Apache Sedona™ is
a cluster computing system for processing large-scale spatial data. Sedona extends existing cluster computing systems, such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, and Snowflake, with a set of out-of-the-box distributed Spatial Datasets and Spatial SQL that efficiently load, process, and analyze large-scale spatial data across machines. (https://sedona.apache.org/)
To execute a basic Sedona demonstration using PySpark on Google Colab, we made a few minor adjustments. The Sedona notebook starts below at Apache Sedona Core demo.
To start with, we are going to install PySpark with Sedona following the instructions at: https://sedona.apache.org/latest-snapshot/setup/install-python/ but first we need to downgrade shapely
because the version 2.0.2 that comes with Google Colab does not play well with the current version of Apache Sedona (see https://shapely.readthedocs.io/en/stable/migration.html).
We need to install install any version of shapely>=1.7.0
but smaller than 2.0
. We picked 1.7.1
because with 1.7.0 we got the error
geopandas 0.13.2 requires shapely>=1.7.1, but you have shapely 1.7.0 which is incompatible.
Explanation for pip -I
Ignore the installed packages, overwriting them. This can break your system if the existing package is of a different version or was installed with a different package manager!
!pip install -I shapely==1.7.1
Collecting shapely==1.7.1 Using cached Shapely-1.7.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl Installing collected packages: shapely ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts. lida 0.0.10 requires fastapi, which is not installed. lida 0.0.10 requires kaleido, which is not installed. lida 0.0.10 requires python-multipart, which is not installed. lida 0.0.10 requires uvicorn, which is not installed. Successfully installed shapely-1.7.1
This step is only needed outside of Colab because on Google Colab geopandas
is available by default.
!pip install geopandas==0.13.2
Requirement already satisfied: geopandas==0.13.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.13.2) Requirement already satisfied: fiona>=1.8.19 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from geopandas==0.13.2) (1.9.5) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from geopandas==0.13.2) (23.2) Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=1.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from geopandas==0.13.2) (1.5.3) Requirement already satisfied: pyproj>=3.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from geopandas==0.13.2) (3.6.1) Requirement already satisfied: shapely>=1.7.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from geopandas==0.13.2) (1.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=19.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (23.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: certifi in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (2024.2.2) Requirement already satisfied: click~=8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (8.1.7) Requirement already satisfied: click-plugins>=1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (1.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: cligj>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (0.7.2) Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from fiona>=1.8.19->geopandas==0.13.2) (67.7.2) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=1.1.0->geopandas==0.13.2) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=1.1.0->geopandas==0.13.2) (2023.4) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.21.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=1.1.0->geopandas==0.13.2) (1.23.5)
We can now install Apache Sedona together with PySpark (and Spark).
!pip install apache-sedona[spark]
Requirement already satisfied: apache-sedona[spark] in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (1.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: attrs in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from apache-sedona[spark]) (23.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: shapely>=1.7.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from apache-sedona[spark]) (1.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: pyspark>=2.3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from apache-sedona[spark]) (3.5.0) Requirement already satisfied: py4j== in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pyspark>=2.3.0->apache-sedona[spark]) (
%env SPARK_HOME = "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark"
env: SPARK_HOME="/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark"
%env PYTHONPATH = /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/python
env: PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/python
!pip info pyspark
ERROR: unknown command "info"
We need to set two environment variables:
Once we have set SPARK_HOME
, the variable PYTHONPATH
is $SPARK_HOME/python
There's an utility to find Spark home and I always forget how it's called exactly, what I remember is that it contains "find"
and "spark"
. Let us search for it:
!find / -name "*find*spark*"
/usr/local/bin/find_spark_home.py /usr/local/bin/__pycache__/find_spark_home.cpython-310.pyc /usr/local/bin/find-spark-home.cmd /usr/local/bin/find-spark-home /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/bin/find-spark-home.cmd /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/bin/find-spark-home /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/find_spark_home.py /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyspark/__pycache__/find_spark_home.cpython-310.pyc find: ‘/proc/61/task/61/net’: Invalid argument find: ‘/proc/61/net’: Invalid argument
The script /usr/local/bin/find_spark_home.py
is successful at finding Spark's home.
