import yaml
# load menu
with open("mnt/city-directories/01-user-input/menu.yml", 'r') as f:
menu = yaml.safe_load(f)
if menu['all_stats']:
import os
import glob
import math
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
import requests
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.ops import unary_union
import pint
import folium
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
import re
import rasterio
from rasterio.mask import mask
from shapely.geometry import Point
from import from_epsg
from nbconvert import MarkdownExporter
import nbformat
import base64
import pickle
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import osmnx as ox
from shapely.geometry import box
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, mark_inset
import contextily as cx
import matplotlib.patheffects as pe
from sklearn.preprocessing import robust_scale
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from rasterio.plot import show
import as px
from shapely.geometry import shape
from scipy.stats import linregress
from rasterio.warp import reproject, Resampling
from shapely.ops import transform
from functools import partial
import pyproj
import warnings
import plotly.offline as pyo
#from pysal import lib
#from pysal.explore import esda
# SET UP ##############################################
# load city inputs files, to be updated for each city scan
with open("city_inputs.yml", 'r') as f:
city_inputs = yaml.safe_load(f)
city = city_inputs['city_name'].replace(' ', '_').lower()
country = city_inputs['country_name'].replace(' ', '_').lower()
# load global inputs, such as data sources that generally remain the same across scans
with open("global_inputs.yml", 'r') as f:
global_inputs = yaml.safe_load(f)
# run scan assembly and toolbox
%run 'scan_assembly.ipynb'
%run 'toolbox.ipynb'
# transform the input shp to correct prj (epsg 4326)
lowest_admin_file = gpd.read_file(city_inputs['lowest_admin_shp']).to_crs(epsg = 4326)
lowest_admin_country = lowest_admin_file.geometry
aoi_file = gpd.read_file(city_inputs['AOI_path']).to_crs(epsg = 4326)
features = aoi_file.geometry
# Define output folder ---------
output_folder = Path('mnt/city-directories/02-process-output')
render_folder = Path('mnt/city-directories/03-render-output')
if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
print(f"city name: {city}")
print(f"country name:{country}")
Merged pluvial data saved as mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_merged_pluvial_data.tif Merged pluvial data saved as mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_merged_pluvial_data_utm.tif Merged fluvial data saved as mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_merged_fluvial_data.tif Merged fluvial data saved as mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_merged_fluvial_data_utm.tif city name: goris country name:armenia
#Intersect subdistricts to AOI - Is this necessary? We need ward level files
clip_extent = features.geometry.total_bounds
clip_box = box(*clip_extent)
lower_admin_level =[clip_box.bounds[0]:clip_box.bounds[2], clip_box.bounds[1]:clip_box.bounds[3]]
#plot check
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
print(f"city subdistricts are larger than {city}: Not available")
city subdistricts are larger than goris: Not available
#Standard Units
def enumerate_items(source):
for ele in enumerate(source):
def list_df_columns(df):
field_list = list(df)
return field_list
def percentage_formatter(x, pos):
return f'{x * 100 :,.0f}'
def millions_formatter(x, pos):
return f'{x / 1000000 :,.0f}'
def hundred_thousand_formatter(x, pos):
return f'{x / 100000 :,.0f}'
def billions_formatter(x, pos):
return f'{x / 1000000000 :,.0f}'
def get_lowest_admin_level():
# Reset index of features DataFrame
vector = features.reset_index()
# Set the CRS to EPSG 4326 (WGS84)
crs = 4326
# Define OSM admin layers tags
tags = {"boundary": "administrative"}
# Get the bounding box of the features
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = vector.to_crs(epsg=4326).total_bounds
