#default_exp torch_core
from fastai2.imports import *
from fastai2.torch_imports import *
from PIL import Image
from nbdev.showdoc import *
_all_ = ['progress_bar','master_bar']
if torch.cuda.is_available():
if torch.cuda.current_device()==0:
def_gpu = int(os.environ.get('DEFAULT_GPU') or 0)
if torch.cuda.device_count()>=def_gpu: torch.cuda.set_device(def_gpu)
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
Basic pytorch functions used in the fastai library
@delegates(plt.subplots, keep=True)
def subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=None, imsize=3, add_vert=0, **kwargs):
if figsize is None: figsize=(ncols*imsize, nrows*imsize+add_vert)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(nrows, ncols, figsize=figsize, **kwargs)
if nrows*ncols==1: ax = array([ax])
return fig,ax
_,axs = subplots()
_,axs = subplots(2,3)
def _fig_bounds(x):
r = x//32
return min(5, max(1,r))
@delegates(plt.Axes.imshow, keep=True, but=['shape', 'imlim'])
def show_image(im, ax=None, figsize=None, title=None, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show a PIL or PyTorch image on `ax`."
# Handle pytorch axis order
if hasattrs(im, ('data','cpu','permute')):
im = im.data.cpu()
if im.shape[0]<5: im=im.permute(1,2,0)
elif not isinstance(im,np.ndarray): im=array(im)
# Handle 1-channel images
if im.shape[-1]==1: im=im[...,0]
ax = ifnone(ax,ctx)
if figsize is None: figsize = (_fig_bounds(im.shape[0]), _fig_bounds(im.shape[1]))
if ax is None: _,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.imshow(im, **kwargs)
if title is not None: ax.set_title(title)
return ax
can show PIL images...
im = Image.open(TEST_IMAGE_BW)
ax = show_image(im, cmap="Greys")
...and color images with standard CHW
dim order...
im2 = np.array(Image.open(TEST_IMAGE))
ax = show_image(im2, figsize=(2,2))
...and color images with HWC
dim order...
im3 = torch.as_tensor(im2).permute(2,0,1)
ax = show_image(im3, figsize=(2,2))
@delegates(show_image, keep=True)
def show_titled_image(o, **kwargs):
"Call `show_image` destructuring `o` to `(img,title)`"
show_image(o[0], title=str(o[1]), **kwargs)
show_titled_image((im3,'A puppy'), figsize=(2,2))
def show_images(ims, nrows=1, ncols=None, titles=None, **kwargs):
"Show all images `ims` as subplots with `rows` using `titles`"
if ncols is None: ncols = int(math.ceil(len(ims)/nrows))
if titles is None: titles = [None]*len(ims)
axs = subplots(nrows, ncols, **kwargs)[1].flat
for im,t,ax in zip(ims, titles, axs): show_image(im, ax=ax, title=t)
show_images((im,im3), titles=('number','puppy'), imsize=2)
, ArrayImageBW
and ArrayMask
are subclasses of ndarray
that know how to show themselves.
class ArrayBase(ndarray):
"An `ndarray` that can modify casting behavior"
def _before_cast(cls, x): return x if isinstance(x,ndarray) else array(x)
class ArrayImageBase(ArrayBase):
"Base class for arrays representing images"
_show_args = {'cmap':'viridis'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
return show_image(self, ctx=ctx, **{**self._show_args, **kwargs})
class ArrayImage(ArrayImageBase):
"An array representing an image"
class ArrayImageBW(ArrayImage):
"An array representing an image"
_show_args = {'cmap':'Greys'}
class ArrayMask(ArrayImageBase):
"An array representing an image mask"
_show_args = {'alpha':0.5, 'cmap':'tab20', 'interpolation':'nearest'}
im = Image.open(TEST_IMAGE)
im_t = cast(im, ArrayImage)
test_eq(type(im_t), ArrayImage)
ax = im_t.show(figsize=(2,2))
def __array_eq__(self:Tensor,b):
return torch.equal(self,b) if self.dim() else self==b
def _array2tensor(x):
if x.dtype==np.uint16: x = x.astype(np.float32)
return torch.from_numpy(x)
@use_kwargs_dict(dtype=None, device=None, requires_grad=False, pin_memory=False)
def tensor(x, *rest, **kwargs):
"Like `torch.as_tensor`, but handle lists too, and can pass multiple vector elements directly."
