After building and optimizing your model, you may then want to operationalize your model. In this notebook, we'll show you how to deploy your model onto a Kubernetes cluster.
We will walk through the following steps:
NOTE: this notebook assumes that you've already run the 01_training_introduction notebook since it uses the saved model that is created in that notebook.
If you've gone through the classification deployment notebooks, you'll notice that this deployment notebook looks quite different. The main difference is that this notebook demonstrates how to deploy your model in one concise way and relies on Azure ML's docker creation process, while the deployment notebooks under the classification scenarios demonstrates in much more detail the nuances when it comes to deployment, and all the different bells and whistles that Azure ML offers.
For a much more detailed deployment solution, visit the deployment scenario in the Azure Architecture Center for a full end-to-end tutorial on deploying a model to Azure Kubernetes.
import sys
import os
from PIL import Image
from pathlib import Path
import requests
import json
import inspect
from utils_cv.common.image import ims2strlist
from import data_path
from utils_cv.detection.model import DetectionLearner, get_pretrained_fasterrcnn
from utils_cv.detection.dataset import DetectionDataset
from utils_cv.detection.plot import (
from utils_cv.common.azureml import get_or_create_workspace
from azureml.core.webservice import AksWebservice
from azureml.core.compute import AksCompute, ComputeTarget
from azureml.core.model import Model, InferenceConfig
Ensure edits to libraries are loaded and plotting is shown in the notebook.
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
To create or access an Azure ML Workspace, you will need the following information:
Note: As with other Azure services, there are limits on certain resources like cluster size associated with the Azure Machine Learning service. Please read this article on the default limits and how to request more quota.
If you have a workspace created already, you need to get your subscription and workspace information. You can find the values for those by visiting your workspace in the Azure portal. If you don't have a workspace, the create workspace command in the next section will create a resource group and a workspace using the names you provide.
# Azure resources
subscription_id = "YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"
resource_group = "YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"
workspace_name = "YOUR_WORKSPACE_NAME"
workspace_region = "YOUR_WORKSPACE_REGION"
# Choose a size for our cluster and the maximum number of nodes
KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME = "od-aks-cluster"
DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_NAME = "drink-detector"
MODEL_NAME = "drink-detector"
When we deploy our model, we want our deployed model to inference new images. To do this, we need to make sure that our model has all the information it needs perform inferencing. We can use the load/save functionality under utils_cv.detection.model
to do this.
Loading the model will regenerate a DetectionLearner
based on the
and the meta.json
files. Once the model is re-created, we can simply call its predict
function to perform inferecing on new images.
Before we create our deployment, lets make sure that we are able to load a saved model locally.
After running the 01_training_introduction
notebook, we should have a saved model in our data folder. Lets check:
[print(f) for f in Path(data_path()/"odFridgeObjects"/"models").glob('**/*')]
/home/jiata/code/computervision/data/odFridgeObjects/models/my_drink_detector /home/jiata/code/computervision/data/odFridgeObjects/models/my_drink_detector/meta.json /home/jiata/code/computervision/data/odFridgeObjects/models/my_drink_detector/
[None, None, None]
We see that under the models
folder, there is a folder called my_drink_detector
that contains the meta.json
and the
files. Lets create a DetectionLearner
using the from_saved_model
detector = DetectionLearner.from_saved_model(name="my_drink_detector", path=data_path()/"odFridgeObjects"/"models")
Lets test that we can run predict
on this new DetectionLearner
. Lets chose some random image from our folder and run it through the predict function:
rand_im_path = Path(data_path()/"odFridgeObjects"/"images"/"1.jpg")
rand_im =
detections = detector.predict(rand_im, threshold=0.5)
Lets plot the results to make sure it looks right.
plot_settings = PlotSettings(rect_color=(0, 255, 0))
Now that we know how to load a saved model, lets use this to create a DetectionLearner
in a Docker container. We'll perform the following steps:
This cell will create an AML workspace for you in a subscription, if one does not exist already, provided you have the correct permissions.
This will fail when:
ws = get_or_create_workspace(
subscription_id, resource_group, workspace_name, workspace_region
# Print the workspace attributes
"Workspace name: " +,
"Workspace region: " + ws.location,
"Subscription id: " + ws.subscription_id,
"Resource group: " + ws.resource_group,
We need to upload both the meta.json
that is required to re-create the DetectionLearner
. We can do this by registering the model files.
model_state_dict = Model.register(
data_path(), "odFridgeObjects", "models", "my_drink_detector", ""
tags={"Model": "object_detection_state_dict"},
description="state dict for drink detector",
model_meta = Model.register(
data_path(), "odFridgeObjects", "models", "my_drink_detector", "meta.json"
tags={"Model": "object_detection_meta"},
description="meta data for drink detector",
Registering model jiata-dd-model-state-dict-0 Registering model jiata-dd-model-meta-0
Once the files are uploaded, we can go into the Azure portal ( to see that your model files are there. Click into your Azure ML workspace and look under the 'models' tab to see that your registered models.
