Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License.
This notebook provides a framework for evaluating FairMOT on the MOT Challenge dataset.
The MOT Challenge datasets are some of the most common benchmarking datasets for measuring multi-object tracking performance on pedestrian data. They provide distinct datasets every few years; their current offerings include MOT15, MOT16/17, and MOT 19/20. These datasets contain various annotated video sequences, each with different tracking difficulties. Additionally, MOT Challenge provides detections for tracking algorithms without detection components.
The goal of this notebook is to re-produce published results on the MOT challenge using the state-of-the-art FairMOT approach.
# Ensure edits to libraries are loaded and plotting is shown in the notebook.
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
import os
import os.path as osp
import sys
import time
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import torch
import torchvision
from import data_path, download, unzip_url
from utils_cv.common.gpu import which_processor, is_windows
from import Urls
from utils_cv.tracking.dataset import TrackingDataset
from utils_cv.tracking.model import TrackingLearner
# Change matplotlib backend so that plots are shown for windows
if is_windows():
print(f"TorchVision: {torchvision.__version__}")
TorchVision: 0.4.0a0+6b959ee Torch is using GPU: Tesla K80
The above torchvision command displays your machine's GPUs (if it has any) and the compute that torch/torchvision
is using.
Next, we will set some model runtime parameters. Here we will specify the default FairMOT model (dla34) and will evaluate against the MOT17 dataset.
# Downloaded MOT Challendage data path
MOT_ROOT_PATH = "../../data/"
RESULT_ROOT = "./results"
EXP_NAME = "MOT_val_all_dla34"
BASELINE_MODEL = "./models/all_dla34.pth"
# train on the GPU or on the CPU, if a GPU is not available
device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")
print(f"Using torch device: {device}")
Using torch device: cuda
Now, we will download the MOT17 dataset and save it to MOT_SAVED_PATH
. Note: MOT17 is around 5GB and it may take some time to download.
mot_path = urljoin(MOTCHALLENGE_BASE_URL, "")
mot_train_path = osp.join(MOT_ROOT_PATH, "MOT17", "train")
mot_test_path = osp.join(MOT_ROOT_PATH, "MOT17", "test")
# seqs_str: various video sequences subfolder names under MOT challenge data
train_seqs = [
test_seqs = [
unzip_url(mot_path, dest=MOT_ROOT_PATH, exist_ok=True)
print(f"Training data saved to {mot_train_path}")
print(f"Test data saved to {mot_test_path}")
Training data saved to ../../data/MOT17/train Test data saved to ../../data/MOT17/test
The pre-trained, baseline FairMOT model - all_dla34.pth
- can be downloaded here.
Please upload and save all_dla34.pth
The code below initializes and loads the model using the TrackingLearner class.
tracker = TrackingLearner(None, BASELINE_MODEL)
MOT17 provides ground truth annotations for only the training set, so we will be using the training set for evaluation.
To evaluate FairMOT on this dataset, we take advantage of the py-motmetrics repository.
strsummary = tracker.eval_mot(
loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-02-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-02-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-04-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-04-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-05-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-05-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-09-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-09-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-10-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-10-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-11-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-11-SDP loaded ./models/all_dla34.pth, epoch 10 Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-13-SDP.txt Evaluate seq: MOT17-13-SDP IDF1 IDP IDR Rcll Prcn GT MT PT ML FP FN IDs FM MOTA MOTP IDt IDa IDm MOT17-02-SDP 63.9% 77.4% 54.4% 68.5% 97.4% 62 22 31 9 344 5855 183 656 65.7% 0.193 98 33 13 MOT17-04-SDP 83.7% 86.1% 81.3% 86.3% 91.4% 83 51 20 12 3868 6531 32 201 78.1% 0.171 5 20 2 MOT17-05-SDP 75.9% 82.9% 70.1% 81.2% 96.0% 133 63 59 11 236 1303 79 207 76.6% 0.199 83 26 40 MOT17-09-SDP 65.4% 71.6% 60.2% 81.1% 96.5% 26 19 7 0 158 1006 52 105 77.2% 0.165 37 12 7 MOT17-10-SDP 65.0% 72.1% 59.2% 78.8% 96.0% 57 32 25 0 418 2721 149 404 74.4% 0.213 89 43 14 MOT17-11-SDP 85.6% 87.9% 83.4% 90.4% 95.2% 75 52 19 4 426 910 38 134 85.4% 0.157 24 19 13 MOT17-13-SDP 77.0% 82.0% 72.5% 83.9% 94.8% 110 74 29 7 534 1878 86 373 78.5% 0.205 72 26 35 OVERALL 76.8% 82.3% 71.9% 82.0% 93.9% 546 313 190 43 5984 20204 619 2080 76.1% 0.182 408 179 124
For evaluating a model on the testing dataset, the MOT Challenge provides the MOT evaluation server. Here, a user can upload and submit a txt file of prediction results; the service will return metrics. After uploading our results to the MOT17 evaluation server, we can see a MOTA of 68.5 using the 'all_dla34.pth' baseline model.
The reported evaluation results from FairMOT paper with test set are as follows:
Dataset | MOTA | IDF1 | IDS | MT | ML | FPS |
MOT16 | 68.7 | 70.4 | 953 | 39.5% | 19.0% | 25.9 |
MOT17 | 67.5 | 69.8 | 2868 | 37.7% | 20.8% | 25.9 |
Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-01-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-03-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-06-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-07-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-08-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-12-SDP.txt Saved tracking results to ./results/MOT_val_all_dla34/MOT17-14-SDP.txt