if len(rest): x = (x,)+rest
# There was a Pytorch bug in dataloader using num_workers>0. Haven't confirmed if fixed
# if isinstance(x, (tuple,list)) and len(x)==0: return tensor(0)
res = (x if isinstance(x, Tensor)
else torch.tensor(x, **kwargs) if isinstance(x, (tuple,list))
else _array2tensor(x) if isinstance(x, ndarray)
else as_tensor(x.values, **kwargs) if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame))
else as_tensor(x, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, '__array__') or is_iter(x)
else _array2tensor(array(x), **kwargs))
if res.dtype is torch.float64: return res.float()
return res
test_eq(tensor(torch.tensor([1,2,3])), torch.tensor([1,2,3]))
test_eq(tensor(array([1,2,3])), torch.tensor([1,2,3]))
test_eq(tensor(1,2,3), torch.tensor([1,2,3]))
test_eq_type(tensor(1.0), torch.tensor(1.0))
def set_seed(s):
"Set random seed for `random`, `torch`, and `numpy` (where available)"
try: torch.manual_seed(s)
except NameError: pass
try: np.random.seed(s%(2**32-1))
except NameError: pass
a1 = np.random.random()
a2 = torch.rand(())
a3 = random.random()
b1 = np.random.random()
b2 = torch.rand(())
b3 = random.random()
def unsqueeze(x, dim=-1, n=1):
"Same as `torch.unsqueeze` but can add `n` dims"
for _ in range(n): x = x.unsqueeze(dim)
return x
t = tensor([1])
t2 = unsqueeze(t, n=2)
def unsqueeze_(x, dim=-1, n=1):
"Same as `torch.unsqueeze_` but can add `n` dims"
for _ in range(n): x.unsqueeze_(dim)
return x
t = tensor([1])
unsqueeze_(t, n=2)
test_eq(t, tensor([1]).view(1,1,1))
def _fa_rebuild_tensor (cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(torch._utils._rebuild_tensor_v2(*args, **kwargs))
def _fa_rebuild_qtensor(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls(torch._utils._rebuild_qtensor (*args, **kwargs))
def apply(func, x, *args, **kwargs):
"Apply `func` recursively to `x`, passing on args"
if is_listy(x): return type(x)([apply(func, o, *args, **kwargs) for o in x])
if isinstance(x,dict): return {k: apply(func, v, *args, **kwargs) for k,v in x.items()}
res = func(x, *args, **kwargs)
return res if x is None else retain_type(res, x)
def maybe_gather(x, axis=0):
"Gather copies of `x` on `axis` (if training is distributed)"
if num_distrib()<=1: return x
ndim = x.ndim
res = [x.new_zeros(*x.shape if ndim > 0 else (1,)) for _ in range(num_distrib())]
torch.distributed.all_gather(res, x if ndim > 0 else x[None])
return torch.cat(res, dim=axis) if ndim > 0 else torch.cat(res, dim=axis).mean()
def to_detach(b, cpu=True, gather=True):
"Recursively detach lists of tensors in `b `; put them on the CPU if `cpu=True`."
def _inner(x, cpu=True, gather=True):
if not isinstance(x,Tensor): return x
x = x.detach()
if gather: x = maybe_gather(x)
return x.cpu() if cpu else x
return apply(_inner, b, cpu=cpu, gather=gather)
only applies during distributed training and the result tensor will be the one gathered accross processes if gather=True
(as a result, the batch size will be multiplied by the number of processes).
def to_half(b):
"Recursively map lists of tensors in `b ` to FP16."
return apply(lambda x: x.half() if torch.is_floating_point(x) else x, b)
def to_float(b):
"Recursively map lists of int tensors in `b ` to float."
return apply(lambda x: x.float() if torch.is_floating_point(x) else x, b)
# None: True if available; True: error if not availabe; False: use CPU
defaults.use_cuda = None
def default_device(use_cuda=-1):
"Return or set default device; `use_cuda`: None - CUDA if available; True - error if not availabe; False - CPU"
if use_cuda != -1: defaults.use_cuda=use_cuda
use = defaults.use_cuda or (torch.cuda.is_available() and defaults.use_cuda is None)
assert torch.cuda.is_available() or not use
return torch.device(torch.cuda.current_device()) if use else torch.device('cpu')
# cuda
_td = torch.device(torch.cuda.current_device())
test_eq(default_device(None), _td)
test_eq(default_device(True), _td)
test_eq(default_device(False), torch.device('cpu'))
def to_device(b, device=None):
"Recursively put `b` on `device`."
if defaults.use_cuda==False: device='cpu'
elif device is None: device=default_device()
def _inner(o): return o.to(device, non_blocking=True) if isinstance(o,Tensor) else o.to_device(device) if hasattr(o, "to_device") else o
return apply(_inner, b)
t = to_device((3,(tensor(3),tensor(2))))
t1,(t2,t3) = t
# cuda
test_eq(t2.type(), "torch.cuda.LongTensor")
test_eq(t3.type(), "torch.cuda.LongTensor")
def to_cpu(b):
"Recursively map lists of tensors in `b ` to the cpu."
return to_device(b,'cpu')
t3 = to_cpu(t3)
test_eq(t3.type(), "torch.LongTensor")
test_eq(t3, 2)
def to_np(x):
"Convert a tensor to a numpy array."
