First we will implement the simple Monte Carlo method.
# simple class to take care of statistically determined quantities
class Cumulants:
def __init__(self):
self.sum=0.0 # f_0 + f_1 +.... + f_N
self.sqsum=0.0 # f_0^2 + f_1^2 +....+ f_N^2
self.avg = 0.0 # I_best when many iterations, otherwise <f> = 1/N\sum_i f_i
self.err = 0.0 # sigma of I_best when many iterations, otherwise sqrt( <f^2>-<f>^2 )/sqrt(N)
self.chisq = 0.0
self.weightsum=0.0 # \sum_i 1/sigma_i^2
self.avgsum=0.0 # \sum_i <f>_i/sigma_i^2
self.avg2sum=0.0 # \sum_i <f>_i^2/sigma_i^2
def SimpleMC(integrant, ndim, unit, maxeval, cum):
nbatch=1000 # function will be evaluated in bacthes of 1000 evaluations at one time (for efficiency and storage issues)
for nsamples in range(maxeval,0,-nbatch): # loop over all_nsample evaluations in batches of nbatch
n = min(nbatch,nsamples) # How many evaluations in this pass?
xr = unit*random.random((n,ndim)) # generates 2-d array of random numbers in the interval [0,1)
wfun = integrant(xr) # n function evaluations required in single call
neval += n # We just added so many fuction evaluations
cum.sum += sum(wfun) # sum_i f_i = <fw> * neval
cum.sqsum += sum(wfun*wfun) # sum_i f_i^2 = <fw^2> * neval
cum.avg = cum.sum/neval
w0 = sqrt(cum.sqsum/neval) # sqrt(<f^2>)
cum.err = sqrt((w0-cum.avg)*(w0+cum.avg)/neval) # sqrt(sqsum-sum**2)
cum.avg *= unit**ndim # adding units if not [0,1] interval
cum.err *= unit**ndim # adding units if not [0,1] interval
We used here a simple trick to avoid overflow, i.e.,
\begin{eqnarray} \sqrt{\frac{\langle f^2\rangle-\langle f\rangle^2}{N}} = \sqrt{\frac{(\sqrt{\langle f^2\rangle}-\langle f\rangle)(\sqrt{\langle f^2\rangle}+\langle f\rangle)}{N}} \end{eqnarray}def my_integrant2(x):
""" For testing, we are integration the function
in the interval [0,pi]**3
#nbatch,ndim = shape(x)
return 1.0/(1.0-cos(x[:,0])*cos(x[:,1])*cos(x[:,2]))/pi**3
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
SimpleMC(my_integrant2, ndim, pi, maxeval, cum)
print(cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact)
print('how many sigma away', abs(cum.avg-exact)/cum.err)
1.37945218006659 +- 0.009653985562123381 exact= 1.3932 how many sigma away 1.42405640084531
First we define the grid points $g(x)$. At the beginning, we just set $g(x)=x$.
class Grid:
"""Contains the grid points g_n(x) with x=[0...1], and g=[0...1]
for Vegas integration. There are n-dim g_n functions.
Constraints : g(0)=0 and g(1)=1.
def __init__(self, ndim, nbins):
self.g = zeros((ndim,nbins+1))
# a bit dirty trick: We will later use also g[-1] in interpolation, which should be set to zero, hence
# we allocate dimension nbins+1, rather than nbinx
# At the beginning we set g(x)=x
# The grid-points are x_0 = 1/N, x_1 = 2/N, ... x_{N-1}=1.0. Note x_N=x_{-1}=0
# Note that g(0)=0, and we skip this point on the mesh.
for idim in range(ndim):
self.g[idim,:nbins] = arange(1,nbins+1)/float(nbins)
def Vegas_step1(integrant, unit, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum):
ndim, nbins = grid.ndim,grid.nbins # dimension of the integral, size of the grid for binning in each direction
unit_dim = unit**ndim # converts from unit cube integration to generalized cube with unit length
nbatch=1000 # function will be evaluated in bacthes of 1000 evaluations at one time (for efficiency and storage issues)
print ("""Vegas parameters:
ndim = """+str(ndim)+"""
unit = """+str(unit)+"""
maxeval = """+str(maxeval)+"""
nstart = """+str(nstart)+"""
nincrease = """+str(nincrease)+"""
nbins = """+str(nbins)+"""
nbaths = """+str(nbatch)+"\n")
bins = zeros((nbatch,ndim),dtype=int) # in which sampled bin does this point fall?
all_nsamples = nstart
for nsamples in range(all_nsamples,0,-nbatch): # loop over all_nsample evaluations in batches of nbatch
n = min(nbatch,nsamples) # How many evaluations in this pass?
