import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from common.params_lstm import *
from common.utils import *
print("OS: ", sys.platform)
print("Python: ", sys.version)
print("Numpy: ", np.__version__)
print("MXNet: ", mx.__version__)
print("GPU: ", get_gpu_name())
OS: linux Python: 3.5.2 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:53:06) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] Numpy: 1.13.3 MXNet: 0.12.1 GPU: ['Tesla K80']
def create_symbol(CUDNN=True):
data = mx.symbol.Variable('data')
embedded_step = mx.symbol.Embedding(data=data, input_dim=MAXFEATURES, output_dim=EMBEDSIZE)
# Fusing RNN layers across time step into one kernel
# Improves speed but is less flexible
# Currently only supported if using cuDNN on GPU
if not CUDNN:
gru_cell = mx.rnn.GRUCell(num_hidden=NUMHIDDEN)
gru_cell = mx.rnn.FusedRNNCell(num_hidden=NUMHIDDEN, num_layers=1, mode='gru')
begin_state = gru_cell.begin_state()
# Call the cell to get the output of one time step for a batch.
# TODO: TNC layout (sequence length, batch size, and feature dimensions) is faster for RNN
outputs, states = gru_cell.unroll(length=MAXLEN, inputs=embedded_step, merge_outputs=False)
fc1 = mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data=outputs[-1], num_hidden=2)
input_y = mx.symbol.Variable('softmax_label')
m = mx.symbol.SoftmaxOutput(data=fc1, label=input_y, name="softmax")
return m
def init_model(m):
if GPU:
ctx = [mx.gpu(0)]
ctx = mx.cpu()
mod = mx.mod.Module(context=ctx, symbol=m)
mod.bind(data_shapes=[('data', (BATCHSIZE, MAXLEN))],
label_shapes=[('softmax_label', (BATCHSIZE, ))])
# Glorot-uniform initializer
optimizer_params=(('learning_rate', LR),
('beta1', BETA_1),
('beta2', BETA_2),
('epsilon', EPS)))
return mod
# Data into format for library
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = imdb_for_library(seq_len=MAXLEN, max_features=MAXFEATURES)
# Use custom iterator instead of for consistency
# Wrap as DataBatch class
wrapper_db = lambda args:[mx.nd.array(args[0])], label=[mx.nd.array(args[1])])
print(x_train.shape, x_test.shape, y_train.shape, y_test.shape)
print(x_train.dtype, x_test.dtype, y_train.dtype, y_test.dtype)
Preparing train set... Preparing test set... Trimming to 30000 max-features Padding to length 150 (25000, 150) (25000, 150) (25000,) (25000,) int32 int32 int32 int32 CPU times: user 5.48 s, sys: 313 ms, total: 5.8 s Wall time: 5.8 s
# Load symbol
sym = create_symbol()
CPU times: user 81.3 ms, sys: 3.35 ms, total: 84.6 ms Wall time: 84.1 ms
/anaconda/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mxnet/rnn/ UserWarning: NTC layout detected. Consider using TNC for FusedRNNCell for faster speed warnings.warn("NTC layout detected. Consider using "
# Initialise model
model = init_model(sym)
CPU times: user 789 ms, sys: 359 ms, total: 1.15 s Wall time: 1.17 s
# 29s
# Train and log accuracy
metric = mx.metric.create('acc')
for j in range(EPOCHS):
#for batch in train_iter:
for batch in map(wrapper_db, yield_mb(x_train, y_train, BATCHSIZE, shuffle=True)):
model.forward(batch, is_train=True)
model.update_metric(metric, batch.label)
print('Epoch %d, Training %s' % (j, metric.get()))
Epoch 0, Training ('accuracy', 0.77880608974358978) Epoch 1, Training ('accuracy', 0.92219551282051282) Epoch 2, Training ('accuracy', 0.96546474358974355) CPU times: user 25.9 s, sys: 4.29 s, total: 30.2 s Wall time: 28.8 s
y_guess = model.predict(, batch_size=BATCHSIZE, shuffle=False))
y_guess = np.argmax(y_guess.asnumpy(), axis=-1)
CPU times: user 2.57 s, sys: 350 ms, total: 2.92 s Wall time: 2.7 s
print("Accuracy: ", sum(y_guess == y_test)/len(y_guess))
Accuracy: 0.85924