return apply(lambda o: o.data.cpu().numpy(), x)
t3 = to_np(t3)
test_eq(type(t3), np.ndarray)
test_eq(t3, 2)
def to_concat(xs, dim=0):
"Concat the element in `xs` (recursively if they are tuples/lists of tensors)"
if not xs: return xs
if is_listy(xs[0]): return type(xs[0])([to_concat([x[i] for x in xs], dim=dim) for i in range_of(xs[0])])
if isinstance(xs[0],dict): return {k: to_concat([x[k] for x in xs], dim=dim) for k in xs[0].keys()}
#We may receives xs that are not concatenatable (inputs of a text classifier for instance),
# in this case we return a big list
try: return retain_type(torch.cat(xs, dim=dim), xs[0])
except: return sum([L(retain_type(o_.index_select(dim, tensor(i)).squeeze(dim), xs[0])
for i in range_of(o_)) for o_ in xs], L())
test_eq(to_concat([tensor([1,2]), tensor([3,4])]), tensor([1,2,3,4]))
test_eq(to_concat([tensor([[1,2]]), tensor([[3,4]])], dim=1), tensor([[1,2,3,4]]))
test_eq_type(to_concat([(tensor([1,2]), tensor([3,4])), (tensor([3,4]), tensor([5,6]))]), (tensor([1,2,3,4]), tensor([3,4,5,6])))
test_eq_type(to_concat([[tensor([1,2]), tensor([3,4])], [tensor([3,4]), tensor([5,6])]]), [tensor([1,2,3,4]), tensor([3,4,5,6])])
test_eq_type(to_concat([(tensor([1,2]),), (tensor([3,4]),)]), (tensor([1,2,3,4]),))
test_eq(to_concat([tensor([[1,2]]), tensor([[3,4], [5,6]])], dim=1), [tensor([1]),tensor([3, 5]),tensor([4, 6])])
test_eq(type(to_concat([dict(foo=tensor([1,2]), bar=tensor(3,4))])), dict)
def set_meta(self:Tensor, x, copy_meta=False):
"Set all metadata in `__dict__`"
if not hasattr(x,'__dict__'): return
d = x.__dict__
if copy_meta:
d = copy(d)
if '_meta' in d: d['_meta'] = copy(d['_meta'])
self.__dict__ = d
def get_meta(self:Tensor, n, d=None):
"Set `n` from `self._meta` if it exists and returns default `d` otherwise"
return getattr(self, '_meta', {}).get(n, d)
if not hasattr(torch,'as_subclass'):
setattr(torch, 'as_subclass', torch.Tensor.as_subclass)
def as_subclass(self:Tensor, typ):
"Cast to `typ` and include `__dict__` and meta"
return retain_meta(self, torch.as_subclass(self, typ))
and Tensor.as_subclass
work together to maintain _meta
after casting.
class _T(Tensor): pass
t = tensor(1.).requires_grad_()
t._meta = {'img_size': 1}
t2 = t.as_subclass(_T)
test_eq(t._meta, t2._meta)
test_eq(t2.get_meta('img_size'), 1)
class TensorBase(Tensor):
def __new__(cls, x, **kwargs):
res = cast(tensor(x), cls)
if kwargs: res._meta = kwargs
return res
def _before_cast(cls, x): return tensor(x)
def __reduce_ex__(self,proto):
args = (type(self), self.storage(), self.storage_offset(), tuple(self.size()), self.stride())
if self.is_quantized: args = args + (self.q_scale(), self.q_zero_point())
f = _fa_rebuild_qtensor if self.is_quantized else _fa_rebuild_tensor
return (f, args + (self.requires_grad, OrderedDict()))
def gi(self, i):
res = self[i]
return res.as_subclass(type(self)) if isinstance(res,Tensor) else res
def __repr__(self):
return re.sub('tensor', self.__class__.__name__, super().__repr__())
def _patch_tb():
if getattr(TensorBase,'_patched',False): return
TensorBase._patched = True
def get_f(fn):
def _f(self, *args, **kwargs):
cls = self.__class__
res = getattr(super(TensorBase, self), fn)(*args, **kwargs)
return retain_type(res, self, copy_meta=True)
return _f
t = tensor([1])
skips = 'as_subclass imag real __getitem__ __class__ __deepcopy__ __delattr__ __dir__ __doc__ __getattribute__ __hash__ __init__ \
__init_subclass__ __new__ __reduce__ __reduce_ex__ __repr__ __module__ __setstate__'.split()
for fn in dir(t):
if fn in skips: continue
f = getattr(t, fn)
if isinstance(f, (MethodWrapperType, BuiltinFunctionType, BuiltinMethodType, MethodType, FunctionType)):
setattr(TensorBase, fn, get_f(fn))
class TensorCategory(TensorBase): pass
class TensorMultiCategory(TensorCategory): pass
class _T(TensorBase): pass
t = _T(range(5))
test_eq(t[0], 0)
test_eq_type(t.gi(0), _T(0))
test_eq_type(t.gi(slice(2)), _T([0,1]))
test_eq_type(t+1, _T(range(1,6)))
test_eq(repr(t), '_T([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])')
test_eq(type(pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(t))), _T)
t = tensor([1,2,3])
m = TensorBase([False,True,True])
test_eq(t[m], tensor([2,3]))
t = tensor([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]])
m = cast(tensor([[False,True,True],
[False,True,True]]), TensorBase)
test_eq(t[m], tensor([2,3,2,3]))
t = tensor([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]])
t._meta = {'img_size': 1}
t2 = cast(t, TensorBase)
test_eq(t2._meta, t._meta)
x = retain_type(tensor([4,5,6]), t2)
test_eq(x._meta, t._meta)
t3 = TensorBase([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]], img_size=1)
test_eq(t3._meta, t._meta)
t4 = t2+1
t4._meta['img_size'] = 2
test_eq(t2._meta, {'img_size': 1})