# We are integrating f(g_1(x),g_2(y),g_3(z))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz dx*dy*dz
# This is represented as 1/all_nsamples \sum_{x_i,y_i,z_i} f(g_1(x_i),g_2(y_i),g_3(z_i))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz
# where dg_1/dx = diff*NBINS
wgh = zeros(nbatch) # weights for each random point in the batch
xr = random.random((n,ndim)) # generates 2-d array of random numbers in the interval [0,1)
# This part takes quite a lot of time and it would be nice to rewrite with numba!
for i in range(n):
weight = 1.0/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim):
# We want to evaluate the function f at point g(x), i.e, f(g_1(x),g_2(y),...)
# Here we transform the points x,y,z -> g_1(x), g_2(y), g_3(z)
# We hence want to evaluate g(x) ~ g(x[i]), where x is the random number and g is the grid function
# The discretized g(t) is defined on the grid :
# t[-1]=0, t[0]=1/N, t[1]=2/N, t[2]=3/N ... t[N-1]=1.
# We know that g(0)=0 and g(1)=1, so that g[-1]=0.0 and g[N-1]=1.0
# To interpolate g at x, we first compute i=int(x*N) and then we use linear interpolation
# g(x) = g[i-1] + (g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) ; if i>0
# g(x) = 0 + (g[0]-0)*(x*N-0) ; if i=0
pos = xr[i,dim]*nbins # which grid would it fit ? (x*N)
ipos = int(pos) # the grid position is ipos : int(x*N)==i
diff = grid.g[dim,ipos] - grid.g[dim,ipos-1] # g[i]-g[i-1]
# linear interpolation for g(x) :
xr[i,dim] = (grid.g[dim,ipos-1] + (pos-ipos)*diff)*unit # g(xr) ~ ( g[i-1]+(g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) )*[units]
#gx = grid.g[dim,ipos-1] + (pos-ipos)*diff
#xr[i,dim]= gx*(b-a) + a
bins[i,dim]=ipos # remember in which bin this random number falls.
weight *= diff*nbins # weight for this dimension is dg/dx = (g[i]-g[i-1])*N
# because dx = i/N - (i-1)/N = 1/N
wgh[i] = weight # total weight is (df/dx)*(df/dy)*(df/dx).../N_{samples}
# Here we evaluate function f on all randomly generated x points above
fx = integrant(xr) # n function evaluations required in single call
neval += n # We just added so many fuction evaluations
# Now we compute the integral as weighted average, namely, f(g(x))*dg/dx
wfun = wgh * fx # weight * function ~ f_i*w_i, here w_i has 1/N in its weight, hence actually we are
# evaluating 1/N * sum_i f_i*w_i
cum.sum += sum(wfun) # 1/N sum_i f_i*w_i = <fw>
wfun *= wfun # carefull : we need 1/N (f_i w_i)^2, while this gives (f_i w_i/N)^2
cum.sqsum += sum(wfun) # sum_i (f_i*w_i/N)^2 = <fw^2>/all_nsamples
w0 = sqrt(cum.sqsum*all_nsamples) # w0 = sqrt(<fw^2>)
w1 = (w0 + cum.sum)*(w0 - cum.sum) # w1 = (w0^2 - <fw>^2) = (<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
w = (all_nsamples-1)/w1 # w ~ 1/sigma_i^2 = (N-1)/(<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
# Note that variance of the MC sampling is Var(monte-f) = (<f^2>-<f>^2)/N == 1/sigma_i^2
cum.weightsum += w # weightsum ~ \sum_i 1/sigma_i^2
cum.avgsum += w*cum.sum # avgsum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i / sigma_i^2
cum.avg = cum.avgsum/cum.weightsum # I_best = (\sum_i <fw>_i/sigma_i^2 )/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2)
cum.err = sqrt(1/cum.weightsum) # err ~ sqrt(best sigma^2) = sqrt(1/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2))
cum.avg *= unit**ndim
cum.err *= unit**ndim
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
nstart =10000
grid = Grid(ndim,nbins)
#SimpleMC(my_integrant2, ndim, pi, maxeval, cum)
Vegas_step1(my_integrant2, pi, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum)
print (cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact)
Vegas parameters: ndim = 3 unit = 3.141592653589793 maxeval = 200000 nstart = 10000 nincrease = 5000 nbins = 128 nbaths = 1000 1.3258378290394897 +- 0.02037303730823348 exact= 1.3932
Now we are going to insert the sampling of the projection of the function $f(x)$ to all axis, $f_1(x), f_2(y)...$, from which we will calculate new grids $g_1(x), g_2(y)...$.
