A Monte Carlo simulation is used to model the potential outcomes of a retirement portfolio, starting with an initial withdrawal rate and running calculations on a monthly basis. The simulation uses historical data from Robert Shiller, including the S&P 500 index, dividends, Consumer Price Index (CPI), and 10-year Treasury bond interest rates (GS10) between the years of 1871 and 2023. The portfolio consists of two asset classes: the S&P 500 to represent equities and an intermediate-term bond fund based on 7-year-duration approximations using GS10 data for fixed income. A target allocation can be specified (e.g., 70% stocks, 30% bonds), and the portfolio is periodically rebalanced to maintain this allocation.
To maintain realism, all calculations are performed in an inflation-adjusted manner using the CPI to account for changes in purchasing power over time. The simulation applies a block bootstrap approach, where blocks of consecutive months are resampled from historical data to preserve patterns of autocorrelation, providing a realistic range of outcomes that consider the historical relationship between stocks and bonds. Transaction costs are included during the rebalancing process, but it is assumed that the funds are held in tax-advantaged accounts, so no taxes on capital gains or dividends are considered.
The simulation now includes two withdrawal strategies:
Constant Withdrawal Strategy: Withdraws a fixed inflation-adjusted amount annually based on the initial withdrawal rate (e.g., 4%). This amount remains constant throughout the simulation, providing predictable income but not adjusting for changes in portfolio performance.
Dynamic Withdrawal Strategy (akin to Vanguard's Dynamic Spending Rule): Implements an optional dynamic withdrawal strategy inspired by Vanguard's dynamic spending rule. In this approach, the annual withdrawal amount is adjusted each year based on the portfolio's performance, within specified ceiling and floor limits to prevent drastic changes in spending. Specifically, the withdrawal amount is recalculated annually as a fixed percentage (e.g., 4%) of the current portfolio value. The year-over-year change in the withdrawal amount is then constrained by the ceiling (maximum increase) and floor (maximum decrease). This strategy aims to balance the need for stable income with the sustainability of the portfolio, potentially reducing the likelihood of depleting funds during retirement.
If we set the block size equal to the full length of the simulation (e.g., 30 years), the approach essentially turns into backtesting rather than a Monte Carlo simulation, which one may prefer to do. For example, with a block size equal to the full simulation, each "block" would cover an entire historical sequence of returns and inflation from the dataset instead of resampling shorter blocks and stitching them together to create new sequences.
Assumption of Stationarity: The simulation assumes that the historical returns, correlations, volatilities, and inflation are representative of future conditions (stationarity).
Only S&P 500 Equity: No small-cap stocks, international stocks, or real estate diversification included.
Independence of Simulated Blocks: Even though block bootstrapping is used to preserve autocorrelation, it still treats different resampled blocks as independent. This approach may not fully account for long-term trends or extended periods of poor market performance.
Ignoring Tax Implications: The simulation does not consider taxes on capital gains, dividends, or interest income. This is reasonable assuming that the funds are in tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs (i.e., rebalancing doesn't generate taxable events).
Transaction Cost Simplifications: The model applies fixed and percentage-based transaction costs during rebalancing but does not account for other potential costs, such as bid-ask spreads or market-impact costs, which can be significant for large portfolios.
Withdrawal Strategy Considerations: While the simulation now includes both constant and dynamic withdrawal strategies, it does not account for more complex spending needs or changes in personal circumstances that may affect withdrawal amounts.
No Modeling of Sequence of Returns Risk Beyond Block Size: Although block bootstrapping helps preserve some patterns of returns, it may not fully capture the impact of sequence of returns risk, where the timing of poor market performance (especially early in retirement) can have a disproportionate effect on the outcome. The dynamic withdrawal strategy may help mitigate this risk by adjusting spending in response to portfolio performance.
Assumption of Constant Asset Allocation: The model assumes a fixed target allocation between stocks and bonds, which may not be realistic over a long time horizon. Investors may choose to adjust their asset allocation as they age or in response to market conditions.
No Incorporation of Cash Flows Outside Withdrawals: The simulation does not account for additional contributions or withdrawals, such as Social Security benefits, pensions, or large expenses, which can impact the portfolio's longevity.
Simplified Rebalancing: Rebalancing is done at fixed intervals (e.g., every three months). In reality, investors may rebalance based on market conditions or when the asset allocation drifts beyond certain thresholds.
Copyright © 2024, Hari Bharadwaj. All rights reserved.
