a small window the javascript 'Console' will appear. That is where you will paste the JavaScript commands.
(浏览器窗口下)windows/linux系统按CtrlShiftJ,Mac系统按 CmdOptJ,就会弹出javascript的“控制台”面板,在这个面板中,你可以把相关的javascript命令粘贴进去。
You will need to get the urls of each of the images. Before running the following commands, you may want to disable ads block add-ons (YouBlock) in Chrome. Otherwise window.open() coomand doesn't work. Then you can run the following commands:
urls = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.rg_di .rg_meta')).map(el=>JSON.parse(el.textContent).ou);
window.open('data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(urls.join('\n')));
Choose an appropriate name for your labeled images. You can run these steps multiple times to create different labels.
folder = 'black'
file = 'urls_black.csv'
folder = 'teddys'
file = 'urls_teddys.csv'
folder = 'grizzly'
file = 'urls_grizzly.csv'
You will need to run this cell once per each category.
path = Path('data/bears')
dest = path/folder
dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-c9b49cd9863f> in <module> ----> 1 path = Path('data/bears') 2 dest = path/folder 3 dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) NameError: name 'Path' is not defined
[PosixPath('data/bears/urls_teddy.csv'), PosixPath('data/bears/black'), PosixPath('data/bears/urls_grizzly.csv'), PosixPath('data/bears/urls_black.csv')]
Finally, upload your urls file. You just need to press 'Upload' in your working directory and select your file, then click 'Upload' for each of the displayed files.
Now you will need to download your images from their respective urls.
fast.ai has a function that allows you to do just that. You just have to specify the urls filename as well as the destination folder and this function will download and save all images that can be opened. If they have some problem in being opened, they will not be saved.
Let's download our images! Notice you can choose a maximum number of images to be downloaded. In this case we will not download all the urls.
You will need to run this line once for every category.
classes = ['teddys','grizzly','black']
download_images(path/file, dest, max_pics=200)
Error https://npn-ndfapda.netdna-ssl.com/original/2X/9/973877494e28bd274c535610ffa8e262f7dcd0f2.jpeg HTTPSConnectionPool(host='npn-ndfapda.netdna-ssl.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /original/2X/9/973877494e28bd274c535610ffa8e262f7dcd0f2.jpeg (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f2f7c168f60>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known'))
# If you have problems download, try with `max_workers=0` to see exceptions:
download_images(path/file, dest, max_pics=20, max_workers=0)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw) 376 try: # Python 2.7, use buffering of HTTP responses --> 377 httplib_response = conn.getresponse(buffering=True) 378 except TypeError: # Python 3 TypeError: getresponse() got an unexpected keyword argument 'buffering' During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: WantReadError Traceback (most recent call last) ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py in recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs) 293 try: --> 294 return self.connection.recv_into(*args, **kwargs) 295 except OpenSSL.SSL.SysCallError as e: ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/OpenSSL/SSL.py in recv_into(self, buffer, nbytes, flags) 1813 result = _lib.SSL_read(self._ssl, buf, nbytes) -> 1814 self._raise_ssl_error(self._ssl, result) 1815 ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/OpenSSL/SSL.py in _raise_ssl_error(self, ssl, result) 1613 if error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: -> 1614 raise WantReadError() 1615 elif error == _lib.SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: WantReadError: During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: KeyboardInterrupt Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-29-90f92a041deb> in <module> 1 # If you have problems download, try with `max_workers=0` to see exceptions: ----> 2 download_images(path/file, dest, max_pics=20, max_workers=0) ~/fastai/fastai/vision/data.py in download_images(urls, dest, max_pics, max_workers, timeout) 194 dest = Path(dest) 195 dest.mkdir(exist_ok=True) --> 196 parallel(partial(_download_image_inner, dest, timeout=timeout), urls, max_workers=max_workers) 197 198 def resize_to(img, targ_sz:int, use_min:bool=False): ~/fastai/fastai/core.py in parallel(func, arr, max_workers) 299 "Call `func` on every element of `arr` in parallel using `max_workers`." 300 max_workers = ifnone(max_workers, defaults.cpus) --> 301 if max_workers<2: _ = [func(o,i) for i,o in enumerate(arr)] 302 else: 303 with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as ex: ~/fastai/fastai/core.py in <listcomp>(.0) 299 "Call `func` on every element of `arr` in parallel using `max_workers`." 