¶import sys
import os
IN_COLAB = 'google.colab' in sys.modules
output = !python /usr/local/bin/find_spark_home.py
output = !find / -name "pyspark" -type d 2>/dev/null|head -1
# Store the output using %store
%store output
# get rid of extra quotation marks
os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] = output[0].replace('"', '')
Stored 'output' (SList)
!pip show pyspark
Name: pyspark Version: 3.5.0 Summary: Apache Spark Python API Home-page: https://github.com/apache/spark/tree/master/python Author: Spark Developers Author-email: dev@spark.apache.org License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages Requires: py4j Required-by:
Verify that the correct SPARK_HOME
has been set.
¶os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.environ['SPARK_HOME'] + '/python'
In order to run, the Sedona notebook expects to find some specific files in the local folder data
. Let us populate data
with the files from the Sedona Github repository.
# it would be more efficient to just download the "data" folder and not the whole repo
[ -d sedona ] || git clone https://github.com/apache/sedona.git
cp -r sedona/binder/data ./
Verify the presence of data in the designated data
!ls data
arealm-small.csv gis_osm_pois_free_1.shp primaryroads-polygon.csv county_small.tsv gis_osm_pois_free_1.shx raster county_small_wkb.tsv ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes testpoint.csv gis_osm_pois_free_1.cpg ne_50m_airports testPolygon.json gis_osm_pois_free_1.dbf polygon zcta510-small.csv gis_osm_pois_free_1.prj primaryroads-linestring.csv
The notebook is available at the following link: https://github.com/apache/sedona/blob/master/binder/ApacheSedonaCore.ipynb
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark import StorageLevel
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType
from pyspark.sql.types import StructField
from pyspark.sql.types import StringType
from pyspark.sql.types import LongType
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from sedona.spark import *
from sedona.core.geom.envelope import Envelope
Skipping SedonaKepler import, verify if keplergl is installed Skipping SedonaPyDeck import, verify if pydeck is installed
config = SedonaContext.builder() .\
'uk.co.gresearch.spark:spark-extension_2.12:2.11.0-3.4'). \
config('spark.jars.repositories', 'https://artifacts.unidata.ucar.edu/repository/unidata-all'). \
sedona = SedonaContext.create(config)
sc = sedona.sparkContext
Suppose we want load the CSV file into Apache Sedona PointRDD
point_rdd = PointRDD(sc, "data/arealm-small.csv", 1, FileDataSplitter.CSV, True, 10)
## Getting approximate total count
# getting boundary for PointRDD or any other SpatialRDD, it returns Enelope object which inherits from
# shapely.geometry.Polygon
# To run analyze please use function analyze
# Finding boundary envelope for PointRDD or any other SpatialRDD, it returns Enelope object which inherits from
# shapely.geometry.Polygon
# Calculate number of records without duplicates
# Getting source epsg code
# Getting target epsg code
# Spatial partitioning data
rawSpatialRDD method returns RDD which consists of GeoData objects which has 2 attributes
You can use any operations on those objects and spread across machines
# take firs element
[Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2]
# collect to Python list
[Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2, Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2, Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2, Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2, Geometry: Point userData: testattribute0 testattribute1 testattribute2]
# apply map functions, for example distance to Point(52 21)
point_rdd.rawSpatialRDD.map(lambda x: x.geom.distance(Point(21, 52))).take(5)
[111.08786851399313, 110.92828303170774, 111.1385974283527, 110.97450594034112, 110.97122518072091]
point_rdd_to_geo = point_rdd.rawSpatialRDD.map(lambda x: [x.geom, *x.getUserData().split("\t")])
point_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
point_rdd_to_geo.collect(), columns=["geom", "attr1", "attr2", "attr3"], geometry="geom"
geom | attr1 | attr2 | attr3 | |
0 | POINT (-88.33149 32.32414) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
1 | POINT (-88.17593 32.36076) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