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Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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First, download CSV file from Dropbox and load it into a pandas DataFrame. The CSV file was generated by downloading Shiller's data from his official link and selecting a subset of columns. The selected columns include the S&P 500 price, dividends, Consumer Price Index (CPI), and the 10-year Treasury bond interest rate (GS10). We'll calculate the historical monthly returns for stocks (S&P 500) and an intermediate-term bond fund (i.e., assuming GS10 rates and a 7 year duration). We'll also calculate monthly changes in the CPI for inflation adjustments. All simulations will be done with inflation adjusted historical data (i.e., "real" returns). As a sanity check, histograms of (inflation-adjusted) stock and bond returns, and a histogram of inflation is plotted and annotated with annualized returns and volatility.
#@title # Code block for downloading and preparing the data + sanity-checks
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load the data (assuming it has been downloaded from Shiller's data)
url = "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/98a5ppoa3d0qhp3rui31m/ShillerSP500.csv?rlkey=zsgql64k7h6mcpmr6b65njmzs&st=11ivsbec&dl=1"
df = pd.read_csv(url)
# Calculate monthly inflation rate
df['Inflation Rate'] = df['CPI'].pct_change()
# Convert trailing 12-month dividend to a monthly dividend
df['Monthly Dividend'] = df['D'] / 12
# Calculate real stock return using inflation-adjusted prices and dividends
# df['Stock Return'] = ((df['P'].shift(-1) / df['P']) * (1 + df['Monthly Dividend'] / df['P'])) - 1
df['Stock Return'] = (df['P'].shift(-1) + df['Monthly Dividend']) / df['P'] - 1
df['Real Stock Return'] = ((1 + df['Stock Return']) /
(1 + df['Inflation Rate'])) - 1
# Calculate real bond returns
duration = 7 # Assume a duration of 7 years for bond fund
df['Delta Yield'] = df['GS10'].diff()
df['Bond Return'] = (df['GS10'] / 12 / 100) - duration * (df['Delta Yield'] / 100)
df['Real Bond Return'] = ((1 + df['Bond Return']) / (1 + df['Inflation Rate'])) - 1
# Drop rows with missing values after calculating real returns
df = df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
# Calculate the annualized inflation-adjusted return and volatility for stocks
N_stock = len(df['Real Stock Return'])
# Cumulative real return over the entire period
cumulative_stock_return = (1 + df['Real Stock Return']).prod()
# Annualize and convert to percentage
annualized_real_stock_return = (cumulative_stock_return ** (12 / N_stock) - 1) * 100
annualized_real_stock_volatility = df['Real Stock Return'].std() * np.sqrt(12) * 100
# Similarly for bonds
N_bond = len(df['Real Bond Return'])
cumulative_bond_return = (1 + df['Real Bond Return']).prod()
annualized_real_bond_return = (cumulative_bond_return ** (12 / N_bond) - 1) * 100
annualized_real_bond_volatility = df['Real Bond Return'].std() * np.sqrt(12) * 100
# Similarly for inflation rate
N_inflation = len(df['Inflation Rate'].dropna())
cumulative_inflation = (1 + df['Inflation Rate'].dropna()).prod()
annualized_inflation_rate = (cumulative_inflation ** (12 / N_inflation) - 1) * 100
annualized_inflation_volatility = df['Inflation Rate'].dropna().std() * np.sqrt(12) * 100
# Plot histograms of the monthly real stock, bond returns, and inflation
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
# Histogram for real stock returns (converted to percentages)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.hist(df['Real Stock Return'] * 100, bins=50, color='blue',
alpha=0.7, edgecolor='black', density=True)
plt.title('Histogram of Monthly Real Stock Returns')
plt.xlabel('Monthly Real Return (%)')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density')
plt.text(0.05, 0.95,
f'Annualized Return: {annualized_real_stock_return:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
plt.text(0.05, 0.90,
f'Annualized Volatility: {annualized_real_stock_volatility:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
# Histogram for real bond returns (converted to percentages)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.hist(df['Real Bond Return'] * 100, bins=50, color='green',
alpha=0.7, edgecolor='black', density=True)
plt.title('Histogram of Monthly Real Bond Returns')
plt.xlabel('Monthly Real Return (%)')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density')
plt.text(0.05, 0.95,
f'Annualized Return: {annualized_real_bond_return:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
plt.text(0.05, 0.90,
f'Annualized Volatility: {annualized_real_bond_volatility:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
# Histogram for monthly inflation rates (converted to percentages)
plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.hist(df['Inflation Rate'].dropna() * 100, bins=50, color='orange',
alpha=0.7, edgecolor='black', density=True)
plt.title('Histogram of Monthly Inflation Rates')
plt.xlabel('Monthly Inflation Rate (%)')
plt.ylabel('Probability Density')
plt.text(0.05, 0.95,
f'Annualized Inflation Rate: {annualized_inflation_rate:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
plt.text(0.05, 0.90,
f'Annualized Volatility: {annualized_inflation_volatility:.2f}%',
transform=plt.gca().transAxes, fontsize=10, verticalalignment='top')
# Adjust layout and show the plots
# Identify months where the stock return is greater than 15% or less than -15%
outliers = df[(df['Real Stock Return'] > 0.15) | (df['Stock Return'] < -0.15)]
# Display the outlier months and their returns
print(f'\n Crazy outliers\n ==============\n')
print(outliers[['Date', 'Real Stock Return']])
Crazy outliers ============== Date Real Stock Return 704 1929.10 -0.261909 729 1931.11 -0.169881 733 1932.03 -0.226760 737 1932.07 0.513473 746 1933.04 0.293179 747 1933.05 0.175874 808 1938.06 0.204865 1651 2008.09 -0.200805 1788 2020.02 -0.191403
#@title Function Definitions
def block_bootstrap(df, block_size, num_blocks):
Perform block bootstrap resampling on a DataFrame with historical returns.