300 max_workers = ifnone(max_workers, defaults.cpus) --> 301 if max_workers<2: _ = [func(o,i) for i,o in enumerate(arr)] 302 else: 303 with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as ex: ~/fastai/fastai/vision/data.py in _download_image_inner(dest, url, i, timeout) 187 suffix = re.findall(r'\.\w+?(?=(?:\?|$))', url) 188 suffix = suffix[0] if len(suffix)>0 else '.jpg' --> 189 download_image(url, dest/f"{i:08d}{suffix}", timeout=timeout) 190 191 def download_images(urls:Collection[str], dest:PathOrStr, max_pics:int=1000, max_workers:int=8, timeout=4): ~/fastai/fastai/vision/data.py in download_image(url, dest, timeout) 181 182 def download_image(url,dest, timeout=4): --> 183 try: r = download_url(url, dest, overwrite=True, show_progress=False, timeout=timeout) 184 except Exception as e: print(f"Error {url} {e}") 185 ~/fastai/fastai/core.py in download_url(url, dest, overwrite, pbar, show_progress, chunk_size, timeout, retries) 164 s = requests.Session() 165 s.mount('http://',requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) --> 166 u = s.get(url, stream=True, timeout=timeout) 167 try: file_size = int(u.headers["Content-Length"]) 168 except: show_progress = False ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in get(self, url, **kwargs) 544 545 kwargs.setdefault('allow_redirects', True) --> 546 return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs) 547 548 def options(self, url, **kwargs): ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in request(self, method, url, params, data, headers, cookies, files, auth, timeout, allow_redirects, proxies, hooks, stream, verify, cert, json) 531 } 532 send_kwargs.update(settings) --> 533 resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) 534 535 return resp ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in send(self, request, **kwargs) 666 667 # Resolve redirects if allowed. --> 668 history = [resp for resp in gen] if allow_redirects else [] 669 670 # Shuffle things around if there's history. ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in <listcomp>(.0) 666 667 # Resolve redirects if allowed. --> 668 history = [resp for resp in gen] if allow_redirects else [] 669 670 # Shuffle things around if there's history. ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in resolve_redirects(self, resp, req, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies, yield_requests, **adapter_kwargs) 245 proxies=proxies, 246 allow_redirects=False, --> 247 **adapter_kwargs 248 ) 249 ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/sessions.py in send(self, request, **kwargs) 644 645 # Send the request --> 646 r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) 647 648 # Total elapsed time of the request (approximately) ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/adapters.py in send(self, request, stream, timeout, verify, cert, proxies) 447 decode_content=False, 448 retries=self.max_retries, --> 449 timeout=timeout 450 ) 451 ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py in urlopen(self, method, url, body, headers, retries, redirect, assert_same_host, timeout, pool_timeout, release_conn, chunked, body_pos, **response_kw) 598 timeout=timeout_obj, 599 body=body, headers=headers, --> 600 chunked=chunked) 601 602 # If we're going to release the connection in ``finally:``, then ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/connectionpool.py in _make_request(self, conn, method, url, timeout, chunked, **httplib_request_kw) 378 except TypeError: # Python 3 379 try: --> 380 httplib_response = conn.getresponse() 381 except Exception as e: 382 # Remove the TypeError from the exception chain in Python 3; ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/http/client.py in getresponse(self) 1319 try: 1320 try: -> 1321 response.begin() 1322 except ConnectionError: 1323 self.close() ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/http/client.py in begin(self) 294 # read until we get a non-100 response 295 while True: --> 296 version, status, reason = self._read_status() 297 if status != CONTINUE: 298 break ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/http/client.py in _read_status(self) 255 256 def _read_status(self): --> 257 line = str(self.fp.readline(_MAXLINE + 1), "iso-8859-1") 258 if len(line) > _MAXLINE: 259 raise LineTooLong("status line") ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/socket.py in readinto(self, b) 587 while True: 588 try: --> 589 return self._sock.recv_into(b) 590 except timeout: 591 self._timeout_occurred = True ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py in recv_into(self, *args, **kwargs) 304 raise 305 except OpenSSL.SSL.WantReadError: --> 306 if not util.wait_for_read(self.socket, self.socket.gettimeout()): 307 raise timeout('The read operation timed out') 308 else: ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/wait.py in wait_for_read(sock, timeout) 141 Returns True if the socket is readable, or False if the timeout expired. 142 """ --> 143 return wait_for_socket(sock, read=True, timeout=timeout) 144 145 ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/wait.py in poll_wait_for_socket(sock, read, write, timeout) 102 return poll_obj.poll(t) 103 --> 104 return bool(_retry_on_intr(do_poll, timeout)) 105 106 ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/wait.py in _retry_on_intr(fn, timeout) 40 # Modern Python, that retries syscalls by default 41 def _retry_on_intr(fn, timeout): ---> 42 return fn(timeout) 43 else: 44 # Old and broken Pythons. ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/urllib3/util/wait.py in do_poll(t) 100 if t is not None: 101 t *= 1000 --> 102 return poll_obj.poll(t) 103 104 return bool(_retry_on_intr(do_poll, timeout)) KeyboardInterrupt:
