Jace Bothner
Watch the video presentation here:
If you're not able to view the interactive visuals try viewing the project on my github page:
The purpose of this project is to explore how lyrical content in popular music has changed over time.
Music, while not only an art form and medium of expression, is also a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Revenue aside, one of music's main purposes is serving as cultural expression. Therefore, the most popular songs within a given time are representative of that time. While many can identify musical styles of certain generations, it's worth asking how the lyrical content of these periods differ. In this project, we'll explore how lyrical content has evolved and how it impacts the future of lyricism.
While exploring lyrical content, we'll test several common claims made about the evolution of pop music. These claims are:
## Import packages
import csv
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
import requests
from lxml import html
import time
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import FreqDist, word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
from nltk.stem.porter import PorterStemmer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.express as px
import itertools
from itertools import combinations
from os import path
from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS
from PIL import Image
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
from lempel_ziv_complexity import lempel_ziv_complexity
import gensim
from gensim.corpora import Dictionary
from gensim.models import ldamodel
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
from gensim.models.coherencemodel import CoherenceModel
from gensim.models.wrappers import LdaVowpalWabbit, LdaMallet
import pyLDAvis.gensim
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, f1_score, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, cross_val_score, train_test_split, GridSearchCV
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
import scikitplot as skplt
from IPython.display import IFrame
from IPython.core.display import display
import warnings
To gather song lyrics that are most representative of their time period we'll use a dataset from data scientist Steve Hawtin. This dataset features the top 5000 songs of all time. In order to compile and rank this list, Hawtin compiled chart positions from 230 popular music charts like Billboard, RIAA, and Rolling Stone. Then he assigned each song an overall score by incorporating appearances on each chart weighted by the importance of the chart. For more information on this process and methodology, visit the link below.
## Load top 5000 songs of all time dataset
df = pd.read_csv('data/top5000songs.csv')
For this project, we'll focus on certain distinct periods of music. The easiest way to group these periods is by decades. We'll start with the 1950s and continue until the 2010s, the most recent complete decade. Therefore, we'll filter out any songs before or after these time periods.
## Filter out songs before the 1950s
df = df[(df.year < 2020) & (df.year > 1949)]
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
## View dataframe
artist | name | year | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 |
2 | Bill Haley & his Comets | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 |
The top 5000 songs dataset contains the artist's name, the song name, and the year. In order to get the lyrics for each song, we'll have to create links to crawl and scrape information. In the cell below, we're creating the song name portion of the URL by hyphenating each word in the song title.
## Prepare song name column for scraping
df['link_name'] = df['name'].str.replace('&','and', regex=True)
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].replace("'","", regex=True)
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].str.replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "-")
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].str.replace("\\--", "-", regex=True)
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].str.lstrip('-')
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].str.rstrip('-')
df['link_name'] = df['link_name'].str.lower()
artist | name | year | link_name | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | everything-i-do-i-do-it-for-you |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | i-will-always-love-you |
2 | Bill Haley & his Comets | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | rock-around-the-clock |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | my-heart-will-go-on |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | hey-jude |
Here we'll use this same process for the artist portion of the URL.
## Prepare artist name column for scraping
df['artist'] = df['artist'].str.split('&').str[0]
df['link_artist'] = df['artist']
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].replace("'","", regex=True)
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.lstrip("The ")
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.replace("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "-")
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.replace("\\--", "-", regex=True)
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.lstrip('-')
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.rstrip('-')
df['link_artist'] = df['link_artist'].str.lower()
artist | name | year | link_name | link_artist | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | everything-i-do-i-do-it-for-you | bryan-adams |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | i-will-always-love-you | whitney-houston |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | rock-around-the-clock | bill-haley |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | my-heart-will-go-on | celine-dion |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | hey-jude | beatles |
Now we can combine these elements to create links using the MetroLyrics URL. Each URL on the metro lyrics site has its domain name, the name of the song, a lyrics tag, the name of the artist, and an html tag.
## Create links using metrolyrics url
df['link'] = 'https://www.metrolyrics.com/' + df['link_name'].astype(str) + '-lyrics-' + df['link_artist'].astype(str) + '.html'
artist | name | year | link_name | link_artist | link | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | everything-i-do-i-do-it-for-you | bryan-adams | https://www.metrolyrics.com/everything-i-do-i-... |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | i-will-always-love-you | whitney-houston | https://www.metrolyrics.com/i-will-always-love... |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | rock-around-the-clock | bill-haley | https://www.metrolyrics.com/rock-around-the-cl... |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | my-heart-will-go-on | celine-dion | https://www.metrolyrics.com/my-heart-will-go-o... |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | hey-jude | beatles | https://www.metrolyrics.com/hey-jude-lyrics-be... |
## Link column to list
link = df['link'].tolist()
for i in link[:5]:
https://www.metrolyrics.com/everything-i-do-i-do-it-for-you-lyrics-bryan-adams.html https://www.metrolyrics.com/i-will-always-love-you-lyrics-whitney-houston.html https://www.metrolyrics.com/rock-around-the-clock-lyrics-bill-haley.html https://www.metrolyrics.com/my-heart-will-go-on-lyrics-celine-dion.html https://www.metrolyrics.com/hey-jude-lyrics-beatles.html
Now using the links we've creating, we'll crawl through each link to scrape the song's lyrics.
## Crawl through metrolyrics links and scrape lyrics
alldata = []
seconds = 2
for item in link:
data = html.fromstring(requests.get(item, time.sleep(seconds)).text)
for i in data.xpath("//html/body"):
lyrics = i.xpath('//div[@id="lyrics-body-text"]/p[contains(@class,"verse")]/text()')
## Convert lyrics to dataframe
lyrics = pd.DataFrame(alldata, columns =['lyrics'])
lyrics | |
0 | [Look into my eyes - you will see, \nWhat you ... |
1 | [If I should stay, \nI would only be in your w... |
2 | [One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock, \... |
3 | [Every night in my dreams, \nI see you, I feel... |
4 | [Hey Jude, don't make it bad, \nTake a sad son... |
## Merge lyrics with original dataframe
df = df.join(lyrics, how='inner')
df = df[['artist', 'name', 'year', 'lyrics']]
artist | name | year | lyrics | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | [Look into my eyes - you will see, \nWhat you ... |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | [If I should stay, \nI would only be in your w... |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | [One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock, \... |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | [Every night in my dreams, \nI see you, I feel... |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | [Hey Jude, don't make it bad, \nTake a sad son... |
## Save csv file
df.to_csv("data/scraped_lyrics.csv", index=False)
Now that we have our lyrical information, it's important to clean the text before performing any analysis. This process involves removing any markup included in the text after scraping, any non-numeric or English characters, and other similar processes that would affect our analysis.