For the web service to return predictions on a given input image, we need to provide it with instructions on how to use the model we just registered. These instructions are stored in the scoring script.
This script must contain two required functions, init()
and run(input_data)
function, we typically load the model into a global object. This function is executed only once when the Docker container is
function, the model is used to predict a value based on the input data. The input and output of run
typically use JSON as serialization and de-serialization format but we are not limited to that.Using the notation %%writefile
we store this file in the current directory.
scoring_script = ""
%%writefile $scoring_script
# Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import os
import json
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from base64 import b64decode
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from azureml.core.model import Model
from utils_cv.detection.model import DetectionLearner, get_pretrained_fasterrcnn
from utils_cv.detection.dataset import DetectionDataset
def init():
global detector
# retrieve the path to the model file using the model name
model_state_dict_path = Model.get_model_path(model_name="drink-detector-state-dict")
model_meta_data_path = Model.get_model_path(model_name="drink-detector-meta")
# NOTE, for the 'model name', we can't use the parameter "MODEL_NAME" since we're writing to an external file
# put and meta.json into the same folder
model_dir = "new_detector"
shutil.copyfile(model_state_dict_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), model_dir, ""))
shutil.copyfile(model_meta_data_path, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), model_dir, "meta.json"))
# load up the model
detector = DetectionLearner.from_saved_model(name=model_dir, path=Path(os.getcwd()))
def run(raw_data):
# Expects raw_data to be a list within a json file
results = []
for im_string in json.loads(raw_data)['data']:
im_bytes = b64decode(im_string)
im_dets = []
new_im =
detections = detector.predict(new_im, threshold=0.5)
for d in detections:
"top": str(,
"left": str(d.left),
"bottom": str(d.bottom),
"right": str(d.right),
"label_name": d.label_name,
"label_idx": str(d.label_idx),
"score": str(d.score)
except Exception as e:
im_dets.append({"error": str(e)})
return results
Next we setup our docker image. This image will contain the scoring script we just created and have access to the model files that we registered. However, to setup the docker image, we need to define the conda environment that it will use. To do so, we create an environment yaml that we will pass into the docker configuration:
%%writefile "myenv.yml"
name: cv-remote
- defaults
- conda-forge
- python==3.6.8
- pytorch>=1.2.0
- torchvision>=0.3.0
- cython>=0.29.1
- git
- pip:
- azureml-defaults==1.0.65
- git+
- git+
Overwriting myenv.yml
In this section, we will create a Kubernetes cluster to deploy our model to. We will do the following steps:
We can choose between a CPU-based or a GPU-based cluster. The latter is typically better suited for web services with high traffic (i.e. > 100 requests per second) and high GPU utilization.
Standard D3 V2:
Standard NC6:
The following code will provision your Kubernetes cluster if it does not yet exist, or will retrieve your cluster if it already exists.
NOTE: This command may take up to 20 minutes
if KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME not in ws.compute_targets:
# Configure the cluster using the default configuration (i.e. with 3 virtual machines)
prov_config = AksCompute.provisioning_configuration(
vm_size=VM_SIZE, agent_count=NODES
# Create the cluster
aks_target = ComputeTarget.create(
print(f"We created the {} AKS compute target")
# Retrieve the already existing cluster
aks_target = ws.compute_targets[KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_NAME]
print(f"We retrieved the {} AKS compute target")
We retrieved the jiata-aks-gpu2 AKS compute target
Next we want to setup our InferenceConfig
object. Here we specify:
WIth this information, Azure ML will create a container based on the above information to deploy across our kubernetes cluster.
inference_config = InferenceConfig(
The last step is to deploy. Using the Model.deploy
command, we'll send off our deployment to the Kubernetes cluster we created.
Notice the following settings:
we defined abovedeployment_config
(feel free to explore the parameters in that object)NOTE: This command may take up to 10 minutes.
# Deploy the model
aks_service = Model.deploy(
models=[model_state_dict, model_meta],
print(f"The web service is {aks_service.state}")
WARNING - 'gpu_support' is no longer necessary; AzureML now automatically detects and uses nvidia docker extension when it is available. It will be removed in a future release. WARNING - 'gpu_support' is no longer necessary; AzureML now automatically detects and uses nvidia docker extension when it is available. It will be removed in a future release.