def Vegas_step2(integrant, unit, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum):
ndim, nbins = grid.ndim,grid.nbins # dimension of the integral, size of the grid for binning in each direction
unit_dim = unit**ndim # converts from unit cube integration to generalized cube with unit length
nbatch=1000 # function will be evaluated in bacthes of 1000 evaluations at one time (for efficiency and storage issues)
print ("""Vegas parameters:
ndim = """+str(ndim)+"""
unit = """+str(unit)+"""
maxeval = """+str(maxeval)+"""
nstart = """+str(nstart)+"""
nincrease = """+str(nincrease)+"""
nbins = """+str(nbins)+"""
nbaths = """+str(nbatch)+"\n")
bins = zeros((nbatch,ndim),dtype=int) # in which sampled bin does this point fall?
all_nsamples = nstart
fxbin = zeros((ndim,nbins)) #new2: after each iteration we reset the average function being binned
for nsamples in range(all_nsamples,0,-nbatch): # loop over all_nsample evaluations in batches of nbatch
n = min(nbatch,nsamples) # How many evaluations in this pass?
# We are integrating f(g_1(x),g_2(y),g_3(z))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz dx*dy*dz
# This is represented as 1/all_nsamples \sum_{x_i,y_i,z_i} f(g_1(x_i),g_2(y_i),g_3(z_i))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz
# where dg_1/dx = diff*NBINS
wgh = zeros(nbatch) # weights for each random point in the batch
xr = random.random((n,ndim)) # generates 2-d array of random numbers in the interval [0,1)
for i in range(n):
weight = 1.0/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim):
# We want to evaluate the function f at point g(x), i.e, f(g_1(x),g_2(y),...)
# Here we transform the points x,y,z -> g_1(x), g_2(y), g_3(z)
# We hence want to evaluate g(x) ~ g(x[i]), where x is the random number and g is the grid function
# The discretized g(t) is defined on the grid :
# t[-1]=0, t[0]=1/N, t[1]=2/N, t[2]=3/N ... t[N-1]=1.
# We know that g(0)=0 and g(1)=1, so that g[-1]=0.0 and g[N-1]=1.0
# To interpolate g at x, we first compute i=int(x*N) and then we use linear interpolation
# g(x) = g[i-1] + (g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) ; if i>0
# g(x) = 0 + (g[0]-0)*(x*N-0) ; if i=0
pos = xr[i,dim]*nbins # which grid would it fit ? (x*N)
ipos = int(pos) # the grid position is ipos : int(x*N)==i
diff = grid.g[dim,ipos] - grid.g[dim,ipos-1] # g[i]-g[-1]
# linear interpolation for g(x) :
xr[i,dim] = (grid.g[dim,ipos-1] + (pos-ipos)*diff)*unit # g(xr) ~ ( g[i-1]+(g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) )*[units]
bins[i,dim]=ipos # remember in which bin this random number falls.
weight *= diff*nbins # weight for this dimension is dg/dx = (g[i]-g[i-1])*N
# because dx = i/N - (i-1)/N = 1/N
wgh[i] = weight # total weight is (df/dx)*(df/dy)*(df/dx).../N_{samples}
# Here we evaluate function f on all randomly generated x points above
fx = integrant(xr) # n function evaluations required in single call
neval += n # We just added so many fuction evaluations
# Now we compute the integral as weighted average, namely, f(g(x))*dg/dx
wfun = wgh * fx # weight * function ~ f_i*w_i
cum.sum += sum(wfun) # sum_i f_i*w_i = <fw>
wfun *= wfun # carefull : this is like (f_i * w_i/N)^2 hence 1/N (1/N (f_i*w_i)^2)
cum.sqsum += sum(wfun) # sum_i (f_i*w_i)^2 = <fw^2>/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim): #new2
# projection of the sampled function^2 to each dimension, which will be used to improve the grid.
for i in range(n): #new2
fxbin[dim, bins[i,dim] ] += wfun[i] #new2: just bin the function f. We saved the bin position before.