df (DataFrame): DataFrame with 'Real Stock Return', 'Real Bond Return'.
block_size (int): The number of consecutive months in each block.
num_blocks (int): The number of blocks to sample.
np.ndarray: Array of resampled stock and bond returns.
combined_returns = []
n = len(df)
for _ in range(num_blocks):
# Randomly choose a starting index for the block
start_idx = np.random.randint(0, n - block_size + 1)
block = df.iloc[
start_idx:start_idx + block_size][
['Real Stock Return', 'Real Bond Return']].values
# Concatenate the sampled blocks
combined_returns = np.concatenate(combined_returns, axis=0)
return combined_returns
def simulate_portfolio(df, initial_value=1e6, years=30, stock_weight=0.70,
rebalance_frequency=3, transaction_cost_rate=0.002,
fixed_transaction_cost=50, withdrawal_strategy='constant',
initial_withdrawal_rate=0.045, ceiling=0.05, floor=-0.025,
block_size=12, num_simulations=1000):
# Convert years to months
months = years * 12
results = []
spending_results = []
depletion_count = 0
# Run multiple simulations
for _ in range(num_simulations):
# Resample blocks of returns using block bootstrapping
num_blocks = int(np.ceil(months / block_size))
resampled_returns = block_bootstrap(df, block_size, num_blocks)
# Trim to exact number of months just in case
resampled_returns = resampled_returns[:months]
# Extract resampled stock and bond returns
resampled_stock_returns = resampled_returns[:, 0]
resampled_bond_returns = resampled_returns[:, 1]
# Initialize portfolio values
stock_value = initial_value * stock_weight
bond_value = initial_value * (1 - stock_weight)
# Track the portfolio value and spending over time
portfolio_values = np.zeros(months)
spending_values = np.zeros(months)
# Initialize withdrawal amounts
if withdrawal_strategy == 'constant':
# Monthly withdrawal in real terms
monthly_withdrawal = initial_value * initial_withdrawal_rate / 12
elif withdrawal_strategy == 'dynamic':
# Initial annual withdrawal
annual_withdrawal = initial_value * initial_withdrawal_rate
monthly_withdrawal = annual_withdrawal / 12
previous_annual_withdrawal = annual_withdrawal
raise ValueError("withdrawal_strategy must be 'constant' or 'dynamic'")
# Flag to check if the portfolio runs out of money
portfolio_depleted = False
# Simulate month by month using the resampled returns
for month in range(months):
# Apply returns first
stock_return = resampled_stock_returns[month]
bond_return = resampled_bond_returns[month]
stock_value *= (1 + stock_return)
bond_value *= (1 + bond_return)
# Calculate total portfolio value
total_value = stock_value + bond_value
# Check for portfolio depletion after returns
if total_value <= 0:
portfolio_depleted = True
portfolio_values[month:] = 0
spending_values[month:] = 0
# Adjust withdrawal amount annually if using dynamic strategy
if withdrawal_strategy == 'dynamic' and (month % 12 == 0 and month != 0):
# Calculate baseline annual withdrawal
baseline_withdrawal = total_value * initial_withdrawal_rate
# Calculate the percentage change from previous withdrawal
change = (baseline_withdrawal - previous_annual_withdrawal) / previous_annual_withdrawal
# Apply ceiling and floor constraints
change = max(min(change, ceiling), floor)
# Calculate new annual withdrawal
annual_withdrawal = previous_annual_withdrawal * (1 + change)
monthly_withdrawal = annual_withdrawal / 12
previous_annual_withdrawal = annual_withdrawal
# Record the monthly spending amount
spending_values[month] = monthly_withdrawal
# Apply the monthly withdrawal proportionally
stock_proportion = stock_value / total_value
bond_proportion = bond_value / total_value
stock_value -= monthly_withdrawal * stock_proportion
bond_value -= monthly_withdrawal * bond_proportion
# Ensure asset values don't go negative
stock_value = max(stock_value, 0)
bond_value = max(bond_value, 0)
# Update total portfolio value after withdrawal
total_value = stock_value + bond_value
# Check for portfolio depletion after withdrawal
if total_value <= 0:
portfolio_depleted = True
portfolio_values[month:] = 0
spending_values[month:] = 0
# Record the portfolio value
portfolio_values[month] = total_value
# Rebalance the portfolio if required
if total_value > 0 and (month + 1) % rebalance_frequency == 0:
# Rebalance to target weights
target_stock_value = total_value * stock_weight