# Retrieve OSM geometries within the bounding box with the specified tags
all_admin_layers = ox.geometries.geometries_from_bbox(miny, maxy, minx, maxx, tags)
# Get the lowest admin level
lowest_admin_level = all_admin_layers["admin_level"].mode()[0]
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Geometry is in a geographic CRS")
# Filter OSM geometries to only include the lowest admin level
vector_gdf = all_admin_layers[all_admin_layers['admin_level'] == lowest_admin_level]
# Define the name for the lowest admin level
lowest_admin_level_name = "Settlement"
# Calculate the area of the geometries before clipping
vector_gdf["pre_clip_area"] = vector_gdf['geometry'].area
# Clip the OSM geometries using the features geometry
sub_city_gdf = gpd.clip(vector_gdf.to_crs(crs), vector.to_crs(crs))
# Calculate the area of the clipped geometries
sub_city_gdf["post_clip_area"] = sub_city_gdf['geometry'].area
# Calculate the percentage of area retained after clipping
sub_city_gdf["pct_clip_area"] = (sub_city_gdf["post_clip_area"] / sub_city_gdf["pre_clip_area"]) * 100
# Filter out geometries with less than 50% area retained after clipping
sub_city_gdf = sub_city_gdf[sub_city_gdf['pct_clip_area'] > 50]
# Fill English names with native names
sub_city_gdf['name:en'] = sub_city_gdf['name:en'].str.strip().replace('', np.nan).fillna(sub_city_gdf['name'])
# Convert the clipped OSM geometries to the desired CRS
sub_city_gdf = sub_city_gdf.to_crs(crs)
# Plot your GeoDataFrame
ax = sub_city_gdf.plot(alpha=0.8,
missing_kwds={"color": "white", "edgecolor": "black", "label": "none"},
# Show plot
print("Yes, it is available")
except Exception as e:
print("Not available")
Not available aspect must be finite and positive
/Users/ipshitakarmakar/mambaforge/envs/geo/lib/python3.11/site-packages/geopandas/ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation:
Area of the city
area = calculate_aoi_area(features)
print(f"Area of the city of {city} is {area}")
Area of the city of goris is 1.4398561252041046e-09 kilometer ** 2
Koppen Climate
Köppen climate classification: Dfb, Cfa, Dfa (Seeöppen_climate_classification for classes)
array([' Dfb', ' Cfa', ' Dfa'], dtype=object)
Population distribution by age and sex
under5: 9.40% youth (15-24): 21.01% working_age (15-64): 0.00% elderly (60+): 39.65% reproductive_age, percent of women (15-50): 45.97% sex_ratio: 0.0 males to 100 females
#Text option 1 - Delta and Range
def find_highest_lowest_pixel_value_path(raster_path):
with as src:
# Read the raster data
raster_data =
# Find the highest and lowest pixel values
highest_value = round(raster_data.max(), 2)
lowest_value = round(raster_data[raster_data > 0].min(), 2) # Exclude zero values
# Print the statement with reduced digits after the decimal point
print(f"Values range from {lowest_value:.2f} units to {highest_value:.2f} units")
return highest_value, lowest_value
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return None, None
#Text option 1 - Delta and Range
def find_highest_lowest_pixel_value(raster_data):
# Flatten the array, excluding NaN values
valid_values = raster_data[~np.isnan(raster_data)].flatten()
# Find the highest and lowest pixel values
highest_value = round(np.nanmax(valid_values), 2)
lowest_value = round(np.nanmin(valid_values), 2)
# Print the statement with reduced digits after the decimal point
print(f"Values range from {lowest_value:.2f} units to {highest_value:.2f} units")
return highest_value, lowest_value
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return None, None
#Text Option 2 - Clustering
def create_raster_clusters(raster_data, n_clusters=5):
if isinstance(raster_data, str):
with as src:
raster_data =
transform = src.transform
flat_data = raster_data.flatten().reshape(-1, 1)
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(flat_data)
cluster_labels = clustering.labels_.reshape(raster_data.shape)
return cluster_labels
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return None
#example usage
raster_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_population.tif')