w0 = sqrt(cum.sqsum*all_nsamples) # w0 = sqrt(<fw^2>)
w1 = (w0 + cum.sum)*(w0 - cum.sum) # w1 = (w0^2 - <fw>^2) = (<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
w = (all_nsamples-1)/w1 # w ~ 1/sigma_i^2 = (N-1)/(<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
# Note that variance of the MC sampling is Var(monte-f) = (<f^2>-<f>^2)/N == 1/sigma_i^2
cum.weightsum += w # weightsum ~ \sum_i 1/sigma_i^2
cum.avgsum += w*cum.sum # avgsum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i / sigma_i^2
cum.avg = cum.avgsum/cum.weightsum # I_best = (\sum_i <fw>_i/sigma_i^2 )/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2)
cum.err = sqrt(1/cum.weightsum) # err ~ sqrt(best sigma^2) = sqrt(1/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2))
cum.avg *= unit**ndim
cum.err *= unit**ndim
return fxbin
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
nstart =10000
grid = Grid(ndim,nbins)
#SimpleMC(my_integrant2, ndim, pi, maxeval, cum)
fxbin = Vegas_step2(my_integrant2, pi, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum)
print(cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact)
Vegas parameters: ndim = 3 unit = 3.141592653589793 maxeval = 200000 nstart = 10000 nincrease = 5000 nbins = 128 nbaths = 1000 1.3805573702326992 +- 0.03849036529933611 exact= 1.3932
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
def smfun(x):
if (x>0):
return ((x-1.)/log(x))**(1.5)
return 0.
vsmfun = vectorize(smfun)
def Smoothen(fxbin):
(ndim,nbins) = shape(fxbin)
final = zeros(shape(fxbin))
for idim in range(ndim):
fxb = copy(fxbin[idim,:])
#**** smooth the f^2 value stored for each bin ****
# f[i] <- (f[i+1]+f[i]+f[i-1])/3.
fxb[:nbins-1] += fxbin[idim,1:nbins]
fxb[1:nbins] += fxbin[idim,:nbins-1]
fxb[1:nbins-1] *= 1/3.
fxb[0] *= 1/2.
fxb[nbins-1] *= 1/2.
norm = sum(fxb)
if( norm == 0 ):
print ('ERROR can not refine the grid with zero grid function')
return # can not refine the grid if the function is zero.
fxb *= 1.0/norm # we normalize the function.
# Note that normalization is such that the sum is 1.
final[idim,:] = vsmfun(fxb)
return final
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
imp = Smoothen(fxbin)
class Grid:
"""Contains the grid points g_n(x) with x=[0...1], and g=[0...1]
for Vegas integration. There are n-dim g_n functions.
Constraints : g(0)=0 and g(1)=1.
def __init__(self, ndim, nbins):
self.g = zeros((ndim,nbins+1))
# a bit dirty trick: We will later use also g[-1] in interpolation, which should be set to zero, hence
# we allocate dimension nbins+1, rather than nbinx
# At the beginning we set g(x)=x
# The grid-points are x_0 = 1/N, x_1 = 2/N, ... x_{N-1}=1.0.
# Note that g(0)=0, and we skip this point on the mesh.
for idim in range(ndim):
self.g[idim,:nbins] = arange(1,nbins+1)/float(nbins)
def RefineGrid(self, imp):
(ndim,nbins) = shape(imp)
gnew = zeros((ndim,nbins+1))
for idim in range(ndim):
avgperbin = sum(imp[idim,:])/nbins
#**** redefine the size of each bin ****
newgrid = zeros(nbins)
thisbin = 0.0
ibin = -1
# we are trying to determine
# Int[ f(g) dg, {g, g_{i-1},g_i}] == I/N_g
# where I == avgperbin
for newbin in range(nbins-1): # all but the last bin, which is 1.0
while (thisbin < avgperbin) :
thisbin += imp[idim,ibin]
prev = cur
cur = self.g[idim,ibin]
# Explanation is in order :
# prev -- g^{old}_{l-1}
# cur -- g^{old}_l
# thisbin -- Sm = f_{l-k}+.... +f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}+f_l
# we know that Sm is just a bit more than we need, i.e., I/N_g, hence we need to compute how much more
# using linear interpolation :
# g^{new} = g_l - (g_l-g_{l-1}) * (f_{l-k}+....+f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}+f_l - I/N_g)/f_l
# clearly
# if I/N_g == f_{l-k}+....+f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}+f_l
# we will get g^{new} = g_l
# and if I/N_g == f_{l-k}+....+f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}
# we will get g^{new} = g_{l-1}
# and if I/N_g is between the two possibilities, we will get linear interpolation between
# g_{l-1} and g_l
thisbin -= avgperbin # thisbin <- (f_{l-k}+....+f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}+f_l - I/N_g)
delta = (cur - prev)*thisbin # delta <- (g_l-g_{l-1})*(f_{l-k}+....+f_{l-2}+f_{l-1}+f_l - I/N_g)
