from utils import get_som_labeled_img, check_ocr_box, get_caption_model_processor, get_yolo_model
import torch
from ultralytics import YOLO
from PIL import Image
device = 'cpu'
device = 'gpu' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
som_model = get_yolo_model(model_path)
print('model to {}'.format(device))
model to cpu
# two choices for caption model: fine-tuned blip2 or florence2
import importlib
import utils
from utils import get_som_labeled_img, check_ocr_box, get_caption_model_processor, get_yolo_model
# caption_model_processor = get_caption_model_processor(model_name="blip2", model_name_or_path="weights/icon_caption_blip2", device=device)
caption_model_processor = get_caption_model_processor(model_name="florence2", model_name_or_path="weights/icon_caption_florence", device=device)
Florence2LanguageForConditionalGeneration has generative capabilities, as `prepare_inputs_for_generation` is explicitly overwritten. However, it doesn't directly inherit from `GenerationMixin`. From 👉v4.50👈 onwards, `PreTrainedModel` will NOT inherit from `GenerationMixin`, and this model will lose the ability to call `generate` and other related functions. - If you're using `trust_remote_code=True`, you can get rid of this warning by loading the model with an auto class. See - If you are the owner of the model architecture code, please modify your model class such that it inherits from `GenerationMixin` (after `PreTrainedModel`, otherwise you'll get an exception). - If you are not the owner of the model architecture class, please contact the model code owner to update it.
som_model.device, type(som_model)
(device(type='cuda', index=0), ultralytics.models.yolo.model.YOLO)
# reload utils
import importlib
import utils
from utils import get_som_labeled_img, check_ocr_box, get_caption_model_processor, get_yolo_model
image_path = 'imgs/google_page.png'
image_path = 'imgs/windows_home.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/windows_multitab.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/omni3.jpg'
# image_path = 'imgs/ios.png'
image_path = 'imgs/word.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/excel2.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/mobile.png'
image =
image_rgb = image.convert('RGB')
print('image size:', image.size)
box_overlay_ratio = max(image.size) / 3200
draw_bbox_config = {
'text_scale': 0.8 * box_overlay_ratio,
'text_thickness': max(int(2 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
'text_padding': max(int(3 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
'thickness': max(int(3 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
import time
start = time.time()
ocr_bbox_rslt, is_goal_filtered = check_ocr_box(image_path, display_img = False, output_bb_format='xyxy', goal_filtering=None, easyocr_args={'paragraph': False, 'text_threshold':0.5}, use_paddleocr=True)
text, ocr_bbox = ocr_bbox_rslt
cur_time_ocr = time.time()
dino_labled_img, label_coordinates, parsed_content_list = get_som_labeled_img(image_path, som_model, BOX_TRESHOLD = BOX_TRESHOLD, output_coord_in_ratio=True, ocr_bbox=ocr_bbox,draw_bbox_config=draw_bbox_config, caption_model_processor=caption_model_processor, ocr_text=text,use_local_semantics=True, iou_threshold=0.7, scale_img=False, batch_size=128)
cur_time_caption = time.time()
print('ocr time:', cur_time_ocr - start)
print('caption time:', cur_time_caption - cur_time_ocr)
image size: (1919, 1079) image 1/1 /home/yadonglu/OmniParser/imgs/word.png: 736x1280 115 icons, 13.7ms Speed: 5.5ms preprocess, 13.7ms inference, 1.6ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 736, 1280) len(filtered_boxes): 151 65 time to prepare bbox: 0.01561737060546875 time to process image + tokenize text inputs: 0.09026336669921875 time to generate: 0.7382848262786865 time to get parsed content: 0.8477945327758789 ocr time: 0.6952385902404785 caption time: 1.245499849319458
# run on cpu!!!
# reload utils
import importlib
import utils
from utils import get_som_labeled_img, check_ocr_box, get_caption_model_processor, get_yolo_model
image_path = 'imgs/google_page.png'
image_path = 'imgs/windows_home.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/windows_multitab.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/omni3.jpg'
# image_path = 'imgs/ios.png'
image_path = 'imgs/word.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/excel2.png'
# image_path = 'imgs/mobile.png'
image =
image_rgb = image.convert('RGB')
print('image size:', image.size)
box_overlay_ratio = max(image.size) / 3200
draw_bbox_config = {
'text_scale': 0.8 * box_overlay_ratio,
'text_thickness': max(int(2 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
'text_padding': max(int(3 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
'thickness': max(int(3 * box_overlay_ratio), 1),
import time
start = time.time()
ocr_bbox_rslt, is_goal_filtered = check_ocr_box(image_path, display_img = False, output_bb_format='xyxy', goal_filtering=None, easyocr_args={'paragraph': False, 'text_threshold':0.5}, use_paddleocr=True)
text, ocr_bbox = ocr_bbox_rslt
cur_time_ocr = time.time()
dino_labled_img, label_coordinates, parsed_content_list = get_som_labeled_img(image_path, som_model, BOX_TRESHOLD = BOX_TRESHOLD, output_coord_in_ratio=True, ocr_bbox=ocr_bbox,draw_bbox_config=draw_bbox_config, caption_model_processor=caption_model_processor, ocr_text=text,use_local_semantics=True, iou_threshold=0.7, scale_img=False, batch_size=128)
cur_time_caption = time.time()
print('ocr time:', cur_time_ocr - start)
print('caption time:', cur_time_caption - cur_time_ocr)
image size: (1919, 1079) image 1/1 /home/yadonglu/OmniParser/imgs/word.png: 736x1280 115 icons, 299.2ms Speed: 5.7ms preprocess, 299.2ms inference, 3.7ms postprocess per image at shape (1, 3, 736, 1280) len(filtered_boxes): 151 65 time to prepare bbox: 0.016057729721069336 time to process image + tokenize text inputs: 1.802201509475708 time to generate: 61.352588415145874 time to get parsed content: 63.17377543449402 ocr time: 0.8477699756622314 caption time: 64.17442154884338
# plot dino_labled_img it is in base64
import base64
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import io
image =
# print(len(parsed_content_list))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f51b97914f0>
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(parsed_content_list)
df['ID'] = range(len(df))
type | bbox | interactivity | content | ID | |
0 | text | [0.023970818147063255, 0.012974976561963558, 0... | False | AutoSave | 0 |
1 | text | [0.0771235004067421, 0.011121409013867378, 0.1... | False | F 9~U | 1 |
2 | text | [0.1500781625509262, 0.011121409013867378, 0.3... | False | Document 10.docx General* Last Modified: Jus... | 2 |
3 | text | [0.4095883369445801, 0.011121409013867378, 0.4... | False | O Search | 3 |
4 | text | [0.010943199507892132, 0.048192769289016724, 0... | False | File | 4 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
146 | icon | [0.27768608927726746, 0.1485075205564499, 0.28... | True | Six | 146 |
147 | icon | [0.9438582062721252, 0.9580937027931213, 0.995... | True | battery charge indicator | 147 |
148 | icon | [0.31950756907463074, 0.3229200839996338, 0.33... | True | A menu or list of options. | 148 |
149 | icon | [0.08737719058990479, 0.148496612906456, 0.095... | True | 5,5L9,5 4.5z | 149 |
150 | icon | [0.7414734959602356, 0.000822930654976517, 0.7... | True | Unordered List | 150 |
151 rows × 5 columns
{'type': 'icon', 'bbox': [0.7569739818572998, 0.128729909658432, 0.7768653035163879, 0.14445137977600098], 'interactivity': True, 'content': 'Select option.'}