2 | POINT (-88.38895 32.35707) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
3 | POINT (-88.22110 32.35078) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
4 | POINT (-88.32399 32.95067) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
# Adapter allows you to convert geospatial data types introduced with sedona to other ones
spatial_df = Adapter.\
toDf(point_rdd, ["attr1", "attr2", "attr3"], sedona).\
spatial_gdf = sedona.sql("Select attr1, attr2, attr3, geometry as geom from spatial_df")
spatial_gdf.show(5, False)
+--------------+--------------+--------------+----------------------------+ |attr1 |attr2 |attr3 |geom | +--------------+--------------+--------------+----------------------------+ |testattribute0|testattribute1|testattribute2|POINT (-88.331492 32.324142)| |testattribute0|testattribute1|testattribute2|POINT (-88.175933 32.360763)| |testattribute0|testattribute1|testattribute2|POINT (-88.388954 32.357073)| |testattribute0|testattribute1|testattribute2|POINT (-88.221102 32.35078) | |testattribute0|testattribute1|testattribute2|POINT (-88.323995 32.950671)| +--------------+--------------+--------------+----------------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
gpd.GeoDataFrame(spatial_gdf.toPandas(), geometry="geom")[:5]
attr1 | attr2 | attr3 | geom | |
0 | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 | POINT (-88.33149 32.32414) |
1 | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 | POINT (-88.17593 32.36076) |
2 | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 | POINT (-88.38895 32.35707) |
3 | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 | POINT (-88.22110 32.35078) |
4 | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 | POINT (-88.32399 32.95067) |
schema = StructType(
StructField("geometry", GeometryType(), False),
StructField("attr1", StringType(), False),
StructField("attr2", StringType(), False),
StructField("attr3", StringType(), False),
geo_df = sedona.createDataFrame(point_rdd_to_geo, schema, verifySchema=False)
gpd.GeoDataFrame(geo_df.toPandas(), geometry="geometry")[:5]
geometry | attr1 | attr2 | attr3 | |
0 | POINT (-88.33149 32.32414) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
1 | POINT (-88.17593 32.36076) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
2 | POINT (-88.38895 32.35707) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
3 | POINT (-88.22110 32.35078) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
4 | POINT (-88.32399 32.95067) | testattribute0 | testattribute1 | testattribute2 |
Currently The library supports 5 typed SpatialRDDs:
rectangle_rdd = RectangleRDD(sc, "data/zcta510-small.csv", FileDataSplitter.CSV, True, 11)
point_rdd = PointRDD(sc, "data/arealm-small.csv", 1, FileDataSplitter.CSV, False, 11)
polygon_rdd = PolygonRDD(sc, "data/primaryroads-polygon.csv", FileDataSplitter.CSV, True, 11)
linestring_rdd = LineStringRDD(sc, "data/primaryroads-linestring.csv", FileDataSplitter.CSV, True)
Apache Sedona spatial partitioning method can significantly speed up the join query. Three spatial partitioning methods are available: KDB-Tree, Quad-Tree and R-Tree. Two SpatialRDD must be partitioned by the same way.
Apache Sedona provides two types of spatial indexes, Quad-Tree and R-Tree. Once you specify an index type, Apache Sedona will build a local tree index on each of the SpatialRDD partition.
point_rdd.buildIndex(IndexType.RTREE, True)
Spatial join is operation which combines data based on spatial relations like:
To Use Spatial Join in GeoPyspark library please use JoinQuery object, which has implemented below methods:
SpatialJoinQuery(spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, queryRDD: SpatialRDD, useIndex: bool, considerBoundaryIntersection: bool) -> RDD
DistanceJoinQuery(spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, queryRDD: SpatialRDD, useIndex: bool, considerBoundaryIntersection: bool) -> RDD
spatialJoin(queryWindowRDD: SpatialRDD, objectRDD: SpatialRDD, joinParams: JoinParams) -> RDD
DistanceJoinQueryFlat(spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, queryRDD: SpatialRDD, useIndex: bool, considerBoundaryIntersection: bool) -> RDD
SpatialJoinQueryFlat(spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, queryRDD: SpatialRDD, useIndex: bool, considerBoundaryIntersection: bool) -> RDD
