Let's start by creating a simple linear model for digit recognition.
We'll download the famous MNIST dataset of handwritten digits.
url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/fast-ai-imageclas/mnist_png.tgz'
tgz = 'mnist_png.tgz'
We can use urlsave
from fastcore to download the dataset. However, we don't want to re-download it if we've downloaded it before. We can use Python's Path
class to make it more convenient to work with the filesystem.
from pathlib import Path
from fastcore.all import urlsave
cfghome = Path.home()/'.fastai'
archive = cfghome/'archive'
if not (archive/tgz).exists():
archive.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
urlsave(url, archive)
We can follow similar logic for decompressing the archive:
from fastcore.all import untar_dir
data = cfghome/'data'
dest = data/'mnist_png'
if not dest.exists():
data.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
untar_dir(archive/tgz, dest)
#TODO: use FastDownload when available
The dataset has separate folders for the training set and the test set (which we will use for validation). We use the ls
method to quickly see the contents of a folder in a cross-platform way. Setting Path.BASE_PATH=dest
causes the dest
component of paths to not be displayed.
(#2) [Path('testing'),Path('training')]
The training set is split into folders according to the labels:
trainpath = dest/'training'
testpath = dest/'testing'
(#10) [Path('training/0'),Path('training/1'),Path('training/2'),Path('training/3'),Path('training/4'),Path('training/5'),Path('training/6'),Path('training/7'),Path('training/8'),Path('training/9')]
With glob
we can get a list of all of the files in the training and test sets, using a list comprehension:
from glob import glob
def getfiles(p): return [Path(o) for o in sorted(glob(f'{p}/**/*.png', recursive=True))]
trainfiles = getfiles(trainpath)
testfiles = getfiles(testpath)
fname = trainfiles[0]
We can see from the path that this is the number "8", and is in the training set. We can open the image file using torchvision:
from torchvision.io import read_image
img = read_image(str(fname))
This returns a Tensor
(a multidimensional array). We can see its size:
torch.Size([1, 28, 28])
This shows that it is a single image of size 28x28. We can view it using matplotlib (note that matplotlib expects a 28x28 tensor, so we index into the first dimension to get that):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
For a linear model, we'll need independent variables (the pixel values) and a dependent variable (the labels).
We need to flatten the rank-3, 1x28x28 shaped tensor into a vector (i.e a length 28 rank-1 tensor). Reminder: rank refers to the number of dimensions in a tensor, and is equal to the length of a tensor's shape vector.
We can use view(-1)
for this purpose:
def x_func(p): return read_image(str(p)).view(-1)
Our labels need to be numbers or tensors of numbers. For MNIST, we can use int
to create integers from the parent folder names:
def y_func(p): return int(p.parent.name)
For any index, we can now return a tuple of input and label:
def xy_func(i, is_train=True):
fnames = trainfiles if is_train else testfiles
fname = fnames[i]
return x_func(fname),y_func(fname)
x,y = xy_func(0)
(torch.Size([784]), 0)
Anything which supports len
and returns a tuple of numbers (or tensors of numbers) when indexed can be used for defining independent and dependent variables in PyTorch. In addition, PyTorch expects datasets to inherit from the Dataset abstract class, although that doesn't actually provide any functionality.
We probably don't want to create a list of all the image tensors and labels, because that will take a lot of time to create, and will take up a lot of memory. Instead, we want something that supports len
and indexing, but that only actually reads the image when we access it.
We can do that by creating a class which supports special dunder methods. All dunder methods start and end in __
. Python supports many dunder methods. The ones we'll need are __len__
, which is used by len
, and __getitem__
, which is used when indexing. We'll also need to use __init__
which is used for initializing a new object. Here's our class:
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
class MnistDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, paths): self.paths = paths
def __len__(self): return len(self.paths)
def __getitem__(self, i):
path = self.paths[i]
return x_func(path), y_func(path)
Let's now create our datasets and test them out:
train_ds,test_ds = MnistDataset(trainfiles),MnistDataset(testfiles)
(60000, 10000)
The length is working correctly. Let's also test the indexer:
x,y = train_ds[0]
(torch.Size([784]), 0)