## Load scraped data
df = pd.read_csv('data/scraped_lyrics.csv')
artist | name | year | lyrics | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | ['Look into my eyes - you will see', '\nWhat y... |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | ['If I should stay', '\nI would only be in you... |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | ["One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock",... |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | ['Every night in my dreams', '\nI see you, I f... |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | ["Hey Jude, don't make it bad", '\nTake a sad ... |
## Remove newline
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].replace(r'\\n','', regex=True)
## Remove apostrophe to include contractions
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].replace("'","", regex=True)
## Remove useless numbers and alphanumerical words
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].str.replace('[^a-zA-Z-0-9.]+', ' ')
## Convert to lowercase
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].str.lower()
## Remove instrumental
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].str.replace('instrumental', '')
## Remove unauthorized message
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].str.replace('unfortunately we are not authorized to show these lyrics', '')
## Remove leading and trailing whitespace
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].str.strip()
## Convert empty whitespace to NaN
df['lyrics'] = df['lyrics'].replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)
artist | name | year | lyrics | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | look into my eyes - you will see what you mean... |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | if i should stay i would only be in your way s... |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | one two three oclock four oclock rock five six... |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | every night in my dreams i see you i feel you ... |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | hey jude dont make it bad take a sad song and ... |
## View first song's cleaned lyrics
for i in df['lyrics'][:1]:
look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. search your heart search your soul and when you find me there youll search no more. dont tell me its not worth tryin for. you cant tell me its not worth dyin for. you know its true everything i do i do it for you. look into your heart - you will find theres nothin there to hide. take me as i am take my life. i would give it all i would sacrifice. dont tell me its not worth fightin for i cant help it theres nothin i want more you know its true everything i do i do it for you oh yeah. theres no love like your love and no other could give more love. theres nowhere unless youre there all the time all the way yeah. look into your heart baby... oh you cant tell me its not worth tryin for. i cant help it theres nothin i want more. yeah i would fight for you id lie for you walk the wire for you yeah id die for you. you know its true everything i do oh i do it for you. everything i do darling. you will see its true. you will see its true. yeah search your heart and your soul you cant tell its not worth dying for ill be there id walk the fire for you id die for you oh yeah. im going all the time all the way.
## Check for null values
artist 0 name 0 year 0 lyrics 1525 dtype: int64
After cleaning the text we can check for any null values in the dataset. These null values are a result of scraping the lyrics from MetroLyrics' website. For example, some songs may be instrumental and not feature lyrics. Other songs may not have lyrical information because MetroLyrics is not authorized to display the lyrics. Another common occurrence is a discrepancy between an artist or a song name in the dataset and how it's featured on MetroLyrics' site. After dropping these null values, there are still 3120 with lyrics which will provide a reasonable sample size to analyze and draw conclusions from.
## Drop rows with null values
df.dropna(subset=['lyrics'], how='all', inplace = True)
df.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)
Here we'll define a function to process text that we can apply as needed. This function will tokenize the text, a process of breaking the text into separate words. It will also remove stopwords, the most common words in a language which won't be meaningful in our analysis. It's also worth noting that additional stop words have been set to remove non-lexical vocables, a music term for a nonsensical syllable used to sing a melody. Similarly, the processing function will remove short words under three characters since these words aren't meaningful in our analysis. The function also converts the tokens to lowercase since python is case sensitive. Lastly, the function will 'stem' words, a process of breaking a word down to its root and removing the suffix.
## Define text processing function
def text_processing(x):
## Convert list to string
tokens = str(x)
## Convert to lowercase
tokens = tokens.lower()
## Remove useless numbers and alphanumerical words
tokens = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", " ", tokens)
## Tokenization or word split
tokens = word_tokenize(tokens)
## Get stemming words or lemmas
wordnet_lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
tokens = [ wordnet_lemmatizer.lemmatize(word) for word in tokens ]
## Additional stopwords
more_stopwords = set(('ooh', 'oooh', 'aaah', 'chh', 'doo'))
extra_stoplist = set(stopwords.words('english')) | more_stopwords
tokens = (word for word in tokens if word not in extra_stoplist)
## Remove stopwords
tokens = [ i for i in tokens if i not in stopwords.words('english')]
## Filter non-alphanumeric characters from tokens
tokens = [ word for word in tokens if word.isalpha() ]
## Remove short words
tokens = [ i for i in tokens if len(i) >= 3 ]
return tokens
## Convert lyrics to list and process text
lyrics_processed = df['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed = text_processing(lyrics_processed)
['look', 'eye', 'see', 'mean', 'search', 'heart', 'search', 'soul', 'find', 'youll']
Now we can separate each song into its respective decade based on the year of its release. It's worth noting that songs aren't equally represented by decade in the dataset. Therefore, decades with a larger sample size might have a higher amount of credibility in our analysis. Although, the reasons for stark differences in sample size by decade are likely intuitive. Music in the 1950s likely wasn't marketed as aggressively as in subsequent decades and therefore is less represented on the top songs of all time. On the other end of the spectrum, songs in the 2010s have had less time to gain popularity and move up on the list of all time songs. After separating songs into decades we can apply the text processing function to process the lyrics for each decade.