test_eq(t4._meta, {'img_size': 2})
class TensorImageBase(TensorBase):
_show_args = ArrayImageBase._show_args
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
return show_image(self, ctx=ctx, **{**self._show_args, **kwargs})
class TensorImage(TensorImageBase): pass
class TensorImageBW(TensorImage): _show_args = ArrayImageBW._show_args
class TensorMask(TensorImageBase):
_show_args = ArrayMask._show_args
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
codes = self.get_meta('codes')
if codes is not None: kwargs = merge({'vmin': 1, 'vmax': len(codes)}, kwargs)
return super().show(ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
im = Image.open(TEST_IMAGE)
im_t = cast(array(im), TensorImage)
test_eq(type(im_t), TensorImage)
im_t2 = cast(tensor(1), TensorMask)
test_eq(type(im_t2), TensorMask)
test_eq(im_t2, tensor(1))
ax = im_t.show(figsize=(2,2))
#hide (last test of to_concat)
test_eq_type(to_concat([TensorImage([1,2]), TensorImage([3,4])]), TensorImage([1,2,3,4]))
class TitledTensorScalar(TensorBase):
"A tensor containing a scalar that has a `show` method"
def show(self, **kwargs): show_title(self.item(), **kwargs)
def tensored(self:L):
return self.map(tensor)
def stack(self:L, dim=0):
"Same as `torch.stack`"
return torch.stack(list(self.tensored()), dim=dim)
def cat (self:L, dim=0):
"Same as `torch.cat`"
return torch.cat (list(self.tensored()), dim=dim)
There are shortcuts for torch.stack
and torch.cat
if your L
contains tensors or something convertible. You can manually convert with tensored
t = L(([1,2],[3,4]))
test_eq(t.tensored(), [tensor(1,2),tensor(3,4)])
test_eq(t.stack(), tensor([[1,2],[3,4]]))
test_eq(t.cat(), tensor([1,2,3,4]))
def concat(*ls):
"Concatenate tensors, arrays, lists, or tuples"
if not len(ls): return []
it = ls[0]
if isinstance(it,torch.Tensor): res = torch.cat(ls)
elif isinstance(it,ndarray): res = np.concatenate(ls)
res = itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(L,ls))
if isinstance(it,(tuple,list)): res = type(it)(res)
else: res = L(res)
return retain_type(res, it)
a,b,c = [1],[1,2],[1,1,2]
test_eq(concat(a,b), c)
test_eq_type(concat(tuple (a),tuple (b)), tuple (c))
test_eq_type(concat(array (a),array (b)), array (c))
test_eq_type(concat(tensor(a),tensor(b)), tensor(c))
test_eq_type(concat(TensorBase(a),TensorBase(b)), TensorBase(c))
test_eq_type(concat([1,1],1), [1,1,1])
test_eq_type(concat(1,1,1), L(1,1,1))
test_eq_type(concat(L(1,2),1), L(1,2,1))
class Chunks:
"Slice and int indexing into a list of lists"
def __init__(self, chunks, lens=None):
self.chunks = chunks
self.lens = L(map(len,self.chunks) if lens is None else lens)
self.cumlens = np.cumsum(0+self.lens)
self.totlen = self.cumlens[-1]
def __getitem__(self,i):
if isinstance(i,slice): return retain_type(self.getslice(i), old=self.chunks[0])
di,idx = self.doc_idx(i)
return retain_type(self.chunks[di][idx], old=self.chunks[0])
def getslice(self, i):
st_d,st_i = self.doc_idx(ifnone(i.start,0))
en_d,en_i = self.doc_idx(ifnone(i.stop,self.totlen+1))
res = [self.chunks[st_d][st_i:(en_i if st_d==en_d else sys.maxsize)]]
for b in range(st_d+1,en_d): res.append(self.chunks[b])
if st_d!=en_d and en_d<len(self.chunks): res.append(self.chunks[en_d][:en_i])
return concat(*res)
def doc_idx(self, i):
if i<0: i=self.totlen+i # count from end
docidx = np.searchsorted(self.cumlens, i+1)-1
cl = self.cumlens[docidx]
return docidx,i-cl
docs = L(list(string.ascii_lowercase[a:b]) for a,b in ((0,3),(3,7),(7,8),(8,16),(16,24),(24,26)))
b = Chunks(docs)
test_eq([b[ o] for o in range(0,5)], ['a','b','c','d','e'])
test_eq([b[-o] for o in range(1,6)], ['z','y','x','w','v'])
test_eq(b[6:13], 'g,h,i,j,k,l,m'.split(','))
test_eq(b[20:77], 'u,v,w,x,y,z'.split(','))
test_eq(b[:5], 'a,b,c,d,e'.split(','))
test_eq(b[:2], 'a,b'.split(','))
t = torch.arange(26)
docs = L(t[a:b] for a,b in ((0,3),(3,7),(7,8),(8,16),(16,24),(24,26)))
b = Chunks(docs)
test_eq([b[ o] for o in range(0,5)], range(0,5))
test_eq([b[-o] for o in range(1,6)], [25,24,23,22,21])
test_eq(b[6:13], torch.arange(6,13))
test_eq(b[20:77], torch.arange(20,26))
test_eq(b[:5], torch.arange(5))
test_eq(b[:2], torch.arange(2))
docs = L(TensorBase(t[a:b]) for a,b in ((0,3),(3,7),(7,8),(8,16),(16,24),(24,26)))
b = Chunks(docs)
test_eq_type(b[:2], TensorBase(range(2)))
test_eq_type(b[:5], TensorBase(range(5)))
test_eq_type(b[9:13], TensorBase(range(9,13)))
def show_title(o, ax=None, ctx=None, label=None, color='black', **kwargs):
"Set title of `ax` to `o`, or print `o` if `ax` is `None`"
ax = ifnone(ax,ctx)
if ax is None: print(o)
elif hasattr(ax, 'set_title'):
t = ax.title.get_text()
if len(t) > 0: o = t+'\n'+str(o)
ax.set_title(o, color=color)
elif isinstance(ax, pd.Series):
