This notebook follows the procedure to generate ad-hoc covariance matrices for independent fission yields from chain yield evaluations, as described in:
import sandy
import pandas as pd
from os.path import join
import numpy as np
import random, sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
za = 92235
tape = sandy.get_endf6_file("jeff_33", "nfpy", za * 10)
fy = sandy.Fy.from_endf6(tape)
energies =
Use normalization to chain yields as a constraint to create a covariance matrix.
tape_rdd = sandy.get_endf6_file("jeff_33", "decay", "all")
rdd = sandy.DecayData.from_endf6(tape_rdd) # this can take a while
sensitivity = rdd.get_chain_yield_sensitivity()
chfy = sandy.fy.get_chain_yields()
set([(row.ZAM, row.E) for i, row in chfy.iterrows()])
{(902270, 'thermal'), (902290, 'thermal'), (902320, 'fast'), (902320, 'high energy'), (912310, 'fast'), (922320, 'thermal'), (922330, 'fast'), (922330, 'high energy'), (922330, 'thermal'), (922340, 'fast'), (922340, 'high energy'), (922350, 'fast'), (922350, 'high energy'), (922350, 'thermal'), (922360, 'fast'), (922360, 'high energy'), (922370, 'fast'), (922380, 'fast'), (922380, 'high energy'), (922380, 'spontaneous fission'), (932370, 'fast'), (932370, 'high energy'), (932370, 'thermal'), (932380, 'fast'), (942380, 'fast'), (942390, 'fast'), (942390, 'high energy'), (942390, 'thermal'), (942400, 'fast'), (942400, 'high energy'), (942400, 'thermal'), (942410, 'fast'), (942410, 'thermal'), (942420, 'fast'), (942420, 'high energy'), (942420, 'thermal'), (952410, 'fast'), (952410, 'high energy'), (952410, 'thermal'), (952421, 'thermal'), (952430, 'fast'), (962420, 'fast'), (962430, 'fast'), (962430, 'thermal'), (962440, 'fast'), (962440, 'spontaneous fission'), (962450, 'thermal'), (962460, 'fast'), (962460, 'spontaneous fission'), (962480, 'fast'), (962480, 'spontaneous fission'), (982490, 'thermal'), (982500, 'spontaneous fission'), (982510, 'thermal'), (982520, 'spontaneous fission'), (992530, 'spontaneous fission'), (992540, 'thermal'), (1002540, 'spontaneous fission'), (1002550, 'thermal'), (1002560, 'spontaneous fission')}
Choose among the above fissioning systems for which chain yields are available from England & Rider, 1993.
def gls_update(fy, zam, energy, s, y_extra, Vy_extra):
mask = f"ZAM=={zam} & E=={energy} & MT==454"
fy_data =
fy_post =
s_ = np.array(s.reindex(index=y_extra.index, columns=fy_data.ZAP).fillna(0))
# Put data in a appropiate format
x_prior_ = np.array(fy_data.FY)
Vx_prior_ = np.diag(fy_data.DFY**2)
y_extra_ = np.array(y_extra)
Vy_extra_ = np.array(
G = s_ @ Vx_prior_ @ s_.T + Vy_extra_
G_inv = np.linalg.pinv(G)
# GlS update values
x_post = x_prior_ + Vx_prior_ @ s_.T @ G_inv @ (y_extra_ - s_ @ x_prior_)
# GlS update covariance
Vx_post = Vx_prior_ - Vx_prior_ @ s_.T @ G_inv @ s_ @ Vx_prior_
Vx_post = sandy.CategoryCov(Vx_post, index=fy_data.ZAP, columns=fy_data.ZAP)
fy_post.loc[fy_data.index, "FY"] = x_post
fy_post.loc[fy_data.index, "DFY"] = Vx_post.get_std().values
return fy.__class__(fy_post), Vx_post
nsmp = 1000 # sample size
smp = {}
acovs = {}
rcovs = {}
acovs_post = {}
rcovs_post = {}
for e, etext in zip(energies, ["thermal", "fast", "high_energy"]): # change this for the nuclide you choose
# Run GLS update algorithm to create covariance matrix
mask = f"E=={e} & MT==454"
ify ="ZAP")
absolute_cov = sandy.CategoryCov.from_stdev(ify.DFY)
relative_cov = sandy.CategoryCov.from_stdev((ify.DFY / ify.FY).fillna(0))
acovs[e] = absolute_cov
rcovs[e] = relative_cov
extra = chfy.query(f"E=='{etext}' & ZAM=={za*10}").set_index("A")
y_extra = extra.CHY
Vy_extra = sandy.CategoryCov.from_stdev(extra.DCHY)
fy_post, cov_post = gls_update(fy, za*10, e, sensitivity, y_extra, Vy_extra)