# cur is the closest point from the old mesh, while delta/imp is the correction using linear interpolation.
newgrid[newbin] = cur - delta/imp[idim,ibin]
gnew[idim,:nbins]= newgrid
self.g = gnew
return gnew
Update the class Grid, so that it can refine the grid
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
nstart =10000
grid = Grid(ndim,nbins)
fxbin = Vegas_step2(my_integrant2, pi, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum)
imp = Smoothen(fxbin)
print(cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact)
Vegas parameters: ndim = 3 unit = 3.141592653589793 maxeval = 200000 nstart = 10000 nincrease = 5000 nbins = 128 nbaths = 1000 1.4824486908802832 +- 0.068853203999754 exact= 1.3932
def Vegas_step3(integrant, unit, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum):
ndim, nbins = grid.ndim,grid.nbins # dimension of the integral, size of the grid for binning in each direction
unit_dim = unit**ndim # converts from unit cube integration to generalized cube with unit length
nbatch=1000 # function will be evaluated in bacthes of 1000 evaluations at one time (for efficiency and storage issues)
print ("""Vegas parameters:
ndim = """+str(ndim)+"""
unit = """+str(unit)+"""
maxeval = """+str(maxeval)+"""
nstart = """+str(nstart)+"""
nincrease = """+str(nincrease)+"""
nbins = """+str(nbins)+"""
nbaths = """+str(nbatch)+"\n")
bins = zeros((nbatch,ndim),dtype=int) # in which sampled bin does this point fall?
all_nsamples = nstart
for iter in range(1000): # NEW in step 3
wgh = zeros(nbatch) # weights for each random point in the batch
fxbin = zeros((ndim,nbins)) # after each iteration we reset the average function being binned
for nsamples in range(all_nsamples,0,-nbatch): # loop over all_nsample evaluations in batches of nbatch
n = min(nbatch,nsamples) # How many evaluations in this pass?
# We are integrating f(g_1(x),g_2(y),g_3(z))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz dx*dy*dz
# This is represented as 1/all_nsamples \sum_{x_i,y_i,z_i} f(g_1(x_i),g_2(y_i),g_3(z_i))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz
# where dg_1/dx = diff*NBINS
xr = random.random((n,ndim)) # generates 2-d array of random numbers in the interval [0,1)
for i in range(n):
weight = 1.0/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim):
# We want to evaluate the function f at point g(x), i.e, f(g_1(x),g_2(y),...)
# Here we transform the points x,y,z -> g_1(x), g_2(y), g_3(z)
# We hence want to evaluate g(x) ~ g(x[i]), where x is the random number and g is the grid function
# The discretized g(t) is defined on the grid :
# t[-1]=0, t[0]=1/N, t[1]=2/N, t[2]=3/N ... t[N-1]=1.
# We know that g(0)=0 and g(1)=1, so that g[-1]=0.0 and g[N-1]=1.0
# To interpolate g at x, we first compute i=int(x*N) and then we use linear interpolation
# g(x) = g[i-1] + (g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) ; if i>0
# g(x) = 0 + (g[0]-0)*(x*N-0) ; if i=0
pos = xr[i,dim]*nbins # which grid would it fit ? (x*N)
ipos = int(pos) # the grid position is ipos : int(x*N)==i
diff = grid.g[dim,ipos] - grid.g[dim,ipos-1] # g[i]-g[i-1]
# linear interpolation for g(x) :
xr[i,dim] = (grid.g[dim,ipos-1] + (pos-ipos)*diff)*unit # g(xr) ~ ( g[i-1]+(g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-i) )*[units]
bins[i,dim]=ipos # remember in which bin this random number falls.
weight *= diff*nbins # weight for this dimension is dg/dx = (g[i]-g[i-1])*N
# because dx = i/N - (i-1)/N = 1/N
wgh[i] = weight # total weight is (df/dx)*(df/dy)*(df/dx).../N_{samples}
# Here we evaluate function f on all randomly generated x points above
fx = integrant(xr) # n function evaluations required in single call
neval += n # We just added so many fuction evaluations
# Now we compute the integral as weighted average, namely, f(g(x))*dg/dx
wfun = wgh * fx # weight * function ~ f_i*w_i
cum.sum += sum(wfun) # sum_i f_i*w_i = <fw>
wfun *= wfun # carefull : this is like (f_i * w_i/N)^2 hence 1/N (1/N (f_i*w_i)^2)
cum.sqsum += sum(wfun) # sum_i (f_i*w_i)^2 = <fw^2>/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim): #new2
# Here we make a better approximation for the function, which we are integrating.
for i in range(n): #new2
fxbin[dim, bins[i,dim] ] += wfun[i] #new2: just bin the function f. We saved the bin position before.
