from fastai2.data.all import *
from fastai2.text.core import *
from fastai2.text.models.awdlstm import dropout_mask
from nbdev.showdoc import *
# all_cpp
#default_exp text.models.qrnn
#default_cls_lvl 3
Quasi-recurrent neural networs introduced in Bradbury et al.
from torch.utils import cpp_extension
from torch.autograd import Function
__file__ = Path.cwd().parent/'fastai2'/'text'/'models'/'qrnn.py'
def load_cpp(name, files, path):
os.makedirs(Config().model/'qrnn', exist_ok=True)
return cpp_extension.load(name=name, sources=[path/f for f in files], build_directory=Config().model/'qrnn')
class _LazyBuiltModule():
"A module with a CPP extension that builds itself at first use"
def __init__(self, name, files): self.name,self.files,self.mod = name,files,None
def _build(self):
self.mod = load_cpp(name=self.name, files=self.files, path=Path(__file__).parent)
def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.mod is None: self._build()
return self.mod.forward(*args, **kwargs)
def backward(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.mod is None: self._build()
return self.mod.backward(*args, **kwargs)
forget_mult_cuda = _LazyBuiltModule('forget_mult_cuda', ['forget_mult_cuda.cpp', 'forget_mult_cuda_kernel.cu'])
bwd_forget_mult_cuda = _LazyBuiltModule('bwd_forget_mult_cuda', ['bwd_forget_mult_cuda.cpp', 'bwd_forget_mult_cuda_kernel.cu'])
def dispatch_cuda(cuda_class, cpu_func, x):
"Depending on `x.device` uses `cpu_func` or `cuda_class.apply`"
return cuda_class.apply if x.device.type == 'cuda' else cpu_func
The ForgetMult gate is the quai-recurrent part of the network, computing the following from x
and f
h[i+1] = x[i] * f[i] + h[i] + (1-f[i])
The initial value for h[0]
is either a tensor of zeros or the previous hidden state.
def forget_mult_CPU(x, f, first_h=None, batch_first=True, backward=False):
"ForgetMult gate applied to `x` and `f` on the CPU."
result = []
dim = (1 if batch_first else 0)
forgets = f.split(1, dim=dim)
inputs = x.split(1, dim=dim)
prev_h = None if first_h is None else first_h.unsqueeze(dim)
idx_range = range(len(inputs)-1,-1,-1) if backward else range(len(inputs))
for i in idx_range:
prev_h = inputs[i] * forgets[i] if prev_h is None else inputs[i] * forgets[i] + (1-forgets[i]) * prev_h
if backward: result.insert(0, prev_h)
else: result.append(prev_h)
return torch.cat(result, dim=dim)
is the tensor used for the value of h[0]
(defaults to a tensor of zeros). If batch_first=True
, x
and f
are expected to be of shape batch_size x seq_length x n_hid
, otherwise they are expected to be of shape seq_length x batch_size x n_hid
. If backwards=True
, the elements in x
and f
on the sequence dimension are read in reverse.
def manual_forget_mult(x, f, h=None, batch_first=True, backward=False):
if batch_first: x,f = x.transpose(0,1),f.transpose(0,1)
out = torch.zeros_like(x)
prev = h if h is not None else torch.zeros_like(out[0])
idx_range = range(x.shape[0]-1,-1,-1) if backward else range(x.shape[0])
for i in idx_range:
out[i] = f[i] * x[i] + (1-f[i]) * prev
prev = out[i]
if batch_first: out = out.transpose(0,1)
return out
x,f = torch.randn(5,3,20).chunk(2, dim=2)
for (bf, bw) in [(True,True), (False,True), (True,False), (False,False)]:
th_out = manual_forget_mult(x, f, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
out = forget_mult_CPU(x, f, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
h = torch.randn((5 if bf else 3), 10)
th_out = manual_forget_mult(x, f, h=h, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
out = forget_mult_CPU(x, f, first_h=h, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
x = torch.randn(3,4,5)
x.size() + torch.Size([0,1,0])
torch.Size([3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 0])
class ForgetMultGPU(Function):
"Wraper around the CUDA kernels for the ForgetMult gate."
