This notebook provides a supplementary tutorial for DrivenData's On Cloud N: Cloud Cover Detection competition.
The competition dataset includes four bands of imagery covering the visible and near infrared spectrum. You can access many more bands for the same chips via Microsoft's Planetary Computer STAC API. You may pull in any additional information from the Planetary Computer to supplement the provided data.
This notebook demonstrates how to pull in an additional band of data from the Planetary Computer STAC API for each training chip.
Notebook contents:
!pip install pandas_path loguru nb_black typing
# load extension for automatic formatting
%load_ext lab_black
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from pandas_path import path # noqa
from pathlib import Path
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Optional, List
DATA_DIR = Path("/driven-data/cloud-cover")
TRAIN_FEATURES = DATA_DIR / "train_features"
TRAIN_LABELS = DATA_DIR / "train_labels"
assert TRAIN_FEATURES.exists()
BANDS = ["B02", "B03", "B04", "B08"]
# load the provided metadata
train_meta = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR / "train_metadata.csv")
chip_id | location | datetime | cloudpath | |
0 | adwp | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwp |
1 | adwu | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwu |
2 | adwz | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwz |
3 | adxp | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adxp |
4 | aeaj | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/aeaj |
import rioxarray
import xrspatial.multispectral as ms
def true_color_img(chip_id: str, data_dir: os.PathLike = TRAIN_FEATURES):
"""Given the path to the directory of Sentinel-2 chip feature images
and a chip id, plots the true color image of the chip"""
chip_dir = data_dir / chip_id
red = rioxarray.open_rasterio(chip_dir / "B04.tif").squeeze()
green = rioxarray.open_rasterio(chip_dir / "B03.tif").squeeze()
blue = rioxarray.open_rasterio(chip_dir / "B02.tif").squeeze()
return ms.true_color(r=red, g=green, b=blue)
import rasterio.warp
def lat_lon_bounds(filepath: os.PathLike):
"""Given the path to a GeoTIFF, returns the image bounds in latitude and
longitude coordinates.
Returns points as a tuple of (left, bottom, right, top)
with as im:
bounds = im.bounds
meta = im.meta
# create a converter starting with the current projection
return rasterio.warp.transform_bounds(
4326, # code for the lat-lon coordinate system
def add_paths(
df: pd.DataFrame,
feature_dir: os.PathLike,
label_dir: Optional[os.PathLike] = None,
bands: List[str] = BANDS,
Given dataframe with a column for chip_id, returns a dataframe with a column for
each of the bands provided as "{band}_path", eg "B02_path". Each band column is
the path to that band saved as a TIF image. If the path to the labels directory
is provided, a column is also added to the dataframe with paths to the label TIF.
for band in bands:
df[f"{band}_path"] = feature_dir / df["chip_id"] / f"{band}.tif"
# make sure a random sample of paths exist
assert df.sample(n=40, random_state=5)[f"{band}_path"].path.exists().all()
if label_dir is not None:
df["label_path"] = label_dir / (df["chip_id"] + ".tif")
# make sure a random sample of paths exist
assert df.sample(n=40, random_state=5)["label_path"].path.exists().all()
return df
train_meta = add_paths(train_meta, TRAIN_FEATURES, TRAIN_LABELS)
chip_id | location | datetime | cloudpath | B02_path | B03_path | B04_path | B08_path | label_path | |
0 | adwp | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwp | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... |
1 | adwu | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwu | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... |
2 | adwz | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adwz | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... |
3 | adxp | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/adxp | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... |
4 | aeaj | Chifunfu | 2020-04-29T08:20:47Z | az://./train_features/aeaj | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... |
Pick a random example chip to use
example_chip = train_meta.sample(n=1, random_state=13).iloc[0]
chip_id mtmo location Kolwezi datetime 2020-04-30T08:43:07Z cloudpath az://./train_features/mtmo B02_path /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... B03_path /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... B04_path /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... B08_path /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... label_path /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... Name: 5703, dtype: object
Kolwezi is a city in the southern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