Then we can remove any images that can't be opened:
for c in classes:
verify_images(path/c, delete=True, max_size=500)
cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000073.jpg'> Image data/bears/teddys/00000106.gif has 1 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000067.png has 4 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000109.png has 4 instead of 3 channels cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000179.png'> Image data/bears/teddys/00000125.jpg has 1 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000127.gif has 1 instead of 3 channels cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000012.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000145.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000165.jpg'> Image data/bears/teddys/00000193.gif has 1 instead of 3 channels cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000059.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000075.jpg'> Image data/bears/teddys/00000035.png has 4 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000086.png has 4 instead of 3 channels cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/teddys/00000177.jpg'> Image data/bears/teddys/00000110.png has 4 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000099.gif has 1 instead of 3 channels Image data/bears/teddys/00000010.png has 4 instead of 3 channels grizzly
cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000116.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000178.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000119.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000082.png'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000108.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000019.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000132.jpg'> Image data/bears/grizzly/00000175.gif has 1 instead of 3 channels cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/grizzly/00000122.jpg'> black
cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000020.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000095.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000186.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000143.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000176.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000008.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000118.jpg'> cannot identify image file <_io.BufferedReader name='data/bears/black/00000135.jpg'>
data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, train=".", valid_pct=0.2,
ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)
# If you already cleaned your data, run this cell instead of the one before
# 如果你已经清洗过你的数据,直接运行这格代码而不是上面的
# np.random.seed(42)
# data = ImageDataBunch.from_csv(path, folder=".", valid_pct=0.2, csv_labels='cleaned.csv',
# ds_tfms=get_transforms(), size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)
Good! Let's take a look at some of our pictures then.
['black', 'grizzly', 'teddys']
data.show_batch(rows=3, figsize=(7,8))
data.classes, data.c, len(data.train_ds), len(data.valid_ds)
(['black', 'grizzly', 'teddys'], 3, 448, 111)
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
epoch | train_loss | valid_loss | error_rate |
1 | 0.957604 | 0.199212 | 0.045045 |
2 | 0.556265 | 0.093994 | 0.036036 |
3 | 0.376028 | 0.082099 | 0.036036 |
4 | 0.273781 | 0.076548 | 0.027027 |
learn.fit_one_cycle(2, max_lr=slice(3e-5,3e-4))
epoch | train_loss | valid_loss | error_rate |
1 | 0.046916 | 0.072489 | 0.027027 |
2 | 0.041749 | 0.070343 | 0.027027 |
interp = ClassificationInterpretation.from_learner(learn)
Some of our top losses aren't due to bad performance by our model. There are images in our data set that shouldn't be.
Using the ImageCleaner
widget from fastai.widgets
we can prune our top losses, removing photos that don't belong.
from fastai.widgets import *
First we need to get the file paths from our top_losses. We can do this with .from_toplosses
. We then feed the top losses indexes and corresponding dataset to ImageCleaner
Notice that the widget will not delete images directly from disk but it will create a new csv file cleaned.csv
from where you can create a new ImageDataBunch with the corrected labels to continue training your model.