## Separate into decades
df50 = df[(df.year < 1960) & (df.year > 1949)].reset_index(drop=True)
df60 = df[(df.year < 1970) & (df.year > 1959)].reset_index(drop=True)
df70 = df[(df.year < 1980) & (df.year > 1969)].reset_index(drop=True)
df80 = df[(df.year < 1990) & (df.year > 1979)].reset_index(drop=True)
df90 = df[(df.year < 2000) & (df.year > 1989)].reset_index(drop=True)
df00 = df[(df.year < 2010) & (df.year > 1999)].reset_index(drop=True)
df10 = df[(df.year < 2020) & (df.year > 2009)].reset_index(drop=True)
print('50s:', len(df50), '\n60s:', len(df60), '\n70s:', len(df70),
'\n80s:', len(df80), '\n90s:', len(df90), '\n00s:', len(df00), '\n10s:', len(df10))
50s: 152 60s: 335 70s: 514 80s: 613 90s: 699 00s: 665 10s: 142
## View 90s dataframe
artist | name | year | lyrics | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | look into my eyes - you will see what you mean... |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | if i should stay i would only be in your way s... |
2 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | every night in my dreams i see you i feel you ... |
3 | Sinead O'Connor | Nothing Compares 2 U | 1990 | its been seven hours and fifteen days since u ... |
4 | Elton John | Candle in the Wind '97 | 1997 | goodbye englands rose may you ever grow in our... |
## Process lyrics for each decade
lyrics_processed50 = df50['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed50 = text_processing(lyrics_processed50)
lyrics_processed60 = df60['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed60 = text_processing(lyrics_processed60)
lyrics_processed70 = df70['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed70 = text_processing(lyrics_processed70)
lyrics_processed80 = df80['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed80 = text_processing(lyrics_processed80)
lyrics_processed90 = df90['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed90 = text_processing(lyrics_processed90)
lyrics_processed00 = df00['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed00 = text_processing(lyrics_processed00)
lyrics_processed10 = df10['lyrics'].to_list()
lyrics_processed10 = text_processing(lyrics_processed10)
Word frequency analysis will show which words are most prevalent in the song lyrics. This type of analysis not only will show which words are used the most, but can provide an idea of what songs are about based on most frequent words. For example, the word frequency for the entire dataset (all decades) is shown below. The most popular word used in all songs is 'love' meaning that 'love songs' are likely most prevalent in pop songs.
## Most frequent words for all lyrics
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed)
fdist = fdist.most_common(20)
df_fdist = pd.DataFrame(fdist, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='All Lyrics Word Count')
Now we'll separate word frequency by decade to see how word frequency has changed over time. The word frequency for songs from the 1950s is shown below. It's already apparent based on the frequency of the word 'love' and similar words such as 'heart' and 'baby' how prevalent 'love songs' were in the 1950s, especially compared to the frequency of all lyrics.
## Most frequent words for 50s songs
fdist50 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed50)
fdist50 = fdist50.most_common(20)
df_fdist50 = pd.DataFrame(fdist50, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist50, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='50s Lyrics Word Count')
The word frequency for the 1960s shown below tells a similar story to the 1950s. The word 'love' is by far most prevalent, and 'while' heart is no longer in the top 20 words, the word 'baby' is still one of the most prevalent words.
## Most frequent words for 60s songs
fdist60 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed60)
fdist60 = fdist60.most_common(20)
df_fdist60 = pd.DataFrame(fdist60, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist60, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='60s Lyrics Word Count')
Word frequency for song lyrics in the 1970s shown below starts to shift compared to previous decades. While 'love' is still the most frequent, the margin between the first and second words is starting to close.
## Most frequent words for 70s songs
fdist70 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed70)
fdist70 = fdist70.most_common(20)
df_fdist70 = pd.DataFrame(fdist70, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist70, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='70s Lyrics Word Count')
Word frequency for the 1980s tells a fairly similar story to the 1970s, and the gap between the word 'love' and the second most frequent closes ever so slightly.
## Most frequent words for 80s songs
fdist80 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed80)
fdist80 = fdist80.most_common(20)
df_fdist80 = pd.DataFrame(fdist80, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist80, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='80s Lyrics Word Count')
Word frequency for the 1990s shown below makes the trend quite apparent. While 'love' is still the most frequent, it's becoming less frequent compared to other words.
## Most frequent words for 90s songs
fdist90 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed90)
fdist90 = fdist90.most_common(20)
df_fdist90 = pd.DataFrame(fdist90, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist90, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='90s Lyrics Word Count')
Word frequency for the 2000s shown below, is very meaningful as it represents the first decade where the word 'love' does not appear most frequently. In fact, the word 'love' is only the third most frequent.
## Most frequent words for 00s songs
fdist00 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed00)
fdist00 = fdist00.most_common(20)
df_fdist00 = pd.DataFrame(fdist00, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist00, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='00s Lyrics Word Count')
Word frequency for the 2010s continues the trend for the decline of 'love songs' as the word 'love' is only the fifth most frequent word in this decade. The trend is quite apparent: 'love songs' are declining in popularity. The reason for this trend is not as apparent. It's possible that 'love songs' are seen as too cliche, and seen as a thing of the past. Or it's possible that 'love songs' are still popular, but they're not as superficial or overstated as in past generations. It could be that 'love songs' of the present and the future are more ambiguous or open to interpretation, and less likely to overtly use the word 'love.' While this is conjecture, it is likely, however, that this trend will continue, and it should be expected that love songs, or at least the word 'love' in songs, won't be as popular as in the past.
## Most frequent words for 10s songs
fdist10 = nltk.FreqDist(lyrics_processed10)
fdist10 = fdist10.most_common(20)
df_fdist10 = pd.DataFrame(fdist10, columns=['words', 'count'])
fig = px.bar(df_fdist10, x='words', y='count')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='10s Lyrics Word Count')
Word clouds are a way to visualize word frequency. More frequent words will appear larger and those that are less frequent will appear smaller. In this context, word clouds can be useful to see the most prevalent words at a glance or can show slang or colloquialism of each generation, or even cultural events after closer inspection. The word cloud for the entire dataset (all decades) is shown below.
