Last updated: 31st May 2023, with effmass
version 2.3.0.
This notebook provides a walkthrough example of how to use the key features of the effmass code in a Jupyter Notebook or Python script. Note that there is also a command line interface for those who might be less familiar with Python. Note that the CLI cannot calculate more advanced definitions of effective mass (kane, optical).
This notebook also accompanies the paper "Impact of non-parabolic electronic band structure on the optical, defect, and transport properties of photovoltaic materials", reproducing some of the key results.
The effmass package contains the data files needed to reproduce all results in the paper. Here we focus upon a subset of that data to calculate:
In both cases we use data calculated using the HSE06 functional with spin-orbit coupling. However, the notebook can be easily adapted to explore other materials and levels of theory if required.
# plots displayed within notebook
%matplotlib inline
# import scientific libraries
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# import modules from the effmass package
from effmass import inputs, analysis, extrema, outputs, dos, ev_to_hartree
First we use the inputs
module to create a Settings
object. The extrema_search_depth
attribute tells us how far from the CBM/VBM we would like to search for the bandstructure minima/maxima. The energy_range
attribute sets the energy range for each band Segment
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.25)
We now use the inputs
module to create a DataVasp
object which automatically imports the vasp data from the files specified. We manually specify how many k-points to ignore at the start of each file. These are the k-points which are included as part of the non-self-consistent bandstructure calculation, but which do not form part of the bandstructure itself.
data = inputs.DataVasp("../paper/data/CdTe/HSE06_SoC/OUTCAR","../paper/data/CdTe/HSE06_SoC/PROCAR", ignore=216)
To import FHI-Aims data we use a similar command, this time specifying the path to the directory containing
and band1.out
/ band2.out
Aims_data = inputs.DataAims("../tests/data_aims/Ge_sp_aims/")
After loading the data the rest of the workflow is independant of the DFT calculator used. Note however the DOS-related functionality is only supported for Vasp.
We can now use effmass
to locate extrema (conduction band minima and valence band maxima) in the bandstructure. We use the Settings
and Data
objects to generate a list of Segment
objects. Each Segment
contains an extrema point and the surrounding k-points for a single direction. k-points up to an energy of Settings.energy_range
are included. We search the bandstructure for extrema over an energy range Settings.extrema_search_depth
(relative to the CBM or VBM).
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings,data)
Each Segment has a string method which gives the energy of the Segment extrema (referenced to the VBM) and the start- and end- points of the Segment in reciprocal space.
'1.26 eV; [0. 0. 0.]-->[0.048 0.048 0.048]'
Note: If effmass
is struggling to find the extrema you are interested in, then you can pass a specific band index and kpoint index to the generate_segments
function using the optional bk
We can visualise the Segment
objects created using the outputs
module. The plot is annotated with the Segment
's direction and segments list index.
(<Figure size 800x800 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
The output is quite cluttered; we can visualise a sub-set of the segments by slicing the Segement
(<Figure size 800x800 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
There are a number of methods associated with each Segment
object. We can use these to calculate the different definitions of effective mass, assuming a parabolic dispersion $E= \frac{\hbar^2k^2}{2m^*}$.
We can use inbuilt documentation to find out more about a particular method.
Signature: analysis.Segment.weighted_leastsq_effmass(self) Docstring: Fits a parabolic dispersion using the weighted least-squares method to all points in the segment, plus those from symmetry, E(k)=E(-k). Args: None Returns: float: Curvature effective mass (in units of electron mass) Notes: weighting is given by the Fermi-Dirac distribution. File: ~/Repos/effmass/effmass/ Type: function
The alpha parameter quantifies the extent of non-parabolicity in the kane dispersion $\frac{\hbar^2k^2}{2m^*_0} = E(1 + \alpha E) $ where $m^*_0$ is the mass at the band edge ($E=0$).
segments[-1].alpha() # note that atomic units are used (hartree^-1)
The print_results
function in the outputs
module summarises all of the calculated results for a segment. On the first line we see the band type (conduction or valence) and direction in reciprocal space. Explanations for each of the effective mass terms (parabolic, alpha, kane, optical) and numerical methods used are given in the associated paper: The numerical methods used are alse specified in the code documentation site:
outputs.print_results(segments[-1], data, settings)
conduction_band [1. 1. 1.] 3-point finite difference mass is 0.09 5-point parabolic mass is 0.09 weighted parabolic mass is 0.10 alpha is 1.02 1/eV kane mass at bandedge is 0.09 the Kane quasi-linear approximation is valid until 0.22 eV optical mass at band edge (assuming the Kane dispersion) is 0.10
If the Kane dispersion is a good approximation to the DFT-calculated dispersion we expect the transport mass to have a linear dependence on energy. In the plot above, we can judge that this is a good approximation, particularly at lower energies.