In order to clean the entire set of images, we need to create a new dataset without the split. The video lecture demostrated the use of the ds_type
param which no longer has any effect. See the thread for more details.
参数的用法已经不再有效。参照 the thread 来获取更多细节。
db = (ImageList.from_folder(path)
.transform(get_transforms(), size=224)
# If you already cleaned your data using indexes from `from_toplosses`,<br><br>
# 如果你已经从`from_toplosses`使用indexes清理了你的数据
# run this cell instead of the one before to proceed with removing duplicates.<br><br>
# 运行这个单元格里面的代码(而非上面单元格的内容)以便继续删除重复项
# Otherwise all the results of the previous step would be overwritten by<br><br>
# 否则前一个步骤中的结果都会被覆盖
# the new run of `ImageCleaner`.<br><br>
# 下面就是要运行的`ImageCleaner`代码,请把下面的注释去掉开始运行
# db = (ImageList.from_csv(path, 'cleaned.csv', folder='.')
# .no_split()
# .label_from_df()
# .transform(get_transforms(), size=224)
# .databunch()
# )
Then we create a new learner to use our new databunch with all the images.
learn_cln = cnn_learner(db, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
ds, idxs = DatasetFormatter().from_toplosses(learn_cln)
Make sure you're running this notebook in Jupyter Notebook, not Jupyter Lab. That is accessible via /tree, not /lab. Running the ImageCleaner
widget in Jupyter Lab is not currently supported.
ImageCleaner(ds, idxs, path)
'No images to show :)'
Flag photos for deletion by clicking 'Delete'. Then click 'Next Batch' to delete flagged photos and keep the rest in that row. ImageCleaner
will show you a new row of images until there are no more to show. In this case, the widget will show you images until there are none left from top_losses.ImageCleaner(ds, idxs)
点击“Delete”标记待删除的照片,然后再点击“Next Batch”来删除已标记的照片,同时保持其他图片仍在原来的位置。ImageCleaner
将显示一行新的图片,直到没有更多的图片可以展示。在这种情况下,小工具程序会为你展示图片,直到从top_losses.ImageCleaner(ds, idxs)
You can also find duplicates in your dataset and delete them! To do this, you need to run .from_similars
to get the potential duplicates' ids and then run ImageCleaner
with duplicates=True
. The API works in a similar way as with misclassified images: just choose the ones you want to delete and click 'Next Batch' until there are no more images left.
作为参数。API的工作方式和(处理)错误分类的图片相类似:你只要选中那些你想删除的图片,然后点击'Next Batch'直到没有更多的图片遗留为止。
Make sure to recreate the databunch and learn_cln
from the cleaned.csv
file. Otherwise the file would be overwritten from scratch, loosing all the results from cleaning the data from toplosses.
ds, idxs = DatasetFormatter().from_similars(learn_cln)
Getting activations...
Computing similarities...
ImageCleaner(ds, idxs, path, duplicates=True)
'No images to show :)'
Remember to recreate your ImageDataBunch from your cleaned.csv
to include the changes you made in your data!
First thing first, let's export the content of our Learner
object for production:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-2-74b5358f014e> in <module>() ----> 1 learn.export() NameError: name 'learn' is not defined
This will create a file named 'export.pkl' in the directory where we were working that contains everything we need to deploy our model (the model, the weights but also some metadata like the classes or the transforms/normalization used).
You probably want to use CPU for inference, except at massive scale (and you almost certainly don't need to train in real-time). If you don't have a GPU that happens automatically. You can test your model on CPU like so:
defaults.device = torch.device('cpu')
img = open_image(path/'black'/'00000021.jpg')
We create our Learner
in production enviromnent like this, jsut make sure that path
contains the file 'export.pkl' from before.
learn = load_learner(path)
pred_class,pred_idx,outputs = learn.predict(img)
Category black
So you might create a route something like this (thanks to Simon Willison for the structure of this code):
你可能需要像下面的代码这样,创建一个路径, (谢谢Simon Willison提供了这些代码的架构):
@app.route("/classify-url", methods=["GET"])
async def classify_url(request):
bytes = await get_bytes(request.query_params["url"])
img = open_image(BytesIO(bytes))
_,_,losses = learner.predict(img)
return JSONResponse({
"predictions": sorted(
zip(cat_learner.data.classes, map(float, losses)),
key=lambda p: p[1],
(This example is for the Starlette web app toolkit.)