## Word cloud for all lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed)
text = text.replace("'","")
wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
The word cloud for the 1950s is shown below. The word 'ditty' is an example of a popular slang term from this time.
## Word cloud for 50s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed50)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/50s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
## Word cloud for 60s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed60)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/60s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
The word cloud for the 1970s is shown below. 'Boogie' is a word characterized by the rise of disco in this decade and the word 'war' can be explained by social commentary on the war in Vietnam.
## Word cloud for 70s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed70)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/70s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
## Word cloud for 80s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed80)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/80s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
## Word cloud for 90s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed90)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/90s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
In the word cloud for the 2000s below, the word 'shawty' is an example of popular slang from this decade.
## Word cloud for 00s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed00)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/00s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
## Word cloud for 10s lyrics
text = str(lyrics_processed10)
text = text.replace("'","")
mask = np.array(Image.open("images/10s.png"))
wc = WordCloud(background_color="white", max_words=300, width=2000, height=2000,
collocations=False, mask=mask, contour_width=12, contour_color='navy')
In this section, we'll examine how the number of words per song has changed over time. We can split the lyrics into words and take the average of those word counts to compare them between decades.
## Find average number of words in a song
df['word_count'] = df['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg = df['word_count'].mean()
## Find average number of words in a song for each decade
df50['word_count'] = df50['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg50 = df50['word_count'].mean()
df60['word_count'] = df60['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg60 = df60['word_count'].mean()
df70['word_count'] = df70['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg70 = df70['word_count'].mean()
df80['word_count'] = df80['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg80 = df80['word_count'].mean()
df90['word_count'] = df90['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg90 = df90['word_count'].mean()
df00['word_count'] = df00['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg00 = df00['word_count'].mean()
df10['word_count'] = df10['lyrics'].str.split().str.len()
avg10 = df10['word_count'].mean()
## View average number of words per song for each decade
averages = [avg, avg50, avg60, avg70, avg80, avg90, avg00, avg10]
df_avg = pd.DataFrame(averages, columns=['mean'])
df_avg.insert(1, "decade", ['all decades', '50s', '60s', '70s', '80s', '90s', '00s', '10s'], True)
mean | decade | |
0 | 310.163141 | all decades |
1 | 179.072368 | 50s |
2 | 202.113433 | 60s |
3 | 251.885214 | 70s |
4 | 284.269168 | 80s |
5 | 341.792561 | 90s |
6 | 409.082707 | 00s |
7 | 409.176056 | 10s |
The dataframe above and the visualization of it in the bar graph below illustrates that there is indeed a positive correlation between average words per song and decade meaning that songs are indeed becoming more verbose. This doesn't necessarily mean that songs are getting longer though, just that the songs are more densely packed with lyrical content. In fact, one of the reasons for this trend is the adoption of rap into mainstream music. Rap music entered the mainstream pop scene in the late 1970s/early 1980s and has grown in popularity since. Although, rap is fairly saturated in pop music currently, which is explained by the similar average numbers between the 2000s and 2010s. In the future, I would expect this number to remain stagnant or increase slightly if any.
## Average number of words per song by decade
fig = px.bar(df_avg, x='decade', y='mean')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='Avg Words Per Song by Decade')
This section will test the claim that pop songs have become more repetitive over time. To measure this we'll use an algorithm called Lempel-Ziv complexity. This compression algorithm forms the basis of many compression formats, including GIF, PNG, and ZIP. But this idea of compression can also be applied to song lyrics to illustrate repetitiveness. Data scientist Collin Morris explains why this is the case which you can read in full here. Essentially the idea is that the Lempel-Ziv algorithm finds repeated patterns in a string and removes them, leaving only the unique portions. Therefore, the amount of compression applied by the algorithm correlates with the repetitiveness of the song's lyrics. To see a demonstration of how this works in context see the link here.
## Compression/reduction percentage
df['compression'] = df['lyrics'].apply(lempel_ziv_complexity)
df['comp_pct'] = (1 - (df['compression'] / (df['lyrics'].str.len()))) * 100
The dataframe below shows the five most repetitive pop songs of all time according to the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. This algorithm does appear to function well since the top song in the dataframe below is Daft Punk's 'Around the World' where the words 'around the world' are repeated 120 times and are the only lyrics in the song.
## Most repetitive songs
df.sort_values(by='comp_pct', ascending=False).head()
artist | name | year | lyrics | word_count | compression | comp_pct | |
2541 | Daft Punk | Around the World | 1997 | around the world around the world around the w... | 426 | 271 | 88.769167 |
2940 | Duck Sauce | Barbra Streisand | 2010 | barbra streisand ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh o... | 243 | 134 | 87.152445 |
2723 | Mark Oh | Tears Don't Lie | 1995 | ha ha ha haaaa ha ha ha ha haaa ha ha ha haaa ... | 200 | 124 | 83.106267 |
836 | Paul Young | Every Time You Go Away | 1985 | hey if we cant solve any problems x81 x81 x82 ... | 1042 | 804 | 81.258741 |
629 | Eric Prydz | Call On Me | 2004 | call on me call on me call on me call on me ca... | 245 | 181 | 79.776536 |
## Calculate average overall compression amount
avg = df['comp_pct'].mean()
## Calculate average compression amount by decade
df50 = df[(df.year < 1960) & (df.year > 1949)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg50 = df50['comp_pct'].mean()
df60 = df[(df.year < 1970) & (df.year > 1959)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg60 = df60['comp_pct'].mean()
df70 = df[(df.year < 1980) & (df.year > 1969)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg70 = df70['comp_pct'].mean()
df80 = df[(df.year < 1990) & (df.year > 1979)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg80 = df80['comp_pct'].mean()
df90 = df[(df.year < 2000) & (df.year > 1989)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg90 = df90['comp_pct'].mean()
df00 = df[(df.year < 2010) & (df.year > 1999)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg00 = df00['comp_pct'].mean()
df10 = df[(df.year < 2020) & (df.year > 2009)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg10 = df10['comp_pct'].mean()
## View average song compression percentage by decade
averages = [avg, avg50, avg60, avg70, avg80, avg90, avg00, avg10]
df_avg = pd.DataFrame(averages, columns=['compression'])
df_avg.insert(1, "decade", ['all decades', '50s', '60s', '70s', '80s', '90s', '00s', '10s'], True)
compression | decade | |
0 | 67.376043 | all decades |
1 | 64.038291 | 50s |
2 | 64.953882 | 60s |
3 | 66.532541 | 70s |
4 | 67.443283 | 80s |
5 | 68.093003 | 90s |
6 | 68.766253 | 00s |
7 | 69.386326 | 10s |
The dataframe above and the visualization of it in the bar graph below illustrates that there is indeed a positive correlation between compression amount (repetitiveness) and decade meaning that songs are indeed becoming more repetitive.