ify_post ="ZAP")
absolute_cov_post = cov_post
relative_cov_post = / (ify_post.FY.values.reshape(-1, 1) @ ify_post.FY.values.reshape(1, -1))
# Symmetrize the resulting matrix
relative_cov_post = sandy.CategoryCov((relative_cov_post + relative_cov_post.T).fillna(0) / 2)
acovs_post[e] = absolute_cov_post
rcovs_post[e] = relative_cov_post
# Plot the generated covariance data and compare to original data
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
ax = axs[0]
ify.reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="FY", ax=ax, kind="scatter")
ify_post.reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="FY",ax=ax, kind="scatter", color="tomato", marker="x")
ax = axs[1]
relative_cov.get_std().reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="STD", kind="scatter", ax=ax)
relative_cov_post.get_std().reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="STD", kind="scatter", color="tomato", marker="x", ax=ax)
ax = axs[2]
sns.heatmap(relative_cov_post.get_corr().data, vmin=-1, vmax=1., cmap="bwr", ax=ax)
ax.tick_params(labelbottom=False, labelleft=False)
fig.suptitle(f"ZAM={za*10} - E={e:.3e} eV")
# Draw random sample from the new covariance data
seed = random.randrange(2**32 - 1) # create a seed, need to change it for the different energies
print(f"sampling IFY for energy {e:.3e} eV...")
smp[e] = relative_cov_post.sampling(nsmp, seed=seed) # sample from posterior covariance matrix
WARNING: Condition COV + 1 > 0 for Lognormal sampling is not respected
sampling IFY for energy 2.530e-02 eV...
WARNING: Condition COV + 1 > 0 for Lognormal sampling is not respected
sampling IFY for energy 4.000e+05 eV... sampling IFY for energy 1.400e+07 eV...
with pd.ExcelWriter(f'PERT_{za}_MF8_MT454_COV.xlsx') as writer:
for e, s in smp.items():, sheet_name=f'{e:.3e}')
Skip the part above if you already have the file of perturbations.
smp = pd.read_excel(f'PERT_{za}_MF8_MT454_COV.xlsx', sheet_name=None, index_col=0)
smp = {float(k): v for k, v in smp.items()}
Compare convergence of relative perturbation coefficients in EXCEL file.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
(smp[energies[0]].std(axis=1) / rcovs_post[energies[0]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="dodgerblue", label=f"E={energies[0]:.2e}")
(smp[energies[1]].std(axis=1) / rcovs_post[energies[1]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="tomato", alpha=.6, label=f"E={energies[1]:.2e}")
(smp[energies[2]].std(axis=1) / rcovs_post[energies[2]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="k", alpha=.3, label=f"E={energies[2]:.2e}")
ax.set(ylim=[-100, 100], ylabel="relative difference / $\\%$", xlabel="ZAP")
za = 92235
tape = sandy.get_endf6_file("jeff_33", "nfpy", za * 10)
nfpy = sandy.Fy.from_endf6(tape)
smp_min = 0 # write ENDF-6 file only in the sample range [smp_min, smp_max]
smp_max = 99
file_template = "u235_fy_cov_{}.jeff33"
for ismp in range(smp_min, smp_max+1):
file = file_template.format(ismp)
f = sandy.Fy(
for e, s in smp.items():
idx_ify ="E=={float(e)} & MT==454").index
idx_cfy ="E=={float(e)} & MT==459").index[idx_ify, "DFY"] =[idx_ify, "FY"] # just for me, i copy the original IFYs where uncertainties should be, so i can compare them to the perturbed ones (anyways I don't use uncertainties)[idx_cfy, "DFY"] =[idx_cfy, "FY"] # same but for CFYs[idx_ify, "FY"] *= s[ismp].values # IMPORTANT, this does not update the CFYs, which in random ENDF-6 file are inconsistent with the perturbed IFYs
#f = f.apply_qmatrix(922350, e, rdd, keep_fy_index=True) # Run this if you want to update the CFYs (slower), or else comment it out
print(f"writing file '{file}'...")