A common effmass
use case is where we want to calculate the effective mass at a frontier band (lowest energy conduction band, or highest energy valence band) in a particular direction. The process outlined above will return segments for all bands (valence or conduction) in all directions over a specified energy range. This is restrictive for certain workflows - for example, high-throughput studies across a high number of materials, where we want to automatically filter out bands that are not of interest.
We can specify band type and direction in Settings
using the frontier_bands_only
, conduction_band
, valence_band
and direction
In the example below we want to calculate the effective mass of the lowest energy conduction band in the [1,1,1] direction. Specifying frontier_bands_only
will override the extrema_search_depth
value as now we only want the lowest energy turning point in the conduction band.
settings = inputs.Settings(energy_range=0.25, frontier_bands_only=True, valence_band=False, direction=[1.0,1.0,1.0])
`frontier_bands_only` is set to True and will override the value of `extrema_search_depth`
We can now generate segments in the usual manner.
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings,data)
We can visualise the segment to confirm that the [111] dispersion around the minima for the lowest energy conduction band has been located.
(<Figure size 800x800 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
And finally, we can calculate the effective mass for this segment. As there is only one Segment
in the segments
list we can index it at 0.
Putting this together, we can write a script for calculating the effective mass at the conduction band in the [111] direction:
from effmass import inputs, extrema
settings = inputs.Settings(energy_range=0.25, frontier_bands_only=True, valence_band=False, direction=[1.0,1.0,1.0])
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings,data)
`frontier_bands_only` is set to True and will override the value of `extrema_search_depth` 0.09212527792793268
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.75)
data = inputs.DataVasp("../paper/data/MAPI/HSE06_SoC/OUTCAR","../paper/data/MAPI/HSE06_SoC/PROCAR",ignore=216)
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings,data)
To calculate the non-parabolic burstein-moss shift we need to know the electron alpha parameter and bandedge transport effective mass. First, let's see the segments we have generated
(<Figure size 800x800 with 1 Axes>, <Axes: >)
We want to calculate the kane dispersion parameters for segments[-4]
, segments[-5]
and segments[-6]
. These parameters depend upon the Settings.energy_range
attribute and the order of the polyfit used for calculating the transport mass. We can adjust the energy_range
and polyfit order until we get a good fit to data.
# energy_range=0.25, polyfit_order=6 for optimal fitting in 001 direction
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.25)
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings, data)
conduction_band [-0. -0. 1.] 3-point finite difference mass is 0.15 5-point parabolic mass is 0.18 weighted parabolic mass is 0.19 alpha is 2.21 1/eV kane mass at bandedge is 0.16 the Kane quasi-linear approximation is valid until 0.23 eV optical mass at band edge (assuming the Kane dispersion) is 0.18
# energy_range=0.5, polyfit_order=6 for optimal fitting in 101 direction
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.5)
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings, data)
conduction_band [ 1. -0. 1.] 3-point finite difference mass is 0.13 5-point parabolic mass is 0.10 weighted parabolic mass is 0.10 alpha is 1.50 1/eV kane mass at bandedge is 0.10 the Kane quasi-linear approximation is valid until 0.46 eV optical mass at band edge (assuming the Kane dispersion) is 0.11
# energy_range=0.4, polyfit_order=4 for optimal fitting in 111 direction
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.4)
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings, data)
conduction_band [1. 1. 1.] 3-point finite difference mass is 0.12 5-point parabolic mass is 0.19 weighted parabolic mass is 0.18 alpha is 0.16 1/eV kane mass at bandedge is 0.16 the Kane quasi-linear approximation is valid until 0.33 eV optical mass at band edge (assuming the Kane dispersion) is 0.16
The Burstein Moss shift is calculated using analytic expression $\Delta_{BM} =\frac{\hbar^2}{2m^*}(3\pi^2n_e)^{2/3}$ where the effective mass $m^*$ is constant (in the case of a parabolic dispersion) or takes the form $m^*(E) = m_0^*(1+2 \alpha E)$ (for a Kane dispersion).
def burstein_moss_parabolic(mass,concentration):
# the expression comes from the fermi energy for a given concentration, assuming parabolic dispersion
# the fermi wavevector is simply gotten from considering volume of sphere in reciprocal space / volume of each eigenstate (factor 2 for spin)
concentration = concentration * ((5.29E-9)**3) # convert cm-3 --> bohr-3
return (((3*math.pi*math.pi*concentration)**(2/3))/(2*mass))/ev_to_hartree
def burstein_moss_kane(concentration,mass,alpha):
# this expression is an adaptation of the one above where the mass is now dependant upon the shift m_t = m_o(1+2 \alpha E)
concentration = concentration * ((5.29E-9)**3) # convert cm-3 --> bohr-3
return (analysis._solve_quadratic(2*alpha,1,[-((3*math.pi*math.pi*concentration)**(2/3)/(2*mass))])[0])/ev_to_hartree
We take a mean average of the alpha value across the three directions, which was calculated above.