while label in ax: label += '_'
ax = ax.append(pd.Series({label: o}))
return ax
test_stdout(lambda: show_title("title"), "title")
# ensure that col names are unique when showing to a pandas series
assert show_title("title", ctx=pd.Series(dict(a=1)), label='a').equals(pd.Series(dict(a=1,a_='title')))
class ShowTitle:
"Base class that adds a simple `show`"
_show_args = {'label': 'text'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show self"
return show_title(str(self), ctx=ctx, **merge(self._show_args, kwargs))
class TitledInt(Int, ShowTitle):
_show_args = {'label': 'text'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show self"
return show_title(str(self), ctx=ctx, **merge(self._show_args, kwargs))
class TitledFloat(Float, ShowTitle):
_show_args = {'label': 'text'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show self"
return show_title(str(self), ctx=ctx, **merge(self._show_args, kwargs))
class TitledStr(Str, ShowTitle):
_show_args = {'label': 'text'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show self"
return show_title(str(self), ctx=ctx, **merge(self._show_args, kwargs))
class TitledTuple(fastuple, ShowTitle):
_show_args = {'label': 'text'}
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
"Show self"
return show_title(str(self), ctx=ctx, **merge(self._show_args, kwargs))
add_docs(TitledInt, "An `int` with `show`"); add_docs(TitledStr, "An `str` with `show`");
add_docs(TitledFloat, "A `float` with `show`"); add_docs(TitledTuple, "A `fastuple` with `show`")
show_doc(TitledInt, title_level=3)
show_doc(TitledStr, title_level=3)
show_doc(TitledFloat, title_level=3)
test_stdout(lambda: TitledStr('s').show(), 's')
test_stdout(lambda: TitledInt(1).show(), '1')
show_doc(TitledTuple, title_level=3)
df = pd.DataFrame(index = range(1))
row = df.iloc[0]
x = TitledFloat(2.56)
row = x.show(ctx=row, label='lbl')
test_eq(float(row.lbl), 2.56)
def truncate(self:TitledStr, n):
"Truncate self to `n`"
words = self.split(' ')[:n]
return TitledStr(' '.join(words))
if not hasattr(pd.DataFrame,'_old_init'): pd.DataFrame._old_init = pd.DataFrame.__init__
def __init__(self:pd.DataFrame, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=False):
if data is not None and isinstance(data, Tensor): data = to_np(data)
self._old_init(data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
def get_empty_df(n):
"Return `n` empty rows of a dataframe"
df = pd.DataFrame(index = range(n))
return [df.iloc[i] for i in range(n)]
def display_df(df):
"Display `df` in a notebook or defaults to print"
try: from IPython.display import display, HTML
except: return print(df)
def get_first(c):
"Get the first element of c, even if c is a dataframe"
return getattr(c, 'iloc', c)[0]
def one_param(m):
"First parameter in `m`"
return first(m.parameters())
def item_find(x, idx=0):
"Recursively takes the `idx`-th element of `x`"
if is_listy(x): return item_find(x[idx])
if isinstance(x,dict):
key = list(x.keys())[idx] if isinstance(idx, int) else idx
return item_find(x[key])
return x
def find_device(b):
"Recursively search the device of `b`."
return item_find(b).device
t2 = to_device(tensor(0))
dev = default_device()
test_eq(find_device(t2), dev)
test_eq(find_device([t2,t2]), dev)
test_eq(find_device({'a':t2,'b':t2}), dev)
test_eq(find_device({'a':[[t2],[t2]],'b':t2}), dev)
def find_bs(b):
"Recursively search the batch size of `b`."
return item_find(b).shape[0]
x = torch.randn(4,5)
test_eq(find_bs(x), 4)
test_eq(find_bs([x, x]), 4)
test_eq(find_bs({'a':x,'b':x}), 4)
test_eq(find_bs({'a':[[x],[x]],'b':x}), 4)
def np_func(f):
"Convert a function taking and returning numpy arrays to one taking and returning tensors"
def _inner(*args, **kwargs):
nargs = [to_np(arg) if isinstance(arg,Tensor) else arg for arg in args]
return tensor(f(*nargs, **kwargs))
functools.update_wrapper(_inner, f)
return _inner
This decorator is particularly useful for using numpy functions as fastai metrics, for instance:
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
def f1(inp,targ): return f1_score(targ, inp)
a1,a2 = array([0,1,1]),array([1,0,1])
t = f1(tensor(a1),tensor(a2))
test_eq(f1_score(a1,a2), t)
assert isinstance(t,Tensor)
class Module(nn.Module, metaclass=PrePostInitMeta):
"Same as `nn.Module`, but no need for subclasses to call `super().__init__`"
def __pre_init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__()
def __init__(self): pass
show_doc(Module, title_level=3)
class _T(Module):
def __init__(self): self.f = nn.Linear(1,1)
def forward(self,x): return self.f(x)
t = _T()
tensor([-1.0893], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
# export
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel
def get_model(model):
"Return the model maybe wrapped inside `model`."