cluster_labels = create_raster_clusters(raster_path)
def plot_cluster_labels_plotly(cluster_labels):
fig = px.imshow(cluster_labels, color_continuous_scale='viridis')
xaxis_title='Column Index',
yaxis_title='Row Index'
def get_raster_cluster_labels(raster_path, n_clusters=5):
# Open the raster file
with as src:
raster_data =
transform = src.transform
# Flatten the raster data to a 1D array
flat_data = raster_data.flatten().reshape(-1, 1)
# Perform agglomerative clustering
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(flat_data)
# Reshape the cluster labels to match the original raster dimensions
cluster_labels = clustering.labels_.reshape(raster_data.shape)
return cluster_labels, transform
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return None, None
# Example usage:
raster_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_population.tif')
cluster_labels, transform = get_raster_cluster_labels(raster_path)
from import CRS
# Define the Affine transformation matrix
affine_transform = transform
# Define the EPSG code for the CRS
epsg_code = 4326
# Create a CRS object
crs = CRS.from_epsg(epsg_code)
def get_cluster_boundaries(cluster_labels, transform):
# Get unique cluster labels
unique_labels = np.unique(cluster_labels)
# Initialize a list to store cluster boundary polygons
cluster_polygons = []
# Iterate over each unique cluster label
for label in unique_labels:
# Create a mask for pixels with the current label
mask = cluster_labels == label
# Get the indices of non-zero elements in the mask
nonzero_indices = np.argwhere(mask)
# Calculate the bounding box of the cluster
min_row, min_col = np.min(nonzero_indices, axis=0)
max_row, max_col = np.max(nonzero_indices, axis=0)
# Calculate the bounding box coordinates
minx, miny = transform * (min_col, min_row)
maxx, maxy = transform * (max_col, max_row)
# Create the bounding box polygon
geom = box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
# Transform the polygon to the desired CRS
geom = gpd.GeoSeries(geom, crs=crs).to_crs(crs)
# Add the polygon to the list
cluster_polygons.append(geom[0]) # Take the first element
# Combine all polygons into a GeoDataFrame
cluster_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'cluster_label': unique_labels}, geometry=cluster_polygons, crs=crs)
return cluster_gdf
cluster_gdf = get_cluster_boundaries(cluster_labels, transform)
def describe_cluster_location(cluster_gdf, aoi_file):
# Get the centroid of the city
city_centroid = shape(aoi_file.geometry.centroid.iloc[0])
# Get the centroid of the cluster with the highest value
highest_cluster = cluster_gdf[cluster_gdf['cluster_label'] == cluster_gdf['cluster_label'].max()]['geometry'].centroid.values[0]
# Get the centroid of the cluster with the lowest value
lowest_cluster = cluster_gdf[cluster_gdf['cluster_label'] == cluster_gdf['cluster_label'].min()]['geometry'].centroid.values[0]
# Determine the location of the clusters
highest_location = "north" if highest_cluster.y > city_centroid.y else "south"
lowest_location = "north" if lowest_cluster.y > city_centroid.y else "south"
if highest_cluster.x > city_centroid.x:
highest_location += " east"
elif highest_cluster.x < city_centroid.x:
highest_location += " west"
if lowest_cluster.x > city_centroid.x:
lowest_location += " east"
elif lowest_cluster.x < city_centroid.x:
lowest_location += " west"
# Check if the centroids are within a range of the city centroid
center_range = 0.2
center_clusters = cluster_gdf[cluster_gdf['geometry'].apply(lambda geom: abs(geom.centroid.x - city_centroid.x) < center_range and abs(geom.centroid.y - city_centroid.y) < center_range)]
if len(center_clusters) > 0:
if cluster_gdf['cluster_label'].max() == center_clusters['cluster_label'].max():
highest_location = "center"
center_location = "center"
# Print statements describing cluster locations
print(f"The cluster with the highest value is located in the {highest_location} of the city.")
print(f"The cluster with the lowest value is located in the {lowest_location} of the city.")
