The objective of my analysis is to analyze and visualize NAIP imagery in an area of downtown Dover NH to see if the effects of a 2017 drought has long term effects on vegetation using NAIP imagery available in 2016 and 2018.
This analysis used NAIP imagery from 2016 and 2018. It also used New Hampshire landcover data available from NH Granit from 2015, cropped to the image study area.
I used rasterio and numpy to calculate NDVI based off the NAIP imagery for both 2016 and 2018. I then reclassified these images based on NDVI (>2.= healthy/vegetation and <.2=unhealthy/no vegetation). I then subtracted 2016 from 2018 to get the change in vegetation. I used this output to visualize where the greatest change in vegetation was occuring in the area of study. Then in part II of my analysis, I use pandas and geopandas to select and examine 4 land use categories to see if there were any significant differences in change between the two years.
Zonal Statistics for 4 selected land use categories show overall similar results to the analysis of the entire area of study - Forested land shows a better recovery compared to vegetation in other settings. It showed the fewest declines in vegetation health. Agricultural lands show a greater decrease in vegetation & vegetation health, but this may also be due to development or declining use of these lands for solely agricultural purposes. Residential areas show an overall increase, with areas of single family homes seeing more improvement in overall vegetation health. Multi-family and apartment building zoned areas may see a decline because they typically don't have large lawns to maintain, and it may be less of a priority for owners who rent vs live in their apartments. Overall, I believe this analysis showed results that met my expectations (measuring and overall decline or increase in vegetation health) but this type of analysis is better suited for examining a large area in aggregate. Examining areas by land cover classification was interesting, but too large-scale to show an overall trend. The most recently available land cover data is from 2015, rapid development in the area can change the results. It is difficult to quantify exactly where the increases and decreases are coming from, so visual inspection of the results led to more conclusions about the trend between the two years. Additionally, measuring NDVI between the 2 years may capture changes other than vegetation health differences (development), so analysis using just NDVI won't produce accurate results using this methodology.
import rasterio
from rasterio import plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
%matplotlib inline
This graphic from the state of New Hampshire Drought Monitoring website shows that much of the state was in a moderate to severe drought during 2017.
# load the 2 images into rasterio
naip2016 = r'D:\NHLandcover\m_4307049_ne_19_h_20160706.tif'
naip2018 = r'D:\NHLandcover\m_4307049_ne_19_060_20181016_20190225.tif'
# Open the tif files using rasterio
src2016 =
src2018 =
# Plot the two years using rasterio
def openNAIP(nfile):
# Use rasterio to select imagery bands, and then calculate NDVI using numpy
with as src:
red ='float64')
nir ='float64')
#calculate ndvi values
ndvi = np.where((nir+red) == 0, 0, (nir-red)/(nir+red))
return ndvi
def getCRS(nfile):
#with as src:
#incrs =
from osgeo import gdal
incrs = gdal.Open(nfile).GetProjectionRef()
return incrs
# Save the ndvi for each year
calc2018 = openNAIP(naip2018)
calc2016 = openNAIP(naip2016)
# Use numpy to reclassify the NDVI values into healthy vegetation vs non-healthy/non-vegetation
def reclassify(raster):
# Reclassfy values
# 0: No Vegetation, 1: Vegetation
global img
img = raster
img[img>.2] = 1
img[img<=.2] = 0
return img
# Store the results
reclass2018 = reclassify(calc2018)
reclass2016 = reclassify(calc2016)
# change the values of 2019 to identify where change has occured
#(2=No change, 1=increase, 4=decrease, 3=No change )
change = ((reclass2018 + 1) * 2) - reclass2016
# Quick view - What percent of the values in the image changed?
print(round(np.count_nonzero(change == 1)/np.count_nonzero(change),3)*100, "Percent increased")
print(round((np.count_nonzero(change == 2)+np.count_nonzero(change == 3))/np.count_nonzero(change),3)*100, "Percent no change")
print(round(np.count_nonzero(change == 4)/np.count_nonzero(change),3)*100, "Percent decreased")
23.200000000000003 Percent increased 70.19999999999999 Percent no change 6.6000000000000005 Percent decreased
from import CRS
def writeFile(outfile,indata,incrs):
affine= incrs.transform
with, 'w',
compress='lzw', #lossless
dtype= 'float64', # 'uint8' for reclass
crs=,transform=affine) as dst:
# Define the array's projection to save as a georeferenced tiff later
with as src:
crs =
# write the reclassified NDVI files
basepath = r'D:\NHLandcover'
changepath = os.path.join(basepath,'change.tif')
from rasterio.plot import show
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rasterio.plot import show_hist
# View a histogram of the raw NDVI values pre-drought
show_hist(calc2016, bins=20, lw=0.0, stacked=False, alpha=0.3,
histtype='stepfilled', title="Histogram")
# View a histogram of the raw NDVI values post-drought
show_hist(calc2018, bins=20, lw=0.0, stacked=False, alpha=0.3,
histtype='stepfilled', title="Histogram")
def REreclassify(raster):
# Reclassfy values
# 0: No Vegetation, 1: Vegetation
global img
img = raster
img[img==2] = 0
img[img==3] = 0
img[img<2] = 2
img[img>3] = 1
return img
# reclassify again to show the overall change in vegetation
change_reclass = REreclassify(change)