target_bond_value = total_value * (1 - stock_weight)
# Calculate the total amount that needs to be rebalanced
stock_rebalance_amount = abs(stock_value - target_stock_value)
bond_rebalance_amount = abs(bond_value - target_bond_value)
rebalance_amount = stock_rebalance_amount + bond_rebalance_amount
# Apply transaction costs
transaction_cost = (transaction_cost_rate * rebalance_amount +
# Deduct transaction cost from the total portfolio value
total_value -= transaction_cost
# Check if transaction costs depleted the portfolio
if total_value <= 0:
portfolio_depleted = True
portfolio_values[month:] = 0
spending_values[month:] = 0
# Update stock and bond values after transaction cost
stock_value = total_value * stock_weight
bond_value = total_value * (1 - stock_weight)
# Track if the portfolio ran out of money
if portfolio_depleted:
depletion_count += 1
# Ensure the last month's portfolio and spending values are recorded
portfolio_values[month] = total_value
spending_values[month] = monthly_withdrawal
# Append the simulation results
# Convert results to numpy arrays for easier analysis
results_array = np.array(results)
spending_array = np.array(spending_results)
return results_array, spending_array, depletion_count
We'll simulate the portfolio growth over time using the specified withdrawal rates (inflation-adjusted), rebalancing, and transaction costs. To perform the Monte Carlo simulations, we sample from historical returns in blocks (i.e., capturing some of the temporal autocorrelation and the correlation between asset classes).
(DataFrame): This parameter represents the historical data, containing monthly real stock returns, real bond returns, and inflation rates. It is used for resampling and calculating portfolio returns in the simulation.
(float): The starting value of the portfolio, specified in dollars. This represents the initial investment amount, with a default of $1,000,000. It serves as the baseline for calculating withdrawals and tracking portfolio growth.
(int): The duration of the simulation, specified in years. It determines the total length of time over which the portfolio is simulated, with the default set to 30 years. The duration is converted to months internally (years * 12
) for monthly calculations.
(float): The target weight for stocks in the portfolio, expressed as a proportion of the total portfolio value. For example, a value of 0.70 means 70% of the portfolio is allocated to stocks, while the remaining 30% is allocated to bonds. The default value is 0.70.
(int): Specifies how often the portfolio should be rebalanced to maintain the target stock and bond allocation, measured in months. For instance, a value of 3 means the portfolio is rebalanced every three months. This helps keep the asset allocation close to the intended target over time.
(float): Represents the percentage of the rebalanced amount that is incurred as a transaction cost, simulating the cost of trading. For example, a value of 0.002 means a 0.2% fee is applied to the amount being rebalanced. The default value is 0.002 (0.2%).
(float): A fixed dollar amount charged per rebalancing event, in addition to the percentage-based transaction cost. This simulates flat fees that brokers may charge for transactions. The default value is $50.
(str): Specifies the withdrawal strategy to be used in the simulation. It can be either 'constant'
or 'dynamic'
. The 'constant'
strategy withdraws a fixed amount annually (adjusted for inflation), based on the initial withdrawal rate. The 'dynamic'
strategy adjusts the withdrawal amount annually based on a fixed percentage of the current portfolio value, constrained by a ceiling and floor to limit year-over-year changes. The default value is 'constant'
(float): The initial annual withdrawal rate, expressed as a percentage of the portfolio's value. This rate determines the amount withdrawn each year in real terms. For example, a value of 0.045 indicates a 4.5% annual withdrawal rate. In the constant strategy, this withdrawal amount remains the same throughout the simulation. In the dynamic strategy, this rate is used both for the initial withdrawal and as the target percentage for annual adjustments. The default value is 0.045 (4.5%).