## Average compression percentage of song by decade
fig = px.bar(df_avg, x='decade', y='compression')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='Avg Compression Percentage by Decade')
The correlation between year and amount of compression (repetitiveness) is shown below. In fact, there is a moderate amount of positive correlation between year and compression shown by the correlation coefficient, meaning that as time goes on songs are likely to become more repetitive. So there appears to be truth to the claim that lyrics in pop music have become more repetitive. I would expect this trend to continue in the future and song lyrics will most likely continue to become more repetitive.
## Correlation between year and compression percentage
df_corr = df[['year', 'comp_pct']]
year | comp_pct | |
year | 1.000000 | 0.427616 |
comp_pct | 0.427616 | 1.000000 |
For this project, sentiment analysis will identify the song's lyrical tone: whether a song's lyrical content is positive or negative. Sentiments are scored on a spectrum between -1 and 1. A song that has a sentiment score of -1 will be a negative song with an angry or sadder tone. A song with a sentiment score of 1 will have a positive sentiment and a happier tone. For this sentiment analysis, we'll use a python package called vaderSentiment. Like other methods and lexicons for sentiment analysis, vaderSentiment provides polarity and subjectivity scores for the given text. However, what sets vaderSentiment apart from other methods and lexicons is its ability to process not only common dictionary words, but also slang, and acronyms. Because of this, vaderSentiment is the perfect fit for analyzing lyrical text in pop music.
## Calculate sentiment scores
sent = df['lyrics'].apply(analyzer.polarity_scores)
sent_df = pd.DataFrame(sent.tolist())
df = pd.concat([df, sent_df], axis=1)
df = df[['artist', 'name', 'year', 'lyrics', 'compound']]
artist | name | year | lyrics | compound | |
0 | Bryan Adams | (Everything I Do) I Do it For You | 1991 | look into my eyes - you will see what you mean... | 0.9286 |
1 | Whitney Houston | I Will Always Love You | 1992 | if i should stay i would only be in your way s... | 0.9990 |
2 | Bill Haley | Rock Around the Clock | 1955 | one two three oclock four oclock rock five six... | 0.9260 |
3 | Celine Dion | My Heart Will Go On | 1998 | every night in my dreams i see you i feel you ... | 0.9788 |
4 | The Beatles | Hey Jude | 1968 | hey jude dont make it bad take a sad song and ... | 0.9979 |
Here are the ten songs with the most positive lyrics in the dataset.
## Songs with the most positive lyrics
df.sort_values(by='compound', ascending=False).head(10)
artist | name | year | lyrics | compound | |
1569 | Jody Watley | Looking For a New Love | 1987 | hasta la vista baby you gave me love you did m... | 0.9999 |
1191 | Lady GaGa | Lovegame | 2009 | lets have some fun this beat is sick i wanna t... | 0.9999 |
2864 | Pappa Bear | Cherish | 1998 | featuring van der toorn cherish the love we ha... | 0.9999 |
2467 | Justin Timberlake | Mirrors | 2013 | arent you something to admire cause your shine... | 0.9999 |
3062 | Pebbles | Giving You the Benefit | 1990 | g-g-giving you giving you. g-g-giving you givi... | 0.9999 |
3050 | East 17 | House of Love | 1992 | everybody everybody in the house of love every... | 0.9999 |
1517 | Spice Girls | Mama | 1997 | she used to be my only enemy and never let to ... | 0.9999 |
1691 | MC Hammer | Pray | 1990 | thats word we pray pray pray we got to pray ju... | 0.9999 |
1526 | Fat Joe | What's Luv? | 2002 | put the fuckin mic on. mic is on joe crack the... | 0.9998 |
2499 | Sting | If You Love Somebody Set Them Free | 1985 | free free set them free oh whoa free free set ... | 0.9998 |
These are the ten songs with the most negative lyrics in the dataset.
## Songs with the most negative lyrics
artist | name | year | lyrics | compound | |
1775 | Culture Club | The War Song | 1984 | war war is stupid and people are stupid and lo... | -0.9999 |
2860 | Suzi Quatro | If You Can't Give Me Love | 1978 | well ive seen you before on that discotheque f... | -0.9998 |
2206 | Elton John | The Bitch is Back | 1974 | i was justified when i was five raising cain i... | -0.9997 |
1179 | The Black Eyed Peas | Don't Lie | 2005 | yeah uh huh la da da da da da sorry sorry sorr... | -0.9996 |
583 | Michael Jackson | Bad | 1987 | your butt is mine gonna tell you right just sh... | -0.9996 |
1694 | Suzi Quatro | 48 Crash | 1973 | well you got the hands of a man and the face o... | -0.9996 |
1544 | Limp Bizkit | Take a Look Around | 2000 | all the tension in the world today all the lit... | -0.9996 |
946 | Justin Timberlake | Cry Me a River | 2003 | you were my sun you were my earth but you didn... | -0.9996 |
2583 | P Diddy | Been Around the World | 1997 | intro mase yo yo this mase youknowhatimsayin y... | -0.9995 |
1834 | Janet Jackson | Nasty | 1986 | gimme a beat sittin in the movie show thinkin ... | -0.9995 |
Now we can use these sentiment scores and find the averages by decade to see how the sentiment of songs have changed over time.
