import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Hide Numpy warnings from Statsmodels
import warnings
Dataset from University of Notre Dame for demonstration of logistic regression.
It is being used here to compare output from appelpy
to output from Stata directly.
df = pd.read_stata('')
grade | gpa | tuce | psi | |
0 | 0 | 2.06 | 22 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 2.39 | 19 | 1 |
2 | 0 | 2.63 | 20 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 2.92 | 12 | 0 |
4 | 0 | 2.76 | 17 | 0 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 32 entries, 0 to 31 Data columns (total 4 columns): grade 32 non-null int8 gpa 32 non-null float32 tuce 32 non-null int8 psi 32 non-null int8 dtypes: float32(1), int8(3) memory usage: 480.0 bytes
Let's do some exploratory data analysis on this dataset.
from appelpy.eda import statistical_moments
CPU times: user 15.1 ms, sys: 165 µs, total: 15.2 ms Wall time: 13.1 ms
mean | var | skew | kurtosis | |
grade | 0.34375 | 0.232863 | 0.657952 | -1.5671 |
gpa | 3.11719 | 0.217821 | 0.122658 | -0.429932 |
tuce | 21.9375 | 15.2218 | -0.52511 | 0.0483051 |
psi | 0.4375 | 0.254032 | 0.251976 | -1.93651 |
grade 2 gpa 29 tuce 14 psi 2 dtype: int64
is a binary outcome that we would like to predict in this dataset, so logistic regression is a natural choice for modelling it.
Let's do a regression of grade
on gpa
, tuce
, psi
from appelpy.discrete_model import Logit
y_list = ['grade']
X_list = ['gpa', 'tuce', 'psi']
model1 = Logit(df, y_list, X_list).fit()
CPU times: user 103 ms, sys: 6.05 ms, total: 109 ms Wall time: 121 ms
The unstandardized estimates can be returned in two formats: the coefficients themselves and their odds ratio equivalents.
Dep. Variable: | grade | No. Observations: | 32 |
Model: | Logit | Df Residuals: | 28 |
Method: | MLE | Df Model: | 3 |
Date: | Fri, 03 Jan 2020 | Pseudo R-squ.: | 0.3740 |
Time: | 21:39:27 | Log-Likelihood: | -12.890 |
converged: | True | LL-Null: | -20.592 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust | LLR p-value: | 0.001502 |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -13.0213 | 4.931 | -2.641 | 0.008 | -22.687 | -3.356 |
gpa | 2.8261 | 1.263 | 2.238 | 0.025 | 0.351 | 5.301 |
tuce | 0.0952 | 0.142 | 0.672 | 0.501 | -0.182 | 0.373 |
psi | 2.3787 | 1.065 | 2.234 | 0.025 | 0.292 | 4.465 |
There are two significant regressors in the model.
['gpa', 'psi']
gpa 16.879721 tuce 1.099832 psi 10.790733 Name: odds_ratios, dtype: float64
The results_output_standardized
object contains the standardized estimates of the regressors (and the unstandardized ones).
Standardized coefficients are sometimes called beta coefficients.
The output is similar to what would be returned by Stata's listcoef
These are the standardized estimates listed:
: x-standardized coefficient, i.e. how much does y
increase with a one-standard deviation increase in x
: fully standardized coefficient, i.e. by how many standard deviations does y
increase with a one=standard deviation increase in x
: standard deviation of regressormodel1.results_output_standardized
coef | z | P>|z| | coef_stdX | coef_stdXy | stdev_X | |
grade | ||||||
gpa | +2.8261 | +2.238 | 0.025 | +1.3190 | +0.4912 | 0.4667 |
tuce | +0.0952 | +0.672 | 0.501 | +0.3713 | +0.1383 | 3.9015 |
psi | +2.3787 | +2.234 | 0.025 | +1.1989 | +0.4465 | 0.5040 |
Compare the results from the Stata command listcoef, std help
logit (N=32): Unstandardized and standardized estimates
Observed SD: 0.4826
Latent SD: 2.6851
| b z P>|z| bStdX bStdY bStdXY SDofX
gpa | 2.8261 2.238 0.025 1.319 1.053 0.491 0.467
tuce | 0.0952 0.672 0.501 0.371 0.035 0.138 3.902
1.psi | 2.3787 2.234 0.025 1.199 0.886 0.447 0.504
constant | -13.0213 -2.641 0.008 . . . .
b = raw coefficient
z = z-score for test of b=0
P>|z| = p-value for z-test
bStdX = x-standardized coefficient
bStdY = y-standardized coefficient
bStdXY = fully standardized coefficient
SDofX = standard deviation of X
Some model selection statistics are stored in the model_selection_stats
{'log_likelihood': -12.88963346533348, 'r_squared_pseudo': 0.3740383321251376, 'aic': 33.779266930666964, 'bic': 39.642210541865865}
The log-likelihood is also stored in its own attribute log_likelihood
for ease of reference.
The predict
method can be used to return estimated probabilities for observations.
preds = model1.predict(df[X_list].to_numpy())
CPU times: user 2.27 ms, sys: 23 µs, total: 2.29 ms Wall time: 2.16 ms
array([0.06137582, 0.11103084, 0.02447037, 0.02590164, 0.02650405, 0.02657799, 0.24177247, 0.03018375, 0.03485825, 0.03858832, 0.30721867, 0.05155897, 0.0536264 , 0.05950126, 0.48113296, 0.52911713, 0.11112664, 0.58987241, 0.63542067, 0.6607859 , 0.18725992, 0.18999741, 0.19321116, 0.32223953, 0.83829052, 0.84170419, 0.8520909 , 0.36098992, 0.90484726, 0.56989301, 0.94534027, 0.69351141])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11,7))
pd.Series(preds).hist(ax=ax, range=(0,1))
ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
ax.set_title('Histogram of probabilities predicted from the original data.')