.. _installation: ********************* Installing Lightkurve ********************* Using pip ========= The easiest way to install *Lightkurve* and all of its dependencies is to use the ``pip`` command, which which is a standard part of all Python distributions. To install *Lightkurve*, run the following command in a terminal window:: $ python -m pip install lightkurve --upgrade The ``--upgrade`` flag is optional, but recommended if you already have *Lightkurve* installed and want to upgrade to the latest version. Depending on the specific Python environment, you may need to replace ``python`` with the correct Python interpreter, e.g., ``python3``. .. note:: If you encounter a ``PermissionError`` this means that you do not have the required administrative access to install new packages to your Python installation. In this case you may consider using the ``--user`` option to install the package into your home directory. You can read more about how to do this in the `pip documentation `_. To verify which version of *Lightkurve* you have installed, run:: $ python -c "import lightkurve; print(lightkurve.__version__)" Requirements ============ *Lightkurve* has the following minimum requirements: - Python: 3.6 or later. - Astropy: 4.1 or later. - Numpy: 1.11 or later. - Scipy: 0.19 or later. - Matplotlib: 1.5.3 or later. - Astroquery: 0.3.10 or later. - Bokeh: 1.0 or later (for interactive widgets). - Pandas. If you install *Lightkurve* using ``pip`` as explained above, these dependencies will be installed automatically if needed. Installing the development version ================================== If you want to experiment with the latest development version of *Lightkurve*, you can install it straight from the master branch on GitHub:: $ git clone https://github.com/lightkurve/lightkurve.git $ cd lightkurve $ python -m pip install . If you want to have a so-called editable install which enables the installed version to immediately reflect changes made in the source tree, you can use: $ python shim-setup.py develop Please see our guide on :ref:`contributing to lightkurve` for additional instructions.