average_alpha = (2.214+1.499+0.16)/(3*(ev_to_hartree)) # convert back to atomic units
The geometric average of the mass is calculated for electrons and holes. Unlike silicon which has 6 equivalent minima and a degeneracy of 6, the minima here are between $\Gamma-R$ which has a multiplicity of 1. These average values are then combined into a reduced mass.
def dos_average(m1,m2,m3,degeneracy=1):
# density of states mass which is used instead of conductivity effective mass as electron concentration populates entire 3D brillouin zone
# this perhaps needs a weighting factor to account for not mx,my,mz
return ((m1*m2*m3)**(1/3))*(degeneracy**(2/3))
def reduced_mass(m_e,m_h):
return 1/((1/m_e)+(1/m_h))
# effective mass at bandedge calculated from bandstructure
em1 = 0.19
em2 = 0.10
em3 = 0.18
hm1 = 0.23
hm2 = 0.10
hm3 = 0.12
Calculate the Burstein Moss shifts for concentration range $1 \times 10^{16}$ to $ 3 \times 10^{20}$
concentrations = np.logspace(16,np.log10(3E20),100)
parabolic_bandshift = [burstein_moss_parabolic(average_mass,x) for x in concentrations]
kane_bandshift = [burstein_moss_kane(x,average_mass,average_alpha) for x in concentrations]
Note: DOS-related functionality is support for Vasp only.
We can compare these values to density of states data. We start by parsing the DOSCAR file.
We can use this data and the dos
module to calculate the band filling level for a given concentration. We also need to supply the volume of the unit cell in $\AA ^3$.
volume = 251.13
dos_bandshift = [dos.electron_fill_level(data, volume, x, dos.find_dos_CBM_index(data))for x in concentrations]
Let's plot the three bandshift results:
fig = plt.figure()
plt.plot(concentrations,parabolic_bandshift, "-",label="parabolic",color="black")
plt.plot(concentrations,dos_bandshift, ":",label="DFT DOS",color="black")
plt.legend(prop={'size': 8},loc=2)
plt.xlabel(r"concentration cm$^{-3}$")
plt.ylabel("E (eV)")
(0.0, 2.5)
Our results show that the Kane dispersion is a good approximation to the density of states data (which makes no assumptions about the band dispersions). We can calculate an optical effective mass: $\begin{equation} \frac{1}{m_o} = \frac{\sum_{l} \int f(E_k(k),T) \frac{\delta^2 E_k(k)}{\delta k^2} dk}{\sum_{l} \int f(E_k(k),T) dk} \end{equation}$
with $E(K)$ set to the Kane dispersion. The Fermi level in the Fermi-Dirac distribution $f(E_k(k),T)$ is set to the burstein-moss shift as calculated using the Kane dispersion.
settings = inputs.Settings(extrema_search_depth=0.075, energy_range=0.25) # kane dispersion valid up to energy_range 0.25eV
segments = extrema.generate_segments(settings, data)
concentrations = np.logspace(16,np.log10(2E19),100) # if we set the concentration higher we exceed energies where the kane dispersion is valid and receive a warning
optical_mass_111 = [segments[-6].optical_effmass_kane_dispersion(fermi_level=data.CBM+burstein_moss_kane(x,average_mass,average_alpha),alpha=0.16/ev_to_hartree,mass_bandedge=0.155,upper_limit=0.1) for x in concentrations]
optical_mass_110 = [segments[-5].optical_effmass_kane_dispersion(fermi_level=data.CBM+burstein_moss_kane(x,average_mass,average_alpha),alpha=1.499/ev_to_hartree,mass_bandedge=0.098,upper_limit=0.1) for x in concentrations]
optical_mass_100 = [segments[-4].optical_effmass_kane_dispersion(fermi_level=data.CBM+burstein_moss_kane(x,average_mass,average_alpha),alpha=2.214/ev_to_hartree,mass_bandedge=0.156,upper_limit=0.1) for x in concentrations]
## Plot results
fig,ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.plot(np.log10(concentrations),optical_mass_111,":",label="(111) ",color="black")
ax1.plot(np.log10(concentrations),optical_mass_110,"-.",label="(110) ",color="black")
ax1.plot(np.log10(concentrations),optical_mass_100,"--",label="(100) ",color="black")
ax1.set_xlabel(r"concentration (cm$^{-3}$)")
ax1.set_ylabel(r"optical $\frac{m^*}{m_e}$")
Text(0, 0.5, 'optical $\\frac{m^*}{m_e}$')