This scenario demonstrates how to use the PDAL Python bindings to produce some simple raster products from a COPC file.
COPC is Cloud Optimized Point Cloud. COPC files are LASzip LAZ 1.4 data stored as a clustered octree. COPC files allow applications to select data for a window or a resolution, and allow them to limit how much data they must fetch, decompress, and process. You can read more about COPC at
PDAL supports reading and writing COPC with readers.copc and writers.copc.
The PDAL Python bindings allow programmatic composition of PDAL pipelines.
import pdal
import pystac_client
import planetary_computer
import PIL
import pyproj
Useful code for estimating the UTM zone of a point
Estimate the UTM zone of the point using PyPROJ's method
# Estimate our UTM zone
from pyproj import CRS
from pyproj.aoi import AreaOfInterest
from pyproj.database import query_utm_crs_info
def get_utm(point):
longitude, latitude = point.x, point.y
buffer = 0.001
utm_crs_list = query_utm_crs_info(
datum_name="WGS 84",
west_lon_degree=longitude - buffer,
south_lat_degree=latitude - buffer,
east_lon_degree=longitude + buffer,
north_lat_degree=latitude + buffer,
utm_crs = CRS.from_epsg(utm_crs_list[0].code)
return utm_crs
# The Bean
bean = {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-87.623358, 41.8826812]}
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely.ops import transform
geom = shape(bean)
utm = get_utm(geom)
wgs84 = pyproj.CRS("EPSG:4326")
project_dd_to_utm = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(wgs84, utm, always_xy=True).transform
project_utm_to_dd = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(utm, wgs84, always_xy=True).transform
utm_point = transform(project_dd_to_utm, geom)
window = utm_point.buffer(400)
window_dd = transform(project_utm_to_dd, window)
import geopandas
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[window_dd], crs="EPSG:4326")
collectionthat intersects our buffered polygon centered on The Bean in Millenium Park
catalog =
search =["3dep-lidar-copc"], intersects=window_dd)
ic = search.get_all_items()
Define some variables we will use for querying
polygon = window.wkt + f" / EPSG:{utm.to_epsg()}"
is a signed, HTTP-able URL we can read fromrequests
is the number of threads to use. We need to use a much smaller number than the default 15
is the floor'd resolution of the data. Resolution is not exact, and it depends up on the structure and breakpoints of the octree when the COPC file was built. Setting it to a value means the points that are returned at least meet that resolutionpolygon
is a WKT or GeoJSON geometry that will act to both pre-filter the selection of the data from the COPC file and clip the data as they are read.readers = []
for tile in ic:
url = tile.assets["data"].href
reader = pdal.Reader.copc(
url, requests=3, resolution=READ_RESOLUTION, polygon=polygon
The LAS specification requires that Intensity and RGB values be in the 16-bit range, but we are going to be making some 8-bit PNGs. When we read data from PDAL, we want to divide the values by 256
to get them into 8-bit range. PDAL's filters.assign filter can be used to manipulate the values of points as they are processed with expressions.
assign = pdal.Filter.assign(value=["Intensity = Intensity / 256"])
writers.gdal is the workhorse writer for rasterizing point cloud data, and in this scenario, we are going to be using it write some TIFs.
defines the raster's resolution. This is independent of what we used to read the COPC file, but you typically want something that is or equal to the read resolution so you don't introduce artifacts in the output.dimension
tells the writer point cloud dimension to read. The dimensions available to the writer are determined by what is provided by the reader(s).output_type
tells the writer which band(s) to write in the data. See the writers.gdal documentation for more information on thisnodata
sets the value that represents the nodata value for the rasterwriter = pdal.Writer.gdal(
A pipeline is the PDAL entity that works with data. While they are usually defined by JSON (try printing pipeline.pipeline
) and processed via the pdal pipeline
command, they can also be constructed or composed programmatically via Python using the PDAL Python bindings.
pipeline = None
# Gather up all of our readers and concatenate them together
for reader in readers:
if not pipeline:
pipeline = reader
pipeline = pipeline | reader
pipeline = pipeline | assign | writer
Execute the pipeline so we can do something with the results. In our scenario, the results are going to be a TIF file that was written by writers.gdal. They might alternatively be Numpy arrays that we could inspect point values or filter or whatever.
# Use streaming mode at 1e6 points at a time. This
# helps us conserve memory for pipelines that are streamable
# check that with the pipeline.streamable property
results = pipeline.execute_streaming(chunk_size=1000000)
# the last stage of our pipeline is the writer, and the 'dimension'
# option on the writer is what we want to print
dimension = pipeline.stages[-1].options["dimension"]
print(f"Number of points returned for dimension {dimension}: {results}")
Number of points returned for dimension Intensity: 1047992 CPU times: user 22 s, sys: 732 ms, total: 22.7 s Wall time: 24.3 s"intensity.tif")
# Gather up all of our readers and concatenate them together
pipeline = None
# Gather up all of our readers and concatenate them together
for reader in readers:
if not pipeline:
pipeline = reader
pipeline = pipeline | reader
merge = pdal.Filter.merge()
hag = pdal.Filter.hag_nn()
writer = pdal.Writer.gdal(
pipeline = pipeline | merge | hag | writer
p = pipeline.execute()
colorramp = """-10.18599987030029297,247,251,255,255,-10.1860
with open("hag-colors.txt", "w") as f:
gdaldem color-relief hag.tif hag-colors.txt hag.tif
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done."hag.tif")
import numpy
arr = pipeline.arrays[0]
# Note height is in meters
[(448433.62609864, 4637255.31905983, 372.27723393, 3390, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 15., 0, 0, 1.76456784e+08, 0, 0, 178.86) (448433.69609864, 4637255.22905983, 441.16723393, 491, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 15., 0, 0, 1.76456784e+08, 0, 0, 247.75) (448424.57609864, 4637255.18905983, 479.61723393, 673, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 15., 0, 0, 1.76456784e+08, 0, 0, 286.13) ... (447964.80764181, 4636722.76407149, 185.29400813, 27223, 1, 1, 0, 0, 6, 15., 0, 0, 1.79808784e+08, 0, 0, 4.36) (447973.98764181, 4636719.23407149, 224.71400813, 2129, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 15., 0, 0, 1.79808784e+08, 0, 0, 43.77) (448141.45764181, 4636691.35407149, 253.03400813, 3024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 6, 15., 0, 0, 1.79808784e+08, 0, 0, 71.74)]