return model.module if isinstance(model, (DistributedDataParallel, nn.DataParallel)) else model
# export
def one_hot(x, c):
"One-hot encode `x` with `c` classes."
res = torch.zeros(c, dtype=torch.uint8)
if isinstance(x, Tensor) and x.numel()>0: res[x] = 1.
else: res[list(L(x, use_list=None))] = 1.
return res
test_eq(one_hot([1,4], 5), tensor(0,1,0,0,1).byte())
test_eq(one_hot(torch.tensor([]), 5), tensor(0,0,0,0,0).byte())
test_eq(one_hot(2, 5), tensor(0,0,1,0,0).byte())
def one_hot_decode(x, vocab=None):
return L(vocab[i] if vocab else i for i,x_ in enumerate(x) if x_==1)
test_eq(one_hot_decode(tensor(0,1,0,0,1)), [1,4])
test_eq(one_hot_decode(tensor(0,0,0,0,0)), [ ])
test_eq(one_hot_decode(tensor(0,0,1,0,0)), [2 ])
def params(m):
"Return all parameters of `m`"
return [p for p in m.parameters()]
def trainable_params(m):
"Return all trainable parameters of `m`"
return [p for p in m.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
m = nn.Linear(4,5)
test_eq(trainable_params(m), [m.weight, m.bias])
test_eq(trainable_params(m), [m.bias])
norm_types = (nn.BatchNorm1d, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.BatchNorm3d, nn.InstanceNorm1d, nn.InstanceNorm2d, nn.InstanceNorm3d, nn.LayerNorm)
def norm_bias_params(m, with_bias=True):
"Return all bias and BatchNorm parameters"
if isinstance(m, norm_types): return L(m.parameters())
res = L(m.children()).map(norm_bias_params, with_bias=with_bias).concat()
if with_bias and getattr(m, 'bias', None) is not None: res.append(m.bias)
return res
for norm_func in [nn.BatchNorm1d, partial(nn.InstanceNorm1d, affine=True)]:
model = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(10,20), norm_func(20), nn.Conv1d(3,4, 3))
test_eq(norm_bias_params(model), [model[0].bias, model[1].weight, model[1].bias, model[2].bias])
model = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(10,20, bias=False), nn.Sequential(norm_func(20), nn.Conv1d(3,4,3))])
test_eq(norm_bias_params(model), [model[1][0].weight, model[1][0].bias, model[1][1].bias])
model = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(10,20), nn.Sequential(norm_func(20), nn.Conv1d(3,4,3))])
test_eq(norm_bias_params(model, with_bias=False), [model[1][0].weight, model[1][0].bias])
def batch_to_samples(b, max_n=10):
"'Transposes' a batch to (at most `max_n`) samples"
if isinstance(b, Tensor): return retain_types(list(b[:max_n]), [b])
res = L(b).map(partial(batch_to_samples,max_n=max_n))
return retain_types(res.zip(), [b])
t = tensor([1,2,3])
test_eq(batch_to_samples([t,t+1], max_n=2), ([1,2],[2,3]))
test_eq(batch_to_samples(tensor([1,2,3]), 10), [1, 2, 3])
test_eq(batch_to_samples([tensor([1,2,3]), tensor([4,5,6])], 10), [(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)])
test_eq(batch_to_samples([tensor([1,2,3]), tensor([4,5,6])], 2), [(1, 4), (2, 5)])
test_eq(batch_to_samples([tensor([1,2,3]), [tensor([4,5,6]),tensor([7,8,9])]], 10),
[(1, (4, 7)), (2, (5, 8)), (3, (6, 9))])
test_eq(batch_to_samples([tensor([1,2,3]), [tensor([4,5,6]),tensor([7,8,9])]], 2), [(1, (4, 7)), (2, (5, 8))])
t = fastuple(tensor([1,2,3]),TensorBase([2,3,4]))
test_eq_type(batch_to_samples(t)[0][1], TensorBase(2))
test_eq(batch_to_samples(t).map(type), [fastuple]*3)
def interp_1d(x:Tensor, xp, fp):
"Same as `np.interp`"
slopes = (fp[1:]-fp[:-1])/(xp[1:]-xp[:-1])
incx = fp[:-1] - (slopes*xp[:-1])
locs = (x[:,None]>=xp[None,:]).long().sum(1)-1
locs = locs.clamp(0,len(slopes)-1)
return slopes[locs]*x + incx[locs]
brks = tensor(0,1,2,4,8,64).float()
ys = tensor(range_of(brks)).float()
ys /= ys[-1].item()
pts = tensor(0.2,0.5,0.8,3,5,63)
preds = pts.interp_1d(brks, ys)
test_close(preds.numpy(), np.interp(pts.numpy(), brks.numpy(), ys.numpy()))
def pca(x:Tensor, k=2):
"Compute PCA of `x` with `k` dimensions."
x = x-torch.mean(x,0)
U,S,V = torch.svd(x.t())
return torch.mm(x,U[:,:k])
# export
def logit(x):
"Logit of `x`, clamped to avoid inf."
