Demo of script to calculate differences between sequences in multiFASTA file.ipynb
Demo of script to get intergenic gap sizes from annotation file.ipynb
Demo of script to get sequence from multiFASTA file when description contains matching text.ipynb
Demo of script to get specific subsequence from FASTA file.ipynb
Demo of script to plot nt imbalance for sequence span.ipynb
Demonstrate rest of scripts from alignment-utilities.ipynb
Use biopython to make valid CLUSTAL formatted MSAs, check sequence of manually edited alignment, and add consensus line.ipynb
demo add_source_organism_info_to_FASTA.ipynb
demo get_specified_length_of_end_of_seq_from_FASTA.ipynb
demo plot_expression_across_chromosomes.ipynb
demo replace_unusual_nts_within_FASTA.ipynb
demo summarize_all_nts_even_ambiguous_present_in_FASTA.ipynb