# netowrks
import networkx as nx
import igraph as ig
# data processing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#some functions to make our lifes easier
import sys
from common_functions import *
# viz
import pylab as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
#Change the default options of visualization (improving the defaults)
custom_params = {"axes.spines.right": False, "axes.spines.top": False, "axes.spines.left": False, "axes.spines.bottom":
False,"lines.linewidth": 2, "grid.color": "lightgray", "legend.frameon": False, "xtick.labelcolor": "#484848", "ytick.labelcolor":
"#484848", "xtick.color": "#484848", "ytick.color": "#484848","text.color": "#484848", "axes.labelcolor": "#484848",
"axes.titlecolor":"#484848","figure.figsize": [5,3],
palette = ["#3d348b","#e6af2e","#191716","#e0e2db"] #use your favourite colours
sns.set_theme(context='paper', style='white', palette=palette, font='Verdana', font_scale=1.3, color_codes=True,
from IPython.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))
# data on florentine marriage families in the XV century
G = nx.florentine_families_graph()
print("Nodes: ", G.nodes())
print("Edges: ", G.edges())
# create figure and plot
# create layout (once so we can reuse it if needed)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed = 1)
nx.draw(G, pos = pos, with_labels = True,
edge_color = "gray", node_color = "lightgray")
Nodes: ['Acciaiuoli', 'Medici', 'Castellani', 'Peruzzi', 'Strozzi', 'Barbadori', 'Ridolfi', 'Tornabuoni', 'Albizzi', 'Salviati', 'Pazzi', 'Bischeri', 'Guadagni', 'Ginori', 'Lamberteschi'] Edges: [('Acciaiuoli', 'Medici'), ('Medici', 'Barbadori'), ('Medici', 'Ridolfi'), ('Medici', 'Tornabuoni'), ('Medici', 'Albizzi'), ('Medici', 'Salviati'), ('Castellani', 'Peruzzi'), ('Castellani', 'Strozzi'), ('Castellani', 'Barbadori'), ('Peruzzi', 'Strozzi'), ('Peruzzi', 'Bischeri'), ('Strozzi', 'Ridolfi'), ('Strozzi', 'Bischeri'), ('Ridolfi', 'Tornabuoni'), ('Tornabuoni', 'Guadagni'), ('Albizzi', 'Ginori'), ('Albizzi', 'Guadagni'), ('Salviati', 'Pazzi'), ('Bischeri', 'Guadagni'), ('Guadagni', 'Lamberteschi')]
Network here: https://tinyurl.com/network-game (download it as a CSV file and move it to the folder of this notebook)
Use the nx.read_edgelist function Print number of nodes and edges
# Read edgelist
df = pd.read_csv()
# Convert to networkx
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="P1", target="P2")
# create figure and plot
# create layout (once so we can reuse it if needed)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed = 1)
nx.draw(G, pos = pos, with_labels = True, node_size=10,
edge_color = "lightgray", node_color = "gray")
We will be using (parts of) this network in the following days
Use the nx.read_edgelist function Print number of nodes and edges
# Read edgelist
df = pd.read_csv("../Data/ic2s2_netsci_3.tsv", sep="\t")
# Convert to networkx
G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df)
G.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(G)) #remove self-edges
1554 30412
# create figure and plot
# create layout (once so we can reuse it if needed)
pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed = 1)
nx.draw(G, pos = pos, with_labels = False, node_size=10,
edge_color = "lightgray", node_color = "gray")
(use iterations = 30 in the spring_layout)
# Read directed graph
G_wiki = nx.read_edgelist("../Data/wiki-Vote.txt", create_using=nx.DiGraph())
7115 103689
# Create layout (this will take a couple minutes). Networkx is a particularly slow library
pos = nx.spring_layout(G_wiki, seed = 1, iterations=30)
# Nobody wants to see your hairball, but let's plot it anyway
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
# Plot only nodes (too many lines)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G_wiki, pos = pos, node_size = 1, node_color = "k")
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1062bf940>
Find the following attributes
# Read data on florentine marriage families in the XV century
G = nx.florentine_families_graph()