writing file 'u235_fy_cov_0.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_1.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_2.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_3.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_4.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_5.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_6.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_7.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_8.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_9.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_10.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_11.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_12.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_13.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_14.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_15.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_16.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_17.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_18.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_19.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_20.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_21.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_22.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_23.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_24.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_25.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_26.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_27.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_28.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_29.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_30.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_31.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_32.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_33.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_34.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_35.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_36.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_37.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_38.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_39.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_40.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_41.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_42.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_43.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_44.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_45.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_46.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_47.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_48.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_49.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_50.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_51.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_52.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_53.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_54.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_55.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_56.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_57.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_58.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_59.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_60.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_61.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_62.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_63.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_64.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_65.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_66.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_67.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_68.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_69.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_70.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_71.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_72.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_73.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_74.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_75.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_76.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_77.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_78.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_79.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_80.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_81.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_82.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_83.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_84.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_85.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_86.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_87.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_88.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_89.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_90.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_91.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_92.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_93.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_94.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_95.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_96.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_97.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_98.jeff33'... writing file 'u235_fy_cov_99.jeff33'...
Compare convergence of fission yields in ENDF-6 files.
sfy = {ismp: sandy.Fy.from_endf6(sandy.Endf6.from_file(f"u235_fy_cov_{ismp}.jeff33")) for ismp in range(smp_min, smp_max+1)}
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax = axs[0]
e = energies[0]
mask = f"E=={e} and MT==454"
d = pd.DataFrame({k:"ZAP").FY for k, v in sfy.items()})
(d.mean(axis=1) /"ZAP").FY - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="dodgerblue", label="$\\frac{m- \\mu}{\\mu} \\times 100$")
((d.std(axis=1) / d.mean(axis=1)).fillna(0) / rcovs_post[energies[0]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="tomato", alpha=.6, label="$\\frac{s_{post}- \\sigma_{post}}{\\sigma_{post}} \\times 100$")
ax.set(ylim=[-100, 100], ylabel="relative difference / $\\%$", xlabel="ZAP", title=f"E={e:.2e} eV")
ax = axs[1]
e = energies[1]
mask = f"E=={e} and MT==454"
d = pd.DataFrame({k:"ZAP").FY for k, v in sfy.items()})
(d.mean(axis=1) /"ZAP").FY - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="dodgerblue", label="$\\frac{m- \\mu}{\\mu} \\times 100$")
((d.std(axis=1) / d.mean(axis=1)).fillna(0) / rcovs_post[energies[0]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="tomato", alpha=.6, label="$\\frac{s_{post}- \\sigma_{post}}{\\sigma_{post}} \\times 100$")
ax.set(ylim=[-100, 100], ylabel="relative difference / $\\%$", xlabel="ZAP", title=f"E={e:.2e} eV")
ax = axs[2]
e = energies[2]
mask = f"E=={e} and MT==454"
d = pd.DataFrame({k:"ZAP").FY for k, v in sfy.items()})
(d.mean(axis=1) /"ZAP").FY - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="dodgerblue", label="$\\frac{m- \\mu}{\\mu} \\times 100$")
((d.std(axis=1) / d.mean(axis=1)).fillna(0) / rcovs_post[energies[0]].get_std() - 1).fillna(0).multiply(100).rename("DIFF").reset_index().plot(x="ZAP", y="DIFF", kind="scatter", ax=ax, color="tomato", alpha=.6, label="$\\frac{s_{post}- \\sigma_{post}}{\\sigma_{post}} \\times 100$")
ax.set(ylim=[-100, 100], ylabel="relative difference / $\\%$", xlabel="ZAP", title=f"E={e:.2e} eV")