## Calculate average overall sentiment
avg = df['compound'].mean()
## Calculate average sentiment score by decade
df50 = df[(df.year < 1960) & (df.year > 1949)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg50 = df50['compound'].mean()
df60 = df[(df.year < 1970) & (df.year > 1959)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg60 = df60['compound'].mean()
df70 = df[(df.year < 1980) & (df.year > 1969)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg70 = df70['compound'].mean()
df80 = df[(df.year < 1990) & (df.year > 1979)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg80 = df80['compound'].mean()
df90 = df[(df.year < 2000) & (df.year > 1989)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg90 = df90['compound'].mean()
df00 = df[(df.year < 2010) & (df.year > 1999)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg00 = df00['compound'].mean()
df10 = df[(df.year < 2020) & (df.year > 2009)].reset_index(drop=True)
avg10 = df10['compound'].mean()
## View songs average sentiment score by decade
averages = [avg, avg50, avg60, avg70, avg80, avg90, avg00, avg10]
df_avg = pd.DataFrame(averages, columns=['score'])
df_avg.insert(1, "decade", ['all decades', '50s', '60s', '70s', '80s', '90s', '00s', '10s'], True)
score | decade | |
0 | 0.432122 | all decades |
1 | 0.653475 | 50s |
2 | 0.447602 | 60s |
3 | 0.442676 | 70s |
4 | 0.424814 | 80s |
5 | 0.435674 | 90s |
6 | 0.357073 | 00s |
7 | 0.485987 | 10s |
The dataframe above and the visualization of it in the bar graph below illustrates that there is really not much correlation between sentiment scores and decade. There are interesting aspects to point out though, like how songs in the 1950s were quite a bit more positive than other decades. Similarly, songs in the 2000s were a bit more negative than in other decades. While there isn't really a trend to find with sentiment scores, the one takeaway from this information is that pop music is generally positive. Therefore, I would expect most pop songs to chart in the future to have a higher positive sentiment score.
## Average sentiment score of song by decade
fig = px.bar(df_avg, x='decade', y='score')
fig.update_traces(marker_color='blue', marker_line_color='blue', opacity=0.6)
fig.update_layout(title_text='Avg Sentiment Score by Decade')
Using text classification we'll train a model to learn and determine whether a song fits into a particular category or not. The goal is for the algorithm to classify each song as accurately as possible. In this particular case, we'll divide songs into two time periods, before 1985 and after 1985. Because the algorithm needs labeled data to train itself, a 1 will denote that a song was made before 1985 and a 0 means that the song was made after. Once the model is trained, we'll apply it using unlabeled songs.
## Create before and after 1985 dummy variables
df['before_1985'] = (df.year < 1986) & (df.year > 1949)
df["before_1985"] = df["before_1985"].astype(int)
0 1778 1 1342 Name: before_1985, dtype: int64
## Vectorization
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(decode_error ='ignore')
tfidf = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df['lyrics'])
(3120, 18748)
## Document term matrix to array
tfidf_matrix = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(df['lyrics']).toarray()
In order to prevent overfitting, we'll use split validation. In other words, we'll separate the data into a train/test split. The training set will be used to train the algorithm, and the testing set will test the accuracy of the model.
## Define train/test groups through split validation
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df['lyrics'], df['before_1985'], test_size=0.3, random_state=0)
len(x_train), len(y_train), len(x_test), len(y_test)
(2184, 2184, 936, 936)
## Transform training data using tfidf_vectorizer
X_train = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(x_train)
X_test = tfidf_vectorizer.transform(x_test)
For this project, we'll use Pipeline to build our classification model. The benefit of using Pipeline is that it streamlines the model building process while also building several models based on several parameters to select the most accurate model.
## Build model
nb_pipeline = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(decode_error ='ignore', stop_words='english')),
('clf', MultinomialNB())])
## Set parameters
parameters = {'tfidf__ngram_range': [(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)],
'tfidf__min_df': [1, 2, 5],
'tfidf__max_df': [0.9, 0.8, 0.7],
'clf__alpha': (0.01, 0.001, 1),}
## Build models based on parameters
gs_clf = GridSearchCV(nb_pipeline, parameters, cv=3);
gs_clf.fit(x_train, y_train);
In this case, the most accurate model that Pipeline could build is around 69% accurate.
## Show best accuracy score
## Show parameters for best score
for param_name in sorted(parameters.keys()):
print(("%s: %r" % (param_name, gs_clf.best_params_[param_name])))
clf__alpha: 0.01 tfidf__max_df: 0.9 tfidf__min_df: 2 tfidf__ngram_range: (1, 1)
## Build model based on best score parameters
nb_pipeline = Pipeline([('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(decode_error='ignore', stop_words='english', min_df=2,
ngram_range=(1,1), max_df=0.9)),
('clf', MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01))])
nb_pipeline = nb_pipeline.fit(x_train, y_train)
predicted = nb_pipeline.predict(x_test)
## Model accuracy
print('Overall accuracy:', metrics.accuracy_score(y_test, predicted))
print('Classification report:')
print(metrics.classification_report(y_test, predicted))
Overall accuracy: 0.6891025641025641 ----------------------------------------------------------- Classification report: precision recall f1-score support 0 0.68 0.87 0.76 535 1 0.72 0.45 0.56 401 accuracy 0.69 936 macro avg 0.70 0.66 0.66 936 weighted avg 0.70 0.69 0.67 936
Displayed below is the confusion matrix for the Pipeline classification model. A confusion matrix is a visualization of the accuracy of a classification model. The goal of a confusion matrix is to maximize the true rates, the numbers diagonal from top left to bottom right. Naturally, when maximizing the true rates we'll want to minimize the rest which are called false rates.
## Confusion matrix
skplt.metrics.plot_confusion_matrix(y_true=np.array(y_test), y_pred=predicted)
## Open unlabeled text
with open("data/unlabeled.txt", "r") as file:
unlabeled = eval(file.readline())
Now we can use this classification model to test unlabeled data. I've gather lyrics from ten songs that were not able to be collected through scraping. These tens songs are:
With the unlabeled data, the text classification model correctly classified 7 out of the 10 songs for an accuracy score of 70%, very similar to the overall model accuracy. While this accuracy score isn't incredibly high, it's still quite a bit more accurate than just a flip of a coin.
