Use the :func:~.api.plot.plot_roi_map
function to create interactive maps defined
from ROIs in signal space.
import hyperspy.api as hs
Create a signal:
s =
Add 2 ROIs in signal space and map the corresponding signal using :func:~.api.plot.plot_roi_map
The ROIs are added to the plot of the signal:
roi = hs.plot.plot_roi_map(s, rois=2)
Same as above, but plotting the maps in a single figure:
roi = hs.plot.plot_roi_map(s, rois=2, single_figure=True)
# Choose this figure as gallery thumbnail:
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 7
Same as in previous step, but additionally specifying cmap
and colors
roi = hs.plot.plot_roi_map(s, rois=2, color=["r", "b"], cmap="gray", single_figure=True)