true_color_chip = true_color_img(example_chip.chip_id)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x14f56a070>
In this section, we'll walk through the process of pulling in an additional band for one example chip. The general steps to pull in an additional band are:
and pystac_client
Python packages.from datetime import timedelta
import planetary_computer as pc
from pystac_client import Client
# Establish a connection to the STAC API
catalog ="")
collection = catalog.get_collection("sentinel-2-l2a")
Query for the matching STAC item
# Get the chip bounding box latitudes and longitudes
left, bottom, right, top = lat_lon_bounds(example_chip.B04_path)
area_of_interest = {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[right, bottom],
[left, bottom],
[left, top],
[right, top],
[right, bottom],
{'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[25.88589523290886, -10.753046965652661], [25.838905933504083, -10.753046965652661], [25.838905933504083, -10.706578868933912], [25.88589523290886, -10.706578868933912], [25.88589523290886, -10.753046965652661]]]}
# Get the chip timestamp and construct a time range for the query
chip_time = pd.to_datetime(example_chip.datetime)
range_start = pd.to_datetime(chip_time) - timedelta(minutes=30)
range_end = chip_time + timedelta(minutes=30)
time_range = (
print("Query time range:", time_range)
Query time range: 2020-04-30T08:13:07Z/2020-04-30T09:13:07Z
# Search the Sentinel-2 catalog for matching items
search =
print(f"""{"Chip time":<16}\t{chip_time}""")
print(f"""{"Search range start":<16}\t{range_start}""")
print(f"Search returned {len(list(search.get_items()))} item(s)")
for item in search.get_items():
print(f"""\t{"Item time":<16}{item.datetime}""")
print(f"""{"Search range end":<16}\t{range_end}""")
Chip time 2020-04-30 08:43:07+00:00 Search range start 2020-04-30 08:13:07+00:00 Search returned 1 item(s) Item time 2020-04-30 08:15:59.024000+00:00 Search range end 2020-04-30 09:13:07+00:00
Find the best match
Sentinel-2 imagery is scanned over a period of time, not captured instantaneously. Timestamps are recorded based on the period of time it took to scan a larger area than the specific chip, called a "tile".
The STAC item and our competition chip have slightly different timestamps because they apply different calculations to the time period when a larger tile was being scanned.
, the average of the sensing time range.PRODUCT_START_TIME
, when the sensing began.In this case only one result was returned, so we don't need to worry about whether it's the right item. If multiple results match the query time range, we can pull in the SENSING_TIME
metadata property of the STAC items to find the best match. The granular metadata of each item is provided in XML format, so we'll use a library called BeautifulSoup to parse it.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Load the STAC item's granular metadata
granule_metadata_href = pc.sign(item.assets["granule-metadata"].href)
granule_metadata = requests.get(granule_metadata_href)
# Parse the granular metadata to find SENSING_TIME
soup = BeautifulSoup(granule_metadata.text)
item_sensing_time = pd.to_datetime(soup.find("sensing_time").text)
print("Item sensing time:\t", item_sensing_time)
print("Chip timestamp:\t\t", chip_time)
Item sensing time: 2020-04-30 08:43:07.181525+00:00 Chip timestamp: 2020-04-30 08:43:07+00:00
We have an exact match!
For chips where we don't find a perfect match, we'll choose the result that has the maximum geographic overlap with our competition chip. If multiple results have equal overlap, we'll take the one with the closest sensing time.
Crop the scene
The STAC API hosts Sentinel-2 "scenes" which are much larger than individual chips, so we'll need to crop the result to the spatial extent of our chip.
Again we'll need to be careful about the coordinate system. Chips are derived from the Sentinel-2 scenes, so the chip and resulting scene will probably match. We'll check just in case and transform the coordinates if they don't match.
geotiff =["B04_path"])
if geotiff.meta["crs"] ==["proj:epsg"]:
print(f"""GeoTIFF and STAC item have same CRS {geotiff.meta["crs"]}""")
bounds = geotiff.bounds
f"""Transforming from {geotiff.meta["crs"]} to {["proj:epsg"]}"""
bounds = rasterio.warp.transform_bounds(
GeoTIFF and STAC item have same CRS EPSG:32735
Each scene includes a number of bands or assets. Assets are of varying resolutions and numbers of channels. As you can see, there's a lot of potential for getting creative with feature engineering!
For now, we'll pull in the band B11. The B11 band captures short-wave infrared light (SWIR) with a resolution of 20m (i.e., each pixel is 20x20m). We'll also pull in the visual band for comparison with our true color chip image derived from the competition data.