# List of nodes
['Acciaiuoli', 'Medici', 'Castellani', 'Peruzzi', 'Strozzi', 'Barbadori', 'Ridolfi', 'Tornabuoni', 'Albizzi', 'Salviati', 'Pazzi', 'Bischeri', 'Guadagni', 'Ginori', 'Lamberteschi']
# List of edges
[('Acciaiuoli', 'Medici'), ('Medici', 'Barbadori'), ('Medici', 'Ridolfi'), ('Medici', 'Tornabuoni'), ('Medici', 'Albizzi'), ('Medici', 'Salviati'), ('Castellani', 'Peruzzi'), ('Castellani', 'Strozzi'), ('Castellani', 'Barbadori'), ('Peruzzi', 'Strozzi'), ('Peruzzi', 'Bischeri'), ('Strozzi', 'Ridolfi'), ('Strozzi', 'Bischeri'), ('Ridolfi', 'Tornabuoni'), ('Tornabuoni', 'Guadagni'), ('Albizzi', 'Ginori'), ('Albizzi', 'Guadagni'), ('Salviati', 'Pazzi'), ('Bischeri', 'Guadagni'), ('Guadagni', 'Lamberteschi')]
# Number of nodes
# Number of edges
# Degree
DegreeView({'Acciaiuoli': 1, 'Medici': 6, 'Castellani': 3, 'Peruzzi': 3, 'Strozzi': 4, 'Barbadori': 2, 'Ridolfi': 3, 'Tornabuoni': 3, 'Albizzi': 3, 'Salviati': 2, 'Pazzi': 1, 'Bischeri': 3, 'Guadagni': 4, 'Ginori': 1, 'Lamberteschi': 1})
# Visualize random graphs (run several times, using the different models)
degree_seq = [v for k,v in G.degree()]
G_r = nx.configuration_model(degree_seq)
G_r = nx.Graph(G_r)
# Visualize random graphs (run several times)
n = len(G)
m = len(G.edges())
G_r = nx.random_graphs.barabasi_albert_graph(n,int(m/n)+1)
G_r = nx.Graph(G_r)
# Visualize random graphs (run several times)
n = len(G)
m = len(G.edges())
G_r = nx.random_graphs.gnm_random_graph(n,m)
G_r = nx.Graph(G_r)
# Density
conf_int(G, nx.density, 100)
Conf. model 0.190 - 0.190 ER graph 0.190 - 0.190 BA graph 0.190 - 0.190
# Average local clustering coefficient
conf_int(G, nx.average_clustering, 100)
#same as np.mean(list(nx.clustering(G).values()))
Conf. model 0.038 - 0.231 ER graph 0.000 - 0.300 BA graph 0.074 - 0.394
# Transitivity (global clustering)
conf_int(G, nx.transitivity, 100)
Conf. model 0.064 - 0.319 ER graph 0.060 - 0.294 BA graph 0.061 - 0.278
# Number of triangles
conf_int(G, lambda x: sum(nx.triangles(x).values())/3, 100)
triangles_by_node = nx.triangles(G)
Conf. model 1.000 - 4.000 ER graph 1.000 - 6.000 BA graph 0.950 - 5.000
# Assortativity
conf_int(G, nx.assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient, 100)
Conf. model -0.427 - 0.092 ER graph -0.445 - 0.106 BA graph -0.501 - -0.075
# Diameter
conf_int(G, nx.diameter, 100)
Conf. model 4.000 - 6.000 ER graph 4.000 - 6.750 BA graph 4.000 - 6.000
# Number of isolates
conf_int(G, nx.number_of_isolates, 100)
Conf. model 0.000 - 0.000 ER graph 0.000 - 2.000 BA graph 0.000 - 1.000
Mentions between people that used the #netsci or #ic2s2 hashtags
# Read data on Twitter (NetSci and IC2S2 conferences)
df = pd.read_csv("../Data/ic2s2_netsci_3.tsv", sep="\t")
G_twitter = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df)
G_twitter.remove_edges_from(nx.selfloop_edges(G)) #remove self-edges
print("Diam", nx.diameter(G_twitter))
print("Assort", nx.assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G_twitter))
print("Densit", nx.density(G_twitter))
print("Average local clustering", nx.average_clustering(G_twitter))
print("Global clustering", nx.transitivity(G_twitter))
Diam 6 Assort -0.024370539945961448 Densit 0.02572593750958207 Average local clustering 0.3489598023492283 Global clustering 0.21338970926777667
# Use the following function to plot the CDF of the degree distributions
def plot_cdf(values, scale = "log", ax = None, cum = True, compl = False, marker = 'o-', xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree < d)"):
Calculates and plot CDF
from collections import Counter
# count the number of instance per each degree, sort it
C = Counter(values)
deg, cnt = zip(*sorted(C.items()))
# calcualte the cumulative distribution, normalize to be a probability instead of a count
if cum:
cs = np.cumsum(cnt)/np.sum(cnt)
cs = cnt/np.sum(cnt)
if compl:
cs = 1 - cs
if ax is None:
ax = plt.subplot()
# plot
ax.plot(deg, cs, marker)
sns.despine(left=True, bottom=True)
def plot_network_distribution(G, values, mult = 1000):
Plots network (color and node size depends on values) and distributions
import matplotlib as mpl
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=min(values), vmax=max(values), clip=True)
