Megh Shukla:
# Ignore syntax warning related to HRNet syntax
import warnings
# Python imports
import os
import cv2
import copy
import logging
# External package imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# PyTorch imports
import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau as ReduceLROnPlateau
# Imports from supporting files
from config import ParseConfig
from dataloader import load_hp_dataset
from dataloader import HumanPoseDataLoader
from activelearning import ActiveLearning
from evaluation import PercentageCorrectKeypoint
from utils import fast_argmax
from utils import visualize_image
from utils import heatmap_loss
from utils import count_parameters
from utils import get_pairwise_joint_distances
from train_test import Train
from train_test import Metric
from train_test import load_models
from train_test import define_hyperparams
from models.auxiliary.AuxiliaryNet import AuxNet
from models.hrnet.pose_hrnet import PoseHighResolutionNet as HRNet
from models.stacked_hourglass.StackedHourglass import PoseNet as Hourglass
Model: Hourglass / HRNet
Dataset: MPII / Leeds Sports Pose
Load and Save paths
... and much more!
Have a look at configuration.yml
conf = ParseConfig()
INFO:root:Saving the model at: D:\WADLA Demo\Demo_3
Based on our choice of dataset in configuration.yml
, we will load our selection into memory.
Quick recall, different datasets have different data formats!
is located in
dataset_dict = load_hp_dataset(dataset_conf=conf.dataset, model_conf=conf.model)
INFO:root:Loading MPII dataset INFO:root:Loading precached MPII.
We initialize and load the model based on the choice of architecture specified in configuration.yml
is located in
pose_model, aux_net = load_models(conf=conf, load_pose=conf.model['load'], load_aux=conf.model['aux_net']['load'],
INFO:root:Initializing Hourglass Network INFO:root:Loading Pose model from: D:\WADLA Demo\Pretrained_MPII_256channels\ INFO:root:Successfully loaded Pose model.
Number of parameters (Hourglass): 8429088
INFO:root:Successful: Model transferred to GPUs.
Although we won't be doing active learning, the library will allow us to draw samples randomly for training the model.
The class ActiveLearning
is located in
activelearning = ActiveLearning(conf=conf, pose_net=pose_model, aux_net=aux_net)
Writing code in PyTorch is fairly simple, and PyTorch requires two objects that need to be explicitly coded: model and dataset.
For our scenario, we create an object of type HumanPoseDataLoader
for handling our dataset.
standardizes mpii
and lsp
into a common format, defines augmentation routines, calls activelearning
to sample from this data, and also controls preprocessing at batch level.
is located in
datasets = HumanPoseDataLoader(dataset_dict=dataset_dict, activelearning=activelearning, conf=conf)
INFO:root:Creating MPII dataset INFO:root:MPII dataset description: INFO:root:Length (#images): 15247 INFO:root:Creating single person patches INFO:root:Selecting train and validation images where all joints are present. INFO:root:Size of MPII processed dataset: INFO:root:Train: 10614 INFO:root:Validate: 2416 INFO:root:Creating train and validation splits INFO:root:Initializing base dataset. INFO:root: Final size of Training Data: 1000 INFO:root:Final size of Validation Data: 2416 INFO:root: Dataloader Initialized.
Once we initialize our dataloader, we delete a few objects that we won't need any longer to clear memory.
Deleting the models gets rid of any computational graphs computed during ActiveLearning
which we don't require any longer.
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rc("figure", dpi=250)
def visualize_heatmaps(data_obj):
Small code snippet to visualize heatmaps
for i in range(0, 5):
image, hm, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = data_obj.__getitem__(i)
plt.subplot(4, 4, 1)
for j in range(hm.shape[0]):
plt.subplot(4, 4, j+1)
plt.subplot(4, 4, j+1)
plt.imshow(cv2.resize(hm[j].numpy(), dsize=(256, 256), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC), alpha=.5)
plt.title('{}'.format(data_obj.ind_to_jnt[j]), fontdict = {'fontsize' : 6})
# Deepcopy prevents any altering to the internal state of datasets
del activelearning
del pose_model, aux_net
torch.cuda.empty_cache()'Re-Initializing (and loading) human pose network and auxiliary network.\n')
pose_model, aux_net = load_models(conf=conf, load_pose=conf.model['load'], load_aux=conf.model['aux_net']['load'],
INFO:root:Re-Initializing (and loading) human pose network and auxiliary network. INFO:root:Initializing Hourglass Network INFO:root:Loading Pose model from: D:\WADLA Demo\Pretrained_MPII_256channels\ INFO:root:Successfully loaded Pose model.
Number of parameters (Hourglass): 8429088
INFO:root:Successful: Model transferred to GPUs.
We create an object (loosely called hyperparameters
) which contains hyperparameters and optimizer configuration required for training our models.
Optional: We also initialize TensorBoard based on our configurations.'Initializing experiment settings.')
hyperparameters = define_hyperparams(conf=conf, pose_model=pose_model, aux_net=aux_net)
if conf.tensorboard:
writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=os.path.join(conf.model['save_path'], 'tensorboard'))
writer = None
INFO:root:Initializing experiment settings. INFO:root:Initializing the hyperparameters for the experiment. INFO:root:Parameters of PoseNet passed to Optimizer
if conf.train:
train_obj = Train(pose_model=pose_model, aux_net=aux_net, hyperparameters=hyperparameters,
dataset_obj=datasets, conf=conf, tb_writer=writer)
del train_obj
# Reload the best model for metric evaluation
conf.resume_training = False
pose_model, _ = load_models(conf=conf, load_pose=True, load_aux=False, model_dir=conf.model['save_path'])
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rc("figure", dpi=250)
if conf.metric:
metric_obj = Metric(network=pose_model, dataset_obj=datasets, conf=conf)
INFO:root:Starting model inference 0%| | 0/302 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
0%|▎ | 1/302 [00:19<1:37:30, 19.44s/it]
94%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▏ | 284/302 [10:37<00:39, 2.22s/it]