w0 = sqrt(cum.sqsum*all_nsamples) # w0 = sqrt(<fw^2>)
w1 = (w0 + cum.sum)*(w0 - cum.sum) # w1 = (w0^2 - <fw>^2) = (<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
w = (all_nsamples-1)/w1 # w ~ 1/sigma_i^2 = (N-1)/(<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
# Note that variance of the MC sampling is Var(monte-f) = (<f^2>-<f>^2)/N == 1/sigma_i^2
cum.weightsum += w # weightsum ~ \sum_i 1/sigma_i^2
cum.avgsum += w*cum.sum # avgsum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i / sigma_i^2
cum.avg2sum += w*cum.sum**2 # avg2cum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i^2/sigma_i^2
cum.avg = cum.avgsum/cum.weightsum # I_best = (\sum_i <fw>_i/sigma_i^2 )/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2)
cum.err = sqrt(1/cum.weightsum) # err ~ sqrt(best sigma^2) = sqrt(1/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2))
# NEW in this step3
if iter>0:
cum.chisq = (cum.avg2sum - 2*cum.avgsum*cum.avg + cum.weightsum*cum.avg**2)/iter
print ("Iteration {:3d}: I= {:10.8f} +- {:10.8f} chisq= {:10.8f} number of evaluations = {:7d} ".format(iter+1, cum.avg*unit_dim, cum.err*unit_dim, cum.chisq, neval))
imp = Smoothen(fxbin)
cum.sum=0 # clear the partial sum for the next step
all_nsamples += nincrease # for the next time, increase the number of steps a bit
if (neval>=maxeval): break
cum.avg *= unit**ndim
cum.err *= unit**ndim
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
nstart =100000
grid = Grid(ndim,nbins)
Vegas_step3(my_integrant2, pi, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum)
print (cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact, 'real error=', abs(cum.avg-exact)/exact)
Vegas parameters: ndim = 3 unit = 3.141592653589793 maxeval = 2000000 nstart = 100000 nincrease = 5000 nbins = 128 nbaths = 1000 Iteration 1: I= 1.36762346 +- 0.01023309 chisq= 0.00000000 number of evaluations = 100000 Iteration 2: I= 1.38308994 +- 0.00488295 chisq= 2.95787653 number of evaluations = 205000 Iteration 3: I= 1.38903765 +- 0.00341085 chisq= 2.92764168 number of evaluations = 315000 Iteration 4: I= 1.39085420 +- 0.00271957 chisq= 2.21131183 number of evaluations = 430000 Iteration 5: I= 1.39235286 +- 0.00238578 chisq= 1.98798517 number of evaluations = 550000 Iteration 6: I= 1.39215278 +- 0.00209328 chisq= 1.59649946 number of evaluations = 675000 Iteration 7: I= 1.39187814 +- 0.00186075 chisq= 1.34408861 number of evaluations = 805000 Iteration 8: I= 1.39040546 +- 0.00167503 chisq= 1.62389166 number of evaluations = 940000 Iteration 9: I= 1.39098400 +- 0.00155755 chisq= 1.53107506 number of evaluations = 1080000 Iteration 10: I= 1.39152488 +- 0.00144974 chisq= 1.46121875 number of evaluations = 1225000 Iteration 11: I= 1.39101550 +- 0.00135470 chisq= 1.41244571 number of evaluations = 1375000 Iteration 12: I= 1.39111487 +- 0.00127230 chisq= 1.28818899 number of evaluations = 1530000 Iteration 13: I= 1.39172957 +- 0.00120599 chisq= 1.37245777 number of evaluations = 1690000 Iteration 14: I= 1.39195626 +- 0.00114625 chisq= 1.29501238 number of evaluations = 1855000 Iteration 15: I= 1.39272504 +- 0.00110407 chisq= 1.64730521 number of evaluations = 2025000 1.3927250368308894 +- 0.0011040731205297308 exact= 1.3932 real error= 0.00034091528072821835
Here we are going to speed up the code by using vectorized numpy capability, and numba
Here numba
will be used to set fxbin
array, using wfun
array, which contains projection of the function integrated to all axis.