Running.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... SucceededAKS service creation operation finished, operation "Succeeded" The web service is Healthy
To make sure it all worked, we can get the logs.
2019-11-08T23:18:44,249614773+00:00 - rsyslog/run 2019-11-08T23:18:44,249766868+00:00 - iot-server/run 2019-11-08T23:18:44,249778067+00:00 - gunicorn/run 2019-11-08T23:18:44,252027095+00:00 - nginx/run EdgeHubConnectionString and IOTEDGE_IOTHUBHOSTNAME are not set. Exiting... 2019-11-08T23:18:44,329434213+00:00 - iot-server/finish 1 0 2019-11-08T23:18:44,330507479+00:00 - Exit code 1 is normal. Not restarting iot-server. Starting gunicorn 19.9.0 Listening at: (11) Using worker: sync worker timeout is set to 300 Booting worker with pid: 43 Initialized PySpark session. Failure while loading azureml_run_type_providers. Failed to load entrypoint hyperdrive = azureml.train.hyperdrive:HyperDriveRun._from_run_dto with exception (azureml-core (/azureml-envs/azureml_75cdca1ee5c8a9385e28fbd8af9373f5/lib/python3.6/site-packages), Requirement.parse('azureml-core==1.0.72.*')). Failure while loading azureml_run_type_providers. Failed to load entrypoint azureml.PipelineRun = with exception (azureml-core (/azureml-envs/azureml_75cdca1ee5c8a9385e28fbd8af9373f5/lib/python3.6/site-packages), Requirement.parse('azureml-core==1.0.72.*')). Failure while loading azureml_run_type_providers. Failed to load entrypoint azureml.ReusedStepRun = with exception (azureml-core (/azureml-envs/azureml_75cdca1ee5c8a9385e28fbd8af9373f5/lib/python3.6/site-packages), Requirement.parse('azureml-core==1.0.72.*')). Failure while loading azureml_run_type_providers. Failed to load entrypoint azureml.StepRun = with exception (azureml-core (/azureml-envs/azureml_75cdca1ee5c8a9385e28fbd8af9373f5/lib/python3.6/site-packages), Requirement.parse('azureml-core==1.0.72.*')). generated new fontManager Initializing logger Starting up app insights client Starting up request id generator Starting up app insight hooks Invoking user's init function 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | | DEBUG | Could not load run context RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException None ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } }, switching offline: False 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | | DEBUG | Could not load the run context and allow_offline set to False 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | RunEnvironmentException: RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException None ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } } ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } } 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | version is None. Latest version is 10 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | Found model path at azureml-models/jiata-dd-model-state-dict-0/10/ 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | | DEBUG | Could not load run context RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException None ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } }, switching offline: False 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | | DEBUG | Could not load the run context and allow_offline set to False 2019-11-08 23:18:45,920 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | RunEnvironmentException: RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException RunEnvironmentException: Message: Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run. InnerException None ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } } ErrorResponse { "error": { "message": "Could not load a submitted run, if outside of an execution context, use experiment.start_logging to initialize an azureml.core.Run." } } 2019-11-08 23:18:45,921 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | version is None. Latest version is 10 2019-11-08 23:18:45,921 | azureml.core.model | DEBUG | Found model path at azureml-models/jiata-dd-model-meta-0/10/meta.json Downloading: "" to /root/.cache/torch/checkpoints/fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_coco-258fb6c6.pth 0%| | 0.00/160M [00:00<?, ?B/s] 0%| | 208k/160M [00:00<01:19, 2.11MB/s] 1%|▏ | 2.38M/160M [00:00<00:56, 2.90MB/s] 8%|▊ | 13.3M/160M [00:00<00:37, 4.10MB/s] 11%|█ | 17.1M/160M [00:00<00:27, 5.50MB/s] 14%|█▍ | 22.3M/160M [00:00<00:19, 7.36MB/s] 16%|█▌ | 25.7M/160M [00:00<00:14, 9.38MB/s] 20%|██ | 32.0M/160M [00:00<00:10, 12.3MB/s] 25%|██▌ | 40.0M/160M [00:01<00:07, 16.0MB/s] 31%|███ | 49.3M/160M [00:01<00:05, 21.4MB/s] 35%|███▌ | 56.4M/160M [00:01<00:03, 27.2MB/s] 40%|████ | 64.0M/160M [00:01<00:03, 30.3MB/s] 45%|████▌ | 72.0M/160M [00:01<00:02, 37.4MB/s] 50%|█████ | 80.0M/160M [00:01<00:02, 40.9MB/s] 54%|█████▍ | 86.5M/160M [00:01<00:01, 46.5MB/s] 58%|█████▊ | 92.5M/160M [00:01<00:01, 49.0MB/s] 62%|██████▏ | 98.3M/160M [00:02<00:01, 46.5MB/s] 67%|██████▋ | 107M/160M [00:02<00:01, 54.1MB/s] 75%|███████▍ | 120M/160M [00:02<00:00, 66.0MB/s] 80%|████████ | 128M/160M [00:02<00:00, 62.9MB/s] 85%|████████▍ | 135M/160M [00:02<00:00, 57.5MB/s] 89%|████████▊ | 142M/160M [00:02<00:00, 45.1MB/s] 92%|█████████▏| 147M/160M [00:02<00:00, 38.9MB/s] 95%|█████████▌| 152M/160M [00:03<00:00, 39.3MB/s] 100%|██████████| 160M/160M [00:03<00:00, 52.4MB/s] Users's init has completed successfully Scoring timeout setting is not found. Use default timeout: 3600000 ms
At this point, we have our model uploaded and serving on the Kubernetes cluster that we deployed.