# What assets are available?
for asset_key, asset in item.assets.items():
print(f"{asset_key:<25} - {asset.title}")
AOT - Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) B01 - Band 1 - Coastal aerosol - 60m B02 - Band 2 - Blue - 10m B03 - Band 3 - Green - 10m B04 - Band 4 - Red - 10m B05 - Band 5 - Vegetation red edge 1 - 20m B06 - Band 6 - Vegetation red edge 2 - 20m B07 - Band 7 - Vegetation red edge 3 - 20m B08 - Band 8 - NIR - 10m B09 - Band 9 - Water vapor - 60m B11 - Band 11 - SWIR (1.6) - 20m B12 - Band 12 - SWIR (2.2) - 20m B8A - Band 8A - Vegetation red edge 4 - 20m SCL - Scene classfication map (SCL) WVP - Water vapour (WVP) visual - True color image preview - Thumbnail safe-manifest - SAFE manifest granule-metadata - Granule metadata inspire-metadata - INSPIRE metadata product-metadata - Product metadata datastrip-metadata - Datastrip metadata tilejson - TileJSON with default rendering rendered_preview - Rendered preview
stac_visual = (
.transpose("y", "x", "band")
asset = "B11"
stac_additional_band = (
.transpose("y", "x", "band")
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, dpi=100, figsize=(12, 4))
axs[0].set_title(f"Competition data image\n{true_color_chip.shape}")
axs[1].set_title(f"STAC API visual\n{stac_visual.shape}")
axs[2].set_title(f"STAC API {asset} band\n{stac_additional_band.shape}")
You can see that the chips match visually.
Due to the fact that bounding boxes are floating point latitude-longitude and pixels are integer values, there may be a one-pixel mismatch between the competition chip size and the returned imagery. All of the competition feature data chips are 512x512. The mismatch should be small enough that simply resizing shouldn't introduce too much error.
It's easy to imagine how these additional bands could contain valuable new information you could use to improve your model!
Let's consolidate the code above into organized functions, so that we can easily iterate over the training chips and pull in a new band for each chip.
The cell below defines two functions to take a chip GeoTIFF and list of band assets IDs, and output the corresponding images.
: A function to narrow down a list of PySTAC items to the one that most closely matches the original chipquery_bands
: An end-to-end function to query the Planetary Computer STAC API for additional assets given a GeoTIFF, it's timestamp, and it's bounds. query_bands
calls get_closest_item
This cell can also be written out as a standalone script, so you can run the process wherever you want.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from loguru import logger
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
import planetary_computer as pc
from pystac_client import Client
import shapely.geometry
import rasterio
import requests
import rioxarray
catalog ="")
collection = catalog.get_collection("sentinel-2-l2a")
def get_closest_item(
items: Sequence[dict],
polygon: shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon,
timestamp: datetime,
) -> Optional[dict]:
Returns the item with maximum overlap and closest timestamp.
items (Sequence[dict]): items returned by a PySTAC catalog search
polygon (shapely.geometry.polygon.Poylgon): polygon of the latitude/longitude
coordinates for the original chip to be matched
timestamp (datetime.timestamp): timestamp for the original chip to be matched
pystac.item.Item: PySTAC item with the closest timestamp and/or maximum
geographic overlap to the original chip to be matched.
if len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
# Check for exactly matching timestamp (to the minute) with sensing_time
sensing_times = []
for item in items:
granule_metadata_href = pc.sign(item.assets["granule-metadata"].href)
granule_metadata = requests.get(granule_metadata_href)
soup = BeautifulSoup(granule_metadata.text)
exact_timestamp_matches = [
for item, sensing_time in zip(items, sensing_times)
if sensing_time == pd.to_datetime(timestamp).round(freq="T")
# If only one item has a perfect match, return it
if len(exact_timestamp_matches) == 1:
return exact_timestamp_matches[0]
# Compute overlap between each query result and the geotiff polygon
overlaps = [
shapely.geometry.shape(item.geometry).intersection(polygon).area / polygon.area
for item in items
max_overlap = max(overlaps)
items_overlaps = [
(item, overlap)
for item, overlap in zip(items, overlaps)
if overlap == max_overlap
# If one item has higher overlap than the rest, return it
if len(items_overlaps) == 1:
return items_overlaps[0][0]
# If multiple have equally high overlap, return item with closest sensing_time
max_overlap_sensing_times = [
for sensing_time, overlap in zip(sensing_times, overlaps)
if overlap == max_overlap
time_deltas = [
abs(sensing_time - timestamp) for sensing_time in max_overlap_sensing_times
return items_overlaps[np.argmin(time_deltas)][0]
def query_bands(
timestamp: Union[datetime, pd.Timestamp, str],
asset_keys: Sequence[str],
query_range_minutes: int = 120,
output_shape: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
verbose: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
Queries the Planetary Computer STAC API for additional imagery that
corresponds to the same spatial extent as a provided GeoTIFF.