#Text option 4 - OLS
#Bit tricky but might be fun
if menu['summer_lst']:
summer_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_summer.tiff')
with as src:
summer_data =
summer_data = np.nan_to_num(summer_data, nan=0)
transform = src.transform
def pixelwise_regression(pop_path, summer_path):
# Open population raster
with as pop_src:
pop_data =
pop_profile = pop_src.profile
# Open summer LST raster and reproject to match population raster
with as summer_src:
summer_data =
summer_profile = summer_src.profile
# Reproject summer LST raster to match population raster
pop_data_resampled = np.zeros_like(summer_data)
# Flatten the arrays
summer_flat = summer_data.flatten()
pop_flat = pop_data_resampled.flatten()
# Perform pixel-wise linear regression
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(pop_flat, summer_flat)
# Check if p-value is significant
if np.isnan(p_value):
print("Regression is not significant. Results may not be reliable.")
return slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err
except Exception as e:
print("Error:", e)
return None, None, None, None, None
Population Density
if menu['population']:
pop_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_population.tif')
with as src:
pop_data =
transform = src.transform
create_raster_clusters(pop_data, n_clusters=5)
if cluster_labels is not None:
print("Cluster labels shape:", cluster_labels.shape)
pop_cluster_gdf = get_cluster_boundaries(cluster_labels, transform)
pop_cluster = describe_cluster_location(pop_cluster_gdf, aoi_file)
pixelwise_regression(pop_path, summer_path)
Cluster labels shape: (71, 80) The cluster with the highest value is located in the center of the city. The cluster with the lowest value is located in the south east of the city. Values range from 7.36 units to 47.96 units Regression is not significant. Results may not be reliable.
Economic Activity
if menu['raster_processing']:
rad_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_avg_rad_sum.tiff')
with as src:
rad_data =
rad_data = np.nan_to_num(rad_data, nan=0)
transform = src.transform
rad_cluster_labels = create_raster_clusters(rad_data, n_clusters=5)
if cluster_labels is not None:
print("Cluster labels shape:", rad_cluster_labels.shape)
rad_cluster_gdf = get_cluster_boundaries(rad_cluster_labels, transform)
rad_cluster = describe_cluster_location(rad_cluster_gdf, aoi_file)
Cluster labels shape: (66, 74) The cluster with the highest value is located in the center of the city. The cluster with the lowest value is located in the south east of the city. Values range from 0.00 units to 1329.00 units
Change in Economic Activity
if menu['raster_processing']:
linfit_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_linfit.tiff')
with as src:
linfit_data =
linfit_data = np.nan_to_num(linfit_data, nan=0)
transform = src.transform
linfit_cluster_labels = create_raster_clusters(linfit_data, n_clusters=5)
if cluster_labels is not None:
print("Cluster labels shape:", linfit_cluster_labels.shape)
linfit_cluster_gdf = get_cluster_boundaries(linfit_cluster_labels, transform)
linfit_cluster = describe_cluster_location(linfit_cluster_gdf, aoi_file)
Cluster labels shape: (66, 74) The cluster with the highest value is located in the center of the city. The cluster with the lowest value is located in the south east of the city. Values range from -0.10 units to 1.76 units
Urban Extent and Change
The city's built-up area grew from 1.98 sq. km in 1985 to 4.2 in 2015 for 112.33% growth
Land Cover
The first highest landcover value is Tree cover with 49.16% of the total land area The second highest landcover value is Grassland with 31.40% of the total land area The third highest landcover value is Built-up with 17.66% of the total land area
Photovoltaic Power Potential
Seasonality is low to moderate, making solar energy available in only some of the months
Land Surface Temperature
if menu['summer_lst']:
summer_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_summer.tiff')
with as src:
summer_data =
summer_data = np.nan_to_num(summer_data, nan=0)
transform = src.transform
Values range from 0.00 units to 47.84 units
Green Spaces
if menu['green']:
NDVI_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_NDVI_Annual.tiff')
with as src:
NDVI_data =
NDVI_data = np.nan_to_num(NDVI_data, nan=0)
Values range from -0.04 units to 0.53 units
legend count percent Percent Elevation 0 1160-1290 1581 0.096520 10% 1160 1 1290-1410 5121 0.312637 31% 1290 2 1410-1530 5101 0.311416 31% 1410 3 1530-1640 4577 0.279426 28% 1530 4 1640-1780 3447 0.210440 21% 1640
Highest percentage entry for Elevation: legend 1290-1410 count 5121 percent 0.312637 Percent 31% Elevation 1290 Name: 1, dtype: object
if menu['slope']:
slope_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_slope.tif')
with as src:
slope_data =
slope_data = np.nan_to_num(slope_data, nan=0)
transform = src.transform
slope_cluster_labels = create_raster_clusters(linfit_data, n_clusters=10)
if cluster_labels is not None:
print("Cluster labels shape:", slope_cluster_labels.shape)
slope_cluster_gdf = get_cluster_boundaries(slope_cluster_labels, transform)
slope_cluster = describe_cluster_location(slope_cluster_gdf, aoi_file)
Cluster labels shape: (66, 74) The cluster with the highest value is located in the center of the city. The cluster with the lowest value is located in the north west of the city. Values range from 0.00 units to 65535.00 units
Highest percentage entry for Slope: legend 10-20 count 6627 percent 0.345084 Percent 35% Slope 10.0 Name: 3, dtype: object
if menu['ndmi']:
NDMI_path = os.path.join(output_folder, city + '_NDMI_Annual.tiff')
with as src:
NDMI_data =
NDMI_data = np.nan_to_num(NDMI_data, nan=0)
Values range from -0.22 units to 0.31 units
Pluvial and OSM
0 of 3 (0.00%) health are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. 2 of 3 (66.67%) police are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. Fire stations do not exist 6 of 10 (60.00%) schools are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. Statistics saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/pu_osmpt.xlsx Total length of highways intersecting pluvial data: 0.04 meters Percentage of highways intersecting pluvial data: 0.0011%
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
Pluvial Flooding and WSF
stats_by_year = get_pu_wsf()
if stats_by_year is not None:
df = pd.DataFrame(stats_by_year.items(), columns=['Year', 'Area (square units)'])
excel_file = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{city}_pu_wsf_areas_by_year.xlsx")
df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)
print(f"Statistics by year saved to {excel_file}")
print("No statistics calculated.")
if stats_by_year is not None:
years = list(stats_by_year.keys())
areas = list(stats_by_year.values())
# Filter years for plotting
years_to_plot = [1986, 1995, 2005, 2015]
areas_to_plot = [stats_by_year.get(year, np.nan) for year in years_to_plot]
# Interpolate missing years' data for a smoother curve
interp_years = np.arange(min(years_to_plot), max(years_to_plot) + 1)
interp_areas = np.interp(interp_years, years_to_plot, areas_to_plot)
# Matplotlib plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(interp_years, interp_areas, marker='o', linestyle='-')
plt.title('Flooded Area from 1986 to 2015')
plt.ylabel('Area (square units)')
render_path = os.path.join(render_folder, "pu_wsf.png")
print(f"PNG saved to {render_path}")
# Plotly plot
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=interp_years, y=interp_areas, mode='lines+markers', name='Flooded Area'))
fig.update_layout(title='Flooded Area from 1986 to 2015',
yaxis_title='Area (square units)')
fig.write_html(render_path.replace('.png', '.html'))
# Calculate 2015 text
total_built_up_area = sum(stats_by_year.values())
flooded_area_2015 = stats_by_year.get(2015, 0)
percentage_2015 = (flooded_area_2015 / total_built_up_area) * 100
print(f"In 2015, {flooded_area_2015:.2f} sq.m of the city’s built-up area ({percentage_2015:.2f}%) was exposed to surface water flooding.")
print("No areas calculated.")
Statistics by year saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_pu_wsf_areas_by_year.xlsx PNG saved to mnt/city-directories/03-render-output/pu_wsf.png
In 2015, 152792.80 sq.m of the city’s built-up area (15.33%) was exposed to surface water flooding.