x = x.clamp(1e-7, 1-1e-7)
return -(1/x-1).log()
def num_distrib():
"Return the number of processes in distributed training (if applicable)."
return int(os.environ.get('WORLD_SIZE', 0))
def rank_distrib():
"Return the distributed rank of this process (if applicable)."
return int(os.environ.get('RANK', 0))
def distrib_barrier():
"Place a synchronization barrier in distributed training so that ALL sub-processes in the pytorch process group must arrive here before proceeding."
if num_distrib() > 1 and torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.distributed.barrier()
# Saving arrays requires pytables - optional dependency
try: import tables
except: pass
def _comp_filter(lib='lz4',lvl=3): return tables.Filters(complib=f'blosc:{lib}', complevel=lvl)
def save_array(p:Path, o, complib='lz4', lvl=3):
"Save numpy array to a compressed `pytables` file, using compression level `lvl`"
if isinstance(o,Tensor): o = to_np(o)
with tables.open_file(p, mode='w', filters=_comp_filter(lib=complib,lvl=lvl)) as f: f.create_carray('/', 'data', obj=o)
Compression lib can be any of: blosclz, lz4, lz4hc, snappy, zlib or zstd.
def load_array(p:Path):
"Save numpy array to a `pytables` file"
with tables.open_file(p, 'r') as f: return f.root.data.read()
'Save numpy array to a `pytables` file'
'(p: pathlib.Path)'
def base_doc(elt):
"Print a base documentation of `elt`"
name = getattr(elt, '__qualname__', getattr(elt, '__name__', ''))
print('To get a prettier result with hyperlinks to source code and documentation, install nbdev: pip install nbdev')
def doc(elt):
"Try to use doc form nbdev and fall back to `base_doc`"
from nbdev.showdoc import doc
except: base_doc(elt)
def nested_reorder(t, idxs):
"Reorder all tensors in `t` using `idxs`"
if isinstance(t, (Tensor,L)): return t[idxs]
elif is_listy(t): return type(t)(nested_reorder(t_, idxs) for t_ in t)
if t is None: return t
raise TypeError(f"Expected tensor, tuple, list or L but got {type(t)}")
x = tensor([0,1,2,3,4,5])
idxs = tensor([2,5,1,0,3,4])
test_eq_type(nested_reorder(([x], x), idxs), ([idxs], idxs))
y = L(0,1,2,3,4,5)
z = L(i.item() for i in idxs)
test_eq_type(nested_reorder((y, x), idxs), (z,idxs))
def to_image(x):
if isinstance(x,Image.Image): return x
if isinstance(x,Tensor): x = to_np(x.permute((1,2,0)))
if x.dtype==np.float32: x = (x*255).astype(np.uint8)
return Image.fromarray(x, mode=['RGB','CMYK'][x.shape[0]==4])
def make_cross_image(bw=True):
"Create a tensor containing a cross image, either `bw` (True) or color"
if bw:
im = torch.zeros(5,5)
im[2,:] = 1.
im[:,2] = 1.
im = torch.zeros(3,5,5)
im[0,2,:] = 1.
im[1,:,2] = 1.
return im
plt.imshow(make_cross_image(), cmap="Greys");
def show_image_batch(b, show=show_titled_image, items=9, cols=3, figsize=None, **kwargs):
"Display batch `b` in a grid of size `items` with `cols` width"
if items<cols: cols=items
rows = (items+cols-1) // cols
if figsize is None: figsize = (cols*3, rows*3)
fig,axs = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=figsize)
for *o,ax in zip(*to_cpu(b), axs.flatten()): show(o, ax=ax, **kwargs)
show_image_batch(([Image.open(TEST_IMAGE_BW),Image.open(TEST_IMAGE)],['bw','color']), items=2)
def requires_grad(m):
"Check if the first parameter of `m` requires grad or not"
ps = list(m.parameters())
return ps[0].requires_grad if len(ps)>0 else False
tst = nn.Linear(4,5)
assert requires_grad(tst)
for p in tst.parameters(): p.requires_grad_(False)
assert not requires_grad(tst)
def init_default(m, func=nn.init.kaiming_normal_):
"Initialize `m` weights with `func` and set `bias` to 0."
if func:
if hasattr(m, 'weight'): func(m.weight)
if hasattr(m, 'bias') and hasattr(m.bias, 'data'): m.bias.data.fill_(0.)
return m
tst = nn.Linear(4,5)
tst = init_default(tst, func = lambda x: x.data.fill_(1.))
test_eq(tst.weight, torch.ones(5,4))
test_eq(tst.bias, torch.zeros(5))
def cond_init(m, func):
"Apply `init_default` to `m` unless it's a batchnorm module"
if (not isinstance(m, norm_types)) and requires_grad(m): init_default(m, func)
tst = nn.Linear(4,5)
cond_init(tst, func = lambda x: x.data.fill_(1.))
test_eq(tst.weight, torch.ones(5,4))
test_eq(tst.bias, torch.zeros(5))
tst = nn.BatchNorm2d(5)
init = [tst.weight.clone(), tst.bias.clone()]
cond_init(tst, func = lambda x: x.data.fill_(1.))
test_eq(tst.weight, init[0])
test_eq(tst.bias, init[1])
def apply_leaf(m, f):
"Apply `f` to children of `m`."