geotiff ( A rasterio GeoTIFF
timestamp (datetime or str): Timestamp for GeoTIFF acquisition used
in the STAC API query to find the corresponding scene
asset_keys (sequence of str): A sequence (list, tuple, set, etc.) of
keys specifying the desired STAC assets to return
query_range_minutes (int): Duration of the time range for the STAC API
query. You can increase this if the query does not return any results.
output_shape (tuple of ints, optional): If provided, reshape the output
to this (height, width)
verbose (bool, Optional): Whether to print logging messages. Defaults to True
dict {str: np.ndarray}: A dictionary where each key is an asset name, and each value
is the array of values for that asset from the PySTAC item that most closely
matches the original chip's location and time
# Convert bounds to regular lat/long coordinates
left, bottom, right, top = rasterio.warp.transform_bounds(
4326, # code for the lat-lon coordinate system
# Get a polygon for the area to search
area_of_interest = shapely.geometry.shape(
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[left, bottom],
[left, top],
[right, top],
[right, bottom],
[left, bottom],
# Get the timestamp range to search
if isinstance(timestamp, str):
timestamp = pd.to_datetime(timestamp)
if isinstance(timestamp, pd.Timestamp):
timestamp = timestamp.to_pydatetime()
range_start = timestamp - timedelta(minutes=query_range_minutes // 2)
range_end = timestamp + timedelta(minutes=query_range_minutes // 2)
time_range = (
# Search the Sentinel-2 catalog
search =
# Filter to the best-matching item
items = list(search.get_items())
if len(items) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"Query returned no results. Check that the bounding box is correct "
f"or try increasing the query time range. Chip: {}"
item = get_closest_item(items, area_of_interest, timestamp)
# Ensure that original chip and PySTAC item have the same coordinate projection
if geotiff.meta["crs"] ==["proj:epsg"]:
if verbose:
f"""GeoTIFF and STAC item have same CRS {geotiff.meta["crs"]}"""
bounds = geotiff.bounds
if verbose:
f"""Transforming from {geotiff.meta["crs"]} """
f"""to {["proj:epsg"]}"""
bounds = rasterio.warp.transform_bounds(
# Load the matching PySTAC asset
assets = {}
for asset_key in asset_keys:
asset = np.array(
.transpose("y", "x", "band")
# Reshape to singe-band image and resize if needed
asset = Image.fromarray(asset.squeeze())
if output_shape:
asset = asset.resize(output_shape)
assets[asset_key] = np.array(asset)
return assets
Below, we'll use query_bands
to find new bands for a random subset of training chips, and save them out as a TIF images. We'll pull in both the B11 band and the B01 band. The B01 band measures coastal aerosols, and has a lower resolution of 60m.
train_subset = train_meta.sample(n=5, random_state=4)
# define path where we'll save each new band image
new_bands = ["B01", "B11"]
for band in new_bands:
band_dir = Path(f"{band}_images")
train_subset[f"{band}_path"] = band_dir / (train_subset["chip_id"] + ".tif")
chip_id | location | datetime | cloudpath | B02_path | B03_path | B04_path | B08_path | label_path | B01_path | B11_path | |
1320 | cjqw | Bechar | 2019-11-12T11:02:20Z | az://./train_features/cjqw | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | B01_images/cjqw.tif | B11_images/cjqw.tif |
11646 | zdtu | Lusaka | 2020-04-19T08:24:38Z | az://./train_features/zdtu | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | B01_images/zdtu.tif | B11_images/zdtu.tif |
11253 | ysiz | Asmara nort | 2020-09-08T08:05:40Z | az://./train_features/ysiz | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | B01_images/ysiz.tif | B11_images/ysiz.tif |
5802 | mwpg | Macapa | 2020-09-10T13:52:40Z | az://./train_features/mwpg | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | B01_images/mwpg.tif | B11_images/mwpg.tif |
10173 | xcsb | Georgetown | 2020-09-12T14:30:48Z | az://./train_features/xcsb | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | /Users/katewetstone/Repos/cloud-cover-challeng... | B01_images/xcsb.tif | B11_images/xcsb.tif |
for row in tqdm(train_subset.itertuples(), total=len(train_subset)):
# Load extra bands from PySTAC
assets = query_bands(,
# Save band arrays as TIF images
for band in new_bands:
band_image = Image.fromarray(assets[band])"{band}_images/{row.chip_id}.tif")
100%|█████████████████| 5/5 [00:52<00:00, 10.55s/it]
Now let's double check that those bands look correct.
for row in train_subset.itertuples():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 3))
ax[0].set_title(f"Chip {row.chip_id} image")
ax[1].set_title("New B01 band")
ax[2].set_title("New B11 band")
Success! All of the new bands visually match the true color image of each chip.