# partitioning the data
# building an index
point_rdd.buildIndex(IndexType.RTREE, True)
# Perform Spatial Join Query
result = JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQueryFlat(point_rdd, rectangle_rdd, False, True)
As result we will get RDD[GeoData, GeoData] It can be used like any other Python RDD. You can use map, take, collect and other functions
MapPartitionsRDD[63] at map at FlatPairRddConverter.scala:30
[[Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ], [Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ]]
[[Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ], [Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ], [Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ]]
# getting distance using SpatialObjects
result.map(lambda x: x[0].geom.distance(x[1].geom)).take(5)
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# getting area of polygon data
result.map(lambda x: x[0].geom.area).take(5)
[0.026651558685001447, 0.026651558685001447, 0.026651558685001447, 0.026651558685001447, 0.026651558685001447]
# Base on result you can create DataFrame object, using map function and build DataFrame from RDD
schema = StructType(
StructField("geom_left", GeometryType(), False),
StructField("geom_right", GeometryType(), False)
# Set verifySchema to False
spatial_join_result = result.map(lambda x: [x[0].geom, x[1].geom])
sedona.createDataFrame(spatial_join_result, schema, verifySchema=False).show(5, True)
+--------------------+--------------------+ | geom_left| geom_right| +--------------------+--------------------+ |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.105455...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.10534 ...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.160372...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.204033...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.204299...| +--------------------+--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# Above code produces DataFrame with geometry Data type
sedona.createDataFrame(spatial_join_result, schema, verifySchema=False).printSchema()
root |-- geom_left: geometry (nullable = false) |-- geom_right: geometry (nullable = false)
We can create DataFrame object from Spatial Pair RDD using Adapter object as follows
Adapter.toDf(result, ["attr1"], ["attr2"], sedona).show(5, True)
+--------------------+-----+--------------------+-----+ | geom_1|attr1| geom_2|attr2| +--------------------+-----+--------------------+-----+ |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.105455...| | |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.10534 ...| | |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.160372...| | |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.204033...| | |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.204299...| | +--------------------+-----+--------------------+-----+ only showing top 5 rows
This also produce DataFrame with geometry DataType
Adapter.toDf(result, ["attr1"], ["attr2"], sedona).printSchema()
root |-- geom_1: geometry (nullable = true) |-- attr1: string (nullable = true) |-- geom_2: geometry (nullable = true) |-- attr2: string (nullable = true)
We can create RDD which will be of type RDD[GeoData, List[GeoData]] We can for example calculate number of Points within some polygon data
To do that we can use code specified below
spatial_join_result_non_flat = JoinQuery.SpatialJoinQuery(point_rdd, rectangle_rdd, False, True)
# number of point for each polygon
number_of_points = spatial_join_result_non_flat.map(lambda x: [x[0].geom, x[1].__len__()])
schema = StructType([
StructField("geometry", GeometryType(), False),
StructField("number_of_points", LongType(), False)
sedona.createDataFrame(number_of_points, schema, verifySchema=False).show()
+--------------------+----------------+ | geometry|number_of_points| +--------------------+----------------+ |POLYGON ((-87.114...| 15| |POLYGON ((-87.082...| 12| |POLYGON ((-86.697...| 1| |POLYGON ((-87.285...| 26| |POLYGON ((-87.105...| 15| |POLYGON ((-86.816...| 6| |POLYGON ((-87.229...| 7| |POLYGON ((-87.092...| 5| |POLYGON ((-86.749...| 4| |POLYGON ((-86.860...| 12| +--------------------+----------------+
Spatial KNNQuery is operation which help us find answer which k number of geometries lays closest to other geometry.