mapper = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=mpl.cm.coolwarm)
f, (a0, a1, a2) = plt.subplots(1, 3, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [2, 1, 1]}, figsize=(12,4))
node_size = mult*np.array(list(values))
if min(node_size) < 0:
node_size -= min(node_size)
node_size += 1
nx.draw(G, pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed = 1), with_labels = True, node_size = node_size, edge_color = "gray",
node_color = [mapper.to_rgba(i) for i in values], ax = a0,)
sns.histplot(values, ax = a1)
plot_cdf(values, ax = a2, compl = False, xlabel = "Cent c", ylabel = "p(Cent > c)")
# Degree distribution
degree = G.degree() #also nx.degree(G)
degree_values = [degree for node, degree in degree]
display(list(zip(G.nodes(), degree_values)))
# Plot using sns.histplot
[('Acciaiuoli', 1), ('Medici', 6), ('Castellani', 3), ('Peruzzi', 3), ('Strozzi', 4), ('Barbadori', 2), ('Ridolfi', 3), ('Tornabuoni', 3), ('Albizzi', 3), ('Salviati', 2), ('Pazzi', 1), ('Bischeri', 3), ('Guadagni', 4), ('Ginori', 1), ('Lamberteschi', 1)]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6]
# Plot CDF in log-log scale
plot_cdf(degree_values, scale = "log", ax = None, cum = True, compl = False)
plot_network_distribution(G, degree_values, mult = 100)
# Distribution of the number of triangles per node
n_triangs = nx.triangles(G).values()
display(list(zip(G.nodes(), n_triangs)))
plot_network_distribution(G, n_triangs, mult = 100)
[('Acciaiuoli', 0), ('Medici', 1), ('Castellani', 1), ('Peruzzi', 2), ('Strozzi', 2), ('Barbadori', 0), ('Ridolfi', 1), ('Tornabuoni', 1), ('Albizzi', 0), ('Salviati', 0), ('Pazzi', 0), ('Bischeri', 1), ('Guadagni', 0), ('Ginori', 0), ('Lamberteschi', 0)]
n_clus = nx.clustering(G).values()
display(list(zip(G.nodes(), n_clus)))
plot_network_distribution(G, n_clus, mult = 1000)
[('Acciaiuoli', 0), ('Medici', 0.06666666666666667), ('Castellani', 0.3333333333333333), ('Peruzzi', 0.6666666666666666), ('Strozzi', 0.3333333333333333), ('Barbadori', 0), ('Ridolfi', 0.3333333333333333), ('Tornabuoni', 0.3333333333333333), ('Albizzi', 0), ('Salviati', 0), ('Pazzi', 0), ('Bischeri', 0.3333333333333333), ('Guadagni', 0), ('Ginori', 0), ('Lamberteschi', 0)]
# Calculate all shortest paths (careful, this quickly becomes unfeasible)
path_lenghts = nx.shortest_path_length(G)
# Get results from a nested dictionary
path_lenghts = [list(_[1].values()) for _ in path_lenghts]
path_lenghts = [subitem for item in path_lenghts for subitem in item ]
# Plot using sns.histplot
attribute = [k for v,k in G.degree()]
# Defined in common_functions (based on Peel et al 2018)
local_assort = calculate_local_assort(G, attribute)
display(list(zip(G.nodes(), local_assort)))
plot_network_distribution(G, local_assort, mult = 1000)
[('Acciaiuoli', -0.6808969026392604), ('Medici', -0.021174869563784306), ('Castellani', 0.007141719383490342), ('Peruzzi', 0.012639185707593273), ('Strozzi', 0.017994443222937598), ('Barbadori', -0.08452005352503844), ('Ridolfi', 0.03000675226701813), ('Tornabuoni', 0.030636247828207466), ('Albizzi', 0.020951434083395542), ('Salviati', -0.05381721467845225), ('Pazzi', 0.13130884983721394), ('Bischeri', 0.016882042111539906), ('Guadagni', -0.004185357392913659), ('Ginori', -0.0636397008162419), ('Lamberteschi', -0.26094765764931316)]
## Degree distribution (random normally distributed data)
d = np.random.binomial(500, p = 30/500, size = 10000)
ax = plt.subplot(131)
plot_cdf(d, cum = False, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree)", marker = ".", scale = "linear")
ax = plt.subplot(132)
plot_cdf(d, cum = True, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree < d)", marker="-", scale = "linear")
ax = plt.subplot(133)
plot_cdf(d, compl = True, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree > d)", marker="-", scale = "linear")
Text(0.0, 1.0, 'CCDF')
## Degree distribution (wiki network)
# Try the code using scale = "linear"
G_wiki = nx.read_edgelist("./data/wiki-Vote.txt", create_using=nx.DiGraph())
d = [v for k,v in G_wiki.degree()]
ax = plt.subplot(131)
