is the module that defines the create_cnn
method, to easily get a model suitable for transfer learning.
from fastai.gen_doc.nbdoc import *
from import *
from fastai import *
Transfer learning is a technique where you use a model trained on a very large dataset (usually ImageNet in computer vision) and then adapt it to your own dataset. The idea is that it has learned to recognize many features on all of this data, and that you will benefit from this knowledge, especially if your dataset is small, compared to starting from a randomly initiliazed model. It has been proved in this article on a wide range of tasks that transfer learning nearly always give better results.
In practice, you need to change the last part of your model to be adapted to your own number of classes. Most convolutional models end with a few linear layers (a part will call head). The last convolutional layer will have analyzed features in the image that went through the model, and the job of the head is to convert those in predictions for each of our classes. In transfer learning we will keep all the convolutional layers (called the body or the backbone of the model) with their weights pretrained on ImageNet but will define a new head initiliazed randomly.
Then we will train the model we obtain in two phases: first we freeze the body weights and only train the head (to convert those analyzed features into predictions for our own data), then we unfreeze the layers of the backbone (gradually if necessary) and fine-tune the whole model (possily using differential learning rates).
The create_cnn
factory method helps you to automatically get a pretrained model from a given architecture with a custom head that is suitable for your data.
This method creates a Learner
object from the data
object and model inferred from it with the backbone given in arch
. Specifically, it will cut the model defined by arch
(randomly initialized if pretrained
is False) at the last convolutional layer by default (or as defined in cut
, see below) and add:
, nn.Dropout
, nn.Linear
, nn.ReLU
] layers.The blocks are defined by the lin_ftrs
and ps
arguments. Specifically, the first block will have a number of inputs inferred from the backbone arch
and the last one will have a number of outputs equal to data.c
(which contains the number of classes of the data) and the intermediate blocks have a number of inputs/outputs determined by lin_frts
(of course a block has a number of inputs equal to the number of outputs of the previous block). The default is to have an intermediate hidden size of 512 (which makes two blocks model_activation
-> 512 -> n_classes
). If you pass a float then the final dropout layer will have the value ps
, and the remaining will be ps/2
. If you pass a list then the values are used for dropout probabilities directly.
Note that the very last block doesn't have a nn.ReLU
activation, to allow you to use any final activation you want (generally included in the loss function in pytorch). Also, the backbone will be frozen if you choose pretrained=True
(so only the head will train if you call fit
) so that you can immediately start phase one of training as described above.
Alternatively, you can define your own custom_head
to put on top of the backbone. If you want to specify where to split arch
you should so in the argument cut
which can either be the index of a specific layer (the result will not include that layer) or a function that, when passed the model, will return the backbone you want.
The final model obtained by stacking the backbone and the head (custom or defined as we saw) is then separated in groups for gradual unfreezeing or differential learning rates. You can specify of to split the backbone in groups with the optional argument split_on
(should be a function that returns those groups when given the backbone).
The kwargs
will be passed on to Learner
, so you can put here anything that Learner
will accept (metrics
, loss_func
, opt_func
path = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_SAMPLE)
data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(path)
learner = create_cnn(data, models.resnet18, metrics=[accuracy])
Total time: 00:09 epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy 1 0.128209 0.070521 0.976448 (00:09)'one_epoch')
Once you've actually trained your model, you may want to use it on a single image. This is done by using the following method.
img = open_image([0])
('3', tensor(0), tensor([0.9983, 0.0017]))
Here the predict class for our iamge is '3', which corresponds to a label of 0. The probabilities the model found for each class are 99.65% and 0.35% respectively, so its confidence is pretty high.
Note that if you want to load your trained model and use it on inference mode with the previous function, you can create a cnn_learner
from empty data. Just use the following code:
empty_data = ImageDataBunch.single_from_classes(path, data.classes, tfms=get_transforms()).normalize(imagenet_stats)
learn = create_cnn(empty_data, models.resnet18)
learn = learn.load('one_epoch')
You can customize create_cnn
for your own model's default cut
and split_on
functions by adding them to the dictionary model_meta
. The key should be your model and the value should be a dictionary with the keys cut
and split_on
(see the source code for examples). The constructor will call create_body
and create_head
for you based on cut
; you can also call them yourself, which is particularly useful for testing.
show_doc(create_head, doc_string=False)
Model head that takes nf
features, runs through lin_ftrs
, and ends with nc
classes. ps
is the probability of the dropouts, as documented above in create_cnn
This provides a confusion matrix and visualization of the most incorrect images. Pass in your data
, calculated preds
, actual y
, and your losses
, and then use the methods below to view the model interpretation results. For instance:
learn = create_cnn(data, models.resnet18)
preds,y,losses = learn.get_preds(with_loss=True)
interp = ClassificationInterpretation(data, preds, y, losses)
The following fatory method gives a more convenient way to create an instance of this class:
=<DatasetType.Valid: 2>
Create an instance of ClassificationInterpretation
. tta
indicates if we want to use Test Time Augmentation.
jekyll_warn('In both those methods `sigmoid` is a deprecated argument and will be removed in a future version.')
=(12, 12)
Show images in top_losses
along with their prediction, actual, loss, and probability of predicted class.
The k
items are arranged as a square, so it will look best if k
is a square number (4, 9, 16, etc). The title of each image shows: prediction, actual, loss, probability of actual class.
interp.plot_top_losses(9, figsize=(7,7))
largest(/smallest) losses and indexes, defaulting to all losses (sorted by largest
Returns tuple of (losses,indices).
(tensor([8.4687, 5.9428, 3.7332, 3.2632, 2.9833, 2.7420, 2.6606, 2.5624, 2.4520]), tensor([1336, 3, 1929, 75, 33, 284, 815, 166, 1682]))
='Confusion matrix'
Plot the confusion matrix, with title
and using cmap
. If normalize
, plots the percentages with norm_dec
digits. slice_size
can be used to avoid out of memory error if your set is too big.
are passed to plt.figure
array([[ 988, 22], [ 10, 1018]])
When working with large datasets, memory problems can arise when computing the confusion matrix. For example, an error can look like this:
RuntimeError: $ Torch: not enough memory: you tried to allocate 64GB. Buy new RAM! at /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch-nightly_1540719301766/work/aten/src/TH/THGeneral.cpp:204
In this case it is possible to force ClassificationInterpretation
to compute the confusion matrix for data slices and then aggregate the result by specifying slice_size parameter.
array([[ 988, 22], [ 10, 1018]])
[('3', '7', 22), ('7', '3', 10)]
show_doc(ClassificationLearner, doc_string=False)
) ::ImageLearner
=<DatasetType.Valid: 2>
Create an instance of ClassificationInterpretation
. tta
indicates if we want to use Test Time Augmentation.
) →Collection
Sorted descending list of largest non-diagonal entries of confusion matrix