Finally, we want to test whether our deployed model works. To test it, we'll select a random image from our dataset and run it against the serice, and plot the results.
First we need to select a random image, transform it into a a string of bytes. To do this, we use our own ims2strlist()
function to transform our .jpg images into strings of bytes.
def ims2strlist(im_path_list: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Get byte-str list of the images in the given path. Args: im_path_list (list of strings): List of image paths Returns: im_string_list: List containing based64-encoded images decoded into strings """ im_string_list = [] for im_path in im_path_list: im_string_list.append(im2base64(im_path).decode("utf-8")) return im_string_list
Select two random images that we want to test against the deployed model.
# select a random images
rand_im_paths = [
Path(data_path() / "odFridgeObjects" / "images" / "1.jpg"),
Path(data_path() / "odFridgeObjects" / "images" / "2.jpg"),
# transform the images to bytestring
im_string_list = ims2strlist(rand_im_paths)
Next, lets use a raw HTTP request to test our deployed service.
# Service URL
service_uri = aks_service.scoring_uri
# Prepare the data
payload = {"data": im_string_list}
# Authentication keys
primary, secondary = aks_service.get_keys()
# Build the request's parameters
key = primary
# Set the content type
headers = { 'Content-Type':'application/json' }
# Set the authorization header
headers['Authorization']=f'Bearer {key}'
# Send the service request
resp =, json=payload, headers=headers)
print(f"Predictions: {resp.text}")
Predictions: [[{"top": "153", "left": "96", "bottom": "515", "right": "234", "label_name": "carton", "label_idx": "2", "score": "0.9971401691436768"}], [{"top": "182", "left": "241", "bottom": "509", "right": "367", "label_name": "milk_bottle", "label_idx": "4", "score": "0.7514153122901917"}, {"top": "184", "left": "238", "bottom": "494", "right": "359", "label_name": "water_bottle", "label_idx": "1", "score": "0.5189343094825745"}]]
Alternatively, we can use the run()
function that the Azure ML sdk provides to hit the service.
result = ws.webservices[DEPLOYMENT_SERVICE_NAME].run(
json.dumps({"data": im_string_list})
[[{'top': '153', 'left': '96', 'bottom': '515', 'right': '234', 'label_name': 'carton', 'label_idx': '2', 'score': '0.9971401691436768'}], [{'top': '182', 'left': '241', 'bottom': '509', 'right': '367', 'label_name': 'milk_bottle', 'label_idx': '4', 'score': '0.7514153122901917'}, {'top': '184', 'left': '238', 'bottom': '494', 'right': '359', 'label_name': 'water_bottle', 'label_idx': '1', 'score': '0.5189343094825745'}]]
Lets parse the results into DetectionBbox
and then display them
ims = []
for im in result:
dets = []
for bbox in im:
det = DetectionBbox.from_array(
[bbox['left'], bbox['top'], bbox['right'], bbox['bottom']],
plot_settings=PlotSettings(rect_color=(0, 255, 0)),
plot_settings=PlotSettings(rect_color=(0, 255, 0)),
This notebook show one way you might want to deploy your model. Of course, there are many other ways of doing this. You may want to deploy on an edge (IoT) device, or just deploy another type of compute platform (not Kubernetes). But this should give you a sense of what the process looks like.