Findings: 1. In 2010, The world bank funding increased (compared to previous year) in all the BRICS except Russia and the GDP in these countries also dropped. Is there a relationship? Financial Crisis? Challenges 1. The Worldbank data has so many facets that can be useful for data analysis however not all variables are as properly explained. 2. During the analysis of the data, i noticed that after 1970, The world bank changed the format of their reporting which made it really difficult during munging ot the data.
The index Gini is an example of data that is not fully stored in Wikipedia
In this graphs, we are interested in analyze the lending per capita, (lending over population per country)
In general, we believe that Wikipedia has a great potential to help and improve global studies. In particular, the amount of information that was not posible to retrieve from wikipedia was not imposible of managing manually. The markdown parsing was difficult to understand when we started, but at the endi, it facilitated the retrieval of information. But the fact that a markdown document in Wikipedia can be manually processed and cleaned by people around the world, gives us a great idea of the potential of Wikipedia as a platform for Open Data.