def forward(ctx, x, f, first_h=None, batch_first=True, backward=False):
ind = -1 if backward else 0
(i,j) = (0,1) if batch_first else (1,0)
output = x.new_zeros(x.shape[0]+i, x.shape[1]+j, x.shape[2])
if first_h is not None:
if batch_first: output[:, ind] = first_h
else: output[ind] = first_h
else: output.zero_()
ctx.forget_mult = bwd_forget_mult_cuda if backward else forget_mult_cuda
output = ctx.forget_mult.forward(x, f, output, batch_first)
ctx.save_for_backward(x, f, first_h, output)
ctx.batch_first = batch_first
if backward: return output[:,:-1] if batch_first else output[:-1]
else: return output[:,1:] if batch_first else output[1:]
def backward(ctx, grad_output):
x, f, first_h, output = ctx.saved_tensors
grad_x, grad_f, grad_h = ctx.forget_mult.backward(x, f, output, grad_output, ctx.batch_first)
return (grad_x, grad_f, (None if first_h is None else grad_h), None, None)
def detach_and_clone(t):
return t.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
x,f = torch.randn(5,3,20).cuda().chunk(2, dim=2)
x,f = x.contiguous().requires_grad_(True),f.contiguous().requires_grad_(True)
th_x,th_f = detach_and_clone(x),detach_and_clone(f)
for (bf, bw) in [(True,True), (False,True), (True,False), (False,False)]:
th_out = forget_mult_CPU(th_x, th_f, first_h=None, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
th_loss = th_out.pow(2).mean()
out = ForgetMultGPU.apply(x, f, None, bf, bw)
loss = out.pow(2).mean()
test_close(th_out,out, eps=1e-4)
test_close(th_x.grad,x.grad, eps=1e-4)
test_close(th_f.grad,f.grad, eps=1e-4)
for p in [x,f, th_x, th_f]:
p = p.detach()
p.grad = None
h = torch.randn((5 if bf else 3), 10).cuda().requires_grad_(True)
th_h = detach_and_clone(h)
th_out = forget_mult_CPU(th_x, th_f, first_h=th_h, batch_first=bf, backward=bw)
th_loss = th_out.pow(2).mean()
out = ForgetMultGPU.apply(x.contiguous(), f.contiguous(), h, bf, bw)
loss = out.pow(2).mean()
test_close(th_out,out, eps=1e-4)
test_close(th_x.grad,x.grad, eps=1e-4)
test_close(th_f.grad,f.grad, eps=1e-4)
test_close(th_h.grad,h.grad, eps=1e-4)
for p in [x,f, th_x, th_f]:
p = p.detach()
p.grad = None
class QRNNLayer(Module):
"Apply a single layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence."
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size=None, save_prev_x=False, zoneout=0, window=1,
output_gate=True, batch_first=True, backward=False):
assert window in [1, 2], "This QRNN implementation currently only handles convolutional window of size 1 or size 2"
self.save_prev_x,self.zoneout,self.window = save_prev_x,zoneout,window
self.output_gate,self.batch_first,self.backward = output_gate,batch_first,backward
hidden_size = ifnone(hidden_size, input_size)
#One large matmul with concat is faster than N small matmuls and no concat
mult = (3 if output_gate else 2)
self.linear = nn.Linear(window * input_size, mult * hidden_size)
self.prevX = None
def reset(self): self.prevX = None
def forward(self, inp, hid=None):
y = self.linear(self._get_source(inp))
if self.output_gate: z_gate,f_gate,o_gate = y.chunk(3, dim=2)
else: z_gate,f_gate = y.chunk(2, dim=2)
if self.zoneout and self.training:
f_gate = f_gate * dropout_mask(f_gate, f_gate.size(), self.zoneout).requires_grad_(False)
z_gate,f_gate = z_gate.contiguous(),f_gate.contiguous()
forget_mult = dispatch_cuda(ForgetMultGPU, partial(forget_mult_CPU), inp)
c_gate = forget_mult(z_gate, f_gate, hid, self.batch_first, self.backward)
output = torch.sigmoid(o_gate) * c_gate if self.output_gate else c_gate
if self.window > 1 and self.save_prev_x:
if self.backward: self.prevX = (inp[:, :1] if self.batch_first else inp[:1]) .detach()
else: self.prevX = (inp[:, -1:] if self.batch_first else inp[-1:]).detach()
idx = 0 if self.backward else -1
return output, (c_gate[:, idx] if self.batch_first else c_gate[idx])
def _get_source(self, inp):
if self.window == 1: return inp
dim = (1 if self.batch_first else 0)
if self.batch_first:
prev = torch.zeros_like(inp[:,:1]) if self.prevX is None else self.prevX
if prev.shape[0] < inp.shape[0]: prev = torch.cat([prev, torch.zeros_like(inp[prev.shape[0]:, :1])], dim=0)
if prev.shape[0] > inp.shape[0]: prev= prev[:inp.shape[0]]
prev = torch.zeros_like(inp[:1]) if self.prevX is None else self.prevX
if prev.shape[1] < inp.shape[1]: prev = torch.cat([prev, torch.zeros_like(inp[:1, prev.shape[0]:])], dim=1)
if prev.shape[1] > inp.shape[1]: prev= prev[:,:inp.shape[1]]
inp_shift = [prev]
if self.backward: inp_shift.insert(0,inp[:,1:] if self.batch_first else inp[1:])
else: inp_shift.append(inp[:,:-1] if self.batch_first else inp[:-1])
inp_shift = torch.cat(inp_shift, dim)
return torch.cat([inp, inp_shift], 2)
qrnn_fwd = QRNNLayer(10, 20, save_prev_x=True, zoneout=0, window=2, output_gate=True)
qrnn_bwd = QRNNLayer(10, 20, save_prev_x=True, zoneout=0, window=2, output_gate=True, backward=True)
x_fwd = torch.randn(7,5,10)
x_bwd = x_fwd.clone().flip(1)
y_fwd,h_fwd = qrnn_fwd(x_fwd)
y_bwd,h_bwd = qrnn_bwd(x_bwd)
test_close(y_fwd, y_bwd.flip(1), eps=1e-4)
test_close(h_fwd, h_bwd, eps=1e-4)
y_fwd,h_fwd = qrnn_fwd(x_fwd, h_fwd)
y_bwd,h_bwd = qrnn_bwd(x_bwd, h_bwd)
test_close(y_fwd, y_bwd.flip(1), eps=1e-4)
test_close(h_fwd, h_bwd, eps=1e-4)
class QRNN(Module):
"Apply a multiple layer Quasi-Recurrent Neural Network (QRNN) to an input sequence."