plot_cdf(d, cum = False, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree)", marker = ".", scale="log")
plt.plot([7E1, 5E2],[2.5E-3,1E-4],"--")
ax = plt.subplot(132)
plot_cdf(d, cum = True, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree < d)", marker="-", scale="log")
ax = plt.subplot(133)
plot_cdf(d, compl = True, ax = ax, xlabel = "Degree (d)", ylabel = "p(Degree > d)", marker=".-", scale="log")
plt.plot([2E2, 1E3], [2.5E-2,2.5E-4],"--")
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last) Input In [50], in <cell line: 3>() 1 ## Degree distribution (wiki network) 2 # Try the code using scale = "linear" ----> 3 G_wiki = nx.read_edgelist("./data/wiki-Vote.txt", create_using=nx.DiGraph()) 4 d = [v for k,v in G_wiki.degree()] 5 plt.figure(figsize=(12,4)) File <class 'networkx.utils.decorators.argmap'> compilation 21:3, in argmap_read_edgelist_17(path, comments, delimiter, create_using, nodetype, data, edgetype, encoding) 1 import bz2 2 import collections ----> 3 import gzip 4 import inspect 5 import itertools File ~/miniforge3/envs/networks/lib/python3.10/site-packages/networkx/utils/decorators.py:191, in open_file.<locals>._open_file(path) 187 else: 188 # could be None, or a file handle, in which case the algorithm will deal with it 189 return path, lambda: None --> 191 fobj = _dispatch_dict[ext](path, mode=mode) 192 return fobj, lambda: fobj.close() FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/wiki-Vote.txt'
Is the network homophilic? (are people linked to people like them?)
Solution: Shuffle the node labels
# Create random labels
ns = ['Acciaiuoli', 'Medici', 'Castellani', 'Peruzzi', 'Strozzi', 'Barbadori', 'Ridolfi', 'Tornabuoni', 'Albizzi', 'Salviati', 'Pazzi', 'Bischeri', 'Guadagni', 'Ginori', 'Lamberteschi']
classes = ["m", "m", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o", "m", "m", "m", "o", "o", "o", "o", "o"]
nx.set_node_attributes(G, dict(zip(ns,classes)), "classes")
# Plot
nx.draw(G, pos = nx.spring_layout(G, seed = 1), with_labels = True, edge_color = "gray",
node_color = [palette[0] if c == "m" else palette[1] for c in classes])
# calculate assortativity coefficient
assort = nx.assortativity.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G, "classes")
# Permutenode labels
G2 = G.copy()
# Randomize classes and calculate assortativity
iters = 10000
values = []
for i in range(iters):
# shuffle the classes
nx.set_node_attributes(G2, dict(zip(ns,np.random.permutation(classes))), "classes")
# calculate assortativity and keep in a list
values.append(nx.assortativity.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G2, "classes"))
values = np.array(values)
# Plot results
sns.histplot(values, binwidth=0.05)
plt.plot([assort,assort],[0,iters/10], "--", color="gray")
# p-value (probability that we would observe a value equal or more extreme to the one observed given
# that the null hyphotesis is true---i.e. the graph is the real graph and the links
# are not correlated with the classes
Use igraph to read the network and calculate assortativity
G_wiki = nx.read_edgelist("../Data/wiki-Vote.txt", create_using=nx.DiGraph())
# Read directed graph
# Convert to igraph
h = ig.Graph.from_networkx(G_wiki)
# Look at how much faster it is (700 times slower in my computer)
%timeit h.assortativity_degree()
%timeit nx.assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G_wiki)
Repeat with a larger network (don't try the interactive)
# networkx
def conf_dens_nx(n, m):
"""Create random graph and calculate assortativity in networkx"""
G_r = nx.random_graphs.gnm_random_graph(n,m)
return nx.assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G_r)
def conf_dens_ig(n,m):
"""Create random graph and calculate assortativity in igraph"""
h_r = ig.Graph.Erdos_Renyi(n=n,m=m)
return h_r.assortativity_degree()
# Doing it in igraph 10 times
n, m = len(G_wiki), len(G_wiki.edges())
print(np.percentile([conf_dens_nx(n, m) for i in range(10)], [5,95]))
[-0.00557725 0.00065094]
# Doing it in igraph 100 times
n, m = h.vcount(), h.ecount()
print(np.percentile([conf_dens_ig(n,m) for i in range(100)], [5,95]))
[-0.00568702 0.00292317]