Pluvial and Population
9.90% of densely populated areas are located within the rainwater flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm Result saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/pu_pop_area.csv
Fluvial and OSM
0 of 3 (0.00%) health are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. 0 of 3 (0.00%) police are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. Fire stations do not exist 0 of 10 (0.00%) schools are located in a riverine flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 15 cm. Statistics saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/fu_osmpt.xlsx Total length of highways flooded due to pluvial conditions: 0.00 meters Percentage of highways flooded due to pluvial conditions: 0.00%
Fluvial and WSF
stats_by_year = get_fu_wsf()
if stats_by_year is not None:
df = pd.DataFrame(stats_by_year.items(), columns=['Year', 'Area (square units)'])
excel_file = os.path.join(output_folder, f"{city}_fu_wsf_areas_by_year.xlsx")
df.to_excel(excel_file, index=False)
print(f"Statistics by year saved to {excel_file}")
print("No statistics calculated.")
if stats_by_year is not None:
years = list(stats_by_year.keys())
areas = list(stats_by_year.values())
# Filter years for plotting
years_to_plot = [1986, 1995, 2005, 2015]
areas_to_plot = [stats_by_year.get(year, np.nan) for year in years_to_plot]
# Interpolate missing years' data for a smoother curve
interp_years = np.arange(min(years_to_plot), max(years_to_plot) + 1)
interp_areas = np.interp(interp_years, years_to_plot, areas_to_plot)
# Matplotlib plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(interp_years, interp_areas, marker='o', linestyle='-')
plt.title('Flooded Area from 1986 to 2015 ')
plt.ylabel('Area (square units)')
render_path = os.path.join(render_folder, "fu_wsf.png")
print(f"PNG saved to {render_path}")
# Plotly plot
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=interp_years, y=interp_areas, mode='lines+markers', name='Flooded Area'))
fig.update_layout(title='Flooded Area from 1986 to 2015 ',
yaxis_title='Area (square units)')
fig.write_html(render_path.replace('.png', '.html'))
# Calculate 2015 text
total_built_up_area = sum(stats_by_year.values())
flooded_area_2015 = stats_by_year.get(2015, 0)
percentage_2015 = (flooded_area_2015 / total_built_up_area) * 100
print(f"In 2015, {flooded_area_2015:.2f} sq.m of the city’s built-up area ({percentage_2015:.2f}%) was exposed to surface water flooding.")
print("No areas calculated.")
Statistics by year saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/goris_fu_wsf_areas_by_year.xlsx PNG saved to mnt/city-directories/03-render-output/fu_wsf.png
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeroDivisionError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[45], line 52 50 total_built_up_area = sum(stats_by_year.values()) 51 flooded_area_2015 = stats_by_year.get(2015, 0) ---> 52 percentage_2015 = (flooded_area_2015 / total_built_up_area) * 100 53 print(f"In 2015, {flooded_area_2015:.2f} sq.m of the city’s built-up area ({percentage_2015:.2f}%) was exposed to surface water flooding.") 54 else: ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
Fluvial and Population
6.72% of densely populated areas are located within the fluvial flood risk zone with a minimum depth of 10 cm Result saved to mnt/city-directories/02-process-output/fu_pop_area.csv
def export_outputs_to_markdown(notebook_path, output_path):
# Load the notebook
with open(notebook_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
notebook_content =, as_version=4)
# Initialize the Markdown exporter
markdown_exporter = MarkdownExporter()
markdown_exporter.exclude_input = True # Exclude input cells from the Markdown
# Convert the notebook to Markdown format
markdown_output, resources = markdown_exporter.from_notebook_node(notebook_content)
# Remove the folders for plots and pickles from the resources
resources.pop('outputs', None)
resources.pop('output_files', None)
# Write the Markdown content to a file
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# Path to the input notebook
input_notebook_path = "/Users/ipshitakarmakar/Documents/GitHub/city-scan-automation/Text Options- Clustering.ipynb"
# Path for the output Markdown file
output_markdown_path = "/Users/ipshitakarmakar/Documents/GitHub/city-scan-automation/"
# Export the outputs to Markdown
export_outputs_to_markdown(input_notebook_path, output_markdown_path)