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, n_layers=1, batch_first=True, dropout=0,
bidirectional=False, save_prev_x=False, zoneout=0, window=None, output_gate=True):
assert not (save_prev_x and bidirectional), "Can't save the previous X with bidirectional."
kwargs = dict(batch_first=batch_first, zoneout=zoneout, output_gate=output_gate)
self.layers = nn.ModuleList([QRNNLayer(input_size if l == 0 else hidden_size, hidden_size, save_prev_x=save_prev_x,
window=((2 if l ==0 else 1) if window is None else window), **kwargs)
for l in range(n_layers)])
if bidirectional:
self.layers_bwd = nn.ModuleList([QRNNLayer(input_size if l == 0 else hidden_size, hidden_size,
backward=True, window=((2 if l ==0 else 1) if window is None else window),
**kwargs) for l in range(n_layers)])
self.n_layers,self.batch_first,self.dropout,self.bidirectional = n_layers,batch_first,dropout,bidirectional
def reset(self):
"Reset the hidden state."
for layer in self.layers: layer.reset()
if self.bidirectional:
for layer in self.layers_bwd: layer.reset()
def forward(self, inp, hid=None):
new_hid = []
if self.bidirectional: inp_bwd = inp.clone()
for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
inp, h = layer(inp, None if hid is None else hid[2*i if self.bidirectional else i])
if self.bidirectional:
inp_bwd, h_bwd = self.layers_bwd[i](inp_bwd, None if hid is None else hid[2*i+1])
if self.dropout != 0 and i < len(self.layers) - 1:
for o in ([inp, inp_bwd] if self.bidirectional else [inp]):
o = F.dropout(o, p=self.dropout, training=self.training, inplace=False)
if self.bidirectional: inp = torch.cat([inp, inp_bwd], dim=2)
return inp, torch.stack(new_hid, 0)
qrnn = QRNN(10, 20, 2, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, window=2, output_gate=False)
x = torch.randn(7,5,10)
y,h = qrnn(x)
test_eq(y.size(), [7, 5, 40])
test_eq(h.size(), [4, 7, 20])
#Without an out gate, the last timestamp in the forward output is the second to last hidden
#and the first timestamp of the backward output is the last hidden
test_close(y[:,-1,:20], h[2])
test_close(y[:,0,20:], h[3])
from nbdev.export import notebook2script
Converted 00_torch_core.ipynb. Converted 01_layers.ipynb. Converted 02_data.load.ipynb. Converted 03_data.core.ipynb. Converted 04_data.external.ipynb. Converted 05_data.transforms.ipynb. Converted 06_data.block.ipynb. Converted 07_vision.core.ipynb. Converted 08_vision.data.ipynb. Converted 09_vision.augment.ipynb. Converted 09b_vision.utils.ipynb. Converted 09c_vision.widgets.ipynb. Converted 10_tutorial.pets.ipynb. Converted 11_vision.models.xresnet.ipynb. Converted 12_optimizer.ipynb. Converted 13_learner.ipynb. Converted 13a_metrics.ipynb. Converted 14_callback.schedule.ipynb. Converted 14a_callback.data.ipynb. Converted 15_callback.hook.ipynb. Converted 15a_vision.models.unet.ipynb. Converted 16_callback.progress.ipynb. Converted 17_callback.tracker.ipynb. Converted 18_callback.fp16.ipynb. Converted 19_callback.mixup.ipynb. Converted 20_interpret.ipynb. Converted 20a_distributed.ipynb. Converted 21_vision.learner.ipynb. Converted 22_tutorial.imagenette.ipynb. Converted 23_tutorial.transfer_learning.ipynb. Converted 24_vision.gan.ipynb. Converted 30_text.core.ipynb. Converted 31_text.data.ipynb. Converted 32_text.models.awdlstm.ipynb. Converted 33_text.models.core.ipynb. Converted 34_callback.rnn.ipynb. Converted 35_tutorial.wikitext.ipynb. Converted 36_text.models.qrnn.ipynb. Converted 37_text.learner.ipynb. Converted 38_tutorial.ulmfit.ipynb. Converted 40_tabular.core.ipynb. Converted 41_tabular.data.ipynb. Converted 42_tabular.model.ipynb. Converted 43_tabular.learner.ipynb. Converted 45_collab.ipynb. Converted 50_datablock_examples.ipynb. Converted 60_medical.imaging.ipynb. Converted 65_medical.text.ipynb. Converted 70_callback.wandb.ipynb. Converted 71_callback.tensorboard.ipynb. Converted 97_test_utils.ipynb. Converted index.ipynb.