To interpolate grid at the random points xr
, we will use numpy vectorized functionality and fancy indexing
to remove the loop over batches. All loops over batch size n
is gone in the final version of the code.
from numba import jit
def SetFxbin(fxbin,bins,wfun):
(n,ndim) = bins.shape
for dim in range(ndim):
# Here we make a better approximation for the function, which we are integrating.
for i in range(n):
fxbin[dim, bins[i,dim] ] += abs(wfun[i]) # just bin the function f. We saved the bin position before.
def Vegas_step3b(integrant, unit, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum):
ndim, nbins = grid.ndim,grid.nbins # dimension of the integral, size of the grid for binning in each direction
unit_dim = unit**ndim # converts from unit cube integration to generalized cube with unit length
nbatch=1000 # function will be evaluated in bacthes of 1000 evaluations at one time (for efficiency and storage issues)
print ("""Vegas parameters:
ndim = """+str(ndim)+"""
unit = """+str(unit)+"""
maxeval = """+str(maxeval)+"""
nstart = """+str(nstart)+"""
nincrease = """+str(nincrease)+"""
nbins = """+str(nbins)+"""
nbaths = """+str(nbatch)+"\n")
bins = zeros((nbatch,ndim),dtype=int) # in which sampled bin does this point fall?
all_nsamples = nstart
for iter in range(1000): # NEW in step 3
wgh = zeros(nbatch) # weights for each random point in the batch
fxbin = zeros((ndim,nbins)) # after each iteration we reset the average function being binned
for nsamples in range(all_nsamples,0,-nbatch): # loop over all_nsample evaluations in batches of nbatch
n = min(nbatch,nsamples) # How many evaluations in this pass?
# We are integrating f(g_1(x),g_2(y),g_3(z))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz dx*dy*dz
# This is represented as 1/all_nsamples \sum_{x_i,y_i,z_i} f(g_1(x_i),g_2(y_i),g_3(z_i))*dg_1/dx*dg_2/dy*dg_3/dz
# where dg_1/dx = diff*NBINS
xr = random.random((n,ndim)) # generates 2-d array of random numbers in the interval [0,1)
pos = xr*nbins # (x*N)
bins = array(pos,dtype=int) # which grid would it fit ? (x*N)
wgh = ones(nbatch)/all_nsamples
for dim in range(ndim):
# We want to evaluate the function f at point g(x), i.e, f(g_1(x),g_2(y),...)
# Here we transform the points x,y,z -> g_1(x), g_2(y), g_3(z)
# We hence want to evaluate g(x) ~ g(x[i]), where x is the random number and g is the grid function
# The discretized g(t) is defined on the grid :
# t[-1]=0, t[0]=1/N, t[1]=2/N, t[2]=3/N ... t[N-1]=1.
# We know that g(0)=0 and g(1)=1, so that g[-1]=0.0 and g[N-1]=1.0
# To interpolate g at x, we first compute i=int(x*N) and then we use linear interpolation
# g(x) = g[i-1] + (g[i]-g[i-1])*(x*N-int(x*N))
gi = grid.g[dim,bins[:,dim]] # g[i]
gm = grid.g[dim,bins[:,dim]-1] # g[i-1]
diff = gi - gm # g[i]-g[i-1]
gx = gm + (pos[:,dim]-bins[:,dim])*diff # linear interpolation g(xr)
xr[:,dim] = gx*unit # xr <- g(xr)
wgh *= diff*nbins # wgh = prod_{dim} dg/dx
# Here we evaluate function f on all randomly generated x points above
fx = integrant(xr) # n function evaluations required in single call
neval += n # We just added so many fuction evaluations
# Now we compute the integral as weighted average, namely, f(g(x))*dg/dx
wfun = wgh * fx # weight * function ~ f_i*w_i
cum.sum += sum(wfun) # sum_i f_i*w_i = <fw>
wfun *= wfun # carefull : this is like (f_i * w_i/N)^2 hence 1/N (1/N (f_i*w_i)^2)