For Example: 5 closest Shops to your home. To use Spatial KNNQuery please use object KNNQuery which has one method:
SpatialKnnQuery(spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, originalQueryPoint: BaseGeometry, k: int, useIndex: bool)-> List[GeoData]
result = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQuery(point_rdd, Point(-84.01, 34.01), 5, False)
[Geometry: Point userData: , Geometry: Point userData: , Geometry: Point userData: , Geometry: Point userData: , Geometry: Point userData: ]
As Reference geometry you can also use Polygon or LineString object
polygon = Polygon(
[(-84.237756, 33.904859), (-84.237756, 34.090426),
(-83.833011, 34.090426), (-83.833011, 33.904859),
(-84.237756, 33.904859)
polygons_nearby = KNNQuery.SpatialKnnQuery(polygon_rdd, polygon, 5, False)
[Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Polygon userData: , Geometry: Polygon userData: ]
'POLYGON ((-83.993559 34.087259, -83.993559 34.131247, -83.959903 34.131247, -83.959903 34.087259, -83.993559 34.087259))'
A spatial range query takes as input a range query window and an SpatialRDD and returns all geometries that intersect / are fully covered by the query window. RangeQuery has one method:
SpatialRangeQuery(self, spatialRDD: SpatialRDD, rangeQueryWindow: BaseGeometry, considerBoundaryIntersection: bool, usingIndex: bool) -> RDD
from sedona.core.geom.envelope import Envelope
query_envelope = Envelope(-85.01, -60.01, 34.01, 50.01)
result_range_query = RangeQuery.SpatialRangeQuery(linestring_rdd, query_envelope, False, False)
MapPartitionsRDD[127] at map at GeometryRddConverter.scala:30
[Geometry: LineString userData: , Geometry: LineString userData: , Geometry: LineString userData: , Geometry: LineString userData: , Geometry: LineString userData: , Geometry: LineString userData: ]
# Creating DataFrame from result
schema = StructType([StructField("geometry", GeometryType(), False)])
result_range_query.map(lambda x: [x.geom]),
).show(5, True)
+--------------------+ | geometry| +--------------------+ |LINESTRING (-72.1...| |LINESTRING (-72.4...| |LINESTRING (-72.4...| |LINESTRING (-73.4...| |LINESTRING (-73.6...| +--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
GeoPyspark allows to load the data from other Data formats like:
## ShapeFile - load to SpatialRDD
shape_rdd = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(sc, "data/polygon")
<sedona.core.SpatialRDD.spatial_rdd.SpatialRDD at 0x7fb6b712ec80>
Adapter.toDf(shape_rdd, sedona).show(5, True)
+--------------------+ | geometry| +--------------------+ |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...| |POLYGON ((118.362...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| +--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
## GeoJSON - load to SpatialRDD
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "STATEFP": "01", "COUNTYFP": "077", "TRACTCE": "011501", "BLKGRPCE": "5", "AFFGEOID": "1500000US010770115015", "GEOID": "010770115015", "NAME": "5", "LSAD": "BG", "ALAND": 6844991, "AWATER": 32636 }, "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -87.621765, 34.873444 ], [ -87.617535, 34.873369 ], [ -87.6123, 34.873337 ], [ -87.604049, 34.873303 ], [ -87.604033, 34.872316 ], [ -87.60415, 34.867502 ], [ -87.604218, 34.865687 ], [ -87.604409, 34.858537 ], [ -87.604018, 34.851336 ], [ -87.603716, 34.844829 ], [ -87.603696, 34.844307 ], [ -87.603673, 34.841884 ], [ -87.60372, 34.841003 ], [ -87.603879, 34.838423 ], [ -87.603888, 34.837682 ], [ -87.603889, 34.83763 ], [ -87.613127, 34.833938 ], [ -87.616451, 34.832699 ], [ -87.621041, 34.831431 ], [ -87.621056, 34.831526 ], [ -87.62112, 34.831925 ], [ -87.621603, 34.8352 ], [ -87.62158, 34.836087 ], [ -87.621383, 34.84329 ], [ -87.621359, 34.844438 ], [ -87.62129, 34.846387 ], [ -87.62119, 34.85053 ], [ -87.62144, 34.865379 ], [ -87.621765, 34.873444 ] ] ] } },
geo_json_rdd = GeoJsonReader.readToGeometryRDD(sc, "data/testPolygon.json")
<sedona.core.SpatialRDD.spatial_rdd.SpatialRDD at 0x7fb6b712e200>
Adapter.toDf(geo_json_rdd, sedona).drop("AWATER").show(5, True)