## Test unlabeled data
predicted = nb_pipeline.predict(unlabeled)
for doc, category in zip(unlabeled, predicted):
print(('%r => %s' % (doc[0:100], category)))
"Come on everybody, clap your hands Are you lookin' good? I'm gonna sing my song It won't take long W" => 0 "Oh, my love, my darling I've hungered for your touch A long, lonely time Time goes by so slowly And " => 1 'Sugar, ah honey honey You are my candy girl And you got me wanting you Honey, ah sugar sugar You are' => 1 "When you're weary, feeling small When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all, all I'm on your s" => 1 'On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas Rising up through the air Up ahe' => 0 'Oh Oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Yeah You have so many relationships in this life Only one or two will last Y' => 1 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo Number Five One, two, three, four, five Everybody in the car, so' => 0 "A scrub is a guy that think he's fine and is Also known as a buster (buster, buster) Always talkin' " => 0 "I'm holding on your rope Got me ten feet off the ground And I'm hearing what you say But I just can'" => 0 "Wake up in the mornin' feelin' like P Diddy (hey, what up girl?) Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, " => 0
Topic modeling is similar to text classification, however, the main difference between the two is that topic modeling is unsupervised machine learning while text classification is supervised meaning that topic modeling does not need labeled data. One popular algorithm for topic modeling is called latent dirichlet allocation (LDA). The goal of LDA is to find topics from texts that may be hidden or unobserved and cluster them together. For this project, we'll attempt to see what topics are prevalent in popular music song lyrics.
## Define topic model documents processing function
def topic_processing(x):
## Remove useless numbers and alphanumerical words
documents = [re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]+", " ", str(text)) for text in x]
## Tokenize
texts = [[word for word in text.lower().split() ] for text in documents]
## Stemming words
lmtzr = WordNetLemmatizer()
texts = [[lmtzr.lemmatize(word) for word in text ] for text in texts]
## Remove stop words
stoplist = stopwords.words('english')
texts = [[word for word in text if word not in stoplist] for text in texts]
## Remove short words
texts = [[ word for word in tokens if len(word) >= 3 ] for tokens in texts]
## List of extra stopwords
extra_stopwords = ['ooh', 'oooh', 'got', 'get', 'make', 'aint', 'youre', 'ill', 'yeah',
'hey', 'let', 'whoa', 'come', 'well', 'thats', 'could', 'ive', 'would'
'doo', 'huh', 'whats', 'gonna', 'wanna', 'want', 'cause']
## Remove extra stopwords
texts = [[word for word in text if word not in extra_stopwords] for text in texts]
return texts
## Process text into documents
## Dataframe to list
data = df['lyrics'].tolist()
## Call topic processing function
texts = topic_processing(data)
## Create a dictionary representation of the documents
dictionary = Dictionary(texts)
## Remove rare and common tokens
dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=2, no_above=0.4)
## Convert words to vetors or integers
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]
print(('Number of unique tokens: %d' % len(dictionary)))
print(('Number of documents: %d' % len(corpus)))
Number of unique tokens: 7515 Number of documents: 3120
Before building the model we'll need to determine how many topics are present in the data by finding the optimal k-value. According to the graph below, the optimal k-value is 2, signaling that there isn't a great deal of diversity in topics.
## Find optimal k-value
k_range = range(2,6)
scores = []
for k in k_range:
LdaModel = ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus=corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=k, passes=50)
cm = CoherenceModel(model=LdaModel, corpus=corpus, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='u_mass')
plt.plot(k_range, scores)
-1.4768478911203031 -1.667242756471828 -2.0514269336138478 -1.5759467007093488
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1a3b033c50>]
## Build model based on optimal k-value
model = ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=2, passes=50)
## Print top 15 words for each topic
for i in range(0,2):
topics = model.show_topic(i, 15)
print(', '.join([str(word[0]) for word in topics]))
baby, never, cant, one, see, say, feel, way, heart, life, take, away, need, give, day girl, baby, boy, man, dance, rock, right, back, night, everybody, body, one, take, see, shake
The document-topic distribution is the combination of topics within a document or set of texts. Most documents will have more than one topic associated with it and will have probability information for association with a topic. Here we are determining the highest topic probability for each document to assign the document a topic.
## Save document-topic distribution
lda_corpus = model[corpus]
results = []
for i in lda_corpus:
## Top topics
topic = [max(collection, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] for collection in results]
## Merge majority topic information with the original texts
topic = pd.DataFrame(topic, columns=['topic'])
dfdata = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['documents'])
summary = dfdata.join(topic)
documents | topic | |
0 | look into my eyes - you will see what you mean... | 0 |
1 | if i should stay i would only be in your way s... | 0 |
2 | one two three oclock four oclock rock five six... | 1 |
3 | every night in my dreams i see you i feel you ... | 0 |
4 | hey jude dont make it bad take a sad song and ... | 0 |
The topic distribution below shows that most topics belong to the topic with the index 0.
## Topic distribution
0 2309 1 811 Name: topic, dtype: int64
Now we can visualize the topic model to find out more information about each topic.
## Visualize topics
LDA = pyLDAvis.gensim.prepare(model, corpus, dictionary, sort_topics=False)
pyLDAvis.save_html(LDA, 'lda.html')
display(IFrame('lda.html', '100%', '875px'))
The topics were identified based on the highest probability for each document. But we could also take into account the probabilities to figure out which topic is most prevalent based on document-topic distribution. The result is fairly similar to the topic distribution, the vast majority of songs are topic 1 (index 0).
## Document topic distribution to dataframe
def listify(l):
res = []
for j in l:
d = dict([(i, 0) for i in range(2)])
return res
z = listify(results)
dtd = pd.DataFrame(z)
## Most prevalent topic based on document-topic distribution
dtd.sum(axis=0).sort_values(ascending=False) / len(dtd)
0 0.714571 1 0.283629 dtype: float64
Now we can use the same unlabeled songs we used previously to apply to the topic model.