cum.sqsum += sum(wfun) # sum_i (f_i*w_i)^2 = <fw^2>/all_nsamples
#for dim in range(ndim): #new2
# # Here we make a better approximation for the function, which we are integrating.
# for i in range(n): #new2
# fxbin[dim, bins[i,dim] ] += wfun[i] #new2: just bin the function f. We saved the bin position before.
w0 = sqrt(cum.sqsum*all_nsamples) # w0 = sqrt(<fw^2>)
w1 = (w0 + cum.sum)*(w0 - cum.sum) # w1 = (w0^2 - <fw>^2) = (<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
w = (all_nsamples-1)/w1 # w ~ 1/sigma_i^2 = (N-1)/(<fw^2>-<fw>^2)
# Note that variance of the MC sampling is Var(monte-f) = (<f^2>-<f>^2)/N == 1/sigma_i^2
cum.weightsum += w # weightsum ~ \sum_i 1/sigma_i^2
cum.avgsum += w*cum.sum # avgsum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i / sigma_i^2
cum.avg2sum += w*cum.sum**2 # avg2cum ~ \sum_i <fw>_i^2/sigma_i^2
cum.avg = cum.avgsum/cum.weightsum # I_best = (\sum_i <fw>_i/sigma_i^2 )/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2)
cum.err = sqrt(1/cum.weightsum) # err ~ sqrt(best sigma^2) = sqrt(1/(\sum_i 1/sigma_i^2))
# NEW in this step3
if iter>0:
cum.chisq = (cum.avg2sum - 2*cum.avgsum*cum.avg + cum.weightsum*cum.avg**2)/iter
print ("Iteration {:3d}: I= {:10.8f} +- {:10.8f} chisq= {:10.8f} number of evaluations = {:7d} ".format(iter+1, cum.avg*unit_dim, cum.err*unit_dim, cum.chisq, neval))
imp = Smoothen(fxbin)
cum.sum=0 # clear the partial sum for the next step
all_nsamples += nincrease # for the next time, increase the number of steps a bit
if (neval>=maxeval): break
cum.avg *= unit**ndim
cum.err *= unit**ndim
from scipy import *
from numpy import *
exact = 1.3932 # exact value of the integral
cum = Cumulants()
nstart =100000
grid = Grid(ndim,nbins)
Vegas_step3b(my_integrant2, pi, maxeval, nstart, nincrease, grid, cum)
print (cum.avg, '+-', cum.err, 'exact=', exact, 'real error=', abs(cum.avg-exact)/exact)
Vegas parameters: ndim = 3 unit = 3.141592653589793 maxeval = 2000000 nstart = 100000 nincrease = 5000 nbins = 128 nbaths = 1000 Iteration 1: I= 1.36762346 +- 0.01023309 chisq= 0.00000000 number of evaluations = 100000 Iteration 2: I= 1.38308994 +- 0.00488295 chisq= 2.95787653 number of evaluations = 205000 Iteration 3: I= 1.38903765 +- 0.00341085 chisq= 2.92764168 number of evaluations = 315000 Iteration 4: I= 1.39085420 +- 0.00271957 chisq= 2.21131183 number of evaluations = 430000 Iteration 5: I= 1.39235286 +- 0.00238578 chisq= 1.98798517 number of evaluations = 550000 Iteration 6: I= 1.39215278 +- 0.00209328 chisq= 1.59649946 number of evaluations = 675000 Iteration 7: I= 1.39187814 +- 0.00186075 chisq= 1.34408861 number of evaluations = 805000 Iteration 8: I= 1.39040546 +- 0.00167503 chisq= 1.62389166 number of evaluations = 940000 Iteration 9: I= 1.39098400 +- 0.00155755 chisq= 1.53107506 number of evaluations = 1080000 Iteration 10: I= 1.39152488 +- 0.00144974 chisq= 1.46121875 number of evaluations = 1225000 Iteration 11: I= 1.39101550 +- 0.00135470 chisq= 1.41244571 number of evaluations = 1375000 Iteration 12: I= 1.39111487 +- 0.00127230 chisq= 1.28818899 number of evaluations = 1530000 Iteration 13: I= 1.39172957 +- 0.00120599 chisq= 1.37245777 number of evaluations = 1690000 Iteration 14: I= 1.39195626 +- 0.00114625 chisq= 1.29501238 number of evaluations = 1855000 Iteration 15: I= 1.39272504 +- 0.00110407 chisq= 1.64730521 number of evaluations = 2025000 1.3927250368308894 +- 0.0011040731205297308 exact= 1.3932 real error= 0.00034091528072821835
Here $\varepsilon_\vec{k}=k^2-k_F^2$.
We will use $k_F=\frac{(\frac{9\pi}{4})^{1/3}}{rs}$ with $r_s=2$, $f(x) = 1/(\exp(x/T)+1)$, $T=0.02 k_F^2$, $\delta = 0.002 k_F^2$, $\Omega=0$, $q=0.1 k_F$, integration limits can be set to $[-3 k_F,3 k_F]$.
The result for $P(\Omega=0,q<< k_F)$ should be close to $-n_F$, where $n_F = \frac{k_F}{2\pi^2}$.
. Use $P(\Omega=0)$ to redefine the grid, so that we have most efficient integration at $\Omega=0$ (where the function is hardest to integrate).