(float): Applicable only when using the 'dynamic'
withdrawal strategy. Represents the maximum allowed percentage increase in the annual withdrawal amount compared to the previous year. For example, a value of 0.05 means the withdrawal amount cannot increase by more than 5% from one year to the next. This parameter helps prevent large jumps in spending when the portfolio performs exceptionally well. The default value is 0.05 (5%).
(float): Applicable only when using the 'dynamic'
withdrawal strategy. Represents the maximum allowed percentage decrease in the annual withdrawal amount compared to the previous year. For example, a value of -0.025 means the withdrawal amount cannot decrease by more than 2.5% from one year to the next. This parameter helps prevent drastic cuts in spending when the portfolio underperforms. The default value is -0.025 (-2.5%).
(int): The number of consecutive months in each block used for block bootstrapping. This parameter helps preserve patterns of autocorrelation in the returns by resampling chunks of consecutive data instead of individual months. The default value is 12 months.
(int): The number of Monte Carlo simulations to run. Each simulation represents a different possible path for the portfolio's growth, based on resampling the historical data. More simulations help improve the robustness of the results by exploring a wider range of potential outcomes. The default is set to 1,000 simulations.
This is the part where we can set/alter inputs to the simulation.
# Set the parameters for the simulation
simulation_params = {
'initial_value': 1e6, # $1 million starting portfolio
'years': 30, # 30-year simulation
'stock_weight': 0.7, # e.g., 0.7 for 70% stocks, 30% bonds
'rebalance_frequency': 3, # Rebalance every N months
'transaction_cost_rate': 0.002, # Proportion of the rebalanced amount
'fixed_transaction_cost': 0, # Fixed cost ($) per rebalancing
'withdrawal_strategy': 'dynamic', # 'constant' or 'dynamic' withdrawal strategy
'initial_withdrawal_rate': 0.045, # Initial annual withdrawal rate (real)
'ceiling': 0.05, # Ceiling for dynamic strategy (e.g., 0.05 for 5%)
'floor': -0.05, # Floor for dynamic strategy (e.g., -0.025 for -2.5%)
'block_size': 12, # Block size in months
'num_simulations': 500 # Number of Monte Carlo simulations
# Run the inflation-adjusted Monte Carlo simulations with block bootstrapping
results_array, spending_array, depletion_count = simulate_portfolio(df, **simulation_params)
# Calculate percentiles for the results
results_in_millions = results_array / 1e6
spending_in_thousands = spending_array / 1e3 # Convert spending to thousands for plotting
# Number of years and months for the simulation
years = simulation_params['years']
months = years * 12
# Generate the x-axis values in years
x_values_years = np.linspace(0, years, months)
# Calculate percentiles for portfolio values
median_portfolio = np.percentile(results_in_millions, 50, axis=0)
percentile_10 = np.percentile(results_in_millions, 10, axis=0)
percentile_90 = np.percentile(results_in_millions, 90, axis=0)
# Calculate percentiles for spending amounts
median_spending = np.percentile(spending_in_thousands, 50, axis=0)
spending_percentile_10 = np.percentile(spending_in_thousands, 10, axis=0)
spending_percentile_90 = np.percentile(spending_in_thousands, 90, axis=0)
depletion_percentage = (depletion_count /
simulation_params['num_simulations']) * 100
# Plot the portfolio value results in log scale
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(x_values_years, median_portfolio, label='Median Portfolio',
plt.fill_between(x_values_years, percentile_10, percentile_90, alpha=0.2,
label='10th-90th Percentile', color='grey')
plt.title(f'Inflation-Adjusted Portfolio Value Over Time '
f'({simulation_params["num_simulations"]} Simulations)\n'
f'{depletion_percentage:.2f}% of Portfolios Ran Out of Money')
plt.ylabel('Portfolio Value (Million $)')
plt.yscale('log') # Set y-axis to log scale
# Customize the ticks using LogLocator for better control over tick appearance
ax = plt.gca() # Get the current axis
ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base=2.0, numticks=10))
ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base=2.0, subs='auto', numticks=10))
ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.ScalarFormatter()) # Ensure tick labels are integers
plt.grid(True, which='both', axis='both') # Grid for both major and minor ticks on y-axis
# Plot the monthly spending amounts
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
plt.plot(x_values_years, median_spending, label='Median Spending', color='black')
plt.fill_between(x_values_years, spending_percentile_10, spending_percentile_90, alpha=0.2,
label='10th-90th Percentile', color='grey')
plt.title(f'Monthly Spending Over Time ({simulation_params["num_simulations"]} Simulations)')
plt.ylabel('Monthly Spending (Thousand $)')