c = m.children()
if isinstance(m, nn.Module): f(m)
for l in c: apply_leaf(l,f)
tst = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4,5), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4,5), nn.Linear(4,5)))
apply_leaf(tst, partial(init_default, func=lambda x: x.data.fill_(1.)))
for l in [tst[0], *tst[1]]: test_eq(l.weight, torch.ones(5,4))
for l in [tst[0], *tst[1]]: test_eq(l.bias, torch.zeros(5))
def apply_init(m, func=nn.init.kaiming_normal_):
"Initialize all non-batchnorm layers of `m` with `func`."
apply_leaf(m, partial(cond_init, func=func))
tst = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4,5), nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(4,5), nn.BatchNorm1d(5)))
init = [tst[1][1].weight.clone(), tst[1][1].bias.clone()]
apply_init(tst, func=lambda x: x.data.fill_(1.))
for l in [tst[0], tst[1][0]]: test_eq(l.weight, torch.ones(5,4))
for l in [tst[0], tst[1][0]]: test_eq(l.bias, torch.zeros(5))
test_eq(tst[1][1].weight, init[0])
test_eq(tst[1][1].bias, init[1])
def script_use_ctx(f):
"Decorator: create jit script and pass everything in `ctx.saved_variables to `f`, after `*args`"
sf = torch.jit.script(f)
def _f(ctx, *args, **kwargs): return sf(*args, *ctx.saved_variables, **kwargs)
return update_wrapper(_f,f)
def script_save_ctx(static, *argidx):
"Decorator: create jit script and save args with indices `argidx` using `ctx.save_for_backward`"
def _dec(f):
sf = torch.jit.script(f)
def _f(ctx, *args, **kwargs):
if argidx:
save = [args[o] for o in argidx]
if not argidx: args = [ctx]+args
return sf(*args, **kwargs)
if static: _f = staticmethod(_f)
return update_wrapper(_f,f)
return _dec
def script_fwd(*argidx):
"Decorator: create static jit script and save args with indices `argidx` using `ctx.save_for_backward`"
return script_save_ctx(True, *argidx)
def script_bwd(f):
"Decorator: create static jit script and pass everything in `ctx.saved_variables to `f`, after `*args`"
return staticmethod(script_use_ctx(f))
def grad_module(cls):
"Decorator: convert `cls` into an autograd function"
class _c(nn.Module):
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): return cls.apply(*args, **kwargs)
return _c
from nbdev.export import notebook2script
Converted 00_torch_core.ipynb. Converted 01_layers.ipynb. Converted 02_data.load.ipynb. Converted 03_data.core.ipynb. Converted 04_data.external.ipynb. Converted 05_data.transforms.ipynb. Converted 06_data.block.ipynb. Converted 07_vision.core.ipynb. Converted 08_vision.data.ipynb. Converted 09_vision.augment.ipynb. Converted 09b_vision.utils.ipynb. Converted 09c_vision.widgets.ipynb. Converted 10_tutorial.pets.ipynb. Converted 11_vision.models.xresnet.ipynb. Converted 12_optimizer.ipynb. Converted 13_callback.core.ipynb. Converted 13a_learner.ipynb. Converted 13b_metrics.ipynb. Converted 14_callback.schedule.ipynb. Converted 14a_callback.data.ipynb. Converted 15_callback.hook.ipynb. Converted 15a_vision.models.unet.ipynb. Converted 16_callback.progress.ipynb. Converted 17_callback.tracker.ipynb. Converted 18_callback.fp16.ipynb. Converted 18a_callback.training.ipynb. Converted 19_callback.mixup.ipynb. Converted 20_interpret.ipynb. Converted 20a_distributed.ipynb. Converted 21_vision.learner.ipynb. Converted 22_tutorial.imagenette.ipynb. Converted 23_tutorial.vision.ipynb. Converted 24_tutorial.siamese.ipynb. Converted 24_vision.gan.ipynb. Converted 30_text.core.ipynb. Converted 31_text.data.ipynb. Converted 32_text.models.awdlstm.ipynb. Converted 33_text.models.core.ipynb. Converted 34_callback.rnn.ipynb. Converted 35_tutorial.wikitext.ipynb. Converted 36_text.models.qrnn.ipynb. Converted 37_text.learner.ipynb. Converted 38_tutorial.text.ipynb. Converted 39_tutorial.transformers.ipynb. Converted 40_tabular.core.ipynb. Converted 41_tabular.data.ipynb. Converted 42_tabular.model.ipynb. Converted 43_tabular.learner.ipynb. Converted 44_tutorial.tabular.ipynb. Converted 45_collab.ipynb. Converted 46_tutorial.collab.ipynb. Converted 50_tutorial.datablock.ipynb. Converted 60_medical.imaging.ipynb. Converted 61_tutorial.medical_imaging.ipynb. Converted 65_medical.text.ipynb. Converted 70_callback.wandb.ipynb. Converted 71_callback.tensorboard.ipynb. Converted 72_callback.neptune.ipynb. Converted 73_callback.captum.ipynb. Converted 74_callback.cutmix.ipynb. Converted 97_test_utils.ipynb. Converted 99_pytorch_doc.ipynb. Converted index.ipynb. Converted tutorial.ipynb.