+--------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+--------------------+------------+----+----+--------+ | geometry|STATEFP|COUNTYFP|TRACTCE|BLKGRPCE| AFFGEOID| GEOID|NAME|LSAD| ALAND| +--------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+--------------------+------------+----+----+--------+ |POLYGON ((-87.621...| 01| 077| 011501| 5|1500000US01077011...|010770115015| 5| BG| 6844991| |POLYGON ((-85.719...| 01| 045| 021102| 4|1500000US01045021...|010450211024| 4| BG|11360854| |POLYGON ((-86.000...| 01| 055| 001300| 3|1500000US01055001...|010550013003| 3| BG| 1378742| |POLYGON ((-86.574...| 01| 089| 001700| 2|1500000US01089001...|010890017002| 2| BG| 1040641| |POLYGON ((-85.382...| 01| 069| 041400| 1|1500000US01069041...|010690414001| 1| BG| 8243574| +--------------------+-------+--------+-------+--------+--------------------+------------+----+----+--------+ only showing top 5 rows
## WKT - loading to SpatialRDD
wkt_rdd = WktReader.readToGeometryRDD(sc, "data/county_small.tsv", 0, True, False)
<sedona.core.SpatialRDD.spatial_rdd.SpatialRDD at 0x7fb6b7124a00>
Adapter.toDf(wkt_rdd, sedona).printSchema()
root |-- geometry: geometry (nullable = true)
Adapter.toDf(wkt_rdd, sedona).show(5, True)
+--------------------+ | geometry| +--------------------+ |POLYGON ((-97.019...| |POLYGON ((-123.43...| |POLYGON ((-104.56...| |POLYGON ((-96.910...| |POLYGON ((-98.273...| +--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
## WKB - load to SpatialRDD
wkb_rdd = WkbReader.readToGeometryRDD(sc, "data/county_small_wkb.tsv", 0, True, False)
Adapter.toDf(wkb_rdd, sedona).show(5, True)
+--------------------+ | geometry| +--------------------+ |POLYGON ((-97.019...| |POLYGON ((-123.43...| |POLYGON ((-104.56...| |POLYGON ((-96.910...| |POLYGON ((-98.273...| +--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
# building an index
point_rdd.buildIndex(IndexType.RTREE, True)
# Perform Spatial Join Query
result = JoinQueryRaw.SpatialJoinQueryFlat(point_rdd, rectangle_rdd, False, True)
# without passing column names, the result will contain only two geometries columns
geometry_df = Adapter.toDf(result, sedona)
root |-- leftgeometry: geometry (nullable = true) |-- rightgeometry: geometry (nullable = true)
+--------------------+--------------------+ | leftgeometry| rightgeometry| +--------------------+--------------------+ |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.105455...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.10534 ...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.160372...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.204033...| |POLYGON ((-87.229...|POINT (-87.204299...| +--------------------+--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
Row(leftgeometry=<shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon object at 0x7fb6e729ec50>, rightgeometry=<shapely.geometry.point.Point object at 0x7fb6e729dd20>)
geometry_df = Adapter.toDf(result, ["left_user_data"], ["right_user_data"], sedona)
+--------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------+ | leftgeometry|left_user_data| rightgeometry|right_user_data| +--------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------+ |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.105455...| null| |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.10534 ...| null| |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.160372...| null| |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.204033...| null| |POLYGON ((-87.229...| |POINT (-87.204299...| null| +--------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------+ only showing top 5 rows
query_envelope = Envelope(-85.01, -60.01, 34.01, 50.01)
result_range_query = RangeQueryRaw.SpatialRangeQuery(linestring_rdd, query_envelope, False, False)
# converting to df
gdf = Adapter.toDf(result_range_query, sedona)
+--------------------+ | geometry| +--------------------+ |LINESTRING (-72.1...| |LINESTRING (-72.4...| |LINESTRING (-72.4...| |LINESTRING (-73.4...| |LINESTRING (-73.6...| +--------------------+ only showing top 5 rows
root |-- geometry: geometry (nullable = true)
# Passing column names
# converting to df
gdf_with_columns = Adapter.toDf(result_range_query, sedona, ["_c1"])
+--------------------+---+ | geometry|_c1| +--------------------+---+ |LINESTRING (-72.1...| | |LINESTRING (-72.4...| | |LINESTRING (-72.4...| | |LINESTRING (-73.4...| | |LINESTRING (-73.6...| | +--------------------+---+ only showing top 5 rows
root |-- geometry: geometry (nullable = true) |-- _c1: string (nullable = true)
We have shown how to install Sedona with Pyspark and run a basic example (source: https://github.com/apache/sedona/blob/master/binder/ApacheSedonaCore.ipynb) on Google Colab.