## Open unlabeled documents
with open("data/unlabeled.txt", "r") as file:
unlabeled = eval(file.readline())
## Call topic processing function
unlabeled = topic_processing(unlabeled)
## Predict topics
for i in unlabeled:
bow = model.id2word.doc2bow(i)
doc_topics, word_topics, phi_values = model.get_document_topics(
bow, per_word_topics=True)
[(0, 0.29394025), (1, 0.7060598)] [(0, 0.9662352), (1, 0.033764776)] [(0, 0.3710072), (1, 0.6289928)] [(0, 0.98772436), (1, 0.012275645)] [(0, 0.6320023), (1, 0.3679977)] [(0, 0.5538899), (1, 0.4461101)] [(0, 0.19079418), (1, 0.80920583)] [(0, 0.2756503), (1, 0.72434974)] [(0, 0.9792756), (1, 0.020724393)] [(0, 0.14396344), (1, 0.85603654)]
The unlabeled songs are predicted to represent the following topics:
Network analytics can visualize and reveal relationships between certain groups. For this project, we'll use the artists in the top 5000 songs dataset to visualize and reveal relationships. The goal is to create relationships between artists who released music in the same decade. The output will then show artists who have had both success and longevity in their careers.
## Load original scraped dataframe
df = pd.read_csv('data/scraped_lyrics.csv')
df = df[['artist', 'year']]
artist | year | |
0 | Bryan Adams | 1991 |
1 | Whitney Houston | 1992 |
2 | Bill Haley | 1955 |
3 | Celine Dion | 1998 |
4 | The Beatles | 1968 |
## Categorize by decade
df['year'] = df['year'].astype(str)
df['year'] = df['year'].str[2:3]
## Drop duplicates and check number of rows
df = df.drop_duplicates()
## Convert to lists
list5 = df[(df['year'] == '5')]
list5 = list5['artist'].to_list()
list6 = df[(df['year'] == '6')]
list6 = list6['artist'].to_list()
list7 = df[(df['year'] == '7')]
list7 = list7['artist'].to_list()
list8 = df[(df['year'] == '8')]
list8 = list8['artist'].to_list()
list9 = df[(df['year'] == '9')]
list9 = list9['artist'].to_list()
list0 = df[(df['year'] == '0')]
list0 = list0['artist'].to_list()
list1 = df[(df['year'] == '1')]
list1 = list1['artist'].to_list()
## Prepare for combination
comb50 = []
for i in list5:
a = list5
comb50 = comb50[:1]
comb60 = []
for i in list6:
a = list6
comb60 = comb60[:1]
comb70 = []
for i in list7:
a = list7
comb70 = comb70[:1]
comb80 = []
for i in list8:
a = list8
comb80 = comb80[:1]
comb90 = []
for i in list9:
a = list9
comb90 = comb90[:1]
comb00 = []
for i in list0:
a = list0
comb00 = comb00[:1]
comb10 = []
for i in list1:
a = list1
comb10 = comb10[:1]
## Build relationships
network50 = [x for i in comb50 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network60 = [x for i in comb60 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network70 = [x for i in comb70 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network80 = [x for i in comb80 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network90 = [x for i in comb90 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network00 = [x for i in comb00 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network10 = [x for i in comb10 for x in combinations(i, 2)]
network = network50 + network60 + network70 + network80 + network90 + network00 + network10
## Relationship network to dataframe
network_df = pd.DataFrame(network)
0 | 1 | |
0 | Bill Haley | Bobby Darin |
1 | Bill Haley | Elvis Presley |
2 | Bill Haley | Nat King Cole |
3 | Bill Haley | Doris Day |
4 | Bill Haley | The Kingston Trio |
Below is the final network visual created in Gephi. Artists with larger names have a higher network degree centrality, in other words, the number of links the artist has with other links. Artists with larger names in the graph are the artists who have had both success and longevity throughout their careers, meaning that they have had popular songs in multiple decades.
## Embed Gephi network visual
from IPython.display import Image
The network below shows clusters within the larger network. The clusters visualize the different periods that artists were active and successful in. While there are seven overall decades in the dataset, it's fairly rare for artists to be a one-hit-wonder and only release music in one decade, especially considering only artists who have a song in the top 5000 songs of all time are in this network. Therefore, the clusters are melded into rough time periods with decades in mind but not necessarily reflective of decades since there are only five total clusters.
## Embed Gephi clustered network visual
The top 20 artists with the highest degree centrality are shown in the dataframe below. Barbra Streisand has the highest degree of all artists in the dataset. This makes sense intuitively since Streisand has 36 total albums to date, spanning from the early 1960s to the late 2010s.
## Load data from Gephi to show degree
df = pd.read_csv('data/degree.csv')
df = df[['Label', 'Degree']]
df.sort_values(by='Degree', ascending=False).head(20).reset_index(drop=True)
Label | Degree | |
0 | Barbra Streisand | 1458 |
1 | The Rolling Stones | 1456 |
2 | Cher | 1456 |
3 | Bee Gees | 1456 |
4 | Tom Jones | 1453 |
5 | Michael Jackson | 1441 |
6 | Bruce Springsteen | 1439 |
7 | Aerosmith | 1439 |
8 | Elvis Presley | 1265 |
9 | Cliff Richard | 1260 |
10 | The Beatles | 1174 |
11 | Queen | 1158 |
12 | Elton John | 1158 |
13 | Paul McCartney | 1158 |
14 | David Bowie | 1158 |
15 | Robert Palmer | 1156 |
16 | Blondie | 1156 |
17 | Heart | 1156 |
18 | Rod Stewart | 1156 |
19 | Peter Gabriel | 1156 |
This project examined and analyzed how lyrical content in popular music has evolved and changed over time using text analytics methods word frequency, word cloud, descriptive statistics, sentiment analysis, text classification, topic modeling, and network analytics. Here are the conclusions we've reached in this analysis with some prediction for the future:
Sociological context
Business context
Technological implications