(这个例子适用于 Starlette的web app工具包)
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
learn.fit_one_cycle(1, max_lr=0.5)
Total time: 00:13 epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate 1 12.220007 1144188288.000000 0.765957 (00:13)
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate)
Previously we had this result:
Total time: 00:57
epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate
1 1.030236 0.179226 0.028369 (00:14)
2 0.561508 0.055464 0.014184 (00:13)
3 0.396103 0.053801 0.014184 (00:13)
4 0.316883 0.050197 0.021277 (00:15)
learn.fit_one_cycle(5, max_lr=1e-5)
Total time: 01:07 epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate 1 1.349151 1.062807 0.609929 (00:13) 2 1.373262 1.045115 0.546099 (00:13) 3 1.346169 1.006288 0.468085 (00:13) 4 1.334486 0.978713 0.453901 (00:13) 5 1.320978 0.978108 0.446809 (00:13)
As well as taking a really long time, it's getting too many looks at each image, so may overfit.
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet34, metrics=error_rate, pretrained=False)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NameError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-4dfb24161c57> in <module> ----> 1 learn.fit_one_cycle(1) NameError: name 'learn' is not defined
data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path, train=".", valid_pct=0.9, bs=32,
ds_tfms=get_transforms(do_flip=False, max_rotate=0, max_zoom=1, max_lighting=0, max_warp=0
),size=224, num_workers=4).normalize(imagenet_stats)
learn = cnn_learner(data, models.resnet50, metrics=error_rate, ps=0, wd=0)
learn.fit_one_cycle(40, slice(1e-6,1e-4))
Total time: 06:39 epoch train_loss valid_loss error_rate 1 1.513021 1.041628 0.507326 (00:13) 2 1.290093 0.994758 0.443223 (00:09) 3 1.185764 0.936145 0.410256 (00:09) 4 1.117229 0.838402 0.322344 (00:09) 5 1.022635 0.734872 0.252747 (00:09) 6 0.951374 0.627288 0.192308 (00:10) 7 0.916111 0.558621 0.184982 (00:09) 8 0.839068 0.503755 0.177656 (00:09) 9 0.749610 0.433475 0.144689 (00:09) 10 0.678583 0.367560 0.124542 (00:09) 11 0.615280 0.327029 0.100733 (00:10) 12 0.558776 0.298989 0.095238 (00:09) 13 0.518109 0.266998 0.084249 (00:09) 14 0.476290 0.257858 0.084249 (00:09) 15 0.436865 0.227299 0.067766 (00:09) 16 0.457189 0.236593 0.078755 (00:10) 17 0.420905 0.240185 0.080586 (00:10) 18 0.395686 0.255465 0.082418 (00:09) 19 0.373232 0.263469 0.080586 (00:09) 20 0.348988 0.258300 0.080586 (00:10) 21 0.324616 0.261346 0.080586 (00:09) 22 0.311310 0.236431 0.071429 (00:09) 23 0.328342 0.245841 0.069597 (00:10) 24 0.306411 0.235111 0.064103 (00:10) 25 0.289134 0.227465 0.069597 (00:09) 26 0.284814 0.226022 0.064103 (00:09) 27 0.268398 0.222791 0.067766 (00:09) 28 0.255431 0.227751 0.073260 (00:10) 29 0.240742 0.235949 0.071429 (00:09) 30 0.227140 0.225221 0.075092 (00:09) 31 0.213877 0.214789 0.069597 (00:09) 32 0.201631 0.209382 0.062271 (00:10) 33 0.189988 0.210684 0.065934 (00:09) 34 0.181293 0.214666 0.073260 (00:09) 35 0.184095 0.222575 0.073260 (00:09) 36 0.194615 0.229198 0.076923 (00:10) 37 0.186165 0.218206 0.075092 (00:09) 38 0.176623 0.207198 0.062271 (00:10) 39 0.166854 0.207256 0.065934 (00:10) 40 0.162692 0.206044 0.062271 (00:09)