# Show overall change in the area of study
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(10, 4), sharey=True)
show(change_reclass, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title("NDVI change")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'NDVI change')
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely import speedups
array(['Office park', 'Other mixed uses', 'Institutional', 'Educational', 'Disturbed Land', 'Multiple stories, residential in upper stories only', 'Mining', 'Industrial', 'Auxiliary transportation', 'Single family/duplex', 'Agricultural Land', 'Parking structure/lot', 'Rail transportation', 'Wetlands', 'Road right-of-way', 'Park & ride lot', 'Commercial wholesale', 'Lodging', 'Vacant Land', 'Electric, gas and other utilities', 'Communication', 'Forest Land', 'Water', 'Government', 'Water and wastewater utilities', 'Indoor cultural/public assembly', 'Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhouses, but not duplexes (1 - 3 stories)', 'Services', 'Limited & controlled highway right-of-way', 'Other Agricultural Land', 'Other transportation, communications, and utilities', 'Outdoor recreation', 'Mobile home parks', 'Brush or Transitional Between Open and Forested', 'Maintained Open Areas', 'Commercial retail', 'Cemeteries'], dtype=object)
lc_list = ['Agricultural Land','Forest Land','Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhouses, but not duplexes (1 - 3 stories)','Single family/duplex']
luc = LUC.loc[LUC['LU4_Desc'].isin(lc_list)]
<Projected CRS: EPSG:26919> Name: NAD83 / UTM zone 19N Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (metre) - N[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: North America - between 72°W and 66°W - onshore and offshore. Canada - Labrador; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Quebec. Puerto Rico. United States (USA) - Connecticut; Maine; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York (Long Island); Rhode Island; Vermont. - bounds: (-72.0, 14.92, -66.0, 84.0) Coordinate Operation: - name: UTM zone 19N - method: Transverse Mercator Datum: North American Datum 1983 - Ellipsoid: GRS 1980 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich
luc["area"] = luc['geometry'].area
C:\Users\kaitl\anaconda3\envs\py38\lib\site-packages\geopandas\ SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: super(GeoDataFrame, self).__setitem__(key, value)
from rasterstats import zonal_stats
changeraster ='D:\NHLandcover\change.tif')
ax = show((changeraster, 1))
luc.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='None', edgecolor='red', linewidth=2)
<Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>
array =
affine = changeraster.transform
lucdis = luc.dissolve(by='LU4_Desc')
lucdis= lucdis.reset_index()
lucdis = gpd.GeoDataFrame(lucdis.dropna(axis=1, thresh=1))
LU4_Desc | geometry | LU4 | Developed | Town | FIPS | RPA | Acres | rval | _count | area | |
0 | Agricultural Land | MULTIPOLYGON (((344987.582 4783403.546, 344748... | 2000 | 0 | Dover | 17010 | 9 | 40.498 | 11 | 6956746.0 | 1.327742e+06 |
1 | Forest Land | MULTIPOLYGON (((347042.413 4783568.314, 346962... | 4000 | 0 | Dover | 17010 | 9 | 4.670 | 22 | 69147468.0 | 1.319711e+07 |
2 | Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhous... | MULTIPOLYGON (((347636.139 4783367.330, 347635... | 1120 | 1 | Dover | 17010 | 9 | 0.587 | 27 | 5122370.0 | 9.776084e+05 |
3 | Single family/duplex | MULTIPOLYGON (((347634.175 4783343.261, 347569... | 1130 | 1 | Dover | 17010 | 9 | 6.120 | 10 | 45851598.0 | 8.750948e+06 |
# Seperate each land use category
luc_forest = lucdis.loc[lucdis['LU4_Desc'] == 'Forest Land']
luc_ag = lucdis.loc[lucdis['LU4_Desc'] == 'Agricultural Land']
luc_multi = lucdis.loc[lucdis['LU4_Desc'] == 'Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhouses, but not duplexes (1 - 3 stories)']
luc_single = lucdis.loc[lucdis['LU4_Desc'] == 'Single family/duplex']
# Use zonal stats to calculate the count of pixels in each selected land use category
stats_forest = zonal_stats(luc_forest, array, affine=affine, stats=['count'],categorical=True)
stats_ag = zonal_stats(luc_ag, array, affine=affine, stats=['count'],categorical=True)
stats_multi = zonal_stats(luc_multi, array, affine=affine, stats=['count'],categorical=True)
stats_single = zonal_stats(luc_single, array, affine=affine, stats=['count'],categorical=True)
C:\Users\kaitl\anaconda3\envs\py38\lib\site-packages\rasterstats\ UserWarning: Setting nodata to -999; specify nodata explicitly warnings.warn("Setting nodata to -999; specify nodata explicitly")
# Create dataframe to summarize the data
stats = pd.DataFrame(stats_forest)
stats= stats.append(stats_ag)
stats['LUC'] = ''
stats.iloc[0,5] = 'Forest Land'
stats.iloc[1,5]= 'Agricultural Land'
stats.iloc[2,5]= 'Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhouses, but not duplexes (1 - 3 stories)'
stats.iloc[3,5]= 'Single family/duplex'
stats = stats.rename(columns={2.0:'No_change', 1.0:'increase', 4.0:'decrease', 3.0:'No_change2'})
stats['increase_pct'] = stats['increase']/stats['count']
stats['decrease_pct'] = stats['decrease']/stats['count']
increase | No_change | No_change2 | decrease | count | LUC | increase_pct | decrease_pct | |
0 | 10411937 | 1783291 | 23591386 | 871754 | 36658368 | Forest Land | 0.284026 | 0.023780 |
0 | 870275 | 706837 | 998009 | 1113049 | 3688170 | Agricultural Land | 0.235964 | 0.301789 |
0 | 392565 | 1542572 | 583861 | 196623 | 2715621 | Multi-family, low rise apartments and townhous... | 0.144558 | 0.072404 |
0 | 4941659 | 7989367 | 8848352 | 2528954 | 24308332 | Single family/duplex | 0.203291 | 0.104037 |