%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
from exp.nb_11 import *
path = datasets.untar_data(datasets.URLs.IMAGEWOOF_160)
size = 128
bs = 64
tfms = [make_rgb, RandomResizedCrop(size, scale=(0.35,1)), np_to_float, PilRandomFlip()]
val_tfms = [make_rgb, CenterCrop(size), np_to_float]
il = ImageList.from_files(path, tfms=tfms)
sd = SplitData.split_by_func(il, partial(grandparent_splitter, valid_name='val'))
ll = label_by_func(sd, parent_labeler, proc_y=CategoryProcessor())
ll.valid.x.tfms = val_tfms
data = ll.to_databunch(bs, c_in=3, c_out=10, num_workers=8)
loss_func = LabelSmoothingCrossEntropy()
opt_func = adam_opt(mom=0.9, mom_sqr=0.99, eps=1e-6, wd=1e-2)
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, norm=norm_imagenette)
def sched_1cycle(lr, pct_start=0.3, mom_start=0.95, mom_mid=0.85, mom_end=0.95):
phases = create_phases(pct_start)
sched_lr = combine_scheds(phases, cos_1cycle_anneal(lr/10., lr, lr/1e5))
sched_mom = combine_scheds(phases, cos_1cycle_anneal(mom_start, mom_mid, mom_end))
return [ParamScheduler('lr', sched_lr),
ParamScheduler('mom', sched_mom)]
lr = 3e-3
pct_start = 0.5
cbsched = sched_1cycle(lr, pct_start)
learn.fit(40, cbsched)
st = learn.model.state_dict()
', '.join(st.keys())
mdl_path = path/'models'
It's also possible to save the whole model, including the architecture, but it gets quite fiddly and we don't recommend it. Instead, just save the parameters, and recreate the model directly.
torch.save(st, mdl_path/'iw5')
pets = datasets.untar_data(datasets.URLs.PETS)
pets_path = pets/'images'
il = ImageList.from_files(pets_path, tfms=tfms)
def random_splitter(fn, p_valid): return random.random() < p_valid
sd = SplitData.split_by_func(il, partial(random_splitter, p_valid=0.1))
n = il.items[0].name; n
re.findall(r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$', n)[0]
def pet_labeler(fn): return re.findall(r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$', fn.name)[0]
proc = CategoryProcessor()
ll = label_by_func(sd, pet_labeler, proc_y=proc)
', '.join(proc.vocab)
ll.valid.x.tfms = val_tfms
c_out = len(proc.vocab)
data = ll.to_databunch(bs, c_in=3, c_out=c_out, num_workers=8)
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, norm=norm_imagenette)
learn.fit(5, cbsched)
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, c_out=10, norm=norm_imagenette)
st = torch.load(mdl_path/'iw5')
m = learn.model
cut = next(i for i,o in enumerate(m.children()) if isinstance(o,nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d))
m_cut = m[:cut]
xb,yb = get_batch(data.valid_dl, learn)
pred = m_cut(xb)
ni = pred.shape[1]
class AdaptiveConcatPool2d(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, sz=1):
self.output_size = sz
self.ap = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(sz)
self.mp = nn.AdaptiveMaxPool2d(sz)
def forward(self, x): return torch.cat([self.mp(x), self.ap(x)], 1)
nh = 40
m_new = nn.Sequential(
m_cut, AdaptiveConcatPool2d(), Flatten(),
nn.Linear(ni*2, data.c_out))
learn.model = m_new
learn.fit(5, cbsched)
def adapt_model(learn, data):
cut = next(i for i,o in enumerate(learn.model.children())
if isinstance(o,nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d))
m_cut = learn.model[:cut]
xb,yb = get_batch(data.valid_dl, learn)
pred = m_cut(xb)
ni = pred.shape[1]
m_new = nn.Sequential(
m_cut, AdaptiveConcatPool2d(), Flatten(),
nn.Linear(ni*2, data.c_out))
learn.model = m_new
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, c_out=10, norm=norm_imagenette)
adapt_model(learn, data)
for p in learn.model[0].parameters(): p.requires_grad_(False)
learn.fit(3, sched_1cycle(1e-2, 0.5))
for p in learn.model[0].parameters(): p.requires_grad_(True)
learn.fit(5, cbsched, reset_opt=True)
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, c_out=10, norm=norm_imagenette)
adapt_model(learn, data)
def apply_mod(m, f):
for l in m.children(): apply_mod(l, f)
def set_grad(m, b):
if isinstance(m, (nn.Linear,nn.BatchNorm2d)): return
if hasattr(m, 'weight'):
for p in m.parameters(): p.requires_grad_(b)
apply_mod(learn.model, partial(set_grad, b=False))
learn.fit(3, sched_1cycle(1e-2, 0.5))
apply_mod(learn.model, partial(set_grad, b=True))
learn.fit(5, cbsched, reset_opt=True)
Pytorch already has an apply
method we can use:
learn.model.apply(partial(set_grad, b=False));
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func, c_out=10, norm=norm_imagenette)
adapt_model(learn, data)
def bn_splitter(m):
def _bn_splitter(l, g1, g2):
if isinstance(l, nn.BatchNorm2d): g2 += l.parameters()
elif hasattr(l, 'weight'): g1 += l.parameters()
for ll in l.children(): _bn_splitter(ll, g1, g2)
g1,g2 = [],[]
_bn_splitter(m[0], g1, g2)
g2 += m[1:].parameters()
return g1,g2
a,b = bn_splitter(learn.model)
test_eq(len(a)+len(b), len(list(m.parameters())))
from types import SimpleNamespace
cb_types = SimpleNamespace(**{o:o for o in Learner.ALL_CBS})
class DebugCallback(Callback):
_order = 999
def __init__(self, cb_name, f=None): self.cb_name,self.f = cb_name,f
def __call__(self, cb_name):
if cb_name==self.cb_name:
if self.f: self.f(self.run)
else: set_trace()
def sched_1cycle(lrs, pct_start=0.3, mom_start=0.95, mom_mid=0.85, mom_end=0.95):
phases = create_phases(pct_start)
sched_lr = [combine_scheds(phases, cos_1cycle_anneal(lr/10., lr, lr/1e5))
for lr in lrs]
sched_mom = combine_scheds(phases, cos_1cycle_anneal(mom_start, mom_mid, mom_end))
return [ParamScheduler('lr', sched_lr),
ParamScheduler('mom', sched_mom)]
disc_lr_sched = sched_1cycle([0,3e-2], 0.5)
learn = cnn_learner(xresnet18, data, loss_func, opt_func,
c_out=10, norm=norm_imagenette, splitter=bn_splitter)
adapt_model(learn, data)
def _print_det(o):
print (len(o.opt.param_groups), o.opt.hypers)
raise CancelTrainException()
learn.fit(1, disc_lr_sched + [DebugCallback(cb_types.after_batch, _print_det)])
learn.fit(3, disc_lr_sched)
disc_lr_sched = sched_1cycle([1e-3,1e-2], 0.3)
learn.fit(5, disc_lr_sched)
!./